blob: 8e9ee672a147a5e8416ba1f24de2348b60dce5c0 [file] [log] [blame]
// This file is generated by cargo_embargo.
// Do not modify this file because the changes will be overridden on upgrade.
package {
default_applicable_licenses: ["external_rust_crates_libusb1-sys_license"],
default_team: "trendy_team_android_rust",
license {
name: "external_rust_crates_libusb1-sys_license",
visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
license_kinds: ["SPDX-license-identifier-MIT"],
license_text: ["LICENSE"],
rust_library {
name: "liblibusb1_sys",
host_supported: true,
crate_name: "libusb1_sys",
cargo_env_compat: true,
cargo_pkg_version: "0.7.0",
crate_root: "src/",
edition: "2018",
rustlibs: ["liblibc"],
apex_available: [
vendor_available: true,
shared_libs: ["libusb"],
rust_library {
name: "liblibusb1_sys_platform",
host_supported: true,
crate_name: "libusb1_sys",
cargo_env_compat: true,
cargo_pkg_version: "0.7.0",
crate_root: "src/",
edition: "2018",
rustlibs: ["liblibc"],
apex_available: [
vendor_available: true,
// This library should be depended upon only by programs
// running on Android at OS level (e.g. Android platform
// services). The reason is that programs using "libusb_platform"
// must have permission to access netlink sockets.
shared_libs: ["libusb_platform"],