blob: e6a267d59279056c433bbfd0e88b96b6d3019d95 [file] [log] [blame]
#ifndef SG_LIB_H
#define SG_LIB_H
* Copyright (c) 2004-2022 Douglas Gilbert.
* All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
* license that can be found in the BSD_LICENSE file.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause
* On 5th October 2004 a FreeBSD license was added to this file.
* The intention is to keep this file and the related sg_lib.c file
* as open source and encourage their unencumbered use.
* Current version number of this library is in the sg_lib_data.c file and
* can be accessed with the sg_lib_version() function.
* This header file contains defines and function declarations that may
* be useful to applications that communicate with devices that use a
* SCSI command set. These command sets have names like SPC-4, SBC-3,
* SSC-3, SES-2 and draft standards defining them can be found at
* . Virtually all devices in the Linux SCSI subsystem
* utilize SCSI command sets. Many devices in other Linux device subsystems
* utilize SCSI command sets either natively or via emulation (e.g. a
* SATA disk in a USB enclosure).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* SCSI Peripheral Device Types (PDT) [5 bit field] */
#define PDT_DISK 0x0 /* direct access block device (disk) */
#define PDT_TAPE 0x1 /* sequential access device (magnetic tape) */
#define PDT_PRINTER 0x2 /* printer device (see SSC-1) */
#define PDT_PROCESSOR 0x3 /* processor device (e.g. SAFTE device) */
#define PDT_WO 0x4 /* write once device (some optical disks) */
#define PDT_MMC 0x5 /* CD/DVD/BD (multi-media) */
#define PDT_SCANNER 0x6 /* obsolete */
#define PDT_OPTICAL 0x7 /* optical memory device (some optical disks) */
#define PDT_MCHANGER 0x8 /* media changer device (e.g. tape robot) */
#define PDT_COMMS 0x9 /* communications device (obsolete) */
#define PDT_SAC 0xc /* storage array controller device */
#define PDT_SES 0xd /* SCSI Enclosure Services (SES) device */
#define PDT_RBC 0xe /* Reduced Block Commands (simplified PDT_DISK) */
#define PDT_OCRW 0xf /* optical card read/write device */
#define PDT_BCC 0x10 /* bridge controller commands */
#define PDT_OSD 0x11 /* Object Storage Device (OSD) */
#define PDT_ADC 0x12 /* Automation/drive commands (ADC) */
#define PDT_SMD 0x13 /* Security Manager Device (SMD) */
#define PDT_ZBC 0x14 /* Zoned Block Commands (ZBC) */
#define PDT_WLUN 0x1e /* Well known logical unit (WLUN) */
#define PDT_UNKNOWN 0x1f /* Unknown or no device type */
#define PDT_MASK 0x1f /* For byte 0 of INQUIRY response */
#define PDT_MAX 0x1f
#define GRPNUM_MASK 0x3f
/* ZBC disks use either PDT_ZBC (if 'host managed') or PDT_DISK .
* So squeeze two PDTs into one integer. Use sg_pdt_s_eq() to compare.
* N.B. Must not use PDT_DISK as upper */
#define PDT_DISK_ZBC (PDT_DISK | (PDT_ZBC << 8))
#define PDT_ALL (-1) /* for common to all PDTs */
#define PDT_LOWER_MASK 0xff
/* The SCSI status codes as found in SAM-4 at */
#define SAM_STAT_GOOD 0x0
#define SAM_STAT_CONDITION_MET 0x4 /* this is not an error */
#define SAM_STAT_BUSY 0x8
#define SAM_STAT_INTERMEDIATE 0x10 /* obsolete in SAM-4 */
#define SAM_STAT_INTERMEDIATE_CONDITION_MET 0x14 /* obsolete in SAM-4 */
#define SAM_STAT_COMMAND_TERMINATED 0x22 /* obsolete in SAM-3 */
#define SAM_STAT_ACA_ACTIVE 0x30
/* The SCSI sense key codes as found in SPC-4 at */
#define SPC_SK_NO_SENSE 0x0
#define SPC_SK_NOT_READY 0x2
#define SPC_SK_BLANK_CHECK 0x8
#define SPC_SK_RESERVED 0xc
#define SPC_SK_COMPLETED 0xf
/* Transport protocol identifiers or just Protocol identifiers */
#define TPROTO_FCP 0
#define TPROTO_SPI 1
#define TPROTO_SSA 2
#define TPROTO_1394 3
#define TPROTO_SRP 4 /* SCSI over RDMA */
#define TPROTO_ISCSI 5
#define TPROTO_SAS 6
#define TPROTO_ADT 7
#define TPROTO_ATA 8
#define TPROTO_UAS 9 /* USB attached SCSI */
#define TPROTO_SOP 0xa /* SCSI over PCIe */
#define TPROTO_PCIE 0xb /* includes NVMe */
#define TPROTO_NONE 0xf
/* SCSI Feature Sets (sfs) */
#define SCSI_FS_SPC_DISCOVERY_2016 0x1
#define SCSI_FS_SBC_BASE_2010 0x102
#define SCSI_FS_SBC_BASE_2016 0x101
#define SCSI_FS_SBC_BASIC_PROV_2016 0x103
#define SCSI_FS_SBC_DRIVE_MAINT_2016 0x104
#define SCSI_FS_ZBC_HOST_AWARE_2020 0x300
#define SCSI_FS_ZBC_HOST_MANAGED_2020 0x301
#define SCSI_FS_ZBC_DOMAINS_REALMS_2020 0x302
/* Often SCSI responses use the highest integer that can fit in a field
* to indicate "unbounded" or limit does not apply. Sometimes represented
* in output as "-1" for brevity */
#define SG_LIB_UNBOUNDED_16BIT 0xffff
#define SG_LIB_UNBOUNDED_32BIT 0xffffffffU
#define SG_LIB_UNBOUNDED_64BIT 0xffffffffffffffffULL
#if (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L) /* C99 or later */
typedef uintptr_t sg_uintptr_t;
typedef unsigned long sg_uintptr_t;
/* Borrowed from Linux kernel; no check that 'arr' actually is one */
#define SG_ARRAY_SIZE(arr) (sizeof(arr) / sizeof((arr)[0]))
/* Doesn't seem to be a common C and C++ technique for clearing an
* aggregrate (e.g. a struct instance) on the stack. Hence this hack: */
#ifdef __cplusplus
#define SG_C_CPP_ZERO_INIT {}
#define SG_C_CPP_ZERO_INIT ={0}
/* The format of the version string is like this: "2.26 20170906" */
const char * sg_lib_version();
/* Returns length of SCSI command given the opcode (first byte).
* Yields the wrong answer for variable length commands (opcode=0x7f)
* and potentially some vendor specific commands. */
int sg_get_command_size(uint8_t cdb_byte0);
/* Command name given pointer to the cdb. Certain command names
* depend on peripheral type (give 0 or -1 if unknown). Places command
* name into buff and will write no more than buff_len bytes. */
void sg_get_command_name(const uint8_t * cdbp, int peri_type, int buff_len,
char * buff);
/* Command name given only the first byte (byte 0) of a cdb and
* peripheral type (give 0 or -1 if unknown). */
void sg_get_opcode_name(uint8_t cdb_byte0, int peri_type, int buff_len,
char * buff);
/* Command name given opcode (byte 0), service action and peripheral type.
* If no service action give 0, if unknown peripheral type give 0 or -1 . */
void sg_get_opcode_sa_name(uint8_t cdb_byte0, int service_action,
int peri_type, int buff_len, char * buff);
/* Fetch NVMe command name given first byte (byte offset 0 in 64 byte
* command) of command. Gets Admin NVMe command name if 'admin' is true
* (e.g. opcode=0x6 -> Identify), otherwise gets NVM command set name
* (e.g. opcode=0 -> Flush). Returns 'buff'. */
char * sg_get_nvme_opcode_name(uint8_t cmd_byte0, bool admin, int buff_len,
char * buff);
/* Fetch scsi status string. */
void sg_get_scsi_status_str(int scsi_status, int buff_len, char * buff);
/* This is a slightly stretched SCSI sense "descriptor" format header.
* The addition is to allow the 0x70 and 0x71 response codes. The idea
* is to place the salient data of both "fixed" and "descriptor" sense
* format into one structure to ease application processing.
* The original sense buffer should be kept around for those cases
* in which more information is required (e.g. the LBA of a MEDIUM ERROR). */
struct sg_scsi_sense_hdr {
uint8_t response_code; /* permit: 0x0, 0x70, 0x71, 0x72, 0x73 */
uint8_t sense_key;
uint8_t asc;
uint8_t ascq;
uint8_t byte4; /* descriptor: SDAT_OVFL; fixed: lower three ... */
uint8_t byte5; /* ... bytes of INFO field */
uint8_t byte6;
uint8_t additional_length; /* zero for fixed format sense data */
/* The '_is_good()' returns true when status is SAM_STAT_GOOD or
* SAM_STAT_CONDITION_MET, returns false otherwise. Ignores bit 0. The
* '_is_bad() variant is the logical inverse. */
bool sg_scsi_status_is_good(int sstatus);
bool sg_scsi_status_is_bad(int sstatus);
/* Maps the salient data from a sense buffer which is in either fixed or
* descriptor format into a structure mimicking a descriptor format
* header (i.e. the first 8 bytes of sense descriptor format).
* If zero response code returns false. Otherwise returns true and if 'sshp'
* is non-NULL then zero all fields and then set the appropriate fields in
* that structure. sshp::additional_length is always 0 for response
* codes 0x70 and 0x71 (fixed format). */
bool sg_scsi_normalize_sense(const uint8_t * sensep, int sense_len,
struct sg_scsi_sense_hdr * sshp);
/* Attempt to find the first SCSI sense data descriptor that matches the
* given 'desc_type'. If found return pointer to start of sense data
* descriptor; otherwise (including fixed format sense data) returns NULL. */
const uint8_t * sg_scsi_sense_desc_find(const uint8_t * sensep, int sense_len,
int desc_type);
/* Get sense key from sense buffer. If successful returns a sense key value
* between 0 and 15. If sense buffer cannot be decode, returns -1 . */
int sg_get_sense_key(const uint8_t * sensep, int sense_len);
/* Yield string associated with sense_key value. Returns 'buff'. */
char * sg_get_sense_key_str(int sense_key, int buff_len, char * buff);
/* Yield string associated with ASC/ASCQ values. Returns 'buff'. Prefixes
* any valid additional sense found with "Additional sense: ". */
char * sg_get_asc_ascq_str(int asc, int ascq, int buff_len, char * buff);
/* Same as sg_get_asc_ascq_str() when add_sense_leadin is true. When it is
* false this function does _not_ prefix any valid additional sense found
* with "Additional sense: ". */
char * sg_get_additional_sense_str(int asc, int ascq, bool add_sense_leadin,
int buff_len, char * buff);
/* Returns true if valid bit set, false if valid bit clear. Irrespective the
* information field is written out via 'info_outp' (except when it is
* NULL). Handles both fixed and descriptor sense formats. */
bool sg_get_sense_info_fld(const uint8_t * sensep, int sb_len,
uint64_t * info_outp);
/* Returns true if fixed format or command specific information descriptor
* is found in the descriptor sense; else false. If available the command
* specific information field (4 byte integer in fixed format, 8 byte
* integer in descriptor format) is written out via 'cmd_spec_outp'.
* Handles both fixed and descriptor sense formats. */
bool sg_get_sense_cmd_spec_fld(const uint8_t * sensep, int sb_len,
uint64_t * cmd_spec_outp);
/* Returns true if any of the 3 bits (i.e. FILEMARK, EOM or ILI) are set.
* In descriptor format if the stream commands descriptor not found
* then returns false. Writes true or false corresponding to these bits to
* the last three arguments if they are non-NULL. */
bool sg_get_sense_filemark_eom_ili(const uint8_t * sensep, int sb_len,
bool * filemark_p, bool * eom_p,
bool * ili_p);
/* Returns true if SKSV is set and sense key is NO_SENSE or NOT_READY. Also
* returns true if progress indication sense data descriptor found. Places
* progress field from sense data where progress_outp points. If progress
* field is not available returns false. Handles both fixed and descriptor
* sense formats. N.B. App should multiply by 100 and divide by 65536
* to get percentage completion from given value. */
bool sg_get_sense_progress_fld(const uint8_t * sensep, int sb_len,
int * progress_outp);
/* Closely related to sg_print_sense(). Puts decoded sense data in 'buff'.
* Usually multiline with multiple '\n' including one trailing. If
* 'raw_sinfo' set appends sense buffer in hex. 'leadin' is string prepended
* to each line written to 'buff', NULL treated as "". Returns the number of
* bytes written to 'buff' excluding the trailing '\0'.
* N.B. prior to sg3_utils v 1.42 'leadin' was only prepended to the first
* line output. Also this function returned type void. */
int sg_get_sense_str(const char * leadin, const uint8_t * sense_buffer,
int sb_len, bool raw_sinfo, int buff_len, char * buff);
/* Decode descriptor format sense descriptors (assumes sense buffer is
* in descriptor format). 'leadin' is string prepended to each line written
* to 'b', NULL treated as "". Returns the number of bytes written to 'b'
* excluding the trailing '\0'. If problem, returns 0. */
int sg_get_sense_descriptors_str(const char * leadin,
const uint8_t * sense_buffer,
int sb_len, int blen, char * b);
/* Decodes a designation descriptor (e.g. as found in the Device
* Identification VPD page (0x83)) into string 'b' whose maximum length is
* blen. 'leadin' is string prepended to each line written to 'b', NULL
* treated as "". Returns the number of bytes written to 'b' excluding the
* trailing '\0'. */
int sg_get_designation_descriptor_str(const char * leadin,
const uint8_t * ddp, int dd_len,
bool print_assoc, bool do_long,
int blen, char * b);
/* Expects a T10 UUID designator (as found in the Device Identification VPD
* page) pointed to by 'dp'. To not produce an error string in 'b', c_set
* should be 1 (binary) and dlen should be 18. Currently T10 only supports
* locally assigned UUIDs. Writes output to string 'b' of no more than blen
* bytes and returns the number of bytes actually written to 'b' but doesn't
* count the trailing null character it always appends (if blen > 0). 'lip'
* is lead-in string (on each line) than may be NULL. skip_prefix avoids
* outputting: ' Locally assigned UUID: ' before the UUID. */
int sg_t10_uuid_desig2str(const uint8_t * dp, int dlen, int c_set,
bool do_long, bool skip_prefix,
const char * lip, int blen, char * b);
/* Yield string associated with peripheral device type (pdt). Returns
* 'buff'. If 'pdt' out of range yields "bad pdt" string. */
char * sg_get_pdt_str(int pdt, int buff_len, char * buff);
/* Some lesser used PDTs share a lot in common with a more used PDT.
* Examples are PDT_ADC decaying to PDT_TAPE and PDT_ZBC to PDT_DISK.
* If such a lesser used 'dev_pdt' is given to this function, then it will
* return the more used PDT (i.e. "decays to"); otherwise 'dev_pdt' is
* returned. Valid for 'pdt' 0 to 31, for other values returns 0. */
int sg_lib_pdt_decay(int dev_pdt);
/* Yield string associated with transport protocol identifier (tpi). Returns
* 'buff'. If 'tpi' out of range yields "bad tpi" string. */
char * sg_get_trans_proto_str(int tpi, int buff_len, char * buff);
/* Decode TransportID pointed to by 'bp' of length 'bplen'. Place decoded
* string output in 'buff' which is also the return value. Each new line
* is prefixed by 'leadin'. If leadin NULL treat as "". */
char * sg_decode_transportid_str(const char * leadin, uint8_t * bp, int bplen,
bool only_one, int buff_len, char * buff);
/* Returns a designator's type string given 'val' (0 to 15 inclusive),
* otherwise returns NULL. */
const char * sg_get_desig_type_str(int val);
/* Returns a designator's code_set string given 'val' (0 to 15 inclusive),
* otherwise returns NULL. */
const char * sg_get_desig_code_set_str(int val);
/* Returns a designator's association string given 'val' (0 to 3 inclusive),
* otherwise returns NULL. */
const char * sg_get_desig_assoc_str(int val);
/* Yield string associated with zone type (see ZBC and ZBC-2) [e.g. REPORT
* ZONES command response]. Returns 'buff' unless buff_len < 1 in which
* NULL is returned. */
char * sg_get_zone_type_str(uint8_t zt, int buff_len, char * buff);
/* Yield SCSI Feature Set (sfs) string. When 'peri_type' is < -1 (or > 31)
* returns pointer to string (same as 'buff') associated with 'sfs_code'.
* When 'peri_type' is between -1 (for SPC) and 31 (inclusive) then a match
* on both 'sfs_code' and 'peri_type' is required. If 'foundp' is not NULL
* then where it points is set to true if a match is found else it is set to
* false. If 'buff' is not NULL then in the case of a match a descriptive
* string is written to 'buff' while if there is not a not then a string
* ending in "Reserved" is written (and may be prefixed with SPC, SBC, SSC
* or ZBC). Returns 'buff' (i.e. a pointer value) even if it is NULL.
* Example:
* char b[64];
* ...
* printf("%s\n", sg_get_sfs_str(sfs_code, -2, sizeof(b), b, NULL, 0));
const char * sg_get_sfs_str(uint16_t sfs_code, int peri_type, int buff_len,
char * buff, bool * foundp, int verbose);
/* This is a heuristic that takes into account the command bytes and length
* to decide whether the presented unstructured sequence of bytes could be
* a SCSI command. If so it returns true otherwise false. Vendor specific
* SCSI commands (i.e. opcodes from 0xc0 to 0xff), if presented, are assumed
* to follow SCSI conventions (i.e. length of 6, 10, 12 or 16 bytes). The
* only SCSI commands considered above 16 bytes of length are the Variable
* Length Commands (opcode 0x7f) and the XCDB wrapped commands (opcode 0x7e).
* Both have an inbuilt length field which can be cross checked with clen.
* No NVMe commands (64 bytes long plus some extra added by some OSes) have
* opcodes 0x7e or 0x7f yet. ATA is register based but SATA has FIS
* structures that are sent across the wire. The 'FIS register' structure is
* used to move a command from a SATA host to device, but the ATA 'command'
* is not the first byte. So it is harder to say what will happen if a
* FIS structure is presented as a SCSI command, hopefully there is a low
* probability this function will yield true in that case. */
bool sg_is_scsi_cdb(const uint8_t * cdbp, int clen);
/* Yield string associated with NVMe command status value in sct_sc. It
* expects to decode DW3 bits 27:17 from the completion queue. Bits 27:25
* are the Status Code Type (SCT) and bits 24:17 are the Status Code (SC).
* Bit 17 in DW3 should be bit 0 in sct_sc. If no status string is found
* a string of the form "Reserved [0x<sct_sc_in_hex>]" is generated.
* Returns 'buff'. Does nothing if buff_len<=0 or if buff is NULL.*/
char * sg_get_nvme_cmd_status_str(uint16_t sct_sc, int buff_len, char * buff);
/* Attempts to map NVMe status value ((SCT << 8) | SC) n sct_sc to a SCSI
* status, sense_key, asc and ascq tuple. If successful returns true and
* writes to non-NULL pointer arguments; otherwise returns false. */
bool sg_nvme_status2scsi(uint16_t sct_sc, uint8_t * status_p, uint8_t * sk_p,
uint8_t * asc_p, uint8_t * ascq_p);
/* Add vendor (sg3_utils) specific sense descriptor for the NVMe Status
* field. Assumes descriptor (i.e. not fixed) sense. Assume sbp has room. */
void sg_nvme_desc2sense(uint8_t * sbp, bool dnr, bool more, uint16_t sct_sc);
/* Build minimum sense buffer, either descriptor type (desc=true) or fixed
* type (desc=false). Assume sbp has enough room (8 or 14 bytes
* respectively). sbp should have room for 32 or 18 bytes respectively */
void sg_build_sense_buffer(bool desc, uint8_t *sbp, uint8_t skey,
uint8_t asc, uint8_t ascq);
/* Returns true if left argument is "equal" to the right argument. l_pdt_s
* is a compound PDT (SCSI Peripheral Device Type) or a negative number
* which represents a wildcard (i.e. match anything). r_pdt_s has a similar
* form. PDT values are 5 bits long (0 to 31) and a compound pdt_s is
* formed by shifting the second (upper) PDT by eight bits to the left and
* OR-ing it with the first PDT. The pdt_s values must be defined so
* PDT_DISK (0) is _not_ the upper value in a compound pdt_s. */
bool sg_pdt_s_eq(int l_pdt_s, int r_pdt_s);
extern FILE * sg_warnings_strm;
void sg_set_warnings_strm(FILE * warnings_strm);
/* Given a SCSI command pointed to by cdbp of sz bytes this function forms a
* SCSI command in ASCII hex surrounded by square brackets in 'b'. 'b' is at
* least blen bytes long. If cmd_name is true then the command is prefixed
* by its SCSI command name (e.g. "VERIFY(10) [2f ...]". The command is
* shown as spaced separated pairs of hexadecimal digits (i.e. 0-9, a-f).
* Each pair represents byte. The leftmost pair of digits is cdbp[0] . If
* sz <= 0 then this function tries to guess the length of the command. */
char *
sg_get_command_str(const uint8_t * cdbp, int sz, bool cmd_name, int blen,
char * b);
/* The following "print" functions send ASCII to 'sg_warnings_strm' file
* descriptor (default value is stderr). 'leadin' is string prepended to
* each line printed out, NULL treated as "". */
void sg_print_command_len(const uint8_t * command, int len);
void sg_print_command(const uint8_t * command);
void sg_print_scsi_status(int scsi_status);
/* DSENSE is 'descriptor sense' as opposed to the older 'fixed sense'. Reads
* environment variable SG3_UTILS_DSENSE. Only (currently) used in SNTL. */
bool sg_get_initial_dsense(void);
/* 'leadin' is string prepended to each line printed out, NULL treated as
* "". N.B. prior to sg3_utils v 1.42 'leadin' was only prepended to the
* first line printed. */
void sg_print_sense(const char * leadin, const uint8_t * sense_buffer,
int sb_len, bool raw_info);
/* This examines exit_status and if an error message is known it is output
* to stdout/stderr and true is returned. If no error message is
* available nothing is output and false is returned. If exit_status is
* zero (no error) nothing is output and true is returned. If exit_status
* is negative then nothing is output and false is returned. If leadin is
* non-NULL then it is printed before the error message. All messages are
* a single line with a trailing LF. */
bool sg_if_can2stdout(const char * leadin, int exit_status);
bool sg_if_can2stderr(const char * leadin, int exit_status);
/* This examines exit_status and if an error message is known it is output
* as a string to 'b' and true is returned. If 'longer' is true and extra
* information is available then it is added to the output. If no error
* message is available a null character is output and false is returned.
* If exit_status is zero (no error) and 'longer' is true then the string
* 'No errors' is output; if 'longer' is false then a null character is
* output; in both cases true is returned. If exit_status is negative then
* a null character is output and false is returned. All messages are a
* single line (less than 80 characters) with no trailing LF. The output
* string including the trailing null character is no longer than b_len. */
bool sg_exit2str(int exit_status, bool longer, int b_len, char * b);
/* Utilities can use these exit status values for syntax errors and
* file (device node) problems (e.g. not found or permissions). */
#define SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR 1 /* command line syntax problem */
/* The sg_err_category_sense() function returns one of the following.
* These may be used as exit status values (from a process). Notice that
* some of the lower values correspond to SCSI sense key values. */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_CLEAN 0 /* No errors or other information */
#define SG_LIB_OK_TRUE SG_LIB_CAT_CLEAN /* No error, reporting true */
/* Value 1 left unused for utilities to use SG_LIB_SYNTAX_ERROR */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_NOT_READY 2 /* sense key, unit stopped?
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0x2,*,*] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_MEDIUM_HARD 3 /* medium or hardware error, blank check
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0x3/0x4/0x8,*,*] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_ILLEGAL_REQ 5 /* Illegal request (other than invalid
* opcode): [sk,asc,ascq: 0x5,*,*] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_UNIT_ATTENTION 6 /* sense key, device state changed
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0x6,*,*] */
/* was SG_LIB_CAT_MEDIA_CHANGED earlier [sk,asc,ascq: 0x6,0x28,*] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_DATA_PROTECT 7 /* sense key, media write protected?
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0x7,*,*] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_INVALID_OP 9 /* (Illegal request,) Invalid opcode:
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0x5,0x20,0x0] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_COPY_ABORTED 10 /* sense key, some data transferred
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0xa,*,*] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_ABORTED_COMMAND 11 /* interpreted from sense buffer
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0xb,! 0x10,*] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_MISCOMPARE 14 /* sense key, probably verify
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0xe,*,*] */
#define SG_LIB_FILE_ERROR 15 /* device or other file problem */
/* for 17 and 18, see below */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_NO_SENSE 20 /* sense data with key of "no sense"
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0x0,*,*] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_RECOVERED 21 /* Successful command after recovered err
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0x1,*,*] */
#define SG_LIB_LBA_OUT_OF_RANGE 22 /* Illegal request, LBA Out Of Range
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0x5,0x21,0x0] */
/* 24: this is a SCSI status, not sense.
* It indicates reservation by another
* machine blocks this command */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_CONDITION_MET 25 /* SCSI status, not sense key.
* Only from PRE-FETCH (SBC-4) */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_BUSY 26 /* SCSI status, not sense. Invites retry */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_TS_FULL 27 /* SCSI status, not sense. Wait then retry */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_ACA_ACTIVE 28 /* SCSI status; ACA seldom used */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_TASK_ABORTED 29 /* SCSI status, this command aborted by? */
#define SG_LIB_CONTRADICT 31 /* error involving two or more cl options */
#define SG_LIB_LOGIC_ERROR 32 /* unexpected situation in code */
/* for 33 see SG_LIB_CAT_TIMEOUT below */
#define SG_LIB_WINDOWS_ERR 34 /* Windows error number don't fit in 7 bits so
* map to a single value for exit statuses */
#define SG_LIB_TRANSPORT_ERROR 35 /* driver or interconnect */
#define SG_LIB_OK_FALSE 36 /* no error, reporting false (cf. no error,
* reporting true is SG_LIB_OK_TRUE(0) ) */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_PROTECTION 40 /* subset of aborted command (for PI, DIF)
* [sk,asc,ascq: 0xb,0x10,*] */
/* 47: flock error used in ddpt utility */
#define SG_LIB_NVME_STATUS 48 /* NVMe Status Field (SF) other than 0 */
#define SG_LIB_WILD_RESID 49 /* Residual value for data-in transfer of a
* SCSI command is nonsensical */
#define SG_LIB_OS_BASE_ERR 50 /* in Linux: values found in:
* include/uapi/asm-generic/errno-base.h
* Example: ENOMEM reported as 62 (=50+12)
* if errno > 46 then use this value */
/* 51-->96 set aside for Unix errno values shifted by SG_LIB_OS_BASE_ERR */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_MALFORMED 97 /* Response to SCSI command malformed */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_SENSE 98 /* Something else is in the sense buffer */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_OTHER 99 /* Some other error/warning has occurred
* (e.g. a transport or driver error) */
/* 100 to 120 (inclusive) used by ddpt utility */
#define SG_LIB_UNUSED_ABOVE 120 /* Put extra errors in holes below this */
/* Returns a SG_LIB_CAT_* value. If cannot decode sense_buffer or a less
* common sense key then return SG_LIB_CAT_SENSE .*/
int sg_err_category_sense(const uint8_t * sense_buffer, int sb_len);
/* Here are some additional sense data categories that are not returned
* by sg_err_category_sense() but are returned by some related functions. */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_ILLEGAL_REQ_WITH_INFO 17 /* Illegal request (other than */
/* invalid opcode) plus 'info' field: */
/* [sk,asc,ascq: 0x5,*,*] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_MEDIUM_HARD_WITH_INFO 18 /* medium or hardware error */
/* sense key plus 'info' field: */
/* [sk,asc,ascq: 0x3/0x4,*,*] */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_TIMEOUT 33 /* SCSI command timeout */
#define SG_LIB_CAT_PROTECTION_WITH_INFO 41 /* aborted command sense key, */
/* protection plus 'info' field: */
/* [sk,asc,ascq: 0xb,0x10,*] */
/* Yield string associated with sense category. Returns 'buff' (or pointer
* to "Bad sense category" if 'buff' is NULL). If sense_cat unknown then
* yield "Sense category: <sense_cat)val>" string. The original 'sense
* category' concept has been expanded to most detected errors and is
* returned by these utilities as their exit status value (an (unsigned)
* 8 bit value where 0 means good (i.e. no errors)). Uses the
* sg_exit2str() function. */
const char * sg_get_category_sense_str(int sense_cat, int buff_len,
char * buff, int verbose);
/* Iterates to next designation descriptor in the device identification
* VPD page. The 'initial_desig_desc' should point to start of first
* descriptor with 'page_len' being the number of valid bytes in that
* and following descriptors. To start, 'off' should point to a negative
* value, thereafter it should point to the value yielded by the previous
* call. If 0 returned then 'initial_desig_desc + *off' should be a valid
* descriptor; returns -1 if normal end condition and -2 for an abnormal
* termination. Matches association, designator_type and/or code_set when
* any of those values are greater than or equal to zero. */
int sg_vpd_dev_id_iter(const uint8_t * initial_desig_desc, int page_len,
int * off, int m_assoc, int m_desig_type,
int m_code_set);
/* <<< General purpose (i.e. not SCSI specific) utility functions >>> */
/* Always returns valid string even if errnum is wild (or library problem).
* If errnum is negative, flip its sign. */
char * safe_strerror(int errnum);
/* Not all platforms support the Unix sleep(seconds) function. */
void sg_sleep_secs(int num_secs);
/* There are several SCSI commands that are very destructive for the user
* data stored on a device. The FORMAT UNIT command is the prime example
* but there are an increasing number of newer SCSI commands that remove or
* destroy some or all of the user's data. This function takes 15 seconds,
* divided into three parts, saying that 'cmd_name' will be executed on
* 'dev_name' and then waits for 5 seconds inviting the user to press
* control-C to abort the operation. After three such prompts the function
* returns and the utility start to execute the "dangerous" SCSI command,
* Utilities that use this function usually have a --quick option to bypass
* this call. That may be appropriate if the utility in question is called
* from a script or in background processing. If 'stress_all' is true then
* state "ALL data" will be lost, if false drop the "ALL". */
sg_warn_and_wait(const char * cmd_name, const char * dev_name,
bool stress_all);
/* Print (to stdout) 'str' of bytes in hex, 16 bytes per line optionally
* followed at the right hand side of the line with an ASCII interpretation.
* Each line is prefixed with an address, starting at 0 for str[0]..str[15].
* All output numbers are in hex.
* 'no_ascii' selects on of 3 output format types:
* > 0 each line has address then up to 16 ASCII-hex bytes
* = 0 in addition, the bytes are listed in ASCII to the right
* < 0 only the ASCII-hex bytes are listed (i.e. without address)
void dStrHex(const char * str, int len, int no_ascii);
/* Print (to sg_warnings_strm (stderr)) 'str' of bytes in hex, 16 bytes per
* line optionally followed at right by its ASCII interpretation. Same
* logic as dStrHex() with different output stream (i.e. stderr). */
void dStrHexErr(const char * str, int len, int no_ascii);
/* Read binary starting at 'str' for 'len' bytes and output as ASCII
* hexadecimal into file pointer (fp). 16 bytes per line are output with an
* additional space between 8th and 9th byte on each line (for readability).
* 'no_ascii' selects one of 3 output format types as shown in dStrHex() . */
void dStrHexFp(const char* str, int len, int no_ascii, FILE * fp);
/* Read 'len' bytes from 'str' and output as ASCII-Hex bytes (space separated)
* to 'b' not to exceed 'b_len' characters. Each line starts with 'leadin'
* (NULL for no leadin) and there are 16 bytes per line with an extra space
* between the 8th and 9th bytes. 'oformat' is 0 for repeat in printable ASCII
* ('.' for non printable chars) to right of each line; 1 don't (so just
* output ASCII hex). If 'oformat' is 2 output same as 1 but any LFs are
* replaced by space (and trailing spaces are trimmed). Note that an address
* is _not_ printed on each line preceding the hex data. Returns number of
* bytes written to 'b' excluding the trailing '\0'. The only difference
* between dStrHexStr() and hex2str() is the type of the first argument. */
int dStrHexStr(const char * str, int len, const char * leadin, int oformat,
int cb_len, char * cbp);
int hex2str(const uint8_t * b_str, int len, const char * leadin, int oformat,
int cb_len, char * cbp);
/* Similar to hex2str() but outputs to file pointed to be fp */
void hex2fp(const uint8_t * b_str, int len, const char * leadin, int oformat,
FILE * fp);
/* The following 2 functions are equivalent to dStrHex() and dStrHexErr()
* respectively. The difference is only the type of the first of argument:
* uint8_t instead of char. The name of the argument is changed to b_str to
* stress it is a pointer to the start of a binary string. */
void hex2stdout(const uint8_t * b_str, int len, int no_ascii);
void hex2stderr(const uint8_t * b_str, int len, int no_ascii);
/* Read ASCII hex bytes or binary from fname (a file named '-' taken as
* stdin). If reading ASCII hex then there should be either one entry per
* line or a comma, space, hyphen or tab separated list of bytes. If no_space
* is set then a string of ACSII hex digits is expected, 2 per byte.
* Everything from and including a '#' on a line is ignored. Returns 0 if ok,
* or an error code. If the error code is SG_LIB_LBA_OUT_OF_RANGE then mp_arr
* would be exceeded and both mp_arr and mp_arr_len are written to.
* The max_arr_len_and argument may carry extra information: when it is
* negative its absolute value is used for the maximum number of bytes to
* write to mp_arr _and_ the first hexadecimal value on each line is skipped.
* Many hexadecimal output programs place a running address (index) as the
* first field on each line. When as_binary and/or no_space are true, the
* absolute value of max_arr_len_and is used. */
int sg_f2hex_arr(const char * fname, bool as_binary, bool no_space,
uint8_t * mp_arr, int * mp_arr_len, int max_arr_len_and);
/* Returns true when executed on big endian machine; else returns false.
* Useful for displaying ATA identify words (which need swapping on a
* big endian machine). */
bool sg_is_big_endian();
/* Returns true if byte sequence starting at bp with a length of b_len is
* all zeros (for sg_all_zeros()) or all 0xff_s (for sg_all_ffs());
* otherwise returns false. If bp is NULL or b_len <= 0 returns false. */
bool sg_all_zeros(const uint8_t * bp, int b_len);
bool sg_all_ffs(const uint8_t * bp, int b_len);
/* Extract character sequence from ATA words as in the model string
* in a IDENTIFY DEVICE response. Returns number of characters
* written to 'ochars' before 0 character is found or 'num' words
* are processed. */
int sg_ata_get_chars(const uint16_t * word_arr, int start_word,
int num_words, bool is_big_endian, char * ochars);
/* Print (to stdout) 16 bit 'words' in hex, 8 words per line optionally
* followed at the right hand side of the line with an ASCII interpretation
* (pairs of ASCII characters in big endian order (upper first)).
* Each line is prefixed with an address, starting at 0.
* All output numbers are in hex. 'no_ascii' allows for 3 output types:
* > 0 each line has address then up to 8 ASCII-hex words
* = 0 in addition, the words are listed in ASCII pairs to the right
* = -1 only the ASCII-hex words are listed (i.e. without address)
* = -2 only the ASCII-hex words, formatted for "hdparm --Istdin"
* < -2 same as -1
* If 'swapb' is true then bytes in each word swapped. Needs to be set
* for ATA IDENTIFY DEVICE response on big-endian machines.
void dWordHex(const uint16_t * words, int num, int no_ascii, bool swapb);
/* If the number in 'buf' can not be decoded or the multiplier is unknown
* then -1 is returned. Accepts a hex prefix (0x or 0X) or a decimal
* multiplier suffix (as per GNU's dd (since 2002: SI and IEC 60027-2)).
* Main (SI) multipliers supported: K, M, G. Ignore leading spaces and
* tabs; accept comma, hyphen, space, tab and hash as terminator.
* Handles zero and positive values up to 2**31-1 .
* Experimental: left argument (must in with hexadecimal digit) added
* to, or multiplied, by right argument. No embedded spaces.
* Examples: '3+1k' (evaluates to 1027) and '0xf+0x3'. */
int sg_get_num(const char * buf);
/* If the number in 'buf' can not be decoded then -1 is returned. Accepts a
* hex prefix (0x or 0X) or a 'h' (or 'H') suffix; otherwise decimal is
* assumed. Does not accept multipliers. Accept a comma (","), hyphen ("-"),
* a whitespace or newline as terminator. Only decimal numbers can represent
* negative numbers and '-1' must be treated separately. */
int sg_get_num_nomult(const char * buf);
/* If the number in 'buf' can not be decoded or the multiplier is unknown
* then -1LL is returned. Accepts a hex prefix (0x or 0X), hex suffix
* (h or H), or a decimal multiplier suffix (as per GNU's dd (since 2002:
* SI and IEC 60027-2)). Main (SI) multipliers supported: K, M, G, T, P
* and E. Ignore leading spaces and tabs; accept comma, hyphen, space, tab
* and hash as terminator. Handles zero and positive values up to 2**63-1 .
* Experimental: the left argument (must end in with hexadecimal digit)
* added to, or multiplied by, the right argument. No embedded spaces.
* Examples: '3+1k' (evaluates to 1027) and '0xf+0x3'. */
int64_t sg_get_llnum(const char * buf);
/* If the number in 'buf' can not be decoded then -1 is returned. Accepts a
* hex prefix (0x or 0X) or a 'h' (or 'H') suffix; otherwise decimal is
* assumed. Does not accept multipliers. Accept a comma (","), hyphen ("-"),
* a whitespace or newline as terminator. Only decimal numbers can represent
* negative numbers and '-1' must be treated separately. */
int64_t sg_get_llnum_nomult(const char * buf);
/* Returns pointer to heap (or NULL) that is aligned to a align_to byte
* boundary. Sends back *buff_to_free pointer in third argument that may be
* different from the return value. If it is different then the *buff_to_free
* pointer should be freed (rather than the returned value) when the heap is
* no longer needed. If align_to is 0 then aligns to OS's page size. Sets all
* returned heap to zeros. If num_bytes is 0 then set to page size. */
uint8_t * sg_memalign(uint32_t num_bytes, uint32_t align_to,
uint8_t ** buff_to_free, bool vb);
/* Returns OS page size in bytes. If uncertain returns 4096. */
uint32_t sg_get_page_size(void);
/* If byte_count is 0 or less then the OS page size is used as denominator.
* Returns true if the remainder of ((unsigned)pointer % byte_count) is 0,
* else returns false. */
bool sg_is_aligned(const void * pointer, int byte_count);
/* Does similar job to sg_get_unaligned_be*() but this function starts at
* a given start_bit (i.e. within byte, so 7 is MSbit of byte and 0 is LSbit)
* offset. Maximum number of num_bits is 64. For example, these two
* invocations are equivalent (and should yield the same result);
* sg_get_big_endian(from_bp, 7, 16)
* sg_get_unaligned_be16(from_bp) */
uint64_t sg_get_big_endian(const uint8_t * from_bp,
int start_bit /* 0 to 7 */,
int num_bits /* 1 to 64 */);
/* Does similar job to sg_put_unaligned_be*() but this function starts at
* a given start_bit offset. Maximum number of num_bits is 64. Preserves
* residual bits in partially written bytes. start_bit 7 is MSb. */
void sg_set_big_endian(uint64_t val, uint8_t * to, int start_bit /* 0 to 7 */,
int num_bits /* 1 to 64 */);
/* If os_err_num is within bounds then the returned value is 'os_err_num +
* SG_LIB_OS_BASE_ERR' otherwise SG_LIB_OS_BASE_ERR is returned. If
* os_err_num is 0 then 0 is returned. */
int sg_convert_errno(int os_err_num);
/* <<< Architectural support functions [is there a better place?] >>> */
/* Non Unix OSes distinguish between text and binary files.
* Set text mode on fd. Does nothing in Unix. Returns negative number on
* failure. */
int sg_set_text_mode(int fd);
/* Set binary mode on fd. Does nothing in Unix. Returns negative number on
* failure. */
int sg_set_binary_mode(int fd);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* SG_LIB_H */