| #ifndef SG_PR2SERR_H |
| #define SG_PR2SERR_H |
| |
| /* |
| * Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Douglas Gilbert. |
| * All rights reserved. |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style |
| * license that can be found in the BSD_LICENSE file. |
| * |
| * SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause |
| */ |
| |
| #include <inttypes.h> |
| #include <stdio.h> |
| #include <stdbool.h> |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| extern "C" { |
| #endif |
| |
| /* pr2serr and pr2ws are convenience functions that replace the somewhat |
| * long-winded fprintf(stderr, ....). The second form (i.e. pr2ws() ) is for |
| * internal library use and may place its output somewhere other than stderr; |
| * it depends on the external variable sg_warnings_strm which can be set |
| * with sg_set_warnings_strm(). By default it uses stderr. */ |
| |
| #if __USE_MINGW_ANSI_STDIO -0 == 1 |
| #define __printf(a, b) __attribute__((__format__(gnu_printf, a, b))) |
| #elif defined(__GNUC__) || defined(__clang__) |
| #define __printf(a, b) __attribute__((__format__(printf, a, b))) |
| #else |
| #define __printf(a, b) |
| #endif |
| |
| int pr2serr(const char * fmt, ...) __printf(1, 2); |
| |
| int pr2ws(const char * fmt, ...) __printf(1, 2); |
| |
| /* Want safe, 'n += snprintf(b + n, blen - n, ...)' style sequence of |
| * functions that can be called mulriple times. Returns number of chars |
| * placed in cp excluding the trailing null char. So for cp_max_len > 0 the |
| * return value is always < cp_max_len; for cp_max_len <= 1 the return value |
| * is 0 and no chars are written to cp. Note this means that when |
| * cp_max_len = 1, this function assumes that cp[0] is the null character |
| * and does nothing (and returns 0). Linux kernel has a similar function |
| * called scnprintf(). */ |
| int sg_scnpr(char * cp, int cp_max_len, const char * fmt, ...) __printf(3, 4); |
| |
| /* JSON support functions and structures follow. The prefix "sgj_" is used |
| * for sg3_utils JSON functions, types and values. */ |
| |
| enum sgj_separator_t { |
| SGJ_SEP_NONE = 0, |
| }; |
| |
| typedef void * sgj_opaque_p; |
| |
| /* Apart from the pointers at the end the other fields are initialized |
| * from the argument given to --json= . If there is no argument then |
| * they initialized as shown. */ |
| typedef struct sgj_state_t { |
| /* the following set by default, the SG3_UTILS_JSON_OPTS envirinment |
| * variable or command line argument to --json option, in that order. */ |
| bool pr_as_json; /* = false */ |
| bool pr_exit_status; /* 'e' (def: true) */ |
| bool pr_hex; /* 'h' (def: false) */ |
| bool pr_leadin; /* 'l' (def: true) */ |
| bool pr_name_ex; /* 'n' name_extra (information) (def: false) */ |
| bool pr_out_hr; /* 'o' (def: false) */ |
| bool pr_packed; /* 'k' (def: false) only when !pr_pretty */ |
| bool pr_pretty; /* 'p' (def: true) */ |
| bool pr_string; /* 's' (def: true) */ |
| char pr_format; /* (def: '\0') */ |
| int pr_indent_size; /* digit (def: 4) */ |
| int verbose; /* 'v' (def: 0) incremented each appearance */ |
| /* the following hold state information */ |
| int first_bad_char; /* = '\0' */ |
| sgj_opaque_p basep; /* base JSON object pointer */ |
| sgj_opaque_p out_hrp; /* JSON array pointer when pr_out_hr set */ |
| sgj_opaque_p userp; /* for temporary usage */ |
| } sgj_state; |
| |
| /* This function tries to convert the in_name C string to the "snake_case" |
| * convention so the output sname only contains lower case ASCII letters, |
| * numerals and "_" as a separator. Any leading or trailing underscores |
| * are removed as are repeated underscores (e.g. "_Snake __ case" becomes |
| * "snake_case"). Parentheses and the characters between them are removed. |
| * Returns sname (i.e. the pointer to the output buffer). |
| * Note: strlen(in_name) should be <= max_sname_len . */ |
| char * sgj_convert_to_snake_name(const char * in_name, char * sname, |
| int max_sname_len); |
| /* There are many variants of JSON supporting functions below and some |
| * abbreaviations are used to shorten their function names: |
| * sgj_ - prefix of all the functions related to (non-)JSON output |
| * hr - human readable form (as it was before JSON) |
| * js - JSON only output (unless 'hr_js' given) |
| * pr - has printf() like variadic arguments |
| * _r - suffix indicating the return value should/must be used |
| * nv - adds a name-value JSON field (or several) |
| * o - value is the provided JSON object (or array) |
| * i - value is a JSON integer object (int64_t or uint64_t) |
| * b - value is a JSON boolean object |
| * s - value is a JSON string object |
| * str - same as s |
| * hex - value is hexadecimal in a JSON string object |
| * _nex - extra 'name_extra' JSON string object about name |
| * new - object that needs sgj_free_unattached() it not attached |
| * |
| * */ |
| |
| /* If jsp in non-NULL and jsp->pr_as_json is true then this call is ignored |
| * unless jsp->pr_out_hrp is true. Otherwise this function prints to stdout |
| * like printf(fmt, ...); note that no LF is added. In the jsp->pr_out_hrp is |
| * true case, nothing is printed to stdout but instead is placed into a JSON |
| * array (jsp->out_hrp) after some preprocessing. That preprocessing involves |
| * removing a leading LF from 'fmt' (if present) and up to two trailing LF |
| * characters. */ |
| void sgj_pr_hr(sgj_state * jsp, const char * fmt, ...) __printf(2, 3); |
| |
| /* Initializes the state object pointed to by jsp based on the argument |
| * given to the right of --json= pointed to by j_optarg. If it is NULL |
| * then state object gets its default values. Returns true if argument |
| * to --json= is decoded properly, else returns false and places the |
| * first "bad" character in jsp->first_bad_char . Note that no JSON |
| * in-core tree needs to exist when this function is called. */ |
| bool sgj_init_state(sgj_state * jsp, const char * j_optarg); |
| |
| /* sgj_start() creates a JSON in-core tree and returns a pointer to it (or |
| * NULL if the associated heap allocation fails). It should be paired with |
| * sgj_finish() to clean up (i.e. remove all heap allocations) all the |
| * elements (i.e. JSON objects and arrays) that have been placed in that |
| * in-core tree. If jsp is NULL nothing further happens. Otherwise the pointer |
| * to be returned is placed in jsp->basep. If jsp->pr_leadin is true and |
| * util_name is non-NULL then a "utility_invoked" JSON object is made with |
| * "name", and "version_date" object fields. If the jsp->pr_out_hr field is |
| * true a named array called "output" is added to the "utility_invoked" object |
| * (creating it in the case when jsp->pr_leadin is false) and a pointer to |
| * that array object is placed in jsp->objectp . The returned pointer is not |
| * usually needed but if it is NULL then a heap allocation has failed. */ |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_start_r(const char * util_name, const char * ver_str, |
| int argc, char *argv[], sgj_state * jsp); |
| |
| /* These are low level functions returning a pointer to a newly created JSON |
| * object or array. If jsp is NULL or jsp->pr_as_json is false nothing happens |
| * and NULL is returned. Note that this JSON object is _not_ placed in the |
| * in-core tree controlled by jsp (jsp->basep); it may be added later as the |
| * fourth argument to sgj_js_nv_o(), for example. */ |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_new_unattached_object_r(sgj_state * jsp); |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_new_unattached_array_r(sgj_state * jsp); |
| |
| /* If jsp is NULL or jsp->pr_as_json is false nothing happens and NULL is |
| * returned. Otherwise it creates a new named object (whose name is what |
| * 'name' points to) at 'jop' with an empty object as its value; a pointer |
| * to that empty object is returned. If 'jop' is NULL then jsp->basep is |
| * used instead. The returned value should always be checked (for NULL) |
| * and if not, used. */ |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_named_subobject_r(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name); |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_snake_named_subobject_r(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * conv2sname); |
| |
| /* If jsp is NULL or jsp->pr_as_json is false nothing happens and NULL is |
| * returned. Otherwise it creates a new named object (whose name is what |
| * 'name' points to) at 'jop' with an empty array as its value; a pointer |
| * to that empty array is returned. If 'jop' is NULL then jsp->basep is |
| * used instead. The returned value should always * be checked (for NULL) |
| * and if not, used. */ |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_named_subarray_r(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name); |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_snake_named_subarray_r(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * conv2sname); |
| |
| /* If either jsp or value is NULL or jsp->pr_as_json is false then nothing |
| * happens and NULL is returned. The insertion point is at jop but if it is |
| * NULL jsp->basep is used. If 'name' is non-NULL a new named JSON object is |
| * added using 'name' and the associated value is a JSON string formed from |
| * 'value'. If 'name' is NULL then 'jop' is assumed to be a JSON array and |
| * a JSON string formed from 'value' is added. If successful returns a |
| * a pointer newly formed JSON string. */ |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_js_nv_s(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name, const char * value); |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_js_nv_s_len(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name, |
| const char * value, int slen); |
| |
| /* If either jsp is NULL or jsp->pr_as_json is false then nothing happens and |
| * NULL is returned. The insertion point is at jop but if it is NULL |
| * jsp->basep is used. If 'name' is non-NULL a new named JSON object is |
| * added using 'name' and the associated value is a JSON integer formed from |
| * 'value'. If 'name' is NULL then 'jop' is assumed to be a JSON array and |
| * a JSON integer formed from 'value' is added. If successful returns a |
| * a pointer newly formed JSON integer. */ |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_js_nv_i(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name, int64_t value); |
| |
| /* If either jsp is NULL or jsp->pr_as_json is false then nothing happens and |
| * NULL is returned. The insertion point is at jop but if it is NULL |
| * jsp->basep is used. If 'name' is non-NULL a new named JSON object is |
| * added using 'name' and the associated value is a JSON boolean formed from |
| * 'value'. If 'name' is NULL then 'jop' is assumed to be a JSON array and |
| * a JSON boolean formed from 'value' is added. If successful returns a |
| * a pointer newly formed JSON boolean. */ |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_js_nv_b(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name, bool value); |
| |
| /* If jsp is NULL, jsp->pr_as_json is false or ua_jop is NULL nothing then |
| * happens and NULL is returned. 'jop' is the insertion point but if it is |
| * NULL jsp->basep is used instead. If 'name' is non-NULL a new named JSON |
| * object is added using 'name' and the associated value is ua_jop. If 'name' |
| * is NULL then 'jop' is assumed to be a JSON array and ua_jop is added to |
| * it. If successful returns ua_jop . The "ua_" prefix stands for unattached. |
| * That should be the case before invocation and it will be attached to jop |
| * after a successful invocation. This means that ua_jop must have been |
| * created by sgj_new_unattached_object_r() or similar. */ |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_js_nv_o(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name, sgj_opaque_p ua_jop); |
| |
| /* The '_hr_js_' refers to generating output both for human readable and/or |
| * JSON with a single invocation. If jsp is non-NULL and jsp->pr_out_hr is |
| * true then both JSON and human readable output is formed (and the latter is |
| * placed in the jsp->out_hrp JSON array). The human readable form will have |
| * leadin_sp spaces followed by 'name' then a separator, then 'value' with a |
| * trailing LF. If 'name' is NULL then it and the separator are ignored. If |
| * there is JSON output, then leadin_sp and sep are ignored. If 'jop' is NULL |
| * then basep->basep is used. If 'name' is NULL then a JSON string object, |
| * made from 'value' is added to the JSON array pointed to by 'jop'. |
| * Otherwise a 'name'-d JSON object whose value is a JSON string object made |
| * from 'value' is added at 'jop'. */ |
| void sgj_hr_js_vs(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, int leadin_sp, |
| const char * name, enum sgj_separator_t sep, |
| const char * value); |
| |
| /* Similar to sgj_hr_js_vs()'s description with 'JSON string object' |
| * replaced by 'JSON integer object'. */ |
| void sgj_hr_js_vi(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, int leadin_sp, |
| const char * name, enum sgj_separator_t sep, |
| int64_t value, bool hex_as_well); |
| /* The '_nex' refers to a "name_extra" (information) sub-object (a JSON |
| * string) which explains a bit more about the 'name' entry. This is useful |
| * when T10 specifies the name as an abbreviation (e.g. SYSV). Whether this |
| * sub-object is shown in the JSON output is controlled by the 'n' control |
| * character. */ |
| void sgj_hr_js_vi_nex(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, int leadin_sp, |
| const char * name, enum sgj_separator_t sep, |
| int64_t value, bool hex_as_well, const char * nex_s); |
| |
| /* Similar to above '_hr_js_' calls but a named sub-object is always formed |
| * containing a JSON integer object named "i" whose value is 'value'. The |
| * returned pointer is to that sub-object. */ |
| sgj_opaque_p sgj_hr_js_subo_r(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| int leadin_sp, const char * name, |
| enum sgj_separator_t sep, int64_t value); |
| |
| /* Similar to sgj_hr_js_vs()'s description with 'JSON string object' |
| * replaced by 'JSON boolean object'. */ |
| void sgj_hr_js_vb(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, int leadin_sp, |
| const char * name, enum sgj_separator_t sep, bool value); |
| |
| /* This function only produces JSON output if jsp is non-NULL and |
| * jsp->pr_as_json is true. It adds a named object at 'jop' (or jop->basep |
| * if jop is NULL) along with a value. If jsp->pr_hex is true then that |
| * value is two sub-objects, one named 'i' with a 'value' as a JSON integer, |
| * the other one named 'hex' with 'value' rendered as hex in a JSON string. |
| * If jsp->pr_hex is false then there are no sub-objects and the 'value' is |
| * rendered as JSON integer. */ |
| void sgj_js_nv_ihex(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name, uint64_t value); |
| |
| /* This function only produces JSON output if jsp is non-NULL and |
| * jsp->pr_as_json is true. It adds a named object at 'jop' (or jop->basep |
| * if jop is NULL) along with a value. If jsp->pr_string is true then that |
| * value is two sub-objects, one named 'i' with a 'val_i' as a JSON integer, |
| * the other one named str_name with val_s rendered as a JSON string. If |
| * str_name is NULL then "meaning" will be used. If jsp->pr_string is false |
| * then there are no sub-objects and the 'val_i' is rendered as a JSON |
| * integer. */ |
| void sgj_js_nv_istr(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name, int64_t val_i, |
| const char * str_name, const char * val_s); |
| |
| void sgj_js_nv_ihexstr(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name, int64_t val_i, |
| const char * str_name, const char * val_s); |
| |
| /* This function only produces JSON output if jsp is non-NULL and |
| * jsp->pr_as_json is true. It adds a named object at 'jop' (or jop->basep |
| * if jop is NULL) along with a value. If jsp->pr_name_ex is true then that |
| * value is two sub-objects, one named 'i' with a 'val_i' as a JSON integer, |
| * the other one named "abbreviated_name_expansion" with value nex_s rendered |
| * as a JSON string. If jsp->pr_hex and 'want_hex' are true, then a |
| * sub-object named 'hex' with a value rendered as a hex string equal to |
| * val_i. If jsp->pr_name_ex is false and either jsp->pr_hex or want_hex are |
| * false then there are no sub-objects and the 'val_i' is rendered as a JSON |
| * integer. */ |
| void sgj_js_nv_ihex_nex(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, const char * name, |
| int64_t val_i, bool want_hex, const char * nex_s); |
| |
| void sgj_js_nv_ihexstr_nex(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const char * name, int64_t val_i, bool want_hex, |
| const char * str_name, const char * val_s, |
| const char * nex_s); |
| |
| /* Add hex byte strings irrespective of jsp->pr_hex setting. */ |
| void sgj_js_nv_hex_bytes(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, const char * name, |
| const uint8_t * byte_arr, int num_bytes); |
| |
| /* Breaks up the string pointed to by 'sp' into lines and adds them to the |
| * jsp->out_hrp array. Treat '\n' in sp as line breaks. Consumes characters |
| * from sp until either a '\0' is found or slen is exhausted. Add each line |
| * to jsp->out_hrp JSON array (if conditions met). */ |
| void sgj_js_str_out(sgj_state * jsp, const char * sp, int slen); |
| |
| /* This function only produces JSON output if jsp is non-NULL and |
| * jsp->pr_as_json is true. 'sbp' is assumed to point to sense data as |
| * defined by T10 with a length of 'sb_len' bytes. Returns false if an |
| * issue is detetected, else it returns true. */ |
| bool sgj_js_sense(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, const uint8_t * sbp, |
| int sb_len); |
| |
| bool sgj_js_designation_descriptor(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, |
| const uint8_t * ddp, int dd_len); |
| |
| /* Nothing in the in-core JSON tree is actually printed to 'fp' (typically |
| * stdout) until this call is made. If jsp is NULL, jsp->pr_as_json is false |
| * or jsp->basep is NULL then this function does nothing. If jsp->exit_status |
| * is true then a new JSON object named "exit_status" and the 'exit_status' |
| * value rendered as a JSON integer is appended to jsp->basep. The in-core |
| * JSON tree with jsp->basep as its root is streamed to 'fp'. */ |
| void sgj_js2file(sgj_state * jsp, sgj_opaque_p jop, int exit_status, |
| FILE * fp); |
| |
| /* This function is only needed if the pointer returned from either |
| * sgj_new_unattached_object_r() or sgj_new_unattached_array_r() has not |
| * been attached into the in-core JSON tree whose root is jsp->basep . */ |
| void sgj_free_unattached(sgj_opaque_p jop); |
| |
| /* If jsp is NULL or jsp->basep is NULL then this function does nothing. |
| * This function does bottom up, heap freeing of all the in-core JSON |
| * objects and arrays attached to the root JSON object assumed to be |
| * found at jsp->basep . After this call jsp->basep, jsp->out_hrp and |
| * jsp->userp will all be set to NULL. */ |
| void sgj_finish(sgj_state * jsp); |
| |
| char * sg_json_usage(int char_if_not_j, char * b, int blen); |
| |
| |
| #ifdef __cplusplus |
| } |
| #endif |
| |
| #endif |