blob: c51a284dd745d25bcf61d91ec0a1a4b8bdbd69df [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2019 TiKV Project Authors. Licensed under Apache-2.0.
use crate::buf::GrpcSlice;
use crate::call::MessageReader;
use crate::error::Result;
pub type DeserializeFn<T> = fn(MessageReader) -> Result<T>;
pub type SerializeFn<T> = fn(&T, &mut GrpcSlice) -> Result<()>;
/// According to, grpc uses
/// a four bytes to describe the length of a message, so it should not exceed u32::MAX.
pub const MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE: usize = std::u32::MAX as usize;
/// Defines how to serialize and deserialize between the specialized type and byte slice.
pub struct Marshaller<T> {
// Use function pointer here to simplify the signature.
// Compiler will probably inline the function so performance
// impact can be omitted.
// Using trait will require a trait object or generic, which will
// either have performance impact or make signature complicated.
// const function is not stable yet (rust-lang/rust#24111), hence
// make all fields public.
/// The serialize function.
pub ser: SerializeFn<T>,
/// The deserialize function.
pub de: DeserializeFn<T>,
#[cfg(any(feature = "protobuf-codec", feature = "protobufv3-codec"))]
pub mod pb_codec {
#[cfg(feature = "protobuf-codec")]
use protobuf::{CodedOutputStream, Message};
#[cfg(feature = "protobufv3-codec")]
use protobufv3::{CodedOutputStream, Message};
use super::{from_buf_read, MessageReader, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE};
use crate::buf::GrpcSlice;
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
pub fn ser<T: Message>(t: &T, buf: &mut GrpcSlice) -> Result<()> {
let cap = t.compute_size() as usize;
// FIXME: This is not a practical fix until stepancheg/rust-protobuf#530 is fixed.
if cap <= MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE {
unsafe {
let bytes = buf.realloc(cap);
let raw_bytes = &mut *(bytes as *mut [std::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>] as *mut [u8]);
let mut s = CodedOutputStream::bytes(raw_bytes);
t.write_to_with_cached_sizes(&mut s).map_err(Into::into)
} else {
format!("message is too large: {cap} > {MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE}").into(),
pub fn de<T: Message>(mut reader: MessageReader) -> Result<T> {
let mut s = from_buf_read(&mut reader);
let mut m = T::new();
m.merge_from(&mut s)?;
#[cfg(feature = "protobuf-codec")]
fn from_buf_read(reader: &mut MessageReader) -> protobuf::CodedInputStream {
#[cfg(feature = "protobufv3-codec")]
fn from_buf_read(reader: &mut MessageReader) -> protobufv3::CodedInputStream {
#[cfg(feature = "prost-codec")]
pub mod pr_codec {
use prost::Message;
use super::{MessageReader, MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE};
use crate::buf::GrpcSlice;
use crate::error::{Error, Result};
pub fn ser<M: Message>(msg: &M, buf: &mut GrpcSlice) -> Result<()> {
let size = msg.encoded_len();
if size <= MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE {
unsafe {
let bytes = buf.realloc(size);
let mut b = &mut *(bytes as *mut [std::mem::MaybeUninit<u8>] as *mut [u8]);
msg.encode(&mut b)?;
} else {
format!("message is too large: {size} > {MAX_MESSAGE_SIZE}").into(),
pub fn de<M: Message + Default>(mut reader: MessageReader) -> Result<M> {
use bytes::buf::Buf;