blob: a4e599c058ab870fe42cfd08c15bad2fe9a984bb [file] [log] [blame]
common_LIBRARIES = ["libpcre2"]
common_CFLAGS = [
// Persistently stored patterns (pcre2) are architecture dependent.
// In particular paterns built on amd64 can not run on devices with armv7
// (32bit). Therefore, this feature stays off for now.
// uncomment to build libselinux and related artifacts against PCRE
// common_LIBRARIES = ["libpcre"]
// common_CFLAGS = []
cc_defaults {
name: "libselinux_flags",
cflags: common_CFLAGS,
target: {
host: {
cflags: [
cc_library {
name: "libselinux",
defaults: ["libselinux_flags"],
host_supported: true,
srcs: [
target: {
linux: {
srcs: [
android: {
srcs: [
shared_libs: [
static: {
whole_static_libs: ["libpackagelistparser"],
shared: {
shared_libs: ["libpackagelistparser"],
local_include_dirs: [ "src" ],
// 1003 corresponds to auditd, from system/core/logd/event.logtags
cflags: [
// mapping.c has redundant check of array p_in->perms.
clang_cflags: ["-Wno-pointer-bool-conversion"],
static: {
whole_static_libs: common_LIBRARIES,
shared: {
shared_libs: common_LIBRARIES,
local_include_dirs: ["include"],
export_include_dirs: ["include"],
// If one attempts to comment out the sefcontext_compile target in the
// that exists in the directory of this Android.bp file, understand
// that I encountered 2 issues. The first issue was that it could not find
// sepol/sepol.h. This is usually an issue if a dependency between the
// export_includes of another component is not coupled to this component
// properly. Looking at the Makefile from upstream, sefcontext_compile seems
// to have a dependency on libsepol. The second issue occurs when you add the
// libsepol dependency. The build system claims that their is no libsepol
// library declared anywhere. Switching sefcontext_compile to an for
// now resolved the issue.
//cc_binary_host {
// name: "sefcontext_compile",
// defaults: ["libselinux_flags"],
// srcs: ["utils/sefcontext_compile.c"],
// static_libs: ["libselinux"],
// whole_static_libs: common_LIBRARIES,