| #!/bin/sh |
| # Set-up environment variables to run programs which are built in DESTDIR folder |
| # |
| # Usage example to use variables in the current shell: |
| # $ export DESTDIR=$HOME/selinux-destdir |
| # $ make install install-pywrap install-rubywrap |
| # $ . ./scripts/env_use_destdir |
| # $ make test |
| # |
| # Or to use variables in a subcommand, for example to run tests: |
| # $ export DESTDIR=$HOME/selinux-destdir |
| # $ make install install-pywrap install-rubywrap |
| # $ ./scripts/env_use_destdir secilc ... |
| # $ ./scripts/env_use_destdir make test |
| |
| if [ -z "${DESTDIR:-}" ] ; then |
| echo >&2 "Error: variable DESTDIR needs to be defined in order to use this script." |
| echo >&2 "Example:" |
| # shellcheck disable=SC2164 |
| echo >&2 " DESTDIR=$(cd "$(dirname -- "$0")/.." ; pwd)/DESTDIR . $0" |
| exit 1 |
| fi |
| |
| export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$DESTDIR/usr/lib:$DESTDIR/lib" |
| export PATH="$DESTDIR/usr/sbin:$DESTDIR/usr/bin:$DESTDIR/sbin:$DESTDIR/bin:$PATH" |
| |
| # shellcheck disable=SC2155 |
| export PYTHONPATH="$DESTDIR$(${PYTHON:-python3} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import *;print(get_python_lib(prefix='/usr'))")" |
| |
| # shellcheck disable=SC2155 |
| export RUBYLIB="$DESTDIR/$(${RUBY:-ruby} -e 'puts RbConfig::CONFIG["vendorlibdir"]'):$DESTDIR/$(${RUBY:-ruby} -e 'puts RbConfig::CONFIG["vendorarchdir"]')" |
| |
| # Run the command given on the command line |
| if [ $# -gt 0 ] ; then |
| exec "$@" |
| fi |