| .TH SG_SENDDIAG "8" "October 2017" "sg3_utils\-1.43" SG3_UTILS |
| .SH NAME |
| sg_senddiag \- performs a SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC command |
| .B sg_senddiag |
| [\fI\-\-doff\fR] [\fI\-\-extdur\fR] [\fI\-\-help\fR] [\fI\-\-hex\fR] |
| [\fI\-\-list\fR] [\fI\-\-maxlen=LEN\fR] [\fI\-\-page=PG\fR] [\fI\-\-pf\fR] |
| [\fI\-\-raw=H,H...\fR] [\fI\-\-raw=\-\fR] [\fI\-\-selftest=ST\fR] |
| [\fI\-\-test\fR] [\fI\-\-timeout=SEC\fR] [\fI\-\-uoff\fR] [\fI\-\-verbose\fR] |
| [\fI\-\-version\fR] \fIDEVICE\fR |
| .PP |
| .B sg_senddiag |
| [\fI\-doff\fR] [\fI\-e\fR] [\fI\-h\fR] [\fI\-H\fR] [\fI\-l\fR] [\fI\-pf\fR] |
| [\fI\-raw=H,H...\fR] [\fI\-raw=\-\fR] [\fI\-s=ST\fR] [\fI\-t\fR] |
| [\fI\-T=SEC\fR] [\fI\-uoff\fR] [\fI\-v\fR] [\fI\-V\fR] [\fI\-?\fR] |
| \fIDEVICE\fR |
| .\" Add any additional description here |
| .PP |
| This utility sends a SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC command to the \fIDEVICE\fR. It |
| can issue self\-tests, find supported diagnostic pages or send arbitrary |
| diagnostic pages. |
| .PP |
| When the \fI\-\-list\fR option and a \fIDEVICE\fR are given then the utility |
| sends a SCSI RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command to fetch the response (i.e. |
| the page numbers of supported diagnostic pages). |
| .PP |
| When the \fI\-\-list\fR option is given without a \fIDEVICE\fR then a list of |
| diagnostic page names and their numbers, known by this utility, are listed. |
| .PP |
| This utility supports two command line syntax\-es, the preferred one is |
| shown first in the synopsis and explained in this section. A later section |
| on the old command line syntax outlines the second group of options. |
| Arguments to long options are mandatory for short options as well. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-d\fR, \fB\-\-doff\fR |
| set the Device Offline (DevOffL) bit (default is clear). Only significant |
| when \fI\-\-test\fR option is set for the default self\-test. When set other |
| operations on any logical units controlled by the this device server (target) |
| may be affected (delayed) while a default self\-test is underway. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-e\fR, \fB\-\-extdur\fR |
| outputs the expected extended self\-test duration. The duration is given in |
| seconds (and minutes in parentheses). This figure is obtained from mode page |
| 0xa (i.e. the control mode page). |
| .TP |
| \fB\-h\fR, \fB\-\-help\fR |
| print usage message then exit. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-H\fR, \fB\-\-hex\fR |
| outputs response from RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS in hex rather than decode it. |
| Only the Supported Diagnostic Pages diagnostic page (i.e. page_code=0) is |
| decoded; other pages (e.g. those used by SES) are output in hex. |
| .br |
| If \fI\-\-hex\fR is used once, the hex output has a relative address at the |
| start of each line. If \fI\-\-hex\fR is used twice, then ASCII is shown to |
| the right of each line of hex. If \fI\-\-hex\fR is used three time or more, |
| only the hex is output, in two character pairs (i.e. a byte) space separated |
| and up to 16 bytes per line. This latter form, if placed in a file or piped |
| through to another invocation, is suitable for the \fI\-\-raw=\-\fR option. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-l\fR, \fB\-\-list\fR |
| when a \fIDEVICE\fR is also given lists the names of all diagnostic pages |
| supported by this device. The request is sent via a SEND DIAGNOSTIC |
| command (with the "pF" bit set) and the response is fetched by a RECEIVE |
| DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command. When used in the absence of a \fI\-\-list\fR |
| argument then a list of diagnostic page names and their numbers, known |
| by this utility, are listed. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-m\fR, \fB\-\-maxlen\fR=\fILEN\fR |
| where \fILEN\fR is the value placed in the parameter list length field of a |
| SEND DIAGNOSTIC command or in the allocation length field of a RECEIVE |
| DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command. This only occurs when the other options imply |
| there will be data sent or received by the command. The default value |
| is 4096 bytes. \fILEN\fR cannot exceed 65535 or 0xffff in hexadecimal. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-O\fR, \fB\-\-old\fR |
| Switch to older style options. Please use as first option. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-P\fR, \fB\-\-page\fR=\fIPG\fR |
| where \fIPG\fR is the RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command page code field. |
| If this option is given the PCV bit in that command is set. When this option |
| is given then no SEND DIAGNOSTIC command is sent (unlike \fI\-\-list\fR). |
| If \fIPG\fR is 0 then the response is decoded as if it is the SPC Supported |
| Diagnostic pages diagnostic page. Other \fIPG\fR values (i.e. 1 to 255) |
| have their responses output in hex. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-p\fR, \fB\-\-pf\fR |
| set Page Format (PF) bit. By default it is clear (i.e. 0) unless the |
| list \fI\-\-list\fR option is given in which case the Page Format |
| bit is set (as required by SPC\-3). |
| .TP |
| \fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-raw\fR=\fIH,H...\fR |
| string of comma separated hex numbers each of which should resolve to |
| a byte value (i.e. 0 to ff inclusive). A (single) space separated string |
| of hex bytes is also allowed but the list needs to be in quotes. This |
| sequence forms a diagnostic page to be sent with the SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC |
| command. Mostly likely the \fI\-\-pf\fR option should also be given. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-r\fR, \fB\-\-raw=\-\fR |
| reads sequence of bytes from stdin. The sequence may be comma, space, tab |
| or linefeed (newline) separated. If a line contains "#" then the remaining |
| characters on that line are ignored. Otherwise each non separator character |
| should resolve to a byte value (i.e. 0 to ff inclusive). This sequence forms |
| a diagnostic page to be sent with the SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC command. Mostly |
| likely the \fI\-\-pf\fR option should also be given. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-s\fR, \fB\-\-selftest\fR=\fIST\fR |
| where \fIST\fR is the self\-test code. The default value is 0 which is |
| inactive. Some other values: |
| .br |
| \fB1\fR : background short self\-test |
| .br |
| \fB2\fR : background extended self\-test |
| .br |
| \fB4\fR : aborts a (background) self\-test that is in progress |
| .br |
| \fB5\fR : foreground short self\-test |
| .br |
| \fB6\fR : foreground extended self\-test |
| .br |
| This option is mutually exclusive with default self\-test (i.e. |
| can't have (\fIST\fR > 0) and \fI\-\-test\fR). |
| .TP |
| \fB\-t\fR, \fB\-\-test\fR |
| sets the _default_ Self Test (SelfTest) bit. By default this is clear (0). |
| The \fI\-\-selftest=ST\fR option should not be active together with this |
| option. Both the \fI\-\-doff\fR and/or \fI\-\-uoff\fR options can be used |
| with this option. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-T\fR, \fB\-\-timeout\fR=\fISEC\fR |
| where \fISEC\fR is a timeout value (in seconds) for foreground self\-test |
| operations. The default value is 7200 seconds (2 hours) and any values |
| of \fISEC\fR less than the default are ignored. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-u\fR, \fB\-\-uoff\fR |
| set the Unit Offline (UnitOffL) bit (default is clear). Only significant |
| when \fI\-\-test\fR option is set for the default self\-test. When set other |
| operations on this logical unit may be affected (delayed) while a default |
| self\-test is underway. Some devices (e.g. Fujitsu disks) do more tests |
| when this bit is set. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-v\fR, \fB\-\-verbose\fR |
| increase level of verbosity. Can be used multiple times. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-V\fR, \fB\-\-version\fR |
| print out version string then exit. |
| All devices should support the default self\-test. The 'short' self\-test |
| codes should complete in 2 minutes or less. The 'extended' self\-test |
| codes' maximum duration is vendor specific (e.g. a little over 10 minutes |
| with the author's disks). The foreground self\-test codes wait until they |
| are completed while the background self\-test codes return immediately. The |
| results of both foreground and background self\-test codes are placed in |
| the 'self\-test results' log page (see sg_logs(8)). The SCSI command timeout |
| for this utility is set to 60 minutes to allow for slow foreground extended |
| self\-tests. |
| .PP |
| If the \fIDEVICE\fR is a disk then no file systems residing on that disk |
| should be mounted during a foreground self\-test. The reason is that other |
| SCSI commands may become queued behind the foreground self\-test and timeout. |
| .PP |
| When the \fI\-\-raw=H,H...\fR option is given then self\-tests should not |
| be selected. However the \fB\-\-pf\fR (i.e. "page format") option should be |
| given. The length of the diagnostic page to be sent is derived from the |
| number of bytes given to the \fI\-\-raw=H,H...\fR option. The diagnostic |
| page code (number) should be the first byte of the sequence (i.e. as |
| dictated by SPC\-3 diagnostic page format). See the EXAMPLES section below. |
| .PP |
| Arbitrary diagnostic pages can be read (in hex) with the sg_ses(8) |
| utility (not only those defined in SES\-2). |
| .PP |
| If the utility is used with no options (e.g. "sg_senddiag /dev/sg1") |
| Then a degenerate SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC command is sent with zero |
| in all its fields apart from the opcode. Some devices report this |
| as an error while others ignore it. It is not entirely clear from |
| SPC\-3 if it is invalid to send such a command. |
| .PP |
| In the 2.4 series of Linux kernels the \fIDEVICE\fR must be a SCSI |
| generic (sg) device. In the 2.6 series block devices (e.g. SCSI disks and |
| DVD drives) can also be specified. |
| .PP |
| To access SCSI enclosures see the sg_ses(8) utility. sg_ses uses the |
| in the SES\-2 (draft) standard. |
| The exit status of sg_senddiag is 0 when it is successful. Otherwise see |
| the sg3_utils(8) man page. |
| The options in this section were the only ones available prior to sg3_utils |
| version 1.23 . Since then this utility defaults to the newer command line |
| options which can be overridden by using \fI\-\-old\fR (or \fI\-O\fR) as the |
| first option. See the ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES section for another way to |
| force the use of these older command line options. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-doff\fR |
| set the Device Offline (DevOffL) bit (default is clear). Only significant |
| when \fI\-t\fR option is set for the default self\-test. Equivalent to |
| \fI\-\-doff\fR in the main description. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-e\fR |
| outputs the expected extended self\-test duration. Equivalent to |
| \fI\-\-extdur\fR in the main description. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-h\fR |
| outputs response from RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS in hex rather than decode |
| it. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-H\fR |
| outputs response from RECEIVE DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS in hex rather than decode it. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-l\fR |
| when a \fIDEVICE\fR is also given lists the names of all diagnostic |
| pages supported by this device. The request is sent via a SEND DIAGNOSTIC |
| command (with the "pf" bit set) and the response is fetched by a RECEIVE |
| DIAGNOSTIC RESULTS command. When used in the absence of a \fIDEVICE\fR |
| argument then a list of diagnostic page names and their numbers, known |
| by this utility, are listed. |
| .TP |
| \fB-N\fR, \fB\-\-new\fR |
| Switch to the newer style options. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-pf\fR |
| set Page Format (PF) bit. By default it is clear (i.e. 0) unless |
| the \fI\-l\fR option is given in which case the Page Format bit is set |
| (as required by SPC\-3). |
| .TP |
| \fB\-raw\fR=\fIH,H...\fR |
| string of comma separated hex numbers each of which should resolve to |
| a byte value (i.e. 0 to ff inclusive). This sequence forms a diagnostic |
| page to be sent with the SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC command. Mostly likely |
| the \fI\-pf\fR option should also be given. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-raw=-\fR |
| reads sequence of bytes from stdin. The sequence may be comma, space, tab |
| or linefeed (newline) separated. If a line contains "#" then the remaining |
| characters on that line are ignored. Otherwise each non separator character |
| should resolve to a byte value (i.e. 0 to ff inclusive). This sequence forms |
| a diagnostic page to be sent with the SCSI SEND DIAGNOSTIC command. Mostly |
| likely the \fI\-pf\fR option should also be given. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-s\fR=\fIST\fR |
| where \fIST\fR is the self\-test code. The default value is 0 which is |
| inactive. A value of 1 selects a background short self\-test; 2 selects |
| a background extended self\-test; 5 selects a foreground short self\-test; |
| 6 selects a foreground extended test. A value of 4 will abort |
| a (background) self\-test that is in progress. This option is mutually |
| exclusive with default self\-test (i.e. \fI\-t\fR). |
| .TP |
| \fB\-t\fR |
| sets the _default_ Self Test (SelfTest) bit. By default this is clear (0). |
| The \fI\-s=ST\fR option should not be active together with this option. |
| Both the \fI\-doff\fR and/or \fI\-uoff\fR options can be used with this |
| option. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-T\fR=\fISEC\fR |
| where \fISEC\fR is a timeout value (in seconds) for foreground self\-test |
| operations. See the \fI\-\-timeout=SEC\fR option above. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-uoff\fR |
| set the Unit Offline (UnitOffL) bit (default is clear). Equivalent to |
| \fI\-\-uoff\fR in the main description. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-v\fR |
| increase level of verbosity. Can be used multiple times. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-V\fR |
| print out version string then exit. |
| .TP |
| \fB\-?\fR |
| output usage message. Ignore all other parameters. |
| The examples sub\-directory in the sg3_utils packages contains two example |
| scripts that turn on the CJTPAT (jitter pattern) on some SAS disks (one |
| script for each phy). One possible invocation for phy 1 is: |
| .PP |
| sg_senddiag \-\-pf \-\-raw=\- /dev/sg2 < sdiag_sas_p1_cjtpat.txt |
| .PP |
| There is also an example script that turns on the IDLE pattern. Once a |
| test pattern has been started it can be turned off by resetting the phy |
| or with the STOP phy pattern function: |
| .PP |
| sg_senddiag \-\-pf \-\-raw=\- /dev/sg2 < sdiag_sas_p1_stop.txt |
| Since sg3_utils version 1.23 the environment variable SG3_UTILS_OLD_OPTS |
| can be given. When it is present this utility will expect the older command |
| line options. So the presence of this environment variable is equivalent to |
| using \fI\-\-old\fR (or \fI\-O\fR) as the first command line option. |
| Written by Douglas Gilbert |
| Report bugs to <dgilbert at interlog dot com>. |
| Copyright \(co 2003\-2017 Douglas Gilbert |
| .br |
| This software is distributed under the GPL version 2. There is NO |
| .SH "SEE ALSO" |
| .B sg_ses(8), sg_logs(8), smartmontools(see net) |