blob: 51b63455ccaf24769a18eedaf75db22061ec5178 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#![doc = include_str!("../")]
extern crate googletest_macro;
extern crate quickcheck;
pub mod assertions;
pub mod description;
pub mod internal;
pub mod matcher;
pub mod matcher_support;
pub mod matchers;
/// Re-exports of the symbols in this crate which are most likely to be used.
/// This includes:
/// * All assertion macros,
/// * Traits and type definitions normally used by tests, and
/// * All built-in matchers.
/// Typically, one imports everything in the prelude in one's test module:
/// ```
/// mod tests {
/// use googletest::prelude::*;
/// }
/// ```
pub mod prelude {
pub use super::matcher::Matcher;
pub use super::matchers::*;
pub use super::verify_current_test_outcome;
pub use super::GoogleTestSupport;
pub use super::IntoTestResult;
pub use super::Result;
// Assert macros
pub use super::{assert_that, expect_pred, expect_that, fail, verify_pred, verify_that};
pub use googletest_macro::test;
use internal::test_outcome::{TestAssertionFailure, TestOutcome};
/// A `Result` whose `Err` variant indicates a test failure.
/// The assertions [`verify_that!`][crate::verify_that],
/// [`verify_pred!`][crate::verify_pred], and [`fail!`][crate::fail] evaluate
/// to `Result<()>`. A test function may return `Result<()>` in combination with
/// those macros to abort immediately on assertion failure.
/// This can be used with subroutines which may cause the test to fatally fail
/// and which return some value needed by the caller. For example:
/// ```ignore
/// fn load_file_content_as_string() -> Result<String> {
/// let file_stream = load_file().err_to_test_failure()?;
/// Ok(file_stream.to_string())
/// }
/// ```
/// The `Err` variant contains a [`TestAssertionFailure`] which carries the data
/// of the (fatal) assertion failure which generated this result. Non-fatal
/// assertion failures, which log the failure and report the test as having
/// failed but allow it to continue running, are not encoded in this type.
pub type Result<T> = std::result::Result<T, TestAssertionFailure>;
/// Returns a [`Result`] corresponding to the outcome of the currently running
/// test.
/// This returns `Result::Err` precisely if the current test has recorded at
/// least one test assertion failure via [`expect_that!`][crate::expect_that],
/// [`expect_pred!`][crate::expect_pred], or
/// [`GoogleTestSupport::and_log_failure`]. It can be used in concert with the
/// `?` operator to continue execution of the test conditionally on there not
/// having been any failure yet.
/// This requires the use of the [`#[googletest::test]`][crate::test] attribute
/// macro.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # /* Make sure this also compiles as a doctest.
/// #[googletest::test]
/// # */
/// # fn foo() -> u32 { 1 }
/// # fn bar() -> u32 { 2 }
/// fn should_fail_and_not_execute_last_assertion() -> Result<()> {
/// # googletest::internal::test_outcome::TestOutcome::init_current_test_outcome();
/// expect_that!(foo(), eq(2)); // May fail, but will not abort the test.
/// expect_that!(bar(), gt(1)); // May fail, but will not abort the test.
/// verify_current_test_outcome()?; // Aborts the test if one of the previous assertions failed.
/// verify_that!(foo(), gt(0)) // Does not execute if the line above aborts.
/// }
/// # verify_that!(should_fail_and_not_execute_last_assertion(), err(displays_as(contains_substring("Test failed")))).unwrap();
/// ```
pub fn verify_current_test_outcome() -> Result<()> {
/// Adds to `Result` support for GoogleTest Rust functionality.
pub trait GoogleTestSupport {
/// If `self` is a `Result::Err`, writes to `stdout` a failure report
/// and marks the test failed. Otherwise, does nothing.
/// This can be used for non-fatal test assertions, for example:
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # use googletest::internal::test_outcome::TestOutcome;
/// # TestOutcome::init_current_test_outcome();
/// let actual = 42;
/// verify_that!(actual, eq(42)).and_log_failure();
/// // Test still passing; nothing happens
/// verify_that!(actual, eq(10)).and_log_failure();
/// // Test now fails and failure output to stdout
/// verify_that!(actual, eq(100)).and_log_failure();
/// // Test still fails and new failure also output to stdout
/// # TestOutcome::close_current_test_outcome::<&str>(Ok(())).unwrap_err();
/// ```
fn and_log_failure(self);
/// Adds `message` to the logged failure message if `self` is a
/// `Result::Err`. Otherwise, does nothing.
/// If this method is called more than once, only `message` from the last
/// invocation is output.
/// For example:
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_fail() -> Result<()> {
/// let actual = 0;
/// verify_that!(actual, eq(42)).failure_message("Actual was wrong!")?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # verify_that!(should_fail(), err(displays_as(contains_substring("Actual was wrong"))))
/// # .unwrap();
/// ```
/// results in the following failure message:
/// ```text
/// Expected: actual equal to 42
/// but was: 0
/// Actual was wrong!
/// ```
/// One can pass a `String` too:
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_fail() -> Result<()> {
/// let actual = 0;
/// verify_that!(actual, eq(42))
/// .failure_message(format!("Actual {} was wrong!", actual))?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # verify_that!(should_fail(), err(displays_as(contains_substring("Actual 0 was wrong"))))
/// # .unwrap();
/// ```
/// However, consider using [`GoogleTestSupport::with_failure_message`]
/// instead in that case to avoid unnecessary memory allocation when the
/// message is not needed.
fn failure_message(self, message: impl Into<String>) -> Self;
/// Adds the output of the closure `provider` to the logged failure message
/// if `self` is a `Result::Err`. Otherwise, does nothing.
/// This is analogous to [`GoogleTestSupport::failure_message`] but
/// only executes the closure `provider` if it actually produces the
/// message, thus saving possible memory allocation.
/// ```
/// # use googletest::prelude::*;
/// # fn should_fail() -> Result<()> {
/// let actual = 0;
/// verify_that!(actual, eq(42))
/// .with_failure_message(|| format!("Actual {} was wrong!", actual))?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// # verify_that!(should_fail(), err(displays_as(contains_substring("Actual 0 was wrong"))))
/// # .unwrap();
/// ```
fn with_failure_message(self, provider: impl FnOnce() -> String) -> Self;
impl<T> GoogleTestSupport for std::result::Result<T, TestAssertionFailure> {
fn and_log_failure(self) {
if let Err(failure) = self {
fn failure_message(mut self, message: impl Into<String>) -> Self {
if let Err(ref mut failure) = self {
failure.custom_message = Some(message.into());
fn with_failure_message(mut self, provider: impl FnOnce() -> String) -> Self {
if let Err(ref mut failure) = self {
failure.custom_message = Some(provider());
/// Provides an extension method for converting an arbitrary type into a
/// [`Result`].
/// A type can implement this trait to provide an easy way to return immediately
/// from a test in conjunction with the `?` operator. This is useful for
/// [`Result`][std::result::Result] types whose `Result::Err` variant does not
/// implement [`std::error::Error`].
/// There is an implementation of this trait for [`anyhow::Error`] (which does
/// not implement `std::error::Error`) when the `anyhow` feature is enabled.
/// Importing this trait allows one to easily map [`anyhow::Error`] to a test
/// failure:
/// ```ignore
/// #[test]
/// fn should_work() -> Result<()> {
/// let value = something_which_can_fail().into_test_result()?;
/// ...
/// }
/// fn something_which_can_fail() -> anyhow::Result<...> { ... }
/// ```
pub trait IntoTestResult<T> {
/// Converts this instance into a [`Result`].
/// Typically, the `Self` type is itself a [`std::result::Result`]. This
/// method should then map the `Err` variant to a [`TestAssertionFailure`]
/// and leave the `Ok` variant unchanged.
fn into_test_result(self) -> Result<T>;
#[cfg(feature = "anyhow")]
impl<T> IntoTestResult<T> for std::result::Result<T, anyhow::Error> {
fn into_test_result(self) -> std::result::Result<T, TestAssertionFailure> {
self.map_err(|e| TestAssertionFailure::create(format!("{e}")))
#[cfg(feature = "proptest")]
impl<OkT, CaseT: std::fmt::Debug> IntoTestResult<OkT>
for std::result::Result<OkT, proptest::test_runner::TestError<CaseT>>
fn into_test_result(self) -> std::result::Result<OkT, TestAssertionFailure> {
self.map_err(|e| TestAssertionFailure::create(format!("{e}")))