blob: 0df7d310ac8465d336676f80c9fa3b4329868919 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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//! COSE_Key functionality.
use crate::{
common::{AsCborValue, CborOrdering},
util::{to_cbor_array, ValueTryAs},
Algorithm, CoseError, Label, Result,
use alloc::{collections::BTreeSet, vec, vec::Vec};
mod tests;
/// Key type.
pub type KeyType = crate::RegisteredLabel<iana::KeyType>;
impl Default for KeyType {
fn default() -> Self {
/// Key operation.
pub type KeyOperation = crate::RegisteredLabel<iana::KeyOperation>;
/// A collection of [`CoseKey`] objects.
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct CoseKeySet(pub Vec<CoseKey>);
impl crate::CborSerializable for CoseKeySet {}
impl AsCborValue for CoseKeySet {
fn from_cbor_value(value: Value) -> Result<Self> {
fn to_cbor_value(self) -> Result<Value> {
/// Structure representing a cryptographic key.
/// ```cddl
/// COSE_Key = {
/// 1 => tstr / int, ; kty
/// ? 2 => bstr, ; kid
/// ? 3 => tstr / int, ; alg
/// ? 4 => [+ (tstr / int) ], ; key_ops
/// ? 5 => bstr, ; Base IV
/// * label => values
/// }
/// ```
#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq)]
pub struct CoseKey {
/// Key type identification.
pub kty: KeyType,
/// Key identification.
pub key_id: Vec<u8>,
/// Key use restriction to this algorithm.
pub alg: Option<Algorithm>,
/// Restrict set of possible operations.
pub key_ops: BTreeSet<KeyOperation>,
/// Base IV to be xor-ed with partial IVs.
pub base_iv: Vec<u8>,
/// Any additional parameter (label,value) pairs. If duplicate labels are present,
/// CBOR-encoding will fail.
pub params: Vec<(Label, Value)>,
impl CoseKey {
/// Re-order the contents of the key so that the contents will be emitted in one of the standard
/// CBOR sorted orders.
pub fn canonicalize(&mut self, ordering: CborOrdering) {
// The keys that are represented as named fields CBOR-encode as single bytes 0x01 - 0x05,
// which sort before any other CBOR values (other than 0x00) in either sorting scheme:
// - In length-first sorting, a single byte sorts before anything multi-byte and 1-5 sorts
// before any other value.
// - In encoded-lexicographic sorting, there are no valid CBOR-encoded single values that
// start with a byte in the range 0x01 - 0x05 other than the values 1-5.
// So we only need to sort the `params`.
match ordering {
CborOrdering::Lexicographic => self.params.sort_by(|l, r| l.0.cmp(&r.0)),
CborOrdering::LengthFirstLexicographic => {
self.params.sort_by(|l, r| l.0.cmp_canonical(&r.0))
impl crate::CborSerializable for CoseKey {}
const KTY: Label = Label::Int(iana::KeyParameter::Kty as i64);
const KID: Label = Label::Int(iana::KeyParameter::Kid as i64);
const ALG: Label = Label::Int(iana::KeyParameter::Alg as i64);
const KEY_OPS: Label = Label::Int(iana::KeyParameter::KeyOps as i64);
const BASE_IV: Label = Label::Int(iana::KeyParameter::BaseIv as i64);
impl AsCborValue for CoseKey {
fn from_cbor_value(value: Value) -> Result<Self> {
let m = value.try_as_map()?;
let mut key = Self::default();
let mut seen = BTreeSet::new();
for (l, value) in m.into_iter() {
// The `ciborium` CBOR library does not police duplicate map keys.
// RFC 8152 section 14 requires that COSE does police duplicates, so do it here.
let label = Label::from_cbor_value(l)?;
if seen.contains(&label) {
return Err(CoseError::DuplicateMapKey);
match label {
KTY => key.kty = KeyType::from_cbor_value(value)?,
KID => {
key.key_id = value.try_as_nonempty_bytes()?;
ALG => key.alg = Some(Algorithm::from_cbor_value(value)?),
KEY_OPS => {
let key_ops = value.try_as_array()?;
for key_op in key_ops.into_iter() {
if !key.key_ops.insert(KeyOperation::from_cbor_value(key_op)?) {
return Err(CoseError::UnexpectedItem(
"repeated array entry",
"unique array label",
if key.key_ops.is_empty() {
return Err(CoseError::UnexpectedItem("empty array", "non-empty array"));
BASE_IV => {
key.base_iv = value.try_as_nonempty_bytes()?;
label => key.params.push((label, value)),
// Check that key type has been set.
if key.kty == KeyType::Assigned(iana::KeyType::Reserved) {
return Err(CoseError::UnexpectedItem(
"no kty label",
"mandatory kty label",
fn to_cbor_value(self) -> Result<Value> {
let mut map: Vec<(Value, Value)> = vec![(KTY.to_cbor_value()?, self.kty.to_cbor_value()?)];
if !self.key_id.is_empty() {
map.push((KID.to_cbor_value()?, Value::Bytes(self.key_id)));
if let Some(alg) = self.alg {
map.push((ALG.to_cbor_value()?, alg.to_cbor_value()?));
if !self.key_ops.is_empty() {
map.push((KEY_OPS.to_cbor_value()?, to_cbor_array(self.key_ops)?));
if !self.base_iv.is_empty() {
map.push((BASE_IV.to_cbor_value()?, Value::Bytes(self.base_iv)));
let mut seen = BTreeSet::new();
for (label, value) in self.params {
if seen.contains(&label) {
return Err(CoseError::DuplicateMapKey);
map.push((label.to_cbor_value()?, value));
/// Builder for [`CoseKey`] objects.
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct CoseKeyBuilder(CoseKey);
impl CoseKeyBuilder {
builder! {CoseKey}
builder_set! {kty: KeyType}
builder_set! {key_id: Vec<u8>}
builder_set! {base_iv: Vec<u8>}
/// Constructor for an elliptic curve public key specified by `x` and `y` coordinates.
pub fn new_ec2_pub_key(curve: iana::EllipticCurve, x: Vec<u8>, y: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
Self(CoseKey {
kty: KeyType::Assigned(iana::KeyType::EC2),
params: vec![
Label::Int(iana::Ec2KeyParameter::Crv as i64),
Value::from(curve as u64),
(Label::Int(iana::Ec2KeyParameter::X as i64), Value::Bytes(x)),
(Label::Int(iana::Ec2KeyParameter::Y as i64), Value::Bytes(y)),
/// Constructor for an elliptic curve public key specified by `x` coordinate plus sign of `y`
/// coordinate.
pub fn new_ec2_pub_key_y_sign(curve: iana::EllipticCurve, x: Vec<u8>, y_sign: bool) -> Self {
Self(CoseKey {
kty: KeyType::Assigned(iana::KeyType::EC2),
params: vec![
Label::Int(iana::Ec2KeyParameter::Crv as i64),
Value::from(curve as u64),
(Label::Int(iana::Ec2KeyParameter::X as i64), Value::Bytes(x)),
Label::Int(iana::Ec2KeyParameter::Y as i64),
/// Constructor for an elliptic curve private key specified by `d`, together with public `x` and
/// `y` coordinates.
pub fn new_ec2_priv_key(
curve: iana::EllipticCurve,
x: Vec<u8>,
y: Vec<u8>,
d: Vec<u8>,
) -> Self {
let mut builder = Self::new_ec2_pub_key(curve, x, y);
.push((Label::Int(iana::Ec2KeyParameter::D as i64), Value::Bytes(d)));
/// Constructor for a symmetric key specified by `k`.
pub fn new_symmetric_key(k: Vec<u8>) -> Self {
Self(CoseKey {
kty: KeyType::Assigned(iana::KeyType::Symmetric),
params: vec![(
Label::Int(iana::SymmetricKeyParameter::K as i64),
/// Constructor for a octet keypair key.
pub fn new_okp_key() -> Self {
Self(CoseKey {
kty: KeyType::Assigned(iana::KeyType::OKP),
/// Set the key type.
pub fn key_type(mut self, key_type: iana::KeyType) -> Self {
self.0.kty = KeyType::Assigned(key_type);
/// Set the algorithm.
pub fn algorithm(mut self, alg: iana::Algorithm) -> Self {
self.0.alg = Some(Algorithm::Assigned(alg));
/// Add a key operation.
pub fn add_key_op(mut self, op: iana::KeyOperation) -> Self {
/// Set a parameter value.
/// # Panics
/// This function will panic if it used to set a parameter label from the [`iana::KeyParameter`]
/// range.
pub fn param(mut self, label: i64, value: Value) -> Self {
if iana::KeyParameter::from_i64(label).is_some() {
panic!("param() method used to set KeyParameter"); // safe: invalid input
self.0.params.push((Label::Int(label), value));