| Introduction |
| ============ |
| The win32 port of sg3_utils contains those utilities that are _not_ specific |
| to Linux. One utility for listing available devices, sg_scan, has a |
| Windows-specific version for this port. |
| |
| The dd variants from the sg3_utils package (e.g. sg_dd) rely on too many |
| Linux idiosyncracies to be easily ported. A new package called 'ddpt' |
| contains a utility with similar functionality to sg_dd and is available |
| for Windows. |
| |
| Two build environments are caterered for: cygwin (see www.cygwin.com) and |
| MinGW ("Minimalist GNU for Windows", see www.mingw.org). Both are based in |
| the gcc compiler (although other C compilers should have little problem with |
| the source code). Cygwin is a more sophisticated, commercial product that |
| results in executables that depend on cygwin1.dll . No licensing is required |
| since sg3_utils is open source (with either BSD or GPL licenses) but users |
| will need to fetch that dll. On the other hand MinGW (and its companion MSYS |
| shell) builds freestanding console executables. The Unix library support is |
| not as advanced with MinGW which has led to some timing functions being |
| compiled out when sg3_utils is built for MinGW. |
| |
| Supported Utilities |
| =================== |
| Here is a list of utilities that have been ported: |
| sg_decode_sense |
| sg_format |
| sg_get_config |
| sg_get_lba_status |
| sg_ident |
| sg_inq [dropped ATA IDENTIFY DEVICE capability] |
| sg_logs |
| sg_luns |
| sg_modes |
| sg_persist |
| sg_opcodes |
| sg_prevent |
| sg_raw |
| sg_rdac |
| sg_read_block_limits |
| sg_read_buffer |
| sg_read_long |
| sg_readcap |
| sg_reassign |
| sg_referrals |
| sg_requests |
| sg_rmsn |
| sg_rtpg |
| sg_safte |
| sg_sat_identify |
| sg_sat_phy_event |
| sg_sat_set_features |
| sg_scan [this is Windows specific] |
| sg_senddiag |
| sg_ses |
| sg_start |
| sg_stpg |
| sg_sync |
| sg_turs |
| sg_unmap |
| sg_verify |
| sg_vpd |
| sg_wr_mode |
| sg_write_buffer |
| sg_write_long |
| sg_write_same |
| |
| Most utility names are indicative of the main SCSI command that they execute. |
| Some utilities are slightly higher level, for example sg_ses fetches SCSI |
| Enclosure Services (SES) status pages and can send control pages. Each |
| utility has a man page (placed in section 8). There is summary of the mapping |
| between utility names and the SCSI commands they execute in the COVERAGE |
| file. An overview of sg3_utils can be found at: |
| http://sg.danny.cz/sg/sg3_utils.html . |
| A copy of the "sg3_utils.html" file is in the "doc" subdirectory. |
| |
| Some man pages have examples which use linux device names which hopefully |
| will not confuse Windows users. |
| |
| Two pass-through variants |
| ========================= |
| The sg_pt_win32.c file uses the Windows SCSI Pass Through interface. |
| That is often shortened to SPT or SPTI. There are two DeviceIoControl() |
| ioctl variants provided: IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH and |
| IOCTL_SCSI_PASS_THROUGH_DIRECT. The former involves double handling of |
| data (and perhaps an upper limit on the data length associated with |
| one SCSI command; MS documentation mentions 16 KB). The "direct" |
| variant passes a pointer from the user space and to be faster looks |
| and more versatile. |
| |
| However the "direct" variant has potentially (unquantified) alignment |
| requirements and may not be (well) implemented by the hardware driver. |
| In practice some users have reported errors (e.g. 1117: a non-descript |
| IO error) when the direct variant is used. |
| |
| Hence the non-direct variant is the default. The default size limit |
| on the data buffer is set at 16 KB but if the user asks for more |
| the data buffer will be extended. The OS or the hardware drivers |
| may reject the extended data buffer but we tried. |
| |
| The package can be built using the direct variant with: |
| ./configure --enable-win32-spt-direct |
| rather than: |
| ./configure |
| prior to the 'make' call. |
| |
| Details |
| ======= |
| Most of the ported utilities listed above use SCSI command functions |
| declared in sg_cmds_*.h headers . Those SCSI command functions are |
| implemented in the corresponding ".c" files. The ".c" files pass SCSI |
| commands to the host operating system via an interface declared in sg_pt.h . |
| There are currently five implementations of that interface depending on |
| the host operating system: |
| - sg_pt_linux.c |
| - sg_pt_freebsd.c |
| - sg_pt_osf1.c [Tru64] |
| - sg_pt_solaris.c |
| - sg_pt_win32.c |
| |
| The ASPI32 interface which requires a dll from Adaptec is not supported. |
| |
| The sg_scan utility is a special version for Windows and it attempts to show |
| the various available storage device names, one per line. Here is an example |
| of sg_scan's output: |
| |
| # sg_scan |
| PD0 [C] FUJITSU MHY2160BH 0000 |
| PD1 [DF] WD 2500BEV External 1.05 WD-WXE90 |
| |
| Here is an example with added bus type: |
| |
| # sg_scan -b |
| PD0 [C] <Ata > FUJITSU MHY2160BH 0000 |
| PD1 [DF] <Usb > WD 2500BEV External 1.05 WD-WXE90 |
| |
| Here is an example with added SCSI adapter scan: |
| |
| # sg_scan -b -s |
| PD0 [C] <Ata > ST380011A 8.01 |
| PD1 <Scsi > SEAGATE ST373455SS 2189 |
| PD2 <Scsi > ATA ST3160812AS D |
| PD3 <Scsi > SEAGATE ST336754SS 0003 |
| CDROM0 [F] <Atapi> HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4163B A103 |
| TAPE0 <Scsi > SONY SDT-7000 0192 |
| |
| SCSI0:0,0,0 claimed=1 pdt=0h dubious ST380011 A 8.01 |
| SCSI1:0,0,0 claimed=1 pdt=5h HL-DT-ST DVDRAM GSA-4163B A103 |
| SCSI2:0,6,0 claimed=1 pdt=1h SONY SDT-7000 0192 |
| SCSI5:0,17,0 claimed=1 pdt=0h SEAGATE ST373455SS 2189 |
| SCSI5:0,19,0 claimed=1 pdt=0h ATA ST3160812AS D |
| SCSI5:0,21,0 claimed=1 pdt=0h SEAGATE ST336754SS 0003 |
| SCSI5:0,112,0 claimed=0 pdt=10h LSI PSEUDO DEVICE 2.34 |
| |
| The storage devices scanned are PhysicalDrive<n> (shorted form PD<n> used), |
| CDROM<n> (which includes DVD and BD drives) and TAPE<n>. There is also an |
| optional SCSI adapter scan with device names of the form SCSI<n>:<b>:<t>:<l> . |
| These only come into play for devices that are not claimed by one of the |
| storage class drivers. The "LSI PSEUDO DEVICE" device above is an example |
| of an unclaimed device. The SCSI adapter scan does not show USB and IEEE |
| 1394 connected devices. |
| |
| Volume names (e.g. "C:") that match a storage device (or perhaps a |
| partition within that device) are shown in brackets. Notice there can be |
| zero, one or more volume names for each storage device. Up to four volume |
| names are listed in brackets, if there are more a "+" is added after the |
| fourth. |
| |
| Several utilities have conditional compilation sections based on |
| the SG_LIB_MINGW define. For those who want to try native C compilers |
| on Windows setting the SG_LIB_MINGW define may help. |
| |
| Build environments |
| ================== |
| This package uses autotools infrastructure with the now common |
| "./configure ; make ; make install" sequence needed to build and install |
| from the source found in the tarball. Two Windows environments for building |
| Unix code are supported: cygwin and MinGW. If the "./configure" sequence |
| fails try using the ./autogen.sh prior to that sequence. The executables |
| produced are console applications that can be executed in either a cygwin, |
| MSYS or "cmd" shell. Various build options are available by giving |
| command line options to "./configure", see the INSTALL file for generic |
| information about the build infrastructure. |
| |
| Binary and Text files |
| ===================== |
| A problem has been reported with binary output being written in a MinGW |
| environment (or executables build by MinGW). Windows has a concept of text |
| and binary files which is not found in Unix. Recent versions of MinGW |
| default to opening files in text mode. This can lead to binary output |
| (such as when the '--raw' option is given) having 0xa (i.e. LF) translated |
| to 0xd,0xa (i.e. CR,LF). sg3_utils version 1.26 attempts to fix this |
| problem by changing what it knows to be binary output files to "binary |
| mode" with the setmode() Windows command. |
| |
| |
| Doug Gilbert |
| 5th December 2010 |