| .\" Hey Emacs! This file is -*- nroff -*- source. |
| .\" |
| .\" Author: Eamon Walsh (ewalsh@tycho.nsa.gov) 2004 |
| .TH "avc_has_perm" "3" "27 May 2004" "" "SELinux API documentation" |
| .SH "NAME" |
| avc_has_perm, avc_has_perm_noaudit, avc_audit, avc_entry_ref_init \- obtain and audit SELinux access decisions |
| . |
| .B #include <selinux/selinux.h> |
| .br |
| .B #include <selinux/avc.h> |
| .sp |
| .BI "void avc_entry_ref_init(struct avc_entry_ref *" aeref ");" |
| .sp |
| .BI "int avc_has_perm(security_id_t " ssid ", security_id_t " tsid , |
| .in +\w'int avc_has_perm('u |
| .BI "security_class_t " tclass ", access_vector_t " requested , |
| .br |
| .BI "struct avc_entry_ref *" aeref ", void *" auditdata ");" |
| .in |
| .sp |
| .BI "int avc_has_perm_noaudit(security_id_t " ssid ", security_id_t " tsid , |
| .in +\w'int avc_has_perm('u |
| .BI "security_class_t " tclass ", access_vector_t " requested , |
| .br |
| .BI "struct avc_entry_ref *" aeref ", struct av_decision *" avd ");" |
| .in |
| .sp |
| .BI "void avc_audit(security_id_t " ssid ", security_id_t " tsid , |
| .in +\w'void avc_audit('u |
| .BI "security_class_t " tclass ", access_vector_t " requested , |
| .br |
| .BI "struct av_decision *" avd ", int " result ", void *" auditdata ");" |
| .in |
| . |
| .BR avc_entry_ref_init () |
| initializes an |
| .B avc_entry_ref |
| structure; see |
| below. This function may be implemented as a macro. |
| |
| .BR avc_has_perm () |
| checks whether the |
| .I requested |
| permissions are granted |
| for subject SID |
| .IR ssid |
| and target SID |
| .IR tsid , |
| interpreting the permissions |
| based on |
| .I tclass |
| and updating |
| .IR aeref , |
| if non-NULL, to refer to a cache entry with the resulting decision. The granting or denial of permissions is audited in accordance with the policy. The |
| .I auditdata |
| parameter is for supplemental auditing; see |
| .BR avc_audit () |
| below. |
| |
| .BR avc_has_perm_noaudit () |
| behaves as |
| .BR avc_has_perm () |
| without producing an audit message. The access decision is returned in |
| .I avd |
| and can be passed to |
| .BR avc_audit () |
| explicitly. |
| |
| .BR avc_audit () |
| produces an audit message for the access query represented by |
| .IR ssid , |
| .IR tsid , |
| .IR tclass , |
| and |
| .IR requested , |
| with a decision represented by |
| .IR avd . |
| Pass the value returned by |
| .BR avc_has_perm_noaudit () |
| as |
| .IR result . |
| The |
| .I auditdata |
| parameter is passed to the user-supplied |
| .B func_audit |
| callback and can be used to add supplemental information to the audit message; see |
| .BR avc_init (3). |
| . |
| Entry references can be used to speed cache performance for repeated queries on the same subject and target. The userspace AVC will check the |
| .I aeref |
| argument, if supplied, before searching the cache on a permission query. After a query is performed, |
| .I aeref |
| will be updated to reference the cache entry for that query. A subsequent query on the same subject and target will then have the decision at hand without having to walk the cache. |
| |
| After declaring an |
| .B avc_entry_ref |
| structure, use |
| .BR avc_entry_ref_init () |
| to initialize it before passing it to |
| .BR avc_has_perm () |
| or |
| .BR \%avc_has_perm_noaudit () |
| for the first time. |
| Using an uninitialized structure will produce undefined behavior. |
| . |
| If requested permissions are granted, zero is returned. If requested permissions are denied or an error occured, \-1 is returned and |
| .I errno |
| is set appropriately. |
| |
| In permissive mode, zero will be returned and |
| .I errno |
| unchanged even if permissions were denied. |
| .BR avc_has_perm () |
| will still produce an audit message in this case. |
| . |
| .SH "ERRORS" |
| .TP |
| A requested permission was denied. |
| .TP |
| The |
| .I tclass |
| and/or the security contexts referenced by |
| .I ssid |
| and |
| .I tsid |
| are not recognized by the currently loaded policy. |
| .TP |
| An attempt to allocate memory failed. |
| . |
| .SH "NOTES" |
| Internal errors encountered by the userspace AVC may cause certain values of |
| .I errno |
| to be returned unexpectedly. For example, netlink socket errors may produce |
| or |
| .BR EINVAL . |
| Make sure that userspace object managers are granted appropriate access to |
| netlink by the policy. |
| . |
| .SH "AUTHOR" |
| Eamon Walsh <ewalsh@tycho.nsa.gov> |
| . |
| .SH "SEE ALSO" |
| .ad l |
| .nh |
| .BR avc_init (3), |
| .BR avc_context_to_sid (3), |
| .BR avc_cache_stats (3), |
| .BR avc_add_callback (3), |
| .BR security_compute_av (3), |
| .BR selinux (8) |