Because there are many options for MLS labeling, the examples show a limited selection of statements, however there is a simple policy that will build shown in the levelrange
Declare a sensitivity identifier in the current namespace. Multiple sensitivity
statements in the policy will form an ordered list.
Statement definition:
(sensitivity sensitivity_id)
This example declares three sensitivity
(sensitivity s0) (sensitivity s1) (sensitivity s2)
Declares a sensitivity alias identifier in the current namespace. See the sensitivityaliasactual
statement for an example that associates the sensitivityalias
Statement definition:
(sensitivityalias sensitivityalias_id)
See the sensitivityaliasactual
Associates a previously declared sensitivityalias
identifier to a previously declared sensitivity
Statement definition:
(sensitivityaliasactual sensitivityalias_id sensitivity_id)
This example will associate sensitivity s0
with two sensitivity alias's:
(sensitivity s0) (sensitivityalias unclassified) (sensitivityalias SystemLow) (sensitivityaliasactual unclassified s0) (sensitivityaliasactual SystemLow s0)
Define the sensitivity order - lowest to highest. Multiple sensitivityorder
statements in the policy will form an ordered list.
Statement definition:
(sensitivityorder (sensitivity_id ...))
This example shows two sensitivityorder
statements that when compiled will form an ordered list. Note however that the second sensitivityorder
statement starts with s2
so that the ordered list can be built.
(sensitivity s0) (sensitivityalias s0 SystemLow) (sensitivity s1) (sensitivity s2) (sensitivityorder (SystemLow s1 s2)) (sensitivity s3) (sensitivity s4) (sensitivityalias s4 SystemHigh) (sensitivityorder (s2 s3 SystemHigh))
Declare a category identifier in the current namespace. Multiple category statements declared in the policy will form an ordered list.
Statement definition:
(category category_id)
This example declares a three category
(category c0) (category c1) (category c2)
Declares a category alias identifier in the current namespace. See the categoryaliasactual
statement for an example that associates the categoryalias
Statement definition:
(categoryalias categoryalias_id)
Associates a previously declared categoryalias
identifier to a previously declared category
Statement definition:
(categoryaliasactual categoryalias_id category_id)
Declares a category c0
, a category alias of documents
, and then associates them:
(category c0) (categoryalias documents) (categoryaliasactual documents c0)
Define the category order. Multiple categoryorder
statements declared in the policy will form an ordered list. Note that this statement orders the categories to allow validation of category ranges.
Statement definition:
(categoryorder (category_id ...))
This example orders one category alias and nine categories:
(categoryorder (documents c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 c8 c9)
Declare an identifier for a set of contiguous or non-contiguous categories in the current namespace.
Category expressions are allowed in categoryset
, sensitivitycategory
, level
, and levelrange
Category sets are not allowed in categoryorder
Statement definition:
(categoryset categoryset_id (category_id ... | expr ...))
These examples show a selection of categoryset
; Declare categories with two alias's: (category c0) (categoryalias documents) (categoryaliasactual documents c0) (category c1) (category c2) (category c3) (category c4) (categoryalias spreadsheets) (categoryaliasactual spreadsheets c4) ; Set the order to determine ranges: (categoryorder (c0 c1 c2 c3 spreadsheets)) (categoryset catrange_1 (range c2 c3)) ; Two methods to associate all categories: (categoryset all_cats (range c0 c4)) (categoryset all_cats1 (all)) (categoryset catset_1 (documents c1)) (categoryset catset_2 (c2 c3)) (categoryset catset_3 (c4)) (categoryset just_c0 (xor (c1 c2) (documents c1 c2)))
Associate a sensitivity
identifier with one or more category's. Multiple definitions for the same sensitivity
form an ordered list of categories for that sensitivity. This statement is required before a level
identifier can be declared.
Statement definition:
(sensitivitycategory sensitivity_id categoryset_id)
These sensitivitycategory
examples use a selection of category
, categoryalias
and categoryset
(sensitivitycategory s0 catrange_1) (sensitivitycategory s0 catset_1) (sensitivitycategory s0 catset_3) (sensitivitycategory s0 (all)) (sensitivitycategory unclassified (range documents c2))
Declare a level
identifier in the current namespace and associate it to a previously declared sensitivity
and zero or more categories. Note that if categories are required, then before this statement can be resolved the sensitivitycategory
statement must be used to associate categories with the sensitivity.
Statement definition:
(level level_id (sensitivity_id [categoryset_id]))
These level
examples use a selection of category
, categoryalias
and categoryset
(level systemLow (s0)) (level level_1 (s0)) (level level_2 (s0 (catrange_1))) (level level_3 (s0 (all_cats))) (level level_4 (unclassified (c2 c3 c4)))
Declare a level range identifier in the current namespace and associate a current and clearance level.
Statement definition:
(levelrange levelrange_id (low_level_id high_level_id))
This example policy shows levelrange
statement and all the other MLS labeling statements discussed in this section and will compile as a standalone policy:
(handleunknown allow) (mls true) ; There must be least one set of SID statements in a policy: (sid kernel) (sidorder (kernel)) (sidcontext kernel unconfined.context_1) (sensitivitycategory s0 (c4 c2 c3 c1 c0 c3)) (category c0) (categoryalias documents) (categoryaliasactual documents c0) (category c1) (category c2) (category c3) (category c4) (categoryalias spreadsheets) (categoryaliasactual spreadsheets c4) (categoryorder (c0 c1 c2 c3 spreadsheets)) (categoryset catrange_1 (range c2 c3)) (categoryset all_cats (range c0 c4)) (categoryset all_cats1 (all)) (categoryset catset_1 (documents c1)) (categoryset catset_2 (c2 c3)) (categoryset catset_3 (c4)) (categoryset just_c0 (xor (c1 c2) (documents c1 c2))) (sensitivity s0) (sensitivityalias unclassified) (sensitivityaliasactual unclassified s0) (sensitivityorder (s0)) (sensitivitycategory s0 (c0)) (sensitivitycategory s0 catrange_1) (sensitivitycategory s0 catset_1) (sensitivitycategory s0 catset_3) (sensitivitycategory s0 (all)) (sensitivitycategory s0 (range documents c2)) (level systemLow (s0)) (level level_1 (s0)) (level level_2 (s0 (catrange_1))) (level level_3 (s0 (all_cats))) (level level_4 (unclassified (c2 c3 c4))) (levelrange levelrange_2 (level_2 level_2)) (levelrange levelrange_1 ((s0) level_2)) (levelrange low_low (systemLow systemLow)) (context context_2 (unconfined.user object_r unconfined.object (level_1 level_3))) ; Define object_r role. This must be assigned in CIL. (role object_r) (block unconfined (user user) (role role) (type process) (type object) (userrange user (systemLow systemLow)) (userlevel user systemLow) (userrole user role) (userrole user object_r) (roletype role process) (roletype role object) (roletype object_r object) (class file (open execute read write)) ; There must be least one allow rule in a policy: (allow process self (file (read))) (context context_1 (user object_r object low_low)) ) ; End unconfined namespace
Allows an objects level to transition to a different level. Generally used to ensure processes run with their correct MLS range, for example init
would run at SystemHigh
and needs to initialise / run other processes at their correct MLS range.
Statement definition:
(rangetransition source_id target_id class_id new_range_id)
This rule will transition the range of sshd.exec
to s0 - s1:c0.c3
on execution from the init.process
(sensitivity s0) (sensitivity s1) (sensitivityorder s0 s1) (category c0) ... (level systemlow (s0)) (level systemhigh (s1 (c0 c1 c2))) (levelrange low_high (systemlow systemhigh)) (rangetransition init.process sshd.exec process low_high)