blob: f8516590bd756553e77d0fc342c966376912bf2a [file] [log] [blame]
* This file describes the internal interface used by the AVC
* for calling the user-supplied memory allocation, supplemental
* auditing, and locking routine, as well as incrementing the
* statistics fields.
* Author : Eamon Walsh <[email protected]>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <selinux/avc.h>
#include "callbacks.h"
#include "dso.h"
/* callback pointers */
extern void *(*avc_func_malloc) (size_t) hidden;
extern void (*avc_func_free) (void *)hidden;
extern void (*avc_func_log) (const char *, ...) __attribute__((__format__(printf,1,2))) hidden;
extern void (*avc_func_audit) (void *, security_class_t, char *, size_t)hidden;
extern int avc_using_threads hidden;
extern int avc_app_main_loop hidden;
extern void *(*avc_func_create_thread) (void (*)(void))hidden;
extern void (*avc_func_stop_thread) (void *)hidden;
extern void *(*avc_func_alloc_lock) (void)hidden;
extern void (*avc_func_get_lock) (void *)hidden;
extern void (*avc_func_release_lock) (void *)hidden;
extern void (*avc_func_free_lock) (void *)hidden;
static inline void set_callbacks(const struct avc_memory_callback *mem_cb,
const struct avc_log_callback *log_cb,
const struct avc_thread_callback *thread_cb,
const struct avc_lock_callback *lock_cb)
if (mem_cb) {
avc_func_malloc = mem_cb->func_malloc;
avc_func_free = mem_cb->func_free;
if (log_cb) {
avc_func_log = log_cb->func_log;
avc_func_audit = log_cb->func_audit;
if (thread_cb) {
avc_using_threads = 1;
avc_func_create_thread = thread_cb->func_create_thread;
avc_func_stop_thread = thread_cb->func_stop_thread;
if (lock_cb) {
avc_func_alloc_lock = lock_cb->func_alloc_lock;
avc_func_get_lock = lock_cb->func_get_lock;
avc_func_release_lock = lock_cb->func_release_lock;
avc_func_free_lock = lock_cb->func_free_lock;
/* message prefix and enforcing mode*/
#define AVC_PREFIX_SIZE 16
extern char avc_prefix[AVC_PREFIX_SIZE] hidden;
extern int avc_running hidden;
extern int avc_enforcing hidden;
extern int avc_setenforce hidden;
/* user-supplied callback interface for avc */
static inline void *avc_malloc(size_t size)
return avc_func_malloc ? avc_func_malloc(size) : malloc(size);
static inline void avc_free(void *ptr)
if (avc_func_free)
/* this is a macro in order to use the variadic capability. */
#define avc_log(type, format...) \
if (avc_func_log) \
avc_func_log(format); \
else \
selinux_log(type, format);
static inline void avc_suppl_audit(void *ptr, security_class_t class,
char *buf, size_t len)
if (avc_func_audit)
avc_func_audit(ptr, class, buf, len);
selinux_audit(ptr, class, buf, len);
static inline void *avc_create_thread(void (*run) (void))
return avc_func_create_thread ? avc_func_create_thread(run) : NULL;
static inline void avc_stop_thread(void *thread)
if (avc_func_stop_thread)
static inline void *avc_alloc_lock(void)
return avc_func_alloc_lock ? avc_func_alloc_lock() : NULL;
static inline void avc_get_lock(void *lock)
if (avc_func_get_lock)
static inline void avc_release_lock(void *lock)
if (avc_func_release_lock)
static inline void avc_free_lock(void *lock)
if (avc_func_free_lock)
/* statistics helper routines */
#define avc_cache_stats_incr(field) \
cache_stats.field ++;
#define avc_cache_stats_add(field, num) \
cache_stats.field += num;
#define avc_cache_stats_incr(field)
#define avc_cache_stats_add(field, num)
/* logging helper routines */
#define AVC_AUDIT_BUFSIZE 1024
/* again, we need the variadic capability here */
#define log_append(buf,format...) \
snprintf(buf+strlen(buf), AVC_AUDIT_BUFSIZE-strlen(buf), format)
/* internal callbacks */
int avc_ss_grant(security_id_t ssid, security_id_t tsid,
security_class_t tclass, access_vector_t perms,
uint32_t seqno) hidden;
int avc_ss_try_revoke(security_id_t ssid, security_id_t tsid,
security_class_t tclass,
access_vector_t perms, uint32_t seqno,
access_vector_t * out_retained) hidden;
int avc_ss_revoke(security_id_t ssid, security_id_t tsid,
security_class_t tclass, access_vector_t perms,
uint32_t seqno) hidden;
int avc_ss_reset(uint32_t seqno) hidden;
int avc_ss_set_auditallow(security_id_t ssid, security_id_t tsid,
security_class_t tclass, access_vector_t perms,
uint32_t seqno, uint32_t enable) hidden;
int avc_ss_set_auditdeny(security_id_t ssid, security_id_t tsid,
security_class_t tclass, access_vector_t perms,
uint32_t seqno, uint32_t enable) hidden;
/* netlink kernel message code */
extern int avc_netlink_trouble hidden;