blob: cebe3cbb30f998d566ad923b8d486837e8a0ec34 [file] [log] [blame]
//! The block decompression algorithm.
use core::convert::TryInto;
use crate::block::DecompressError;
use crate::block::MINMATCH;
use crate::sink::Sink;
use crate::sink::SliceSink;
use alloc::vec;
use alloc::vec::Vec;
/// Read an integer.
/// In LZ4, we encode small integers in a way that we can have an arbitrary number of bytes. In
/// particular, we add the bytes repeatedly until we hit a non-0xFF byte. When we do, we add
/// this byte to our sum and terminate the loop.
/// # Example
/// ```notest
/// 255, 255, 255, 4, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7
/// ```
/// is encoded to _255 + 255 + 255 + 4 = 769_. The bytes after the first 4 is ignored, because
/// 4 is the first non-0xFF byte.
fn read_integer(input: &[u8], input_pos: &mut usize) -> Result<u32, DecompressError> {
// We start at zero and count upwards.
let mut n: u32 = 0;
// If this byte takes value 255 (the maximum value it can take), another byte is read
// and added to the sum. This repeats until a byte lower than 255 is read.
loop {
// We add the next byte until we get a byte which we add to the counting variable.
let extra: u8 = *input
*input_pos += 1;
n += extra as u32;
// We continue if we got 255, break otherwise.
if extra != 0xFF {
// 255, 255, 255, 8
// 111, 111, 111, 101
/// Read a little-endian 16-bit integer from the input stream.
fn read_u16(input: &[u8], input_pos: &mut usize) -> Result<u16, DecompressError> {
let dst = input
.get(*input_pos..*input_pos + 2)
*input_pos += 2;
const FIT_TOKEN_MASK_LITERAL: u8 = 0b00001111;
const FIT_TOKEN_MASK_MATCH: u8 = 0b11110000;
fn check_token() {
/// The token consists of two parts, the literal length (upper 4 bits) and match_length (lower 4
/// bits) if the literal length and match_length are both below 15, we don't need to read additional
/// data, so the token does fit the metadata.
fn does_token_fit(token: u8) -> bool {
/// Decompress all bytes of `input` into `output`.
/// Returns the number of bytes written (decompressed) into `output`.
#[inline(always)] // (always) necessary to get the best performance in non LTO builds
pub(crate) fn decompress_internal<const USE_DICT: bool, S: Sink>(
input: &[u8],
output: &mut S,
ext_dict: &[u8],
) -> Result<usize, DecompressError> {
let mut input_pos = 0;
let initial_output_pos = output.pos();
let safe_input_pos = input
.saturating_sub(16 /* literal copy */ + 2 /* u16 match offset */);
let mut safe_output_pos = output
.saturating_sub(16 /* literal copy */ + 18 /* match copy */);
// In the dictionary case the output pointer is moved by the match length in the dictionary.
// This may be up to 17 bytes without exiting the loop. So we need to ensure that we have
// at least additional 17 bytes of space left in the output buffer in the fast loop.
safe_output_pos = safe_output_pos.saturating_sub(17);
// Exhaust the decoder by reading and decompressing all blocks until the remaining buffer is
// empty.
loop {
// Read the token. The token is the first byte in a block. It is divided into two 4-bit
// subtokens, the higher and the lower.
// This token contains to 4-bit "fields", a higher and a lower, representing the literals'
// length and the back reference's length, respectively.
let token = *input
input_pos += 1;
// Checking for hot-loop.
// In most cases the metadata does fit in a single 1byte token (statistically) and we are in
// a safe-distance to the end. This enables some optimized handling.
// Ideally we want to check for safe output pos like: output.pos() <= safe_output_pos; But
// that doesn't work when the safe_output_pos is 0 due to saturated_sub. So we use
// `<` instead of `<=`, which covers that case.
if does_token_fit(token) && input_pos <= safe_input_pos && output.pos() < safe_output_pos {
let literal_length = (token >> 4) as usize;
// casting to [u8;u16] doesn't seem to make a difference vs &[u8] (same assembly)
let input: &[u8; 16] = input[input_pos..input_pos + 16].try_into().unwrap();
// Copy the literal
// The literal is at max 14 bytes, and the is_safe_distance check assures
// that we are far away enough from the end so we can safely copy 16 bytes
output.extend_from_slice_wild(input, literal_length);
input_pos += literal_length;
// clone as we don't want to mutate
let offset = read_u16(input, &mut literal_length.clone())? as usize;
input_pos += 2;
let mut match_length = MINMATCH + (token & 0xF) as usize;
if USE_DICT && offset > output.pos() {
let copied = copy_from_dict(output, ext_dict, offset, match_length)?;
if copied == match_length {
// match crosses ext_dict and output, offset is still correct as output pos
// increased
match_length -= copied;
// In this branch we know that match_length is at most 18 (14 + MINMATCH).
// But the blocks can overlap, so make sure they are at least 18 bytes apart
// to enable an optimized copy of 18 bytes.
let start = output.pos().saturating_sub(offset);
if offset >= match_length {
output.extend_from_within(start, 18, match_length);
} else {
output.extend_from_within_overlapping(start, match_length)
// Now, we read the literals section.
// Literal Section
// If the initial value is 15, it is indicated that another byte will be read and added to
// it
let mut literal_length = (token >> 4) as usize;
if literal_length != 0 {
if literal_length == 15 {
// The literal_length length took the maximal value, indicating that there is more
// than 15 literal_length bytes. We read the extra integer.
literal_length += read_integer(input, &mut input_pos)? as usize;
if literal_length > input.len() - input_pos {
return Err(DecompressError::LiteralOutOfBounds);
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked-decode"))]
if literal_length > output.capacity() - output.pos() {
return Err(DecompressError::OutputTooSmall {
expected: output.pos() + literal_length,
actual: output.capacity(),
output.extend_from_slice(&input[input_pos..input_pos + literal_length]);
input_pos += literal_length;
// If the input stream is emptied, we break out of the loop. This is only the case
// in the end of the stream, since the block is intact otherwise.
if input_pos >= input.len() {
let offset = read_u16(input, &mut input_pos)? as usize;
// Obtain the initial match length. The match length is the length of the duplicate segment
// which will later be copied from data previously decompressed into the output buffer. The
// initial length is derived from the second part of the token (the lower nibble), we read
// earlier. Since having a match length of less than 4 would mean negative compression
// ratio, we start at 4 (MINMATCH).
// The initial match length can maximally be 19. As with the literal length, this indicates
// that there are more bytes to read.
let mut match_length = MINMATCH + (token & 0xF) as usize;
if match_length == MINMATCH + 15 {
// The match length took the maximal value, indicating that there is more bytes. We
// read the extra integer.
match_length += read_integer(input, &mut input_pos)? as usize;
#[cfg(not(feature = "unchecked-decode"))]
if output.pos() + match_length > output.capacity() {
return Err(DecompressError::OutputTooSmall {
expected: output.pos() + match_length,
actual: output.capacity(),
if USE_DICT && offset > output.pos() {
let copied = copy_from_dict(output, ext_dict, offset, match_length)?;
if copied == match_length {
// match crosses ext_dict and output, offset is still correct as output_len was
// increased
match_length -= copied;
// We now copy from the already decompressed buffer. This allows us for storing duplicates
// by simply referencing the other location.
duplicate_slice(output, offset, match_length)?;
Ok(output.pos() - initial_output_pos)
fn copy_from_dict(
output: &mut impl Sink,
ext_dict: &[u8],
offset: usize,
match_length: usize,
) -> Result<usize, DecompressError> {
// If we're here we know offset > output.pos
debug_assert!(offset > output.pos());
let (dict_offset, did_overflow) = ext_dict.len().overflowing_sub(offset - output.pos());
if did_overflow {
return Err(DecompressError::OffsetOutOfBounds);
// Can't copy past ext_dict len, the match may cross dict and output
let dict_match_length = match_length.min(ext_dict.len() - dict_offset);
let ext_match = &ext_dict[dict_offset..dict_offset + dict_match_length];
/// Extends output by self-referential copies
#[inline(always)] // (always) necessary otherwise compiler fails to inline it
fn duplicate_slice(
output: &mut impl Sink,
offset: usize,
match_length: usize,
) -> Result<(), DecompressError> {
// This function assumes output will fit match_length, it might panic otherwise.
if match_length > offset {
duplicate_overlapping_slice(output, offset, match_length)?;
} else {
let (start, did_overflow) = output.pos().overflowing_sub(offset);
if did_overflow {
return Err(DecompressError::OffsetOutOfBounds);
match match_length {
0..=32 if output.pos() + 32 <= output.capacity() => {
output.extend_from_within(start, 32, match_length)
33..=64 if output.pos() + 64 <= output.capacity() => {
output.extend_from_within(start, 64, match_length)
_ => output.extend_from_within(start, match_length, match_length),
/// self-referential copy for the case data start (end of output - offset) + match_length overlaps
/// into output
fn duplicate_overlapping_slice(
sink: &mut impl Sink,
offset: usize,
match_length: usize,
) -> Result<(), DecompressError> {
// This function assumes output will fit match_length, it might panic otherwise.
let (start, did_overflow) = sink.pos().overflowing_sub(offset);
if did_overflow {
return Err(DecompressError::OffsetOutOfBounds);
if offset == 1 {
let val = sink.byte_at(start);
sink.extend_with_fill(val, match_length);
} else {
sink.extend_from_within_overlapping(start, match_length);
/// Decompress all bytes of `input` into `output`.
/// `output` should be preallocated with a size of of the uncompressed data.
pub fn decompress_into(input: &[u8], output: &mut [u8]) -> Result<usize, DecompressError> {
decompress_internal::<false, _>(input, &mut SliceSink::new(output, 0), b"")
/// Decompress all bytes of `input` into `output`.
/// Returns the number of bytes written (decompressed) into `output`.
pub fn decompress_into_with_dict(
input: &[u8],
output: &mut [u8],
ext_dict: &[u8],
) -> Result<usize, DecompressError> {
decompress_internal::<true, _>(input, &mut SliceSink::new(output, 0), ext_dict)
/// Decompress all bytes of `input` into a new vec. The first 4 bytes are the uncompressed size in
/// litte endian. Can be used in conjunction with `compress_prepend_size`
pub fn decompress_size_prepended(input: &[u8]) -> Result<Vec<u8>, DecompressError> {
let (uncompressed_size, input) = super::uncompressed_size(input)?;
decompress(input, uncompressed_size)
/// Decompress all bytes of `input` into a new vec.
/// The passed parameter `min_uncompressed_size` needs to be equal or larger than the uncompressed size.
/// # Panics
/// May panic if the parameter `min_uncompressed_size` is smaller than the
/// uncompressed data.
pub fn decompress(input: &[u8], min_uncompressed_size: usize) -> Result<Vec<u8>, DecompressError> {
let mut decompressed: Vec<u8> = vec![0; min_uncompressed_size];
let decomp_len =
decompress_internal::<false, _>(input, &mut SliceSink::new(&mut decompressed, 0), b"")?;
/// Decompress all bytes of `input` into a new vec. The first 4 bytes are the uncompressed size in
/// little endian. Can be used in conjunction with `compress_prepend_size_with_dict`
pub fn decompress_size_prepended_with_dict(
input: &[u8],
ext_dict: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, DecompressError> {
let (uncompressed_size, input) = super::uncompressed_size(input)?;
decompress_with_dict(input, uncompressed_size, ext_dict)
/// Decompress all bytes of `input` into a new vec.
/// The passed parameter `min_uncompressed_size` needs to be equal or larger than the uncompressed size.
/// # Panics
/// May panic if the parameter `min_uncompressed_size` is smaller than the
/// uncompressed data.
pub fn decompress_with_dict(
input: &[u8],
min_uncompressed_size: usize,
ext_dict: &[u8],
) -> Result<Vec<u8>, DecompressError> {
let mut decompressed: Vec<u8> = vec![0; min_uncompressed_size];
let decomp_len =
decompress_internal::<true, _>(input, &mut SliceSink::new(&mut decompressed, 0), ext_dict)?;
mod test {
use super::*;
fn all_literal() {
assert_eq!(decompress(&[0x30, b'a', b'4', b'9'], 3).unwrap(), b"a49");
// this error test is only valid in safe-decode.
#[cfg(feature = "safe-decode")]
fn offset_oob() {
decompress(&[0x10, b'a', 2, 0], 4).unwrap_err();
decompress(&[0x40, b'a', 1, 0], 4).unwrap_err();