blob: e1496ee991aaf9b4cd45bcb61ef8cd7b9e6f3b01 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <getopt.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "sg_include.h"
#include "sg_lib.h"
/* A utility program for the Linux OS SCSI subsystem.
* Copyright (C) 2004-2005 D. Gilbert
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
This program issues the SCSI command WRITE LONG to a given SCSI device.
It sends the command with the logical block address passed as the lba
argument, and the transfer length set to the xfer_len argument. the
buffer to be writen to the device filled with 0xff, this buffer includes
the sector data and the ECC bytes.
This code was contributed by Saeed Bishara
static char * version_str = "1.06 20050808";
#define MAX_XFER_LEN 10000
#define SENSE_BUFF_LEN 64
/* #define SG_DEBUG */
#define ME "sg_write_long: "
#define EBUFF_SZ 256
static struct option long_options[] = {
{"help", 0, 0, 'h'},
{"in", 1, 0, 'i'},
{"lba", 1, 0, 'l'},
{"verbose", 0, 0, 'v'},
{"version", 0, 0, 'V'},
{"xfer_len", 1, 0, 'x'},
{0, 0, 0, 0},
static void usage()
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: "
"sg_write_long [--help] [--in=<name>] [--lba=<num>] [--verbose]\n"
" [--version] [--xfer_len=<num>] <scsi_device>\n"
" where: --help print out usage message\n"
" --in=<name> input from file <name> (default write "
"0xff bytes)\n"
" --lba=<num>|-l <num> logical block address (default 0)\n"
" --verbose|-v increase verbosity\n"
" --version|-V print version string then exit\n"
" --xfer_len=<num>|-x <num> transfer length (< 10000) "
"default 520\n"
"\n To read from a defected sector use:\n"
" sg_dd if=<scsi_device> skip=<lba> of=/dev/null bs=512 "
" To write to a defected sector use:\n"
" sg_dd of=<scsi_device> seek=<lba> if=/dev/zero bs=512 "
"Performs a WRITE LONG SCSI command\n"
static int info_offset(unsigned char * sensep, int sb_len)
int resp_code;
if (sb_len < 8)
return 0;
resp_code = (0x7f & sensep[0]);
if (resp_code>= 0x72) { /* descriptor format */
unsigned long long ull = 0;
/* if Information field, fetch it; contains signed number */
if (sg_get_sense_info_fld(sensep, sb_len, &ull))
return (int)(long long)ull;
} else if (sensep[0] & 0x80) { /* fixed, valid set */
if ((0 == sensep[3]) && (0 == sensep[4]))
return ((sensep[5] << 8) + sensep[6]);
else if ((0xff == sensep[3]) && (0xff == sensep[4]))
return ((sensep[5] << 8) + sensep[6] - (int)0x10000);
return 0;
static int has_blk_ili(unsigned char * sensep, int sb_len)
int resp_code;
const unsigned char * cup;
if (sb_len < 8)
return 0;
resp_code = (0x7f & sensep[0]);
if (resp_code>= 0x72) { /* descriptor format */
/* find block command descriptor */
if ((cup = sg_scsi_sense_desc_find(sensep, sb_len, 0x5)))
return ((cup[3] & 0x20) ? 1 : 0);
} else /* fixed */
return ((sensep[2] & 0x20) ? 1 : 0);
return 0;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int sg_fd, res, c, infd, sb_len, offset, k;
unsigned char writeLongCmdBlk [WRITE_LONG_CMD_LEN];
unsigned char * writeLongBuff = NULL;
void * rawp = NULL;
unsigned char sense_buffer[SENSE_BUFF_LEN];
int xfer_len = 520;
unsigned int lba = 0;
int verbose = 0;
int got_stdin;
char device_name[256];
char file_name[256];
char ebuff[EBUFF_SZ];
struct sg_io_hdr io_hdr;
struct sg_scsi_sense_hdr ssh;
int ret = 1;
memset(device_name, 0, sizeof device_name);
memset(file_name, 0, sizeof file_name);
while (1) {
int option_index = 0;
c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "hi:l:vVx:", long_options, &option_index);
if (c == -1)
switch (c) {
case 'h':
case '?':
return 0;
case 'i':
strncpy(file_name, optarg, sizeof(file_name));
case 'l':
lba = sg_get_num(optarg);
if ((unsigned int)(-1) == lba) {
fprintf(stderr, "bad argument to '--lba'\n");
return 1;
case 'v':
case 'V':
fprintf(stderr, ME "version: %s\n", version_str);
return 0;
case 'x':
xfer_len = sg_get_num(optarg);
if (-1 == xfer_len) {
fprintf(stderr, "bad argument to '--xfer_len'\n");
return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "unrecognised switch code 0x%x ??\n", c);
return 1;
if (optind < argc) {
if ('\0' == device_name[0]) {
strncpy(device_name, argv[optind], sizeof(device_name) - 1);
device_name[sizeof(device_name) - 1] = '\0';
if (optind < argc) {
for (; optind < argc; ++optind)
fprintf(stderr, "Unexpected extra argument: %s\n",
return 1;
if (0 == device_name[0]) {
fprintf(stderr, "missing device name!\n");
return 1;
if (xfer_len >= MAX_XFER_LEN){
fprintf(stderr, "xfer_len (%d) is out of range ( < %d)\n",
xfer_len, MAX_XFER_LEN);
return 1;
sg_fd = open(device_name, O_RDWR | O_NONBLOCK);
if (sg_fd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, ME "open error: %s: ", device_name);
return 1;
if (NULL == (rawp = malloc(MAX_XFER_LEN))) {
fprintf(stderr, ME "out of memory (query)\n");
return 1;
writeLongBuff = rawp;
memset(rawp, 0xff, MAX_XFER_LEN);
if (file_name[0]) {
got_stdin = (0 == strcmp(file_name, "-")) ? 1 : 0;
if (got_stdin)
infd = 0;
else {
if ((infd = open(file_name, O_RDONLY)) < 0) {
snprintf(ebuff, EBUFF_SZ,
ME "could not open %s for reading", file_name);
goto err_out;
res = read(infd, writeLongBuff, xfer_len);
if (res < 0) {
snprintf(ebuff, EBUFF_SZ, ME "couldn't read from %s", file_name);
goto err_out;
if (res < xfer_len) {
fprintf(stderr, "tried to read %d bytes from %s, got %d bytes\n",
xfer_len, file_name, res);
fprintf(stderr, "pad with 0xff bytes and continue\n");
if (! got_stdin)
memset(writeLongCmdBlk, 0, WRITE_LONG_CMD_LEN);
writeLongCmdBlk[0] = WRITE_LONG_OPCODE;
writeLongCmdBlk[2] = (lba & 0xff000000) >> 24;
writeLongCmdBlk[3] = (lba & 0x00ff0000) >> 16;
writeLongCmdBlk[4] = (lba & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
writeLongCmdBlk[5] = (lba & 0x000000ff);
writeLongCmdBlk[7] = (xfer_len & 0x0000ff00) >> 8;
writeLongCmdBlk[8] = (xfer_len & 0x000000ff);
fprintf(stderr, ME "issue write long to device %s\n\t\txfer_len= %d "
"(0x%x), lba=%d (0x%x)\n", device_name, xfer_len, xfer_len,
lba, lba);
if (verbose) {
fprintf(stderr, " Write Long (10) cmd: ");
for (k = 0; k < WRITE_LONG_CMD_LEN; ++k)
fprintf(stderr, "%02x ", writeLongCmdBlk[k]);
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
memset(&io_hdr, 0, sizeof(struct sg_io_hdr));
io_hdr.interface_id = 'S';
io_hdr.cmd_len = sizeof(writeLongCmdBlk);
io_hdr.mx_sb_len = sizeof(sense_buffer);
io_hdr.dxfer_direction = SG_DXFER_TO_DEV;
io_hdr.dxfer_len = xfer_len;
io_hdr.dxferp = writeLongBuff;
io_hdr.cmdp = writeLongCmdBlk;
io_hdr.sbp = sense_buffer;
io_hdr.timeout = 60000; /* 60000 millisecs == 60 seconds */
/* do normal IO to find RB size (not dio or mmap-ed at this stage) */
if (ioctl(sg_fd, SG_IO, &io_hdr) < 0) {
perror(ME "SG_IO ioctl WRITE LONG error");
goto err_out;
sb_len = io_hdr.sb_len_wr;
/* now for the error processing */
switch (sg_err_category3(&io_hdr)) {
sg_chk_n_print3("WRITE LONG, continuing", &io_hdr, verbose);
/* fall through */
default: /* won't bother decoding other categories */
if ((sg_normalize_sense(&io_hdr, &ssh)) &&
(ssh.sense_key == ILLEGAL_REQUEST) &&
((offset = info_offset(io_hdr.sbp, io_hdr.sb_len_wr)))) {
if (verbose)
sg_chk_n_print3("WRITE LONG command problem", &io_hdr, 1);
fprintf(stderr, "<<< nothing written to device >>>\n");
fprintf(stderr, "<<< device indicates 'xfer_len' should be %d "
">>>\n", xfer_len - offset);
if (! has_blk_ili(io_hdr.sbp, io_hdr.sb_len_wr))
fprintf(stderr, " [Invalid Length Indication (ILI) flag "
"expected but not found]\n");
goto err_out;
sg_chk_n_print3("WRITE LONG problem error", &io_hdr, verbose);
goto err_out;
ret = 0;
if (rawp) free(rawp);
res = close(sg_fd);
if (res < 0) {
perror(ME "close error");
return 1;
return ret;