| use core::future::Future; |
| #[must_use = "futures don't do anything unless polled"] |
| /// Future that resolves to the next data chunk from `Body` |
| pub struct Data<'a, T: ?Sized>(pub(crate) &'a mut T); |
| impl<'a, T: Body + Unpin + ?Sized> Future for Data<'a, T> { |
| type Output = Option<Result<T::Data, T::Error>>; |
| fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> task::Poll<Self::Output> { |
| Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll_data(ctx) |
| #[must_use = "futures don't do anything unless polled"] |
| /// Future that resolves to the optional trailers from `Body` |
| pub struct Trailers<'a, T: ?Sized>(pub(crate) &'a mut T); |
| impl<'a, T: Body + Unpin + ?Sized> Future for Trailers<'a, T> { |
| type Output = Result<Option<http::HeaderMap>, T::Error>; |
| fn poll(mut self: Pin<&mut Self>, ctx: &mut task::Context<'_>) -> task::Poll<Self::Output> { |
| Pin::new(&mut self.0).poll_trailers(ctx) |