blob: baeaeb59ab9da8022cbcf4ecd96bfa7197c0a5cb [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
use futures_core::future::{FusedFuture, Future};
use futures_core::stream::{FusedStream, Stream};
use futures_core::task::{Context, Poll};
use futures_io::{
self as io, AsyncBufRead, AsyncRead, AsyncSeek, AsyncWrite, IoSlice, IoSliceMut, SeekFrom,
use futures_sink::Sink;
use pin_project::{pin_project, pinned_drop};
use std::pin::Pin;
use std::thread::panicking;
/// Combinator that asserts that the underlying type is not moved after being polled.
/// See the `assert_unmoved` methods on:
/// * [`FutureTestExt`](crate::future::FutureTestExt::assert_unmoved)
/// * [`StreamTestExt`](crate::stream::StreamTestExt::assert_unmoved)
/// * [`SinkTestExt`](crate::sink::SinkTestExt::assert_unmoved_sink)
/// * [`AsyncReadTestExt`](crate::io::AsyncReadTestExt::assert_unmoved)
/// * [`AsyncWriteTestExt`](crate::io::AsyncWriteTestExt::assert_unmoved_write)
#[pin_project(PinnedDrop, !Unpin)]
#[derive(Debug, Clone)]
#[must_use = "futures do nothing unless you `.await` or poll them"]
pub struct AssertUnmoved<T> {
inner: T,
this_addr: usize,
impl<T> AssertUnmoved<T> {
pub(crate) fn new(inner: T) -> Self {
Self { inner, this_addr: 0 }
fn poll_with<'a, U>(mut self: Pin<&'a mut Self>, f: impl FnOnce(Pin<&'a mut T>) -> U) -> U {
let cur_this = &*self as *const Self as usize;
if self.this_addr == 0 {
// First time being polled
*self.as_mut().project().this_addr = cur_this;
} else {
assert_eq!(self.this_addr, cur_this, "AssertUnmoved moved between poll calls");
impl<Fut: Future> Future for AssertUnmoved<Fut> {
type Output = Fut::Output;
fn poll(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Self::Output> {
self.poll_with(|f| f.poll(cx))
impl<Fut: FusedFuture> FusedFuture for AssertUnmoved<Fut> {
fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
impl<St: Stream> Stream for AssertUnmoved<St> {
type Item = St::Item;
fn poll_next(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Option<Self::Item>> {
self.poll_with(|s| s.poll_next(cx))
impl<St: FusedStream> FusedStream for AssertUnmoved<St> {
fn is_terminated(&self) -> bool {
impl<Si: Sink<Item>, Item> Sink<Item> for AssertUnmoved<Si> {
type Error = Si::Error;
fn poll_ready(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
self.poll_with(|s| s.poll_ready(cx))
fn start_send(self: Pin<&mut Self>, item: Item) -> Result<(), Self::Error> {
self.poll_with(|s| s.start_send(item))
fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
self.poll_with(|s| s.poll_flush(cx))
fn poll_close(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<Result<(), Self::Error>> {
self.poll_with(|s| s.poll_close(cx))
impl<R: AsyncRead> AsyncRead for AssertUnmoved<R> {
fn poll_read(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
buf: &mut [u8],
) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
self.poll_with(|r| r.poll_read(cx, buf))
fn poll_read_vectored(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
bufs: &mut [IoSliceMut<'_>],
) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
self.poll_with(|r| r.poll_read_vectored(cx, bufs))
impl<W: AsyncWrite> AsyncWrite for AssertUnmoved<W> {
fn poll_write(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
buf: &[u8],
) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
self.poll_with(|w| w.poll_write(cx, buf))
fn poll_write_vectored(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
bufs: &[IoSlice<'_>],
) -> Poll<io::Result<usize>> {
self.poll_with(|w| w.poll_write_vectored(cx, bufs))
fn poll_flush(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
self.poll_with(|w| w.poll_flush(cx))
fn poll_close(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<()>> {
self.poll_with(|w| w.poll_close(cx))
impl<S: AsyncSeek> AsyncSeek for AssertUnmoved<S> {
fn poll_seek(
self: Pin<&mut Self>,
cx: &mut Context<'_>,
pos: SeekFrom,
) -> Poll<io::Result<u64>> {
self.poll_with(|s| s.poll_seek(cx, pos))
impl<R: AsyncBufRead> AsyncBufRead for AssertUnmoved<R> {
fn poll_fill_buf(self: Pin<&mut Self>, cx: &mut Context<'_>) -> Poll<io::Result<&[u8]>> {
self.poll_with(|r| r.poll_fill_buf(cx))
fn consume(self: Pin<&mut Self>, amt: usize) {
self.poll_with(|r| r.consume(amt))
impl<T> PinnedDrop for AssertUnmoved<T> {
fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
// If the thread is panicking then we can't panic again as that will
// cause the process to be aborted.
if !panicking() && self.this_addr != 0 {
let cur_this = &*self as *const Self as usize;
assert_eq!(self.this_addr, cur_this, "AssertUnmoved moved before drop");
mod tests {
use futures_core::future::Future;
use futures_core::task::{Context, Poll};
use futures_util::future::pending;
use futures_util::task::noop_waker;
use std::pin::Pin;
use super::AssertUnmoved;
fn assert_send_sync() {
fn assert<T: Send + Sync>() {}
fn dont_panic_when_not_polled() {
// This shouldn't panic.
let future = AssertUnmoved::new(pending::<()>());
#[should_panic(expected = "AssertUnmoved moved between poll calls")]
fn dont_double_panic() {
// This test should only panic, not abort the process.
let waker = noop_waker();
let mut cx = Context::from_waker(&waker);
// First we allocate the future on the stack and poll it.
let mut future = AssertUnmoved::new(pending::<()>());
let pinned_future = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut future) };
assert_eq!(pinned_future.poll(&mut cx), Poll::Pending);
// Next we move it back to the heap and poll it again. This second call
// should panic (as the future is moved), but we shouldn't panic again
// whilst dropping `AssertUnmoved`.
let mut future = Box::new(future);
let pinned_boxed_future = unsafe { Pin::new_unchecked(&mut *future) };
assert_eq!(pinned_boxed_future.poll(&mut cx), Poll::Pending);