blob: 46353eb24478bc200f5897438cb59450bc69e430 [file] [log] [blame]
//! Module containing zero-copy parsers.
//! These parsers require the [`RangeStream`][] bound instead of a plain [`Stream`][].
//! [`RangeStream`]: ../../stream/trait.RangeStream.html
//! [`Stream`]: ../../stream/trait.Stream.html
use crate::{
self, ParseError,
ParseResult::{self, *},
ResultExt, StreamError, Tracked,
lib::{convert::TryFrom, marker::PhantomData},
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
use crate::lib::error::Error as StdError;
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
use crate::lib::fmt;
use crate::stream::{
uncons_range, uncons_while, uncons_while1, wrap_stream_error, Range as StreamRange,
RangeStream, StreamErrorFor, StreamOnce,
use crate::Parser;
pub struct Range<Input>(Input::Range)
Input: RangeStream;
impl<Input> Parser<Input> for Range<Input>
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: PartialEq + crate::stream::Range,
type Output = Input::Range;
type PartialState = ();
fn parse_lazy(
&mut self,
input: &mut Input,
) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <Input as StreamOnce>::Error> {
use crate::stream::Range;
let position = input.position();
match input.uncons_range(self.0.len()) {
Ok(other) => {
if other == self.0 {
} else {
Err(err) => wrap_stream_error(input, err),
fn add_error(&mut self, errors: &mut Tracked<<Input as StreamOnce>::Error>) {
// TODO Add unexpected message?
parser! {
pub struct Recognize;
type PartialState = <RecognizeWithValue<P> as Parser<Input>>::PartialState;
/// Zero-copy parser which returns committed input range.
/// [`combinator::recognize`][] is a non-`RangeStream` alternative.
/// [`combinator::recognize`]: ../../parser/combinator/fn.recognize.html
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::parser::range::recognize;
/// # use combine::parser::char::letter;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = recognize(skip_many1(letter()));
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("hello world"), Ok(("hello", " world")));
/// assert!(parser.parse("!").is_err());
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn recognize[Input, P](parser: P)(Input) -> <Input as StreamOnce>::Range
where [
P: Parser<Input>,
Input: RangeStream,
<Input as StreamOnce>::Range: crate::stream::Range,
recognize_with_value(parser).map(|(range, _)| range)
fn parse_partial_range<M, F, G, S, Input>(
mode: M,
input: &mut Input,
distance_state: &mut usize,
state: S,
first: F,
resume: G,
) -> ParseResult<Input::Range, Input::Error>
M: ParseMode,
F: FnOnce(&mut Input, S) -> ParseResult<Input::Range, <Input as StreamOnce>::Error>,
G: FnOnce(&mut Input, S) -> ParseResult<Input::Range, <Input as StreamOnce>::Error>,
Input: RangeStream,
let before = input.checkpoint();
if !input.is_partial() {
first(input, state)
} else if mode.is_first() || *distance_state == 0 {
let result = first(input, state);
if let CommitErr(_) = result {
*distance_state = input.distance(&before);
} else {
if input.uncons_range(*distance_state).is_err() {
panic!("recognize errored when restoring the input stream to its expected state");
match resume(input, state) {
CommitOk(_) | PeekOk(_) => (),
PeekErr(err) => return PeekErr(err),
CommitErr(err) => {
*distance_state = input.distance(&before);
return CommitErr(err);
let distance = input.distance(&before);
take(distance).parse_lazy(input).map(|range| {
*distance_state = 0;
pub struct RecognizeWithValue<P>(P);
impl<Input, P> Parser<Input> for RecognizeWithValue<P>
P: Parser<Input>,
Input: RangeStream,
<Input as StreamOnce>::Range: crate::stream::Range,
type Output = (<Input as StreamOnce>::Range, P::Output);
type PartialState = (usize, P::PartialState);
fn parse_mode<M>(
&mut self,
mode: M,
input: &mut Input,
state: &mut Self::PartialState,
) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <Input as StreamOnce>::Error>
M: ParseMode,
let (ref mut distance_state, ref mut child_state) = *state;
let before = input.checkpoint();
if !mode.is_first() && input.uncons_range(*distance_state).is_err() {
panic!("recognize errored when restoring the input stream to its expected state");
let value = match self.0.parse_mode(mode, input, child_state) {
CommitOk(x) | PeekOk(x) => x,
PeekErr(err) => return PeekErr(err),
CommitErr(err) => {
*distance_state = input.distance(&before);
return CommitErr(err);
let distance = input.distance(&before);
take(distance).parse_lazy(input).map(|range| {
*distance_state = 0;
(range, value)
fn add_error(&mut self, errors: &mut Tracked<<Input as StreamOnce>::Error>) {
/// Zero-copy parser which returns a pair: (committed input range, parsed value).
/// [`combinator::recognize_with_value`] is a non-`RangeStream` alternative.
/// [`combinator::recognize_with_value`]: recognize_with_value
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::parser::range::recognize_with_value;
/// # use combine::parser::char::{digit, char};
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = recognize_with_value((
/// skip_many1(digit()),
/// optional((attempt(char('.')), skip_many1(digit()))),
/// ).map(|(_, opt)| opt.is_some()));
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("1234!"), Ok((("1234", false), "!")));
/// assert_eq!(parser.parse("1234.0001!"), Ok((("1234.0001", true), "!")));
/// assert!(parser.parse("!").is_err());
/// assert!(parser.parse("1234.").is_err());
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn recognize_with_value<Input, P>(parser: P) -> RecognizeWithValue<P>
P: Parser<Input>,
Input: RangeStream,
<Input as StreamOnce>::Range: crate::stream::Range,
/// Zero-copy parser which reads a range of length `i.len()` and succeeds if `i` is equal to that
/// range.
/// [`tokens`] is a non-`RangeStream` alternative.
/// [`tokens`]: super::token::tokens
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::parser::range::range;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = range("hello");
/// let result = parser.parse("hello world");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("hello", " world")));
/// let result = parser.parse("hel world");
/// assert!(result.is_err());
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn range<Input>(i: Input::Range) -> Range<Input>
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: PartialEq,
pub struct Take<Input>(usize, PhantomData<fn(Input)>);
impl<Input> Parser<Input> for Take<Input>
Input: RangeStream,
type Output = Input::Range;
type PartialState = ();
fn parse_lazy(
&mut self,
input: &mut Input,
) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <Input as StreamOnce>::Error> {
uncons_range(input, self.0)
/// Zero-copy parser which reads a range of length `n`.
/// [`count_min_max`][] is a non-`RangeStream` alternative.
/// [`count_min_max`]: ../../parser/repeat/fn.count_min_max.html
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::parser::range::take;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = take(1);
/// let result = parser.parse("1");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("1", "")));
/// let mut parser = take(4);
/// let result = parser.parse("123abc");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("123a", "bc")));
/// let result = parser.parse("abc");
/// assert!(result.is_err());
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn take<Input>(n: usize) -> Take<Input>
Input: RangeStream,
Take(n, PhantomData)
pub struct TakeWhile<Input, F>(F, PhantomData<fn(Input) -> Input>);
impl<Input, F> Parser<Input> for TakeWhile<Input, F>
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: crate::stream::Range,
F: FnMut(Input::Token) -> bool,
type Output = Input::Range;
type PartialState = usize;
fn parse_mode_impl<M>(
&mut self,
mode: M,
input: &mut Input,
state: &mut Self::PartialState,
) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <Input as StreamOnce>::Error>
M: ParseMode,
&mut self.0,
|input, predicate| uncons_while(input, predicate),
|input, predicate| uncons_while(input, predicate),
/// Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 0 or more tokens which satisfy `f`.
/// [`many`][] is a non-`RangeStream` alternative.
/// [`many`]: ../../parser/repeat/fn.many.html
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::parser::range::take_while;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = take_while(|c: char| c.is_digit(10));
/// let result = parser.parse("123abc");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("123", "abc")));
/// let result = parser.parse("abc");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("", "abc")));
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn take_while<Input, F>(f: F) -> TakeWhile<Input, F>
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: crate::stream::Range,
F: FnMut(Input::Token) -> bool,
TakeWhile(f, PhantomData)
pub struct TakeWhile1<Input, F>(F, PhantomData<fn(Input) -> Input>);
impl<Input, F> Parser<Input> for TakeWhile1<Input, F>
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: crate::stream::Range,
F: FnMut(Input::Token) -> bool,
type Output = Input::Range;
type PartialState = usize;
fn parse_mode_impl<M>(
&mut self,
mode: M,
input: &mut Input,
state: &mut Self::PartialState,
) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <Input as StreamOnce>::Error>
M: ParseMode,
&mut self.0,
|input, predicate| uncons_while1(input, predicate),
|input, predicate| uncons_while(input, predicate),
/// Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 1 or more tokens which satisfy `f`.
/// [`many1`][] is a non-`RangeStream` alternative.
/// [`many1`]: ../../parser/repeat/fn.many1.html
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::parser::range::take_while1;
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = take_while1(|c: char| c.is_digit(10));
/// let result = parser.parse("123abc");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("123", "abc")));
/// let result = parser.parse("abc");
/// assert!(result.is_err());
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn take_while1<Input, F>(f: F) -> TakeWhile1<Input, F>
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: crate::stream::Range,
F: FnMut(Input::Token) -> bool,
TakeWhile1(f, PhantomData)
pub struct TakeUntilRange<Input>(Input::Range)
Input: RangeStream;
impl<Input> Parser<Input> for TakeUntilRange<Input>
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: PartialEq + crate::stream::Range,
type Output = Input::Range;
type PartialState = usize;
fn parse_partial(
&mut self,
input: &mut Input,
to_consume: &mut Self::PartialState,
) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <Input as StreamOnce>::Error> {
use crate::stream::Range;
let len = self.0.len();
let before = input.checkpoint();
let mut first_stream_error = None;
// Skip until the end of the last parse attempt
ctry!(uncons_range(input, *to_consume));
loop {
let look_ahead_input = input.checkpoint();
match input.uncons_range(len) {
Ok(xs) => {
if xs == self.0 {
let distance = input.distance(&before) - len;
if let Ok(committed) = input.uncons_range(distance) {
if distance == 0 {
return PeekOk(committed);
} else {
*to_consume = 0;
return CommitOk(committed);
// We are guaranteed able to uncons to_consume characters here
// because we've already done it on look_ahead_input.
} else {
// Reset the stream back to where it was when we entered the top of the loop
// Advance the stream by one token
if input.uncons().is_err() {
Err(first_error) => {
// If we are unable to find a successful parse even after advancing with `uncons`
// below we must reset the stream to its state before the first error.
// If we don't we may try and match the range `::` against `:<EOF>` which would
// fail as only one `:` is present at this parse attempt. But when we later resume
// with more input we must start parsing again at the first time we errored so we
// can see the entire `::`
if first_stream_error.is_none() {
first_stream_error = Some((first_error, input.distance(&before)));
// Reset the stream back to where it was when we entered the top of the loop
// See if we can advance anyway
if input.uncons().is_err() {
let (first_error, first_error_distance) = first_stream_error.unwrap();
// Reset the stream
*to_consume = first_error_distance;
// Return the original error if uncons failed
return wrap_stream_error(input, first_error);
/// Zero-copy parser which reads a range of 0 or more tokens until `r` is found.
/// The range `r` will not be committed. If `r` is not found, the parser will
/// return an error.
/// [`repeat::take_until`][] is a non-`RangeStream` alternative.
/// [`repeat::take_until`]: ../../parser/repeat/fn.take_until.html
/// ```
/// # extern crate combine;
/// # use combine::parser::range::{range, take_until_range};
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut parser = take_until_range("\r\n");
/// let result = parser.parse("To: [email protected]\r\n");
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok(("To: [email protected]", "\r\n")));
/// let result = parser.parse("Hello, world\n");
/// assert!(result.is_err());
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn take_until_range<Input>(r: Input::Range) -> TakeUntilRange<Input>
Input: RangeStream,
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
pub enum TakeRange {
/// Found the pattern at this offset
/// Did not find the pattern but the parser can skip ahead to this offset.
impl From<Option<usize>> for TakeRange {
fn from(opt: Option<usize>) -> TakeRange {
match opt {
Some(i) => TakeRange::Found(i),
None => TakeRange::NotFound(0),
pub struct TakeFn<F, Input> {
searcher: F,
_marker: PhantomData<fn(Input)>,
impl<Input, F, R> Parser<Input> for TakeFn<F, Input>
F: FnMut(Input::Range) -> R,
R: Into<TakeRange>,
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: crate::stream::Range,
type Output = Input::Range;
type PartialState = usize;
fn parse_mode<M>(
&mut self,
mode: M,
input: &mut Input,
offset: &mut Self::PartialState,
) -> ParseResult<Self::Output, <Input as StreamOnce>::Error>
M: ParseMode,
let checkpoint = input.checkpoint();
if mode.is_first() {
*offset = 0;
} else {
let _ = input.uncons_range(*offset);
match (self.searcher)(input.range()).into() {
TakeRange::Found(i) => {
let result = uncons_range(input, *offset + i);
if result.is_ok() {
*offset = 0;
TakeRange::NotFound(next_offset) => {
*offset = next_offset;
let range = input.range();
let _ = input.uncons_range(range.len());
let position = input.position();
let err = Input::Error::from_error(position, StreamError::end_of_input());
if !input.is_partial() && range.is_empty() {
} else {
/// Searches the entire range using `searcher` and then consumes a range of `Some(n)`.
/// If `f` can not find anything in the range it must return `None/NotFound` which indicates an end of input error.
/// If partial parsing is used the `TakeRange` enum can be returned instead of `Option`. By
/// returning `TakeRange::NotFound(n)` it indicates that the input can skip ahead until `n`
/// when parsing is next resumed.
/// See [`take_until_bytes`](../byte/fn.take_until_bytes.html) for a usecase.
pub fn take_fn<F, R, Input>(searcher: F) -> TakeFn<F, Input>
F: FnMut(Input::Range) -> R,
R: Into<TakeRange>,
Input: RangeStream,
Input::Range: crate::stream::Range,
TakeFn {
_marker: PhantomData,
#[cfg(feature = "std")]
parser! {
/// Takes a parser which parses a `length` then extracts a range of that length and returns it.
/// Commonly used in binary formats
/// ```
/// # use combine::parser::{byte::num::be_u16, range::length_prefix};
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut input = Vec::new();
/// input.extend_from_slice(&3u16.to_be_bytes());
/// input.extend_from_slice(b"1234");
/// let mut parser = length_prefix(be_u16());
/// let result = parser.parse(&input[..]);
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok((&b"123"[..], &b"4"[..])));
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn length_prefix[Input, P](len: P)(Input) -> Input::Range
where [
Input: RangeStream,
P: Parser<Input>,
usize: TryFrom<P::Output>,
<usize as TryFrom<P::Output>>::Error: StdError + Send + Sync + 'static,
.and_then(|u| {
.then_partial(|&mut len| take(len))
#[cfg(not(feature = "std"))]
parser! {
/// Takes a parser which parses a `length` then extracts a range of that length and returns it.
/// Commonly used in binary formats
/// ```
/// # use combine::parser::{byte::num::be_u16, range::length_prefix};
/// # use combine::*;
/// # fn main() {
/// let mut input = Vec::new();
/// input.extend_from_slice(&3u16.to_be_bytes());
/// input.extend_from_slice(b"1234");
/// let mut parser = length_prefix(be_u16());
/// let result = parser.parse(&input[..]);
/// assert_eq!(result, Ok((&b"123"[..], &b"4"[..])));
/// # }
/// ```
pub fn length_prefix[Input, P](len: P)(Input) -> Input::Range
where [
Input: RangeStream,
P: Parser<Input>,
usize: TryFrom<P::Output>,
<usize as TryFrom<P::Output>>::Error: fmt::Display + Send + Sync + 'static,
.and_then(|u| {
.then_partial(|&mut len| take(len))
mod tests {
use crate::Parser;
use super::*;
fn take_while_test() {
let result = take_while(|c: char| c.is_digit(10)).parse("123abc");
assert_eq!(result, Ok(("123", "abc")));
let result = take_while(|c: char| c.is_digit(10)).parse("abc");
assert_eq!(result, Ok(("", "abc")));
fn take_while1_test() {
let result = take_while1(|c: char| c.is_digit(10)).parse("123abc");
assert_eq!(result, Ok(("123", "abc")));
let result = take_while1(|c: char| c.is_digit(10)).parse("abc");
fn range_string_no_char_boundary_error() {
let mut parser = range("hello");
let result = parser.parse("hell\u{00EE} world");
fn take_until_range_1() {
let result = take_until_range("\"").parse("Foo baz bar quux\"");
assert_eq!(result, Ok(("Foo baz bar quux", "\"")));
fn take_until_range_2() {
let result = take_until_range("===").parse("if ((pointless_comparison == 3) === true) {");
Ok(("if ((pointless_comparison == 3) ", "=== true) {"))
fn take_until_range_unicode_1() {
let result = take_until_range("🦀")
.parse("😃 Ferris the friendly rustacean 🦀 and his snake friend 🐍");
"😃 Ferris the friendly rustacean ",
"🦀 and his snake friend 🐍"
fn take_until_range_unicode_2() {
let result = take_until_range("⁘⁙/⁘").parse("⚙️🛠️🦀=🏎️⁘⁙⁘⁘⁙/⁘⁘⁙/⁘");
assert_eq!(result, Ok(("⚙️🛠️🦀=🏎️⁘⁙⁘", "⁘⁙/⁘⁘⁙/⁘")));