blob: 9129d6c478cb3bbc76100e1d685c41a9378a4229 [file] [log] [blame]
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include "sg_include.h"
#include "sg_lib.h"
#include "sg_cmds.h"
/* A utility program for the Linux OS SCSI subsystem.
* Copyright (C) 2000-2005 D. Gilbert
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
* any later version.
This program outputs information provided by a SCSI INQUIRY command.
It is mainly based on the SCSI SPC-3 document at .
- Martin Schwenke <martin at meltin dot net> added the raw switch and
other improvements [20020814]
- Lars Marowsky-Bree <lmb at suse dot de> contributed Unit Path Report
VPD page decoding for EMC CLARiiON devices [20041016]
From SPC-3 revision 16 the CmdDt bit in an INQUIRY is obsolete. There is
now a REPORT SUPPORTED OPERATION CODES command that yields similar
information [MAINTENANCE IN, service action = 0xc]. Support will be added
in the future.
static char * version_str = "0.46 20050215";
#define SENSE_BUFF_LEN 32 /* Arbitrary, could be larger */
#define DEF_TIMEOUT 60000 /* 60,000 millisecs == 60 seconds */
#define INQUIRY_CMD 0x12
#define UNIT_SERIAL_NUM_VPD 0x80
#define DEV_ID_VPD 0x83
#define X_INQ_VPD 0x86
#define SCSI_PORTS_VPD 0x88
#define UPR_EMC_VPD 0xc0
#define DEF_ALLOC_LEN 252
#define MX_ALLOC_LEN 4096
#define EBUFF_SZ 256
static unsigned char rsp_buff[MX_ALLOC_LEN + 1];
static char xtra_buff[MX_ALLOC_LEN + 1];
static int try_ata_identity(int ata_fd, int do_raw);
static const char * find_version_descriptor_str(int value);
static void decode_dev_ids(const char * leadin, unsigned char * buff,
int len, int do_hex);
static void decode_transport_id(const char * leadin, unsigned char * ucp,
int len);
static void usage()
"Usage: 'sg_inq [-c] [-cl] [-d] [-e] [-h|-r] [-i] "
" [-p=<vpd_page>] [-P] [-s] [-v] [-V] [-x] [-36]"
" [-?]\n"
" <scsi_device>'\n"
" where -c set CmdDt mode (use -o for opcode) [obsolete]\n"
" -cl list supported commands using CmdDt mode [obsolete]\n"
" -d list version descriptors\n"
" -e set VPD mode (use -p for page code)\n"
" -h output in hex (ASCII to the right)\n"
" -i decode device identification VPD page (0x83)\n"
" -o=<opcode_page> opcode or page code in hex (def: 0)\n"
" -p=<vpd_page> vpd page code in hex (def: 0)\n"
" -P decode Unit Path Report VPD page (0xc0) (EMC)\n"
" -r output raw binary data\n"
" -s decode SCSI Ports VPD page (0x88)\n"
" -v verbose (output cdb and, if non-zero, resid)\n"
" -V output version string\n"
" -x decode extented INQUIRY VPD page (0x86)\n"
" -36 only perform a 36 byte INQUIRY\n"
" -? output this usage message\n"
" If no optional switches given then does"
" a standard INQUIRY\n");
static void dStrRaw(const char* str, int len)
int k;
for (k = 0 ; k < len; ++k)
printf("%c", str[k]);
static const char * scsi_ptype_strs[] = {
/* 0 */ "disk",
"write once optical disk",
/* 5 */ "cd/dvd",
"optical memory device",
"medium changer",
/* 0xa */ "graphics",
"storage array controller",
"enclosure services device",
"simplified direct access device",
"optical card reader/writer device",
/* 0x10 */ "bridge controller commands",
"object based storage",
"automation/driver interface",
"0x13", "0x14", "0x15", "0x16", "0x17", "0x18",
"0x19", "0x1a", "0x1b", "0x1c", "0x1d",
"well known logical unit",
"no physical device on this lu",
static const char * get_ptype_str(int scsi_ptype)
int num = sizeof(scsi_ptype_strs) / sizeof(scsi_ptype_strs[0]);
return (scsi_ptype < num) ? scsi_ptype_strs[scsi_ptype] : "";
struct vpd_name {
int number;
int peri_type;
char * name;
static struct vpd_name vpd_name_arr[] = {
{0x0, 0, "Supported VPD pages"},
{0x80, 0, "Unit serial number"},
{0x81, 0, "Implemented operating definitions"},
{0x82, 0, "ASCII implemented operating definition (obsolete)"},
{0x83, 0, "Device identification"},
{0x84, 0, "Software interface identification"},
{0x85, 0, "Management network addresses"},
{0x86, 0, "Extended INQUIRY data"},
{0x87, 0, "Mode page policy"},
{0x88, 0, "SCSI ports"},
{0x89, 0, "ATA information"},
{0xb0, 0, "Block limits (sbc2)"},
{0xb0, 0x1, "SSC device capabilities (ssc3)"},
{0xb0, 0x11, "OSD information (osd)"},
{0xb1, 0x11, "Security token (osd)"},
{0xc0, 0, "vendor: Firmware numbers (seagate); Unit path report (EMC)"},
{0xc1, 0, "vendor: Date code (seagate)"},
{0xc2, 0, "vendor: Jumper settings (seagate)"},
{0xc3, 0, "vendor: Device behavior (seagate)"},
const char * get_vpd_page_str(int vpd_page_num, int scsi_ptype)
int k;
int vpd_name_arr_sz =
(int)(sizeof(vpd_name_arr) / sizeof(vpd_name_arr[0]));
if ((vpd_page_num >= 0xb0) && (vpd_page_num < 0xc0)) {
/* peripheral device type relevent for 0xb0..0xbf range */
for (k = 0; k < vpd_name_arr_sz; ++k) {
if ((vpd_name_arr[k].number == vpd_page_num) &&
(vpd_name_arr[k].peri_type == scsi_ptype))
if (k < vpd_name_arr_sz)
return vpd_name_arr[k].name;
for (k = 0; k < vpd_name_arr_sz; ++k) {
if ((vpd_name_arr[k].number == vpd_page_num) &&
(vpd_name_arr[k].peri_type == 0))
if (k < vpd_name_arr_sz)
return vpd_name_arr[k].name;
return NULL;
} else {
/* rest of 0x0..0xff range doesn't depend on peripheral type */
for (k = 0; k < vpd_name_arr_sz; ++k) {
if (vpd_name_arr[k].number == vpd_page_num)
if (k < vpd_name_arr_sz)
return vpd_name_arr[k].name;
return NULL;
static void decode_id_vpd(unsigned char * buff, int len, int do_hex)
if (len < 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "Device identification VPD page length too "
"short=%d\n", len);
decode_dev_ids("Device identification", buff + 4, len - 4, do_hex);
static void decode_scsi_ports_vpd(unsigned char * buff, int len, int do_hex)
int k, bump, rel_port, ip_tid_len, tpd_len;
unsigned char * ucp;
if (len < 4) {
fprintf(stderr, "SCSI Ports VPD page length too short=%d\n", len);
len -= 4;
ucp = buff + 4;
for (k = 0; k < len; k += bump, ucp += bump) {
rel_port = (ucp[2] << 8) + ucp[3];
printf("Relative port=%d\n", rel_port);
ip_tid_len = (ucp[6] << 8) + ucp[7];
bump = 8 + ip_tid_len;
if ((k + bump) > len) {
fprintf(stderr, "SCSI Ports VPD page, short descriptor "
"length=%d, left=%d\n", bump, (len - k));
if (ip_tid_len > 0) {
if (do_hex) {
printf(" Initiator port transport id:\n");
dStrHex((const char *)(ucp + 8), ip_tid_len, 1);
} else
decode_transport_id(" ", ucp + 8, ip_tid_len);
tpd_len = (ucp[bump + 2] << 8) + ucp[bump + 3];
if ((k + bump + tpd_len + 4) > len) {
fprintf(stderr, "SCSI Ports VPD page, short descriptor(tgt) "
"length=%d, left=%d\n", bump, (len - k));
if (tpd_len > 0) {
printf(" Target ports:\n");
if (do_hex)
dStrHex((const char *)(ucp + bump + 4), tpd_len, 1);
decode_dev_ids("SCSI Ports", ucp + bump + 4, tpd_len,
bump += tpd_len + 4;
static const char * transport_proto_arr[] =
"Fibre Channel (FCP-2)",
"Parallel SCSI (SPI-4)",
"SSA (SSA-S3P)",
"IEEE 1394 (SBP-3)",
"Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA)",
"Internet SCSI (iSCSI)",
"Serial Attached SCSI (SAS)",
"Automation/Drive Interface (ADT)",
"ATA Packet Interface (ATA/ATAPI-7)",
"Ox9", "Oxa", "Oxb", "Oxc", "Oxd", "Oxe",
"No specific protocol"
static const char * code_set_arr[] =
"Reserved [0x0]",
"Reserved [0x4]", "Reserved [0x5]", "Reserved [0x6]", "Reserved [0x7]",
"Reserved [0x8]", "Reserved [0x9]", "Reserved [0xa]", "Reserved [0xb]",
"Reserved [0xc]", "Reserved [0xd]", "Reserved [0xe]", "Reserved [0xf]",
static const char * assoc_arr[] =
"addressed logical unit",
"SCSI target port",
"SCSI target device",
"reserved [0x3]",
static const char * id_type_arr[] =
"vendor specific [0x0]",
"T10 vendor identication",
"EUI-64 based",
"Relative target port",
"Target port group",
"Logical unit group",
"MD5 logical unit identifier",
"SCSI name string",
"Reserved [0x9]", "Reserved [0xa]", "Reserved [0xb]",
"Reserved [0xc]", "Reserved [0xd]", "Reserved [0xe]", "Reserved [0xf]",
/* These are target port, device server (i.e. target) and lu identifiers */
static void decode_dev_ids(const char * leadin, unsigned char * buff,
int len, int do_hex)
int k, j, m, id_len, p_id, c_set, piv, assoc, id_type, i_len;
int ci_off, c_id, d_id, naa, vsi;
unsigned long long vsei;
unsigned long long id_ext;
const unsigned char * ucp;
const unsigned char * ip;
ucp = buff;
for (k = 0, j = 1; k < len; k += id_len, ucp += id_len, ++j) {
i_len = ucp[3];
id_len = i_len + 4;
printf(" Identification descriptor number %d, "
"descriptor length: %d\n", j, id_len);
if ((k + id_len) > len) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s VPD page error: descriptor length longer "
"than\n remaining response length=%d\n", leadin,
(len - k));
ip = ucp + 4;
p_id = ((ucp[0] >> 4) & 0xf);
c_set = (ucp[0] & 0xf);
piv = ((ucp[1] & 0x80) ? 1 : 0);
assoc = ((ucp[1] >> 4) & 0x3);
id_type = (ucp[1] & 0xf);
if (piv && ((1 == assoc) || (2 == assoc)))
printf(" transport: %s\n", transport_proto_arr[p_id]);
printf(" id_type: %s, code_set: %s\n", id_type_arr[id_type],
printf(" associated with the %s\n", assoc_arr[assoc]);
if (do_hex) {
printf(" descriptor header(hex): %.2x %.2x %.2x %.2x\n",
ucp[0], ucp[1], ucp[2], ucp[3]);
printf(" identifier:\n");
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
switch (id_type) {
case 0: /* vendor specific */
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
case 1: /* T10 vendor identication */
printf(" vendor id: %.8s\n", ip);
if (i_len > 8)
printf(" vendor specific: %.*s\n", i_len - 8, ip + 8);
case 2: /* EUI-64 based */
printf(" EUI-64 based %d byte identifier\n", i_len);
if (1 != c_set) {
printf(" << expected binary code_set (1)>>\n");
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
ci_off = 0;
if (16 == i_len) {
ci_off = 8;
id_ext = 0;
for (m = 0; m < 8; ++m) {
if (m > 0)
id_ext <<= 8;
id_ext |= ip[m];
printf(" Identifier extension: 0x%llx\n", id_ext);
} else if ((8 != i_len) && (12 != i_len)) {
printf(" << can only decode 8, 12 and 16 byte ids>>\n");
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
c_id = ((ip[ci_off] << 16) | (ip[ci_off + 1] << 8) |
ip[ci_off + 2]);
printf(" IEEE Company_id: 0x%x\n", c_id);
vsei = 0;
for (m = 0; m < 5; ++m) {
if (m > 0)
vsei <<= 8;
vsei |= ip[ci_off + 3 + m];
printf(" Vendor Specific Extension Identifier: 0x%llx\n",
if (12 == i_len) {
d_id = ((ip[8] << 24) | (ip[9] << 16) | (ip[10] << 8) |
printf(" Directory ID: 0x%x\n", d_id);
case 3: /* NAA */
if (1 != c_set) {
printf(" << expected binary code_set (1)>>\n");
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
naa = (ip[0] >> 4) & 0xff;
if (! ((2 == naa) || (5 == naa) || (6 == naa))) {
printf(" << expected naa [0x%x]>>\n", naa);
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
if (2 == naa) {
if (8 != i_len) {
printf(" << expected NAA 2 identifier length: "
"0x%x>>\n", i_len);
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
d_id = (((ip[0] & 0xf) << 8) | ip[1]);
c_id = ((ip[2] << 16) | (ip[3] << 8) | ip[4]);
vsi = ((ip[5] << 16) | (ip[6] << 8) | ip[7]);
printf(" NAA 2, vendor specific identifier A: 0x%x\n",
printf(" IEEE Company_id: 0x%x\n", c_id);
printf(" vendor specific identifier B: 0x%x\n", vsi);
} else if (5 == naa) {
if (8 != i_len) {
printf(" << expected NAA 5 identifier length: "
"0x%x>>\n", i_len);
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
c_id = (((ip[0] & 0xf) << 20) | (ip[1] << 12) |
(ip[2] << 4) | ((ip[3] & 0xf0) >> 4));
vsei = ip[3] & 0xf;
for (m = 1; m < 5; ++m) {
vsei <<= 8;
vsei |= ip[3 + m];
printf(" NAA 5, IEEE Company_id: 0x%x\n", c_id);
printf(" Vendor Specific Identifier: 0x%llx\n",
} else if (6 == naa) {
if (16 != i_len) {
printf(" << expected NAA 6 identifier length: "
"0x%x>>\n", i_len);
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
c_id = (((ip[0] & 0xf) << 20) | (ip[1] << 12) |
(ip[2] << 4) | ((ip[3] & 0xf0) >> 4));
vsei = ip[3] & 0xf;
for (m = 1; m < 5; ++m) {
vsei <<= 8;
vsei |= ip[3 + m];
printf(" NAA 6, IEEE Company_id: 0x%x\n", c_id);
printf(" Vendor Specific Identifier: 0x%llx\n",
vsei = 0;
for (m = 0; m < 8; ++m) {
if (m > 0)
vsei <<= 8;
vsei |= ip[8 + m];
printf(" Vendor Specific Identifier Extension: "
"0x%llx\n", vsei);
case 4: /* Relative target port */
if ((1 != c_set) || (1 != assoc) || (4 != i_len)) {
printf(" << expected binary code_set, target "
"port association, length 4>>\n");
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
d_id = ((ip[2] << 8) | ip[3]);
printf(" Relative target port: 0x%x\n", d_id);
case 5: /* Target port group */
if ((1 != c_set) || (1 != assoc) || (4 != i_len)) {
printf(" << expected binary code_set, target "
"port association, length 4>>\n");
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
d_id = ((ip[2] << 8) | ip[3]);
printf(" Target port group: 0x%x\n", d_id);
case 6: /* Logical unit group */
if ((1 != c_set) || (0 != assoc) || (4 != i_len)) {
printf(" << expected binary code_set, logical "
"unit association, length 4>>\n");
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
d_id = ((ip[2] << 8) | ip[3]);
printf(" Logical unit group: 0x%x\n", d_id);
case 7: /* MD5 logical unit identifier */
if ((1 != c_set) || (0 != assoc)) {
printf(" << expected binary code_set, logical "
"unit association>>\n");
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
printf(" MD5 logical unit identifier:\n");
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
case 8: /* SCSI name string */
if (3 != c_set) {
printf(" << expected UTF-8 code_set>>\n");
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
printf(" MD5 logical unit identifier:\n");
/* does %s print out UTF-8 ok??
* Seems to depend on the locale. Looks ok here with my
* locale setting: en_AU.UTF-8
printf(" %s\n", (const char *)ip);
default: /* reserved */
dStrHex((const char *)ip, i_len, 0);
/* Transport IDs are initiator port identifiers, typically other than the
initiator port issuing a SCSI command. Borrowed from sg_persist.c */
static void decode_transport_id(const char * leadin, unsigned char * ucp,
int len)
int format_code, proto_id, num, j, k;
unsigned long long ull;
int bump;
for (k = 0, bump; k < len; k += bump, ucp += bump) {
if ((len < 24) || (0 != (len % 4)))
printf("%sTransport Id short or not multiple of 4 "
"[length=%d]:\n", leadin, len);
printf("%sTransport Id of initiator:\n", leadin);
format_code = ((ucp[0] >> 6) & 0x3);
proto_id = (ucp[0] & 0xf);
switch (proto_id) {
case 0: /* Fibre channel */
printf("%s FCP-2 World Wide Name:\n", leadin);
if (0 != format_code)
printf("%s [Unexpected format code: %d]\n", leadin,
dStrHex((const char *)&ucp[8], 8, 0);
bump = 24;
case 1: /* Parallel SCSI */
printf("%s Parallel SCSI initiator SCSI address: 0x%x\n",
leadin, ((ucp[2] << 8) | ucp[3]));
if (0 != format_code)
printf("%s [Unexpected format code: %d]\n", leadin,
printf("%s relative port number (of corresponding target): "
"0x%x\n", leadin, ((ucp[6] << 8) | ucp[7]));
bump = 24;
case 2: /* SSA */
printf("%s SSA (transport id not defined):\n", leadin);
printf("%s format code: %d\n", leadin, format_code);
dStrHex((const char *)ucp, ((len > 24) ? 24 : len), 0);
bump = 24;
case 3: /* IEEE 1394 */
printf("%s IEEE 1394 EUI-64 name:\n", leadin);
if (0 != format_code)
printf("%s [Unexpected format code: %d]\n", leadin,
dStrHex((const char *)&ucp[8], 8, 0);
bump = 24;
case 4: /* Remote Direct Memory Access (RDMA) */
printf("%s RDMA initiator port identifier:\n", leadin);
if (0 != format_code)
printf("%s [Unexpected format code: %d]\n", leadin,
dStrHex((const char *)&ucp[8], 16, 0);
bump = 24;
case 5: /* iSCSI */
printf("%s iSCSI ", leadin);
num = ((ucp[2] << 8) | ucp[3]);
if (0 == format_code)
printf("name: %.*s\n", num, &ucp[4]);
else if (1 == format_code)
printf("world wide unique port id: %.*s\n", num, &ucp[4]);
else {
printf(" [Unexpected format code: %d]\n", format_code);
dStrHex((const char *)ucp, num + 4, 0);
bump = (((num + 4) < 24) ? 24 : num + 4);
case 6: /* SAS */
ull = 0;
for (j = 0; j < 8; ++j) {
if (j > 0)
ull <<= 8;
ull |= ucp[4 + j];
printf("%s SAS address: 0x%llx\n", leadin, ull);
if (0 != format_code)
printf("%s [Unexpected format code: %d]\n", leadin,
bump = 24;
case 7: /* Automation/Drive Interface Transport Protocol */
printf("%s ADT:\n", leadin);
printf("%s format code: %d\n", leadin, format_code);
dStrHex((const char *)ucp, ((len > 24) ? 24 : len), 0);
bump = 24;
case 8: /* ATAPI */
printf("%s ATAPI:\n", leadin);
printf("%s format code: %d\n", leadin, format_code);
dStrHex((const char *)ucp, ((len > 24) ? 24 : len), 0);
bump = 24;
fprintf(stderr, "%s unknown protocol id=0x%x "
"format_code=%d\n", leadin, proto_id, format_code);
dStrHex((const char *)ucp, ((len > 24) ? 24 : len), 0);
bump = 24;
static void decode_x_inq_vpd(unsigned char * buff, int len, int do_hex)
if (len < 7) {
fprintf(stderr, "Extended INQUIRY VPD page length too short=%d\n",
if (do_hex) {
dStrHex((const char *)buff, len, 0);
printf(" RTO=%d GRD_CHK=%d APP_CHK=%d REF_CHK=%d\n", !!(buff[4] & 0x8),
!!(buff[4] & 0x4), !!(buff[4] & 0x2), !!(buff[4] & 0x1));
printf(" GRP_SUP=%d PRIOR_SUP=%d HEADSUP=%d ORDSUP=%d SIMPSUP=%d\n",
!!(buff[5] & 0x10), !!(buff[5] & 0x8), !!(buff[5] & 0x4),
!!(buff[5] & 0x2), !!(buff[5] & 0x1));
printf(" NV_SUP=%d V_SUP=%d", !!(buff[6] & 0x2), !!(buff[6] & 0x1));
static const char * lun_state_arr[] =
"LUN not bound or LUN_Z report",
"LUN bound, but not owned by this SP",
"LUN bound and owned by this SP",
static const char * ip_mgmt_arr[] =
"No IP access",
"Reserved (undefined)",
"via IPv4",
"via IPv6",
static const char * sp_arr[] =
"SP A",
"SP B",
static const char * lun_op_arr[] =
"Normal operations",
"I/O Operations being rejected, SP reboot or NDU in progress",
static void decode_upr_vpd_c0_emc(unsigned char * buff, int len)
int k, ip_mgmt, failover_mode, vpp80, lun_z;
if (len < 3) {
fprintf(stderr, "Device identification VPD page length too "
"short=%d\n", len);
if (buff[9] != 0x00) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unsupported page revision %d, decoding not "
"possible.\n" , buff[9]);
printf(" LUN WWN: ");
for (k = 0; k < 16; ++k)
printf("%02hhx", buff[10 + k]);
printf(" Array Serial Number: ");
dStrRaw((const char *)&buff[50], buff[49]);
printf(" LUN State: ");
if (buff[4] > 0x02)
printf("Unknown (%hhx)\n", buff[4]);
printf("%s\n", lun_state_arr[buff[4]]);
printf(" This path connects to: ");
if (buff[8] > 0x01)
printf("Unknown SP (%hhx)", buff[8]);
printf("%s", sp_arr[buff[8]]);
printf(", Port Number: %u\n", buff[7]);
printf(" Default Owner: ");
if (buff[5] > 0x01)
printf("Unknown (%hhx)\n", buff[5]);
printf("%s\n", sp_arr[buff[5]]);
printf(" NO_ATF: %s, Access Logix: %s\n",
buff[6] & 0x80 ? "set" : "not set",
buff[6] & 0x40 ? "supported" : "not supported");
ip_mgmt = (buff[6] >> 4) & 0x3;
printf(" SP IP Management Mode: %s\n", ip_mgmt_arr[ip_mgmt]);
if (ip_mgmt == 2)
printf(" SP IPv4 address: %u.%u.%u.%u\n",
buff[44], buff[45], buff[46], buff[47]);
else {
printf(" SP IPv6 address: ");
for (k = 0; k < 16; ++k)
printf("%02hhx", buff[32 + k]);
failover_mode = buff[28] & 0x0f;
vpp80 = buff[30] & 0x08;
lun_z = buff[30] & 0x04;
printf(" System Type: %hhx, Failover mode: %s\n",
failover_mode == 4 ? "Set to 1" : "Unknown");
printf(" Inquiry VPP 0x80 returns: %s, Arraycommpath: %s\n",
vpp80 ? "array serial#" : "LUN serial#",
lun_z ? "Set to 1" : "Unknown");
printf(" Lun operations: %s\n",
buff[48] > 1 ? "undefined" : lun_op_arr[buff[48]]);
/* Returns 0 if Unit Serial Number VPD page contents found, else -1 */
static int fetch_unit_serial_num(int sg_fd, char * obuff, int obuff_len,
int verbose)
int sz, len, k;
unsigned char b[DEF_ALLOC_LEN];
sz = sizeof(b);
memset(b, 0xff, 4); /* guard against empty response */
/* first check if unit serial number VPD page is supported */
if ((0 == sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, SUPPORTED_VPDS_VPD, b, sz, 0,
verbose)) &&
(SUPPORTED_VPDS_VPD == b[1]) && (0x0 == b[2])) {
len = b[3];
for (k = 0; k < len; ++k) {
if (UNIT_SERIAL_NUM_VPD == b[k + 4])
if ((k < len) &&
(0 == sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, UNIT_SERIAL_NUM_VPD,
b, sz, 0, verbose))) {
len = b[3];
len = (len < (obuff_len - 1)) ? len : (obuff_len - 1);
if ((UNIT_SERIAL_NUM_VPD == b[1]) && (len > 0)) {
memcpy(obuff, b + 4, len);
obuff[len] = '\0';
return 0;
return -1;
static const char * ansi_version_arr[] =
"no conformance claimed",
"ANSI version: 7",
static const char * get_ansi_version_str(int version, char * buff,
int buff_len)
version &= 0x7;
buff[buff_len - 1] = '\0';
strncpy(buff, ansi_version_arr[version], buff_len - 1);
return buff;
/* Returns 0 if successful */
static int process_std_inq(int sg_fd, const char * file_name, int do_36,
int peri_type, int do_vdescriptors, int do_hex,
int do_raw, int do_verbose)
int res, len, act_len, ansi_version, ret, k, j;
const char * cp;
int vdesc_arr[8];
char buff[32];
memset(vdesc_arr, 0, sizeof(vdesc_arr));
res = sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 0, 0, rsp_buff, 36, 0, do_verbose);
if (0 == res) {
if (!do_raw)
printf("standard INQUIRY:\n");
len = rsp_buff[4] + 5;
ansi_version = rsp_buff[2] & 0x7;
peri_type = rsp_buff[0] & 0x1f;
if ((len > 36) && (len < 256) && (! do_36)) {
if (sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 0, 0, rsp_buff, len, 1, do_verbose)) {
fprintf(stderr, "second INQUIRY (%d byte) failed\n", len);
return 1;
if (len != (rsp_buff[4] + 5)) {
"strange, twin INQUIRYs yield different "
"'additional length'\n");
ret = 2;
if (do_36) {
act_len = len;
len = 36;
act_len = len;
if (do_hex)
dStrHex((const char *)rsp_buff, len, 0);
else if (do_raw)
dStrRaw((const char *)rsp_buff, len);
else {
printf(" PQual=%d Device_type=%d RMB=%d version=0x%02x ",
(rsp_buff[0] & 0xe0) >> 5, peri_type,
!!(rsp_buff[1] & 0x80), (unsigned int)rsp_buff[2]);
printf(" [%s]\n", get_ansi_version_str(ansi_version, buff,
printf(" [AERC=%d] [TrmTsk=%d] NormACA=%d HiSUP=%d "
" Resp_data_format=%d\n SCCS=%d ",
!!(rsp_buff[3] & 0x80), !!(rsp_buff[3] & 0x40),
!!(rsp_buff[3] & 0x20), !!(rsp_buff[3] & 0x10),
rsp_buff[3] & 0x0f, !!(rsp_buff[5] & 0x80));
printf("ACC=%d TGPS=%d 3PC=%d Protect=%d\n",
!!(rsp_buff[5] & 0x40), ((rsp_buff[5] & 0x30) >> 4),
!!(rsp_buff[5] & 0x08), !!(rsp_buff[5] & 0x01));
printf(" BQue=%d EncServ=%d MultiP=%d MChngr=%d "
"[ACKREQQ=%d] ",
!!(rsp_buff[6] & 0x80), !!(rsp_buff[6] & 0x40),
!!(rsp_buff[6] & 0x10), !!(rsp_buff[6] & 0x08),
!!(rsp_buff[6] & 0x04));
printf("Addr16=%d\n [RelAdr=%d] ",
!!(rsp_buff[6] & 0x01),
!!(rsp_buff[7] & 0x80));
printf("WBus16=%d Sync=%d Linked=%d [TranDis=%d] ",
!!(rsp_buff[7] & 0x20), !!(rsp_buff[7] & 0x10),
!!(rsp_buff[7] & 0x08), !!(rsp_buff[7] & 0x04));
printf("CmdQue=%d\n", !!(rsp_buff[7] & 0x02));
if (len > 56)
printf(" Clocking=0x%x QAS=%d IUS=%d\n",
(rsp_buff[56] & 0x0c) >> 2, !!(rsp_buff[56] & 0x2),
!!(rsp_buff[56] & 0x1));
if (act_len == len)
printf(" length=%d (0x%x)", len, len);
printf(" length=%d (0x%x), but only read 36 bytes",
len, len);
if ((ansi_version >= 2) && (len < 36))
printf(" [for SCSI>=2, len>=36 is expected]");
cp = get_ptype_str(peri_type);
if (strlen(cp) > 0)
printf(" Peripheral device type: %s\n", cp);
if (len <= 8)
printf(" Inquiry response length=%d, no vendor, "
"product or revision data\n", len);
else {
if (len < 36)
rsp_buff[len] = '\0';
memcpy(xtra_buff, &rsp_buff[8], 8);
xtra_buff[8] = '\0';
printf(" Vendor identification: %s\n", xtra_buff);
if (len <= 16)
printf(" Product identification: <none>\n");
else {
memcpy(xtra_buff, &rsp_buff[16], 16);
xtra_buff[16] = '\0';
printf(" Product identification: %s\n", xtra_buff);
if (len <= 32)
printf(" Product revision level: <none>\n");
else {
memcpy(xtra_buff, &rsp_buff[32], 4);
xtra_buff[4] = '\0';
printf(" Product revision level: %s\n", xtra_buff);
if (do_vdescriptors) {
for (j = 0, k = 58; ((j < 8) && ((k + 1) < len));
k +=2, ++j)
vdesc_arr[j] = ((rsp_buff[k] << 8) +
rsp_buff[k + 1]);
if (! (do_raw || do_hex)) {
if (0 == fetch_unit_serial_num(sg_fd, xtra_buff,
sizeof(xtra_buff), do_verbose))
printf(" Unit serial number: %s\n", xtra_buff);
if (do_vdescriptors) {
if (0 == vdesc_arr[0])
printf("\n No version descriptors available\n");
else {
printf("\n Version descriptors:\n");
for (k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
if (0 == vdesc_arr[k])
cp = find_version_descriptor_str(vdesc_arr[k]);
if (cp)
printf(" %s\n", cp);
printf(" [unrecognised version descriptor "
"code: 0x%x]\n", vdesc_arr[k]);
else if (-1 == res) { /* could be an ATA device */
/* Try an ATA Identity command */
res = try_ata_identity(sg_fd, do_raw);
if (0 != res) {
fprintf(stderr, "Both SCSI INQUIRY and ATA IDENTIFY failed "
"on %s with this error:\n\t%s\n", file_name,
return 1;
} else { /* SCSI device not supporting 36 byte INQUIRY?? */
printf("36 byte INQUIRY failed\n");
return 1;
return 0;
/* Returns 0 if successful */
static int process_cmddt(int sg_fd, int do_cmdlst, int num_opcode,
int peri_type, int do_hex, int do_raw,
int do_verbose)
int k, j, num, len, reserved_cmddt, support_num;
char op_name[128];
if (do_cmdlst) {
printf("Supported command list:\n");
for (k = 0; k < 256; ++k) {
if (0 == sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 1, 0, k, rsp_buff, DEF_ALLOC_LEN,
1, do_verbose)) {
support_num = rsp_buff[1] & 7;
reserved_cmddt = rsp_buff[4];
if ((3 == support_num) || (5 == support_num)) {
num = rsp_buff[5];
for (j = 0; j < num; ++j)
printf(" %.2x", (int)rsp_buff[6 + j]);
if (5 == support_num)
printf(" [vendor specific manner (5)]");
sg_get_opcode_name((unsigned char)k, peri_type,
sizeof(op_name) - 1, op_name);
op_name[sizeof(op_name) - 1] = '\0';
printf(" %s\n", op_name);
} else if ((4 == support_num) || (6 == support_num))
printf(" opcode=0x%.2x vendor specific (%d)\n",
k, support_num);
else if ((0 == support_num) && (reserved_cmddt > 0)) {
printf(" opcode=0x%.2x ignored cmddt bit, "
"given standard INQUIRY response, stop\n", k);
else {
"CmdDt INQUIRY on opcode=0x%.2x: failed\n", k);
else {
if (! do_raw) {
printf("CmdDt INQUIRY, opcode=0x%.2x: [", num_opcode);
sg_get_opcode_name((unsigned char)num_opcode, peri_type,
sizeof(op_name) - 1, op_name);
op_name[sizeof(op_name) - 1] = '\0';
printf("%s]\n", op_name);
if (0 == sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 1, 0, num_opcode, rsp_buff,
DEF_ALLOC_LEN, 1, do_verbose)) {
len = rsp_buff[5] + 6;
reserved_cmddt = rsp_buff[4];
if (do_hex)
dStrHex((const char *)rsp_buff, len, 0);
else if (do_raw)
dStrRaw((const char *)rsp_buff, len);
else {
const char * desc_p;
int prnt_cmd = 0;
support_num = rsp_buff[1] & 7;
num = rsp_buff[5];
switch (support_num) {
case 0:
if (0 == reserved_cmddt)
desc_p = "no data available";
desc_p = "ignored cmddt bit, standard INQUIRY "
case 1: desc_p = "not supported"; break;
case 2: desc_p = "reserved (2)"; break;
case 3: desc_p = "supported as per standard";
prnt_cmd = 1;
case 4: desc_p = "vendor specific (4)"; break;
case 5: desc_p = "supported in vendor specific way";
prnt_cmd = 1;
case 6: desc_p = "vendor specific (6)"; break;
case 7: desc_p = "reserved (7)"; break;
default: desc_p = "impossible value > 7"; break;
if (prnt_cmd) {
printf(" Support field: %s [", desc_p);
for (j = 0; j < num; ++j)
printf(" %.2x", (int)rsp_buff[6 + j]);
printf(" ]\n");
} else
printf(" Support field: %s\n", desc_p);
else {
"CmdDt INQUIRY on opcode=0x%.2x: failed\n",
return 1;
return 0;
/* Returns 0 if successful */
static int process_evpd(int sg_fd, int num_opcode, int peri_type,
int do_hex, int do_raw, int do_verbose)
int ret, len, num, k, vpd;
const char * cp;
if (!do_raw)
printf("VPD INQUIRY, page code=0x%.2x:\n", num_opcode);
if (0 == sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, num_opcode, rsp_buff, DEF_ALLOC_LEN,
1, do_verbose)) {
len = ((rsp_buff[2] << 8) + rsp_buff[3]) + 4;
ret = 3;
if (num_opcode != rsp_buff[1]) {
fprintf(stderr, "invalid VPD response; probably a STANDARD "
"INQUIRY response\n");
return 1;
if (len > MX_ALLOC_LEN) {
fprintf(stderr, "response length too long: %d > %d\n", len,
return 1;
} else if (len > DEF_ALLOC_LEN) {
if (sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, num_opcode, rsp_buff, len, 1,
return 1;
ret = 0;
if (do_raw)
dStrRaw((const char *)rsp_buff, len);
else {
if (do_hex)
dStrHex((const char *)rsp_buff, len, 0);
else if (0 == num_opcode) { /* decode this mandatory page */
peri_type = rsp_buff[0] & 0x1f;
printf(" [PQual=%d Peripheral device type: %s]\n",
(rsp_buff[0] & 0xe0) >> 5,
printf(" Supported VPD pages:\n");
num = rsp_buff[3];
for (k = 0; k < num; ++k) {
vpd = rsp_buff[4 + k];
cp = get_vpd_page_str(vpd, peri_type);
if (cp)
printf(" 0x%x\t%s\n", vpd, cp);
printf(" 0x%x\n", vpd);
} else {
printf(" Only hex output supported\n");
dStrHex((const char *)rsp_buff, len, 0);
else {
"VPD INQUIRY, page code=0x%.2x: failed\n", num_opcode);
return 1;
return 0;
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
int sg_fd, k, num, len;
char * file_name = 0;
char ebuff[EBUFF_SZ];
unsigned int num_opcode = 0; /* SUPPORTED_VPDS_VPD == 0 */
int num_opcode_given = 0;
int p_switch_given = 0;
int do_evpd = 0;
int do_cmddt = 0;
int do_cmdlst = 0;
int do_di_vpd = 0;
int do_hex = 0;
int do_raw = 0;
int do_scsi_ports_vpd = 0;
int do_xtended = 0;
int do_upr_c0_emc = 0;
int do_36 = 0;
int do_vdescriptors = 0;
int do_verbose = 0;
int decode = 0;
int oflags = O_RDONLY | O_NONBLOCK;
int ret = 0;
int peri_type = 0;
for (k = 1; k < argc; ++k) {
if (0 == strcmp("-36", argv[k]))
do_36 = 1;
else if (0 == strcmp("-c", argv[k]))
do_cmddt = 1;
else if (0 == strcmp("-cl", argv[k])) {
do_cmdlst = 1;
do_cmddt = 1;
} else if (0 == strcmp("-d", argv[k]))
do_vdescriptors = 1;
else if (0 == strcmp("-e", argv[k]))
do_evpd = 1;
else if (0 == strcmp("-h", argv[k]))
do_hex = 1;
else if (0 == strcmp("-i", argv[k]))
do_di_vpd = 1;
else if (0 == strncmp("-o=", argv[k], 3)) {
num = sscanf(argv[k] + 3, "%x", &num_opcode);
if ((1 != num) || (num_opcode > 255)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad number after '-p' or '-o' switch\n");
file_name = 0;
num_opcode_given = 1;
else if (0 == strncmp("-p=", argv[k], 3)) {
num = sscanf(argv[k] + 3, "%x", &num_opcode);
if ((1 != num) || (num_opcode > 255)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Bad number after '-p' switch\n");
file_name = 0;
num_opcode_given = 1;
p_switch_given = 1;
} else if (0 == strcmp("-P", argv[k]))
do_upr_c0_emc = 1;
else if (0 == strcmp("-r", argv[k]))
do_raw = 1;
else if (0 == strcmp("-s", argv[k]))
do_scsi_ports_vpd = 1;
else if (0 == strcmp("-v", argv[k]))
else if (0 == strcmp("-x", argv[k]))
do_xtended = 1;
else if (0 == strcmp("-?", argv[k])) {
file_name = 0;
else if (0 == strcmp("-V", argv[k])) {
fprintf(stderr, "Version string: %s\n", version_str);
else if (*argv[k] == '-') {
fprintf(stderr, "Unrecognized switch: %s\n", argv[k]);
file_name = 0;
else if (0 == file_name)
file_name = argv[k];
else {
fprintf(stderr, "too many arguments\n");
file_name = 0;
decode = do_di_vpd + do_xtended + do_upr_c0_emc + do_scsi_ports_vpd;
if (do_raw && do_hex) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't do hex and raw at the same time\n");
file_name = 0;
if (decode > 1) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can only have one of '-i', '-P', '-s' or '-x'\n");
file_name = 0;
} else if (decode && (do_cmddt || do_evpd || num_opcode_given)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't use '-i', '-P', '-s' or '-x' with other VPD "
"or CmdDt flags\n");
file_name = 0;
if (0 == file_name) {
return 1;
if ((! (decode || do_cmddt || do_evpd)) &&
num_opcode_given) {
do_evpd = 1; /* '-o' implies '-e' unless explicitly overridden */
if (! (do_raw || p_switch_given))
printf(" <<given page_code so assumed EVPD selected>>\n");
if (do_vdescriptors) {
if (do_cmddt || do_evpd || do_36) {
if (do_36)
fprintf(stderr, "Can't use '-d' with 36 byte INQUIRY\n");
fprintf(stderr, "Can't use '-d' with VPD or CmdDt flags\n");
return 1;
if ((sg_fd = open(file_name, oflags)) < 0) {
snprintf(ebuff, EBUFF_SZ, "sg_inq: error opening file: %s", file_name);
return 1;
memset(rsp_buff, 0, MX_ALLOC_LEN + 1);
if (! (do_cmddt || do_evpd || decode)) {
/* So it's a Standard INQUIRY */
if (process_std_inq(sg_fd, file_name, do_36, peri_type,
do_vdescriptors, do_hex, do_raw, do_verbose))
return 1;
} else if (do_cmddt) {
if (process_cmddt(sg_fd, do_cmdlst, num_opcode, peri_type,
do_hex, do_raw, do_verbose))
return 1;
} else if (do_evpd) {
if (process_evpd(sg_fd, num_opcode, peri_type,
do_hex, do_raw, do_verbose))
return 1;
} else if (do_di_vpd) {
if (!do_raw)
printf("VPD INQUIRY: Device Identification page\n");
if (0 == sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, DEV_ID_VPD, rsp_buff,
DEF_ALLOC_LEN, 1, do_verbose)) {
len = ((rsp_buff[2] << 8) + rsp_buff[3]) + 4;
ret = 3;
if (DEV_ID_VPD != rsp_buff[1]) {
fprintf(stderr, "invalid VPD response; probably a STANDARD "
"INQUIRY response\n");
goto err_out;
if (len > MX_ALLOC_LEN) {
fprintf(stderr, "response length too long: %d > %d\n", len,
goto err_out;
} else if (len > DEF_ALLOC_LEN) {
if (sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, DEV_ID_VPD, rsp_buff, len,
1, do_verbose))
goto err_out;
ret = 0;
if (do_raw)
dStrRaw((const char *)rsp_buff, len);
decode_id_vpd(rsp_buff, len, do_hex);
} else if (do_xtended) {
if (!do_raw)
printf("VPD INQUIRY: extended INQUIRY page\n");
if (0 == sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, X_INQ_VPD, rsp_buff,
DEF_ALLOC_LEN, 1, do_verbose)) {
len = ((rsp_buff[2] << 8) + rsp_buff[3]) + 4;
ret = 3;
if (X_INQ_VPD != rsp_buff[1]) {
fprintf(stderr, "invalid VPD response; probably a STANDARD "
"INQUIRY response\n");
goto err_out;
if (len > MX_ALLOC_LEN) {
fprintf(stderr, "response length too long: %d > %d\n", len,
goto err_out;
} else if (len > DEF_ALLOC_LEN) {
if (sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, X_INQ_VPD, rsp_buff, len,
1, do_verbose))
goto err_out;
ret = 0;
if (do_raw)
dStrRaw((const char *)rsp_buff, len);
decode_x_inq_vpd(rsp_buff, len, do_hex);
} else if (do_upr_c0_emc) {
if (!do_raw)
printf("VPD INQUIRY: Unit Path Report Page (EMC)\n");
if (0 == sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, UPR_EMC_VPD, rsp_buff,
DEF_ALLOC_LEN, 1, do_verbose)) {
len = rsp_buff[3] + 3;
ret = 3;
if (UPR_EMC_VPD != rsp_buff[1]) {
fprintf(stderr, "invalid VPD response; probably not "
goto err_out;
if (len > MX_ALLOC_LEN) {
fprintf(stderr, "response length too long: %d > %d\n", len,
goto err_out;
} else if (len > DEF_ALLOC_LEN) {
if (sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, UPR_EMC_VPD, rsp_buff, len, 1,
goto err_out;
ret = 0;
if (do_raw)
dStrRaw((const char *)rsp_buff, len);
else if (do_hex)
dStrHex((const char *)rsp_buff, len, 1);
decode_upr_vpd_c0_emc(rsp_buff, len);
} else if (do_scsi_ports_vpd) {
if (!do_raw)
printf("VPD INQUIRY: SCSI Ports page\n");
if (0 == sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, SCSI_PORTS_VPD, rsp_buff,
DEF_ALLOC_LEN, 1, do_verbose)) {
len = ((rsp_buff[2] << 8) + rsp_buff[3]) + 4;
ret = 3;
if (SCSI_PORTS_VPD != rsp_buff[1]) {
fprintf(stderr, "invalid VPD response; probably a STANDARD "
"INQUIRY response\n");
goto err_out;
if (len > MX_ALLOC_LEN) {
fprintf(stderr, "response length too long: %d > %d\n", len,
goto err_out;
} else if (len > DEF_ALLOC_LEN) {
if (sg_ll_inquiry(sg_fd, 0, 1, SCSI_PORTS_VPD, rsp_buff, len,
1, do_verbose))
goto err_out;
ret = 0;
if (do_raw)
dStrRaw((const char *)rsp_buff, len);
decode_scsi_ports_vpd(rsp_buff, len, do_hex);
return ret;
/* Following code permits ATA IDENTIFY commands to be performed on
ATA non "Packet Interface" devices (e.g. ATA disks).
GPL-ed code borrowed from smartmontools (
Copyright (C) 2002-4 Bruce Allen
<[email protected]>
#define HDIO_DRIVE_CMD 0x031f
/* Needed parts of the ATA DRIVE IDENTIFY Structure. Those labeled
* word* are NOT used.
struct ata_identify_device {
unsigned short words000_009[10];
unsigned char serial_no[20];
unsigned short words020_022[3];
unsigned char fw_rev[8];
unsigned char model[40];
unsigned short words047_079[33];
unsigned short major_rev_num;
unsigned short minor_rev_num;
unsigned short command_set_1;
unsigned short command_set_2;
unsigned short command_set_extension;
unsigned short cfs_enable_1;
unsigned short word086;
unsigned short csf_default;
unsigned short words088_255[168];
/* Copies n bytes (or n-1 if n is odd) from in to out, but swaps adjacents
* bytes.
static void swapbytes(char *out, const char *in, size_t n)
size_t k;
if (n > 1) {
for (k = 0; k < (n - 1); k += 2) {
out[k] = in[k + 1];
out[k + 1] = in[k];
/* Copies in to out, but removes leading and trailing whitespace. */
static void trim(char *out, const char *in)
int k, first, last;
/* Find the first non-space character (maybe none). */
first = -1;
for (k = 0; in[k]; k++) {
if (! isspace((int)in[k])) {
first = k;
if (first == -1) {
/* There are no non-space characters. */
out[0] = '\0';
/* Find the last non-space character. */
for (k = strlen(in) - 1; k >= first && isspace((int)in[k]); k--)
last = k;
strncpy(out, in + first, last - first + 1);
out[last - first + 1] = '\0';
/* Convenience function for formatting strings from ata_identify_device */
static void formatdriveidstring(char *out, const char *in, int n)
char tmp[65];
n = n > 64 ? 64 : n;
swapbytes(tmp, in, n);
tmp[n] = '\0';
trim(out, tmp);
/* Function for printing ASCII byte-swapped strings, skipping white
* space. Please note that this is needed on both big- and
* little-endian hardware.
static void printswap(char *output, char *in, unsigned int n)
formatdriveidstring(output, in, n);
if (*output)
printf("%.*s ", (int)n, output);
printf("%.*s ", (int)n, "[No Information Found]\n");
#define ATA_IDENTIFY_BUFF_SZ sizeof(struct ata_identify_device)
static int ata_command_interface(int device, char *data)
int retval;
buff[3] = 1;
/* We are now doing the HDIO_DRIVE_CMD type ioctl. */
if ((retval = ioctl(device, HDIO_DRIVE_CMD, buff)))
return errno;
/* if the command returns data, copy it back */
return 0;
/* Returns 0 if successful, else errno of error */
static int try_ata_identity(int ata_fd, int do_raw)
struct ata_identify_device ata_ident;
char model[64];
char serial[64];
char firm[64];
int res;
res = ata_command_interface(ata_fd, (char *)&ata_ident);
if (res)
return res;
if (do_raw)
dStrRaw((const char *)&ata_ident, 256);
else {
printf("ATA device (probably a disk):\n");
printf(" ");
printswap(model, (char *)ata_ident.model, 40);
printswap(serial, (char *)ata_ident.serial_no, 20);
printswap(firm, (char *)ata_ident.fw_rev, 8);
return 0;
struct version_descriptor {
int value;
const char * name;
/* table from SPC-3 revision 21 [sorted numerically (Annex D listing)] */
static struct version_descriptor version_descriptor_arr[] = {
{0x0, "Version Descriptor not supported or No standard identified"},
{0x20, "SAM (no version claimed)"},
{0x3b, "SAM T10/0994-D revision 18"},
{0x3c, "SAM ANSI X3.270:1996"},
{0x40, "SAM-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x54, "SAM-2 T10/1157-D revision 23"},
{0x55, "SAM-2 T10/1157-D revision 24"},
{0x5c, "SAM-2 ANSI INCITS.366:2003"},
{0x60, "SAM-3 (no version claimed)"},
{0x62, "SAM-3 T10/1561-D revision 7"},
{0x75, "SAM-3 T10/1561-D revision 13"},
{0x76, "SAM-3 T10/1561-D revision 14"},
{0x77, "SAM-3 ANSI INCITS.402:2005"},
{0x80, "SAM-4 (no version claimed)"},
{0x120, "SPC (no version claimed)"},
{0x13b, "SPC T10/0995-D revision 11a"},
{0x13c, "SPC ANSI X3.301:1997"},
{0x140, "MMC (no version claimed)"},
{0x15b, "MMC T10/1048-D revision 10a"},
{0x15c, "MMC ANSI X3.304:1997"},
{0x160, "SCC (no version claimed)"},
{0x17b, "SCC T10/1047-D revision 06c"},
{0x17c, "SCC ANSI X3.276:1997"},
{0x180, "SBC (no version claimed)"},
{0x19b, "SBC T10/0996-D revision 08c"},
{0x19c, "SBC ANSI X3.306:1998"},
{0x1a0, "SMC (no version claimed)"},
{0x1bb, "SMC T10/0999-D revision 10a"},
{0x1bc, "SMC ANSI NCITS.314:1998"},
{0x1c0, "SES (no version claimed)"},
{0x1db, "SES T10/1212-D revision 08b"},
{0x1dc, "SES ANSI NCITS.305:1998"},
{0x1dd, "SES T10/1212-D revision 08b w/ Amendment ANSI "
{0x1de, "SES ANSI NCITS.305:1998 w/ Amendment ANSI "
{0x1e0, "SCC-2 (no version claimed}"},
{0x1fb, "SCC-2 T10/1125-D revision 04"},
{0x1fc, "SCC-2 ANSI NCITS.318:1998"},
{0x200, "SSC (no version claimed)"},
{0x201, "SSC T10/0997-D revision 17"},
{0x207, "SSC T10/0997-D revision 22"},
{0x21c, "SSC ANSI NCITS.335:2000"},
{0x220, "RBC (no version claimed)"},
{0x238, "RBC T10/1240-D revision 10a"},
{0x23c, "RBC ANSI NCITS.330:2000"},
{0x240, "MMC-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x255, "MMC-2 T10/1228-D revision 11"},
{0x25b, "MMC-2 T10/1228-D revision 11a"},
{0x25c, "MMC-2 ANSI NCITS.333:2000"},
{0x260, "SPC-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x267, "SPC-2 T10/1236-D revision 12"},
{0x269, "SPC-2 T10/1236-D revision 18"},
{0x275, "SPC-2 T10/1236-D revision 19"},
{0x276, "SPC-2 T10/1236-D revision 20"},
{0x277, "SPC-2 ANSI NCITS.351:2001"},
{0x280, "OCRW (no version claimed)"},
{0x29e, "OCRW ISI/IEC 14776-382"},
{0x2a0, "MMC-3 (no version claimed)"},
{0x2b5, "MMC-3 T10/1363-D revision 9"},
{0x2b6, "MMC-3 T10/1363-D revision 10g"},
{0x2b8, "MMC-3 ANSI NCITS.360:2002"},
{0x2e0, "SMC-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x2f5, "SMC-2 T10/1383-D revision 5"},
{0x2fc, "SMC-2 T10/1383-D revision 6"},
{0x2fd, "SMC-2 T10/1383-D revision 7"},
{0x300, "SPC-3 (no version claimed)"},
{0x301, "SPC-3 T10/1416-D revision 7"},
{0x307, "SPC-3 T10/1416-D revision 21"},
{0x320, "SBC-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x322, "SBC-2 T10/1417-D revision 5a"},
{0x324, "SBC-2 T10/1417-D revision 15"},
{0x340, "OSD (no version claimed)"},
{0x341, "OSD T10/1355-D revision 0"},
{0x342, "OSD T10/1355-D revision 7a"},
{0x343, "OSD T10/1355-D revision 8"},
{0x344, "OSD T10/1355-D revision 9"},
{0x355, "OSD T10/1355-D revision 10"},
{0x356, "OSD ANSI INCITS.400:2004"},
{0x360, "SSC-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x374, "SSC-2 T10/1434-D revision 7"},
{0x375, "SSC-2 T10/1434-D revision 9"},
{0x37d, "SSC-2 ANSI NCITS.380:2003"},
{0x380, "BCC (no version claimed)"},
{0x3a0, "MMC-4 (no version claimed)"},
{0x3bd, "MMC-4 T10/1545-D revision 3"},
{0x3be, "MMC-4 T10/1545-D revision 3d"},
{0x3bf, "MMC-4 ANSI INCITS.401:2005"},
{0x3c0, "ADC (no version claimed)"},
{0x3d5, "ADC T10/1558-D revision 6"},
{0x3d6, "ADC T10/1558-D revision 7"},
{0x3d7, "ADC ANSI INCITS.403:2005"},
{0x3e0, "SES-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x400, "SSC-3 (no version claimed)"},
{0x420, "MMC-5 (no version claimed)"},
{0x440, "OSD-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x460, "SPC-4 (no version claimed)"},
{0x480, "SMC-3 (no version claimed)"},
{0x820, "SSA-TL2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x83b, "SSA-TL2 T10/1147-D revision 05b"},
{0x83c, "SSA-TL2 ANSI NCITS.308:1998"},
{0x840, "SSA-TL1 (no version claimed)"},
{0x85b, "SSA-TL1 T10/0989-D revision 10b"},
{0x85c, "SSA-TL1 ANSI X3.295:1996"},
{0x860, "SSA-S3P (no version claimed)"},
{0x87b, "SSA-S3P T10/1051-D revision 05b"},
{0x87c, "SSA-S3P ANSI NCITS.309:1998"},
{0x880, "SSA-S2P (no version claimed)"},
{0x89b, "SSA-S2P T10/1121-D revision 07b"},
{0x89c, "SSA-S2P ANSI X3.294:1996"},
{0x8a0, "SIP (no version claimed)"},
{0x8bb, "SIP T10/0856-D revision 10"},
{0x8bc, "SIP ANSI X3.292:1997"},
{0x8c0, "FCP (no version claimed)"},
{0x8db, "FCP T10/0856-D revision 12"},
{0x8dc, "FCP ANSI X3.269:1996"},
{0x8e0, "SBP-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x8fb, "SBP-2 T10/1155-D revision 04"},
{0x8fc, "SBP-2 ANSI NCITS.325:1999"},
{0x900, "FCP-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x901, "FCP-2 T10/1144-D revision 4"},
{0x915, "FCP-2 T10/1144-D revision 7"},
{0x916, "FCP-2 T10/1144-D revision 7a"},
{0x917, "FCP-2 ANSI INCITS.350:2003"},
{0x918, "FCP-2 T10/1144-D revision 8"},
{0x920, "SST (no version claimed)"},
{0x935, "SST T10/1380-D revision 8b"},
{0x940, "SRP (no version claimed)"},
{0x954, "SRP T10/1415-D revision 10"},
{0x955, "SRP T10/1415-D revision 16a"},
{0x95c, "SRP ANSI INCITS.365:2002"},
{0x960, "iSCSI (no version claimed)"},
{0x980, "SBP-3 (no version claimed)"},
{0x982, "SBP-3 T10/1467-D revision 1f"},
{0x994, "SBP-3 T10/1467-D revision 3"},
{0x99a, "SBP-3 T10/1467-D revision 4"},
{0x99b, "SBP-3 T10/1467-D revision 5"},
{0x99c, "SBP-3 ANSI INCITS.375:2004"},
{0x9a0, "SRP-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x9c0, "ADP (no version claimed)"},
{0x9e0, "ADT (no version claimed)"},
{0x9f9, "ADT T10/1557-D revision 11"},
{0xa00, "FCP-3 (no version claimed)"},
{0xaa0, "SPI (no version claimed)"},
{0xab9, "SPI T10/0855-D revision 15a"},
{0xaba, "SPI ANSI X3.253:1995"},
{0xabb, "SPI T10/0855-D revision 15a with SPI Amnd revision 3a"},
{0xabc, "SPI ANSI X3.253:1995 with SPI Amnd ANSI X3.253/AM1:1998"},
{0xac0, "Fast-20 (no version claimed)"},
{0xadb, "Fast-20 T10/1071-D revision 06"},
{0xadc, "Fast-20 ANSI X3.277:1996"},
{0xae0, "SPI-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0xafb, "SPI-2 T10/1142-D revision 20b"},
{0xafc, "SPI-2 ANSI X3.302:1999"},
{0xb00, "SPI-3 (no version claimed)"},
{0xb18, "SPI-3 T10/1302-D revision 10"},
{0xb19, "SPI-3 T10/1302-D revision 13a"},
{0xb1a, "SPI-3 T10/1302-D revision 14"},
{0xb1c, "SPI-3 ANSI NCITS.336:2000"},
{0xb20, "EPI (no version claimed)"},
{0xb3b, "EPI T10/1134-D revision 16"},
{0xb3c, "EPI ANSI NCITS TR-23:1999"},
{0xb40, "SPI-4 (no version claimed)"},
{0xb54, "SPI-4 T10/1365-D revision 7"},
{0xb55, "SPI-4 T10/1365-D revision 9"},
{0xb56, "SPI-4 ANSI INCITS.362:2002"},
{0xb59, "SPI-4 T10/1365-D revision 10"},
{0xb60, "SPI-5 (no version claimed)"},
{0xb79, "SPI-5 T10/1525-D revision 3"},
{0xb7a, "SPI-5 T10/1525-D revision 5"},
{0xb7b, "SPI-5 T10/1525-D revision 6"},
{0xb7c, "SPI-5 ANSI INCITS.367:2004"},
{0xbe0, "SAS (no version claimed)"},
{0xbe1, "SAS T10/1562-D revision 01"},
{0xbf5, "SAS T10/1562-D revision 03"},
{0xbfa, "SAS T10/1562-D revision 04"},
{0xbfb, "SAS T10/1562-D revision 04"},
{0xbfc, "SAS T10/1562-D revision 05"},
{0xbfd, "SAS ANSI INCITS.376:2003"},
{0xc00, "SAS-1.1 (no version claimed)"},
{0xd20, "FC-PH (no version claimed)"},
{0xd3b, "FC-PH ANSI X3.230:1994"},
{0xd3c, "FC-PH ANSI X3.230:1994 with Amnd 1 ANSI X3.230/AM1:1996"},
{0xd40, "FC-AL (no version claimed)"},
{0xd5c, "FC-AL ANSI X3.272:1996"},
{0xd60, "FC-AL-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0xd61, "FC-AL-2 T11/1133-D revision 7.0"},
{0xd7c, "FC-AL-2 ANSI NCITS.332:1999"},
{0xd7d, "FC-AL-2 ANSI NCITS.332:1999 with Amnd 1 AM1:2002"},
{0xd80, "FC-PH-3 (no version claimed)"},
{0xd9c, "FC-PH-3 ANSI X3.303:1998"},
{0xda0, "FC-FS (no version claimed)"},
{0xdb7, "FC-FS T11/1331-D revision 1.2"},
{0xdb8, "FC-FS T11/1331-D revision 1.7"},
{0xdbc, "FC-FS ANSI INCITS.373:2003"},
{0xdc0, "FC-PI (no version claimed)"},
{0xddc, "FC-PI ANSI INCITS.352:2002"},
{0xde0, "FC-PI-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0xde2, "FC-PI-2 T11/1506-D revision 5.0"},
{0xe00, "FC-FS-2 (no version claimed)"},
{0xe20, "FC-LS (no version claimed)"},
{0xe40, "FC-SP (no version claimed)"},
{0xe42, "FC-SP T11/1570-D revision 1.6"},
{0x12e0, "FC-DA (no version claimed)"},
{0x12e2, "FC-DA T11/1513-DT revision 3.1"},
{0x1300, "FC-Tape (no version claimed)"},
{0x1301, "FC-Tape T11/1315-D revision 1.16"},
{0x131b, "FC-Tape T11/1315-D revision 1.17"},
{0x131c, "FC-Tape ANSI NCITS TR-24:1999"},
{0x1320, "FC-FLA (no version claimed)"},
{0x133b, "FC-FLA T11/1235-D revision 7"},
{0x133c, "FC-FLA ANSI NCITS TR-20:1998"},
{0x1340, "FC-PLDA (no version claimed)"},
{0x135b, "FC-PLDA T11/1162-D revision 2.1"},
{0x135c, "FC-PLDA ANSI NCITS TR-19:1998"},
{0x1360, "SSA-PH2 (no version claimed)"},
{0x137b, "SSA-PH2 T10/1145-D revision 09c"},
{0x137c, "SSA-PH2 ANSI X3.293:1996"},
{0x1380, "SSA-PH3 (no version claimed)"},
{0x139b, "SSA-PH3 T10/1146-D revision 05b"},
{0x139c, "SSA-PH3 ANSI NCITS.307:1998"},
{0x14a0, "IEEE 1394 (no version claimed)"},
{0x14bd, "ANSI IEEE 1394:1995"},
{0x14c0, "IEEE 1394a (no version claimed)"},
{0x14e0, "IEEE 1394b (no version claimed)"},
{0x15e0, "ATA/ATAPI-6 (no version claimed)"},
{0x15fd, "ATA/ATAPI-6 ANSI INCITS.361:2002"},
{0x1600, "ATA/ATAPI-7 (no version claimed)"},
{0x1602, "ATA/ATAPI-7 T13/1532-D revision 3"},
{0x1728, "Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 1.1"},
{0x1729, "Universal Serial Bus Specification, Revision 2.0"},
{0x1730, "USB Mass Storage Class Bulk-Only Transport, Revision 1.0"},
{0x1ea0, "SAT (no version claimed)"},
static int version_descriptor_arr_sz = (sizeof(version_descriptor_arr) /
static const char * find_version_descriptor_str(int value)
int k;
for (k = 0; k < version_descriptor_arr_sz; ++k) {
if (value == version_descriptor_arr[k].value)
return version_descriptor_arr[k].name;
if (value < version_descriptor_arr[k].value)
return NULL;