blob: 386c32b6b18f37db918b9ae66765ef5c7df19c22 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2019 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Starlark rules for projects using Sandboxed API."""
load("//sandboxed_api/bazel:build_defs.bzl", "sapi_platform_copts")
load("//sandboxed_api/bazel:embed_data.bzl", "sapi_cc_embed_data")
_sapi_proto_library = "sapi_proto_library",
load("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_utils.bzl", "find_cpp_toolchain", "use_cpp_toolchain")
# Reexport symbols
sapi_proto_library = _sapi_proto_library
# Helper functions
def append_arg(arguments, name, value):
if value:
def append_all(arguments, name, values):
if values:
for v in values:
append_arg(arguments, name, v)
def get_embed_dir():
return native.package_name()
def make_exec_label(label):
return attr.label(
default = label,
cfg = "exec",
allow_files = True,
executable = True,
# buildifier: disable=function-docstring
def select_generator(ctx):
if ctx.attr.generator_version == 1:
return ctx.executable._generator_v1
return ctx.executable._generator_v2
def sort_deps(deps):
"""Sorts a list of dependencies.
This does not convert absolute references targeting the current package
into relative ones.
deps: List of labels to be sorted
A sorted list of dependencies, with local deps (starting with ":") first.
deps = depset(deps).to_list()
colon_deps = [x for x in deps if x.startswith(":")]
other_deps = [x for x in deps if not x.startswith(":")]
return sorted(colon_deps) + sorted(other_deps)
def cc_library_virtual_includes(target):
"""Checks a target for virtual includes.
Those can be created by the deprecated `cc_inc_library` rule, or by using
a combination of `cc_library()`s `includes`, `include_prefix` and
`strip_include_prefix` attributes.
target: The Target to analyze
A depset with include paths generated by cc_inc_library targets.
cc_ctx = target[CcInfo].compilation_context
includes = []
for f in cc_ctx.headers.to_list():
p = f.path
if not p.startswith("blaze-out") and not p.startswith("bazel-out"):
for path_marker in ["/_virtual_includes/", "/_/"]:
i = p.find(path_marker)
if i == -1:
includes.append(p[:i] + path_marker +
p[i + len(path_marker):].split("/", 1)[0])
return depset(includes)
def _sapi_interface_impl(ctx):
cpp_toolchain = find_cpp_toolchain(ctx)
generator = select_generator(ctx)
use_clang_generator = ctx.attr.generator_version == 2
# TODO(szwl): warn if input_files is not set and we didn't find anything
input_files_paths = []
input_files = []
args = []
append_arg(args, "--sapi_name", ctx.attr.lib_name)
append_arg(args, "--sapi_out", ctx.outputs.out.path)
append_arg(args, "--sapi_embed_dir", ctx.attr.embed_dir)
append_arg(args, "--sapi_embed_name", ctx.attr.embed_name)
append_arg(args, "--sapi_functions", ",".join(ctx.attr.functions))
append_arg(args, "--sapi_ns", ctx.attr.namespace)
if ctx.attr.limit_scan_depth:
# Parse provided files.
# The parser doesn't need the entire set of transitive headers
# here, just the top-level cc_library headers.
# Allow all headers through that contain the dependency's
# package path. Including extra headers is harmless except that
# we may hit Bazel's file-count limit, so be conservative and
# pass a lot through that we don't strictly need.
extra_flags = []
cc_ctx = ctx.attr.lib[CcInfo].compilation_context
# Append all headers as dependencies
input_files += cc_ctx.headers.to_list()
# Gather direct include paths as well as virtual ones
quote_includes = (cc_ctx.quote_includes.to_list() +
if use_clang_generator:
input_files += cpp_toolchain.all_files.to_list()
# TODO(cblichmann): Get language standard from the toolchain
# Disable warnings in parsed code
extra_flags += ["--extra-arg=-D{}".format(d) for d in cc_ctx.defines.to_list()]
extra_flags += ["--extra-arg=-isystem{}".format(i) for i in cc_ctx.system_includes.to_list()]
extra_flags += ["--extra-arg=-iquote{}".format(i) for i in quote_includes]
extra_flags += ["--extra-arg=-isystem{}".format(d) for d in cpp_toolchain.built_in_include_directories]
append_all(extra_flags, "-D", cc_ctx.defines.to_list())
append_all(extra_flags, "-isystem", cc_ctx.system_includes.to_list())
append_all(extra_flags, "-iquote", quote_includes)
if ctx.attr.input_files:
for f in ctx.files.input_files:
# Try to find files automatically
for h in cc_ctx.direct_headers:
if h.extension != "h" or "/PROTECTED/" in h.path:
# Include only headers coming from the target
# not ones that it depends on by comparing the label packages.
if (h.owner.package == ctx.attr.lib.label.package):
if use_clang_generator:
args += extra_flags + input_files_paths
append_arg(args, "--sapi_in", ",".join(input_files_paths))
args += ["--"] + extra_flags
progress_msg = ("Generating {} from {} header files." +
"").format(ctx.outputs.out.short_path, len(input_files_paths))
inputs = input_files,
outputs = [ctx.outputs.out],
arguments = args,
mnemonic = "SapiInterfaceGen",
progress_message = progress_msg,
executable = generator,
# Build rule that generates SAPI interface.
sapi_interface = rule(
implementation = _sapi_interface_impl,
attrs = {
"out": attr.output(mandatory = True),
"embed_dir": attr.string(),
"embed_name": attr.string(),
"functions": attr.string_list(
allow_empty = True,
default = [],
"input_files": attr.label_list(
providers = [CcInfo],
allow_files = True,
"lib": attr.label(
providers = [CcInfo],
mandatory = True,
"lib_name": attr.string(mandatory = True),
"namespace": attr.string(),
"limit_scan_depth": attr.bool(default = False),
default = 1,
values = [1], # Only a single version is defined right now
default = 1,
values = [1, 2],
"_generator_v1": make_exec_label(
"_generator_v2": make_exec_label(
# TODO(cblichmann): Add prebuilt version of Clang based generator
"_cc_toolchain": attr.label(
default = Label("@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:current_cc_toolchain"),
output_to_genfiles = True,
toolchains = use_cpp_toolchain(),
def sapi_library(
malloc = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:malloc",
namespace = "",
api_version = 1,
embed = True,
add_default_deps = True,
limit_scan_depth = False,
srcs = [],
data = [],
hdrs = [],
copts = sapi_platform_copts(),
defines = [],
functions = [],
header = "",
input_files = [],
deps = [],
tags = [],
generator_version = 1,
visibility = None,
compatible_with = None,
default_copts = []):
"""Provides the implementation of a Sandboxed API library.
name: Name of the sandboxed library
lib: Label of the library target to sandbox
lib_name: Name of the class which will proxy the library functions from
the functions list
malloc: Override the default dependency on malloc
namespace: A C++ namespace identifier to place the API class into
embed: Whether the SAPI library should be embedded inside the host code
add_default_deps: Add SAPI dependencies to target (deprecated)
limit_scan_depth: Limit include depth for header generator (deprecated)
api_version: Which version of the Sandboxed API to generate. Currently,
only version 1 is defined.
srcs: Any additional sources to include with the sandboxed library
data: To be used with srcs, any additional data files to make available
to the sandboxed library.
hdrs: Like srcs, any additional headers to include with the sandboxed
copts: Add these options to the C++ compilation command. See
defines: List of defines to add to the compile line. See
functions: A list for function to use from host code
header: If set, do not generate a header, but use the specified one
input_files: List of source files which the SAPI interface generator
should scan for function declarations
deps: Extra dependencies to add to the SAPI library
tags: Extra tags to associate with the target
generator_version: Which version the the interface generator to use
(experimental). Version 1 uses the Python/libclang based `generator2`,
version 2 uses the newer C++ implementation that uses the full clang
compiler front-end for parsing. Both emit equivalent Sandboxed APIs.
visibility: Target visibility
compatible_with: The list of environments this target can be built for,
in addition to default-supported environments.
default_copts: List of package level default copts, an additional
attribute since copts already has default value.
common = {
"tags": tags,
if visibility:
common["visibility"] = visibility
if compatible_with != None:
common["compatible_with"] = compatible_with
generated_header = name + ".sapi.h"
# Reference (pull into the archive) required functions only. If the functions'
# array is empty, pull in the whole archive (may not compile with MSAN).
exported_funcs = ["-Wl,-u," + s for s in functions]
if (not exported_funcs):
exported_funcs = [
lib_hdrs = hdrs or []
if header:
lib_hdrs += [header]
lib_hdrs += [generated_header]
default_deps = ["//sandboxed_api/sandbox2"]
# Library that contains generated interface and sandboxed binary as a data
# dependency. Add this as a dependency instead of original library.
name = name,
srcs = srcs,
data = [":" + name + ".bin"] + data,
hdrs = lib_hdrs,
copts = default_copts + copts,
defines = defines,
deps = sort_deps(
] + deps +
([":" + name + "_embed"] if embed else []) +
(default_deps if add_default_deps else []),
name = name + ".bin",
linkopts = [
"-ldl", # For dlopen(), dlsym()
# The sandboxing client must have access to all
"-Wl,-E", # symbols used in the sandboxed library, so these
] + exported_funcs, # must be both referenced, and exported
malloc = malloc,
deps = [
":" + name + ".lib",
copts = default_copts,
name = name + ".lib",
deps = [lib],
alwayslink = 1, # All functions are linked into depending binaries
copts = default_copts,
embed_name = ""
embed_dir = ""
if embed:
embed_name = name
name = name + "_embed",
srcs = [name + ".bin"],
namespace = namespace,
embed_dir = get_embed_dir()
name = name + ".interface",
lib_name = lib_name,
lib = lib,
functions = functions,
input_files = input_files,
out = generated_header,
embed_name = embed_name,
embed_dir = embed_dir,
namespace = namespace,
api_version = api_version,
generator_version = generator_version,
limit_scan_depth = limit_scan_depth,