blob: d09504778bcbe9ca7d82be0b8c4d3f66f91ebb9f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
//! Driver for VirtIO block devices.
use crate::hal::Hal;
use crate::queue::VirtQueue;
use crate::transport::Transport;
use crate::volatile::{volread, Volatile};
use crate::{Error, Result};
use bitflags::bitflags;
use log::info;
use zerocopy::{AsBytes, FromBytes};
const QUEUE: u16 = 0;
const QUEUE_SIZE: u16 = 16;
/// Driver for a VirtIO block device.
/// This is a simple virtual block device, e.g. disk.
/// Read and write requests (and other exotic requests) are placed in the queue and serviced
/// (probably out of order) by the device except where noted.
/// # Example
/// ```
/// # use virtio_drivers::{Error, Hal};
/// # use virtio_drivers::transport::Transport;
/// use virtio_drivers::device::blk::{VirtIOBlk, SECTOR_SIZE};
/// # fn example<HalImpl: Hal, T: Transport>(transport: T) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// let mut disk = VirtIOBlk::<HalImpl, _>::new(transport)?;
/// println!("VirtIO block device: {} kB", disk.capacity() * SECTOR_SIZE as u64 / 2);
/// // Read sector 0 and then copy it to sector 1.
/// let mut buf = [0; SECTOR_SIZE];
/// disk.read_block(0, &mut buf)?;
/// disk.write_block(1, &buf)?;
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
pub struct VirtIOBlk<H: Hal, T: Transport> {
transport: T,
queue: VirtQueue<H, { QUEUE_SIZE as usize }>,
capacity: u64,
readonly: bool,
impl<H: Hal, T: Transport> VirtIOBlk<H, T> {
/// Create a new VirtIO-Blk driver.
pub fn new(mut transport: T) -> Result<Self> {
let mut readonly = false;
transport.begin_init(|features| {
let features = BlkFeature::from_bits_truncate(features);
info!("device features: {:?}", features);
readonly = features.contains(BlkFeature::RO);
// negotiate these flags only
let supported_features = BlkFeature::empty();
(features & supported_features).bits()
// read configuration space
let config = transport.config_space::<BlkConfig>()?;
info!("config: {:?}", config);
// Safe because config is a valid pointer to the device configuration space.
let capacity = unsafe {
volread!(config, capacity_low) as u64 | (volread!(config, capacity_high) as u64) << 32
info!("found a block device of size {}KB", capacity / 2);
let queue = VirtQueue::new(&mut transport, QUEUE)?;
Ok(VirtIOBlk {
/// Gets the capacity of the block device, in 512 byte ([`SECTOR_SIZE`]) sectors.
pub fn capacity(&self) -> u64 {
/// Returns true if the block device is read-only, or false if it allows writes.
pub fn readonly(&self) -> bool {
/// Acknowledges a pending interrupt, if any.
/// Returns true if there was an interrupt to acknowledge.
pub fn ack_interrupt(&mut self) -> bool {
/// Reads a block into the given buffer.
/// Blocks until the read completes or there is an error.
pub fn read_block(&mut self, block_id: usize, buf: &mut [u8]) -> Result {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), SECTOR_SIZE);
let req = BlkReq {
type_: ReqType::In,
reserved: 0,
sector: block_id as u64,
let mut resp = BlkResp::default();
&mut [buf, resp.as_bytes_mut()],
&mut self.transport,
/// Submits a request to read a block, but returns immediately without waiting for the read to
/// complete.
/// # Arguments
/// * `block_id` - The identifier of the block to read.
/// * `req` - A buffer which the driver can use for the request to send to the device. The
/// contents don't matter as `read_block_nb` will initialise it, but like the other buffers it
/// needs to be valid (and not otherwise used) until the corresponding `complete_read_block`
/// call.
/// * `buf` - The buffer in memory into which the block should be read.
/// * `resp` - A mutable reference to a variable provided by the caller
/// to contain the status of the request. The caller can safely
/// read the variable only after the request is complete.
/// # Usage
/// It will submit request to the VirtIO block device and return a token identifying
/// the position of the first Descriptor in the chain. If there are not enough
/// Descriptors to allocate, then it returns [`Error::QueueFull`].
/// The caller can then call `peek_used` with the returned token to check whether the device has
/// finished handling the request. Once it has, the caller must call `complete_read_block` with
/// the same buffers before reading the response.
/// ```
/// # use virtio_drivers::{Error, Hal};
/// # use virtio_drivers::device::blk::VirtIOBlk;
/// # use virtio_drivers::transport::Transport;
/// use virtio_drivers::device::blk::{BlkReq, BlkResp, RespStatus};
/// # fn example<H: Hal, T: Transport>(blk: &mut VirtIOBlk<H, T>) -> Result<(), Error> {
/// let mut request = BlkReq::default();
/// let mut buffer = [0; 512];
/// let mut response = BlkResp::default();
/// let token = unsafe { blk.read_block_nb(42, &mut request, &mut buffer, &mut response) }?;
/// // Wait for an interrupt to tell us that the request completed...
/// assert_eq!(blk.peek_used(), Some(token));
/// unsafe {
/// blk.complete_read_block(token, &request, &mut buffer, &mut response)?;
/// }
/// if response.status() == RespStatus::OK {
/// println!("Successfully read block.");
/// } else {
/// println!("Error {:?} reading block.", response.status());
/// }
/// # Ok(())
/// # }
/// ```
/// # Safety
/// `req`, `buf` and `resp` are still borrowed by the underlying VirtIO block device even after
/// this method returns. Thus, it is the caller's responsibility to guarantee that they are not
/// accessed before the request is completed in order to avoid data races.
pub unsafe fn read_block_nb(
&mut self,
block_id: usize,
req: &mut BlkReq,
buf: &mut [u8],
resp: &mut BlkResp,
) -> Result<u16> {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), SECTOR_SIZE);
*req = BlkReq {
type_: ReqType::In,
reserved: 0,
sector: block_id as u64,
let token = self
.add(&[req.as_bytes()], &mut [buf, resp.as_bytes_mut()])?;
if self.queue.should_notify() {
/// Completes a read operation which was started by `read_block_nb`.
/// # Safety
/// The same buffers must be passed in again as were passed to `read_block_nb` when it returned
/// the token.
pub unsafe fn complete_read_block(
&mut self,
token: u16,
req: &BlkReq,
buf: &mut [u8],
resp: &mut BlkResp,
) -> Result<()> {
.pop_used(token, &[req.as_bytes()], &mut [buf, resp.as_bytes_mut()])?;
/// Writes the contents of the given buffer to a block.
/// Blocks until the write is complete or there is an error.
pub fn write_block(&mut self, block_id: usize, buf: &[u8]) -> Result {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), SECTOR_SIZE);
let req = BlkReq {
type_: ReqType::Out,
reserved: 0,
sector: block_id as u64,
let mut resp = BlkResp::default();
&[req.as_bytes(), buf],
&mut [resp.as_bytes_mut()],
&mut self.transport,
/// Submits a request to write a block, but returns immediately without waiting for the write to
/// complete.
/// # Arguments
/// * `block_id` - The identifier of the block to write.
/// * `req` - A buffer which the driver can use for the request to send to the device. The
/// contents don't matter as `read_block_nb` will initialise it, but like the other buffers it
/// needs to be valid (and not otherwise used) until the corresponding `complete_read_block`
/// call.
/// * `buf` - The buffer in memory containing the data to write to the block.
/// * `resp` - A mutable reference to a variable provided by the caller
/// to contain the status of the request. The caller can safely
/// read the variable only after the request is complete.
/// # Usage
/// See [VirtIOBlk::read_block_nb].
/// # Safety
/// See [VirtIOBlk::read_block_nb].
pub unsafe fn write_block_nb(
&mut self,
block_id: usize,
req: &mut BlkReq,
buf: &[u8],
resp: &mut BlkResp,
) -> Result<u16> {
assert_eq!(buf.len(), SECTOR_SIZE);
*req = BlkReq {
type_: ReqType::Out,
reserved: 0,
sector: block_id as u64,
let token = self
.add(&[req.as_bytes(), buf], &mut [resp.as_bytes_mut()])?;
if self.queue.should_notify() {
/// Completes a write operation which was started by `write_block_nb`.
/// # Safety
/// The same buffers must be passed in again as were passed to `write_block_nb` when it returned
/// the token.
pub unsafe fn complete_write_block(
&mut self,
token: u16,
req: &BlkReq,
buf: &[u8],
resp: &mut BlkResp,
) -> Result<()> {
.pop_used(token, &[req.as_bytes(), buf], &mut [resp.as_bytes_mut()])?;
/// Fetches the token of the next completed request from the used ring and returns it, without
/// removing it from the used ring. If there are no pending completed requests returns `None`.
pub fn peek_used(&mut self) -> Option<u16> {
/// Returns the size of the device's VirtQueue.
/// This can be used to tell the caller how many channels to monitor on.
pub fn virt_queue_size(&self) -> u16 {
impl<H: Hal, T: Transport> Drop for VirtIOBlk<H, T> {
fn drop(&mut self) {
// Clear any pointers pointing to DMA regions, so the device doesn't try to access them
// after they have been freed.
struct BlkConfig {
/// Number of 512 Bytes sectors
capacity_low: Volatile<u32>,
capacity_high: Volatile<u32>,
size_max: Volatile<u32>,
seg_max: Volatile<u32>,
cylinders: Volatile<u16>,
heads: Volatile<u8>,
sectors: Volatile<u8>,
blk_size: Volatile<u32>,
physical_block_exp: Volatile<u8>,
alignment_offset: Volatile<u8>,
min_io_size: Volatile<u16>,
opt_io_size: Volatile<u32>,
// ... ignored
/// A VirtIO block device request.
#[derive(AsBytes, Debug)]
pub struct BlkReq {
type_: ReqType,
reserved: u32,
sector: u64,
impl Default for BlkReq {
fn default() -> Self {
Self {
type_: ReqType::In,
reserved: 0,
sector: 0,
/// Response of a VirtIOBlk request.
#[derive(AsBytes, Debug, FromBytes)]
pub struct BlkResp {
status: RespStatus,
impl BlkResp {
/// Return the status of a VirtIOBlk request.
pub fn status(&self) -> RespStatus {
#[derive(AsBytes, Debug)]
enum ReqType {
In = 0,
Out = 1,
Flush = 4,
Discard = 11,
WriteZeroes = 13,
/// Status of a VirtIOBlk request.
#[derive(AsBytes, Copy, Clone, Debug, Eq, FromBytes, PartialEq)]
pub struct RespStatus(u8);
impl RespStatus {
/// Ok.
pub const OK: RespStatus = RespStatus(0);
/// IoErr.
pub const IO_ERR: RespStatus = RespStatus(1);
/// Unsupported yet.
pub const UNSUPPORTED: RespStatus = RespStatus(2);
/// Not ready.
pub const NOT_READY: RespStatus = RespStatus(3);
impl From<RespStatus> for Result {
fn from(status: RespStatus) -> Self {
match status {
RespStatus::OK => Ok(()),
RespStatus::IO_ERR => Err(Error::IoError),
RespStatus::UNSUPPORTED => Err(Error::Unsupported),
RespStatus::NOT_READY => Err(Error::NotReady),
_ => Err(Error::IoError),
impl Default for BlkResp {
fn default() -> Self {
BlkResp {
status: RespStatus::NOT_READY,
/// The standard sector size of a VirtIO block device. Data is read and written in multiples of this
/// size.
pub const SECTOR_SIZE: usize = 512;
bitflags! {
struct BlkFeature: u64 {
/// Device supports request barriers. (legacy)
const BARRIER = 1 << 0;
/// Maximum size of any single segment is in `size_max`.
const SIZE_MAX = 1 << 1;
/// Maximum number of segments in a request is in `seg_max`.
const SEG_MAX = 1 << 2;
/// Disk-style geometry specified in geometry.
const GEOMETRY = 1 << 4;
/// Device is read-only.
const RO = 1 << 5;
/// Block size of disk is in `blk_size`.
const BLK_SIZE = 1 << 6;
/// Device supports scsi packet commands. (legacy)
const SCSI = 1 << 7;
/// Cache flush command support.
const FLUSH = 1 << 9;
/// Device exports information on optimal I/O alignment.
const TOPOLOGY = 1 << 10;
/// Device can toggle its cache between writeback and writethrough modes.
const CONFIG_WCE = 1 << 11;
/// Device can support discard command, maximum discard sectors size in
/// `max_discard_sectors` and maximum discard segment number in
/// `max_discard_seg`.
const DISCARD = 1 << 13;
/// Device can support write zeroes command, maximum write zeroes sectors
/// size in `max_write_zeroes_sectors` and maximum write zeroes segment
/// number in `max_write_zeroes_seg`.
const WRITE_ZEROES = 1 << 14;
// device independent
const NOTIFY_ON_EMPTY = 1 << 24; // legacy
const ANY_LAYOUT = 1 << 27; // legacy
const RING_INDIRECT_DESC = 1 << 28;
const RING_EVENT_IDX = 1 << 29;
const UNUSED = 1 << 30; // legacy
const VERSION_1 = 1 << 32; // detect legacy
// the following since virtio v1.1
const ACCESS_PLATFORM = 1 << 33;
const RING_PACKED = 1 << 34;
const IN_ORDER = 1 << 35;
const ORDER_PLATFORM = 1 << 36;
const SR_IOV = 1 << 37;
const NOTIFICATION_DATA = 1 << 38;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use crate::{
fake::{FakeTransport, QueueStatus, State},
DeviceStatus, DeviceType,
use alloc::{sync::Arc, vec};
use core::{mem::size_of, ptr::NonNull};
use std::{sync::Mutex, thread, time::Duration};
fn config() {
let mut config_space = BlkConfig {
capacity_low: Volatile::new(0x42),
capacity_high: Volatile::new(0x02),
size_max: Volatile::new(0),
seg_max: Volatile::new(0),
cylinders: Volatile::new(0),
heads: Volatile::new(0),
sectors: Volatile::new(0),
blk_size: Volatile::new(0),
physical_block_exp: Volatile::new(0),
alignment_offset: Volatile::new(0),
min_io_size: Volatile::new(0),
opt_io_size: Volatile::new(0),
let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(State {
status: DeviceStatus::empty(),
driver_features: 0,
guest_page_size: 0,
interrupt_pending: false,
queues: vec![QueueStatus::default(); 1],
let transport = FakeTransport {
device_type: DeviceType::Console,
max_queue_size: QUEUE_SIZE.into(),
device_features: BlkFeature::RO.bits(),
config_space: NonNull::from(&mut config_space),
state: state.clone(),
let blk = VirtIOBlk::<FakeHal, FakeTransport<BlkConfig>>::new(transport).unwrap();
assert_eq!(blk.capacity(), 0x02_0000_0042);
assert_eq!(blk.readonly(), true);
fn read() {
let mut config_space = BlkConfig {
capacity_low: Volatile::new(66),
capacity_high: Volatile::new(0),
size_max: Volatile::new(0),
seg_max: Volatile::new(0),
cylinders: Volatile::new(0),
heads: Volatile::new(0),
sectors: Volatile::new(0),
blk_size: Volatile::new(0),
physical_block_exp: Volatile::new(0),
alignment_offset: Volatile::new(0),
min_io_size: Volatile::new(0),
opt_io_size: Volatile::new(0),
let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(State {
status: DeviceStatus::empty(),
driver_features: 0,
guest_page_size: 0,
interrupt_pending: false,
queues: vec![QueueStatus::default(); 1],
let transport = FakeTransport {
device_type: DeviceType::Console,
max_queue_size: QUEUE_SIZE.into(),
device_features: 0,
config_space: NonNull::from(&mut config_space),
state: state.clone(),
let mut blk = VirtIOBlk::<FakeHal, FakeTransport<BlkConfig>>::new(transport).unwrap();
// Start a thread to simulate the device waiting for a read request.
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
println!("Device waiting for a request.");
while !state.lock().unwrap().queues[usize::from(QUEUE)].notified {
println!("Transmit queue was notified.");
.read_write_queue::<{ QUEUE_SIZE as usize }>(QUEUE, |request| {
BlkReq {
type_: ReqType::In,
reserved: 0,
sector: 42
let mut response = vec![0; SECTOR_SIZE];
response[0..9].copy_from_slice(b"Test data");
BlkResp {
status: RespStatus::OK,
// Read a block from the device.
let mut buffer = [0; 512];
blk.read_block(42, &mut buffer).unwrap();
assert_eq!(&buffer[0..9], b"Test data");
fn write() {
let mut config_space = BlkConfig {
capacity_low: Volatile::new(66),
capacity_high: Volatile::new(0),
size_max: Volatile::new(0),
seg_max: Volatile::new(0),
cylinders: Volatile::new(0),
heads: Volatile::new(0),
sectors: Volatile::new(0),
blk_size: Volatile::new(0),
physical_block_exp: Volatile::new(0),
alignment_offset: Volatile::new(0),
min_io_size: Volatile::new(0),
opt_io_size: Volatile::new(0),
let state = Arc::new(Mutex::new(State {
status: DeviceStatus::empty(),
driver_features: 0,
guest_page_size: 0,
interrupt_pending: false,
queues: vec![QueueStatus::default(); 1],
let transport = FakeTransport {
device_type: DeviceType::Console,
max_queue_size: QUEUE_SIZE.into(),
device_features: 0,
config_space: NonNull::from(&mut config_space),
state: state.clone(),
let mut blk = VirtIOBlk::<FakeHal, FakeTransport<BlkConfig>>::new(transport).unwrap();
// Start a thread to simulate the device waiting for a write request.
let handle = thread::spawn(move || {
println!("Device waiting for a request.");
while !state.lock().unwrap().queues[usize::from(QUEUE)].notified {
println!("Transmit queue was notified.");
.read_write_queue::<{ QUEUE_SIZE as usize }>(QUEUE, |request| {
BlkReq {
type_: ReqType::Out,
reserved: 0,
sector: 42
let data = &request[size_of::<BlkReq>()..];
assert_eq!(data.len(), SECTOR_SIZE);
assert_eq!(&data[0..9], b"Test data");
let mut response = Vec::new();
BlkResp {
status: RespStatus::OK,
// Write a block to the device.
let mut buffer = [0; 512];
buffer[0..9].copy_from_slice(b"Test data");
blk.write_block(42, &mut buffer).unwrap();