blob: 196543abc554312a33407f5cb15fcc1190d3c38f [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2014 Google Inc.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef sk_tool_utils_DEFINED
#define sk_tool_utils_DEFINED
#include "SkColor.h"
#include "SkData.h"
#include "SkEncodedImageFormat.h"
#include "SkFont.h"
#include "SkFontStyle.h"
#include "SkFontTypes.h"
#include "SkImageEncoder.h"
#include "SkImageInfo.h"
#include "SkRandom.h"
#include "SkRect.h"
#include "SkRefCnt.h"
#include "SkScalar.h"
#include "SkStream.h"
#include "SkTArray.h"
#include "SkTDArray.h"
#include "SkTypeface.h"
#include "SkTypes.h"
class SkBitmap;
class SkCanvas;
class SkFontStyle;
class SkImage;
class SkPath;
class SkPixmap;
class SkRRect;
class SkShader;
class SkSurface;
class SkSurfaceProps;
class SkTextBlobBuilder;
class SkTypeface;
namespace sk_tool_utils {
const char* alphatype_name(SkAlphaType);
const char* colortype_name(SkColorType);
* Map opaque colors from 8888 to 565.
SkColor color_to_565(SkColor color);
* Return a color emoji typeface if available.
sk_sp<SkTypeface> emoji_typeface();
* If the platform supports color emoji, return sample text the emoji can render.
const char* emoji_sample_text();
* Returns a string describing the platform font manager, if we're using one, otherwise "".
const char* platform_font_manager();
* Returns a platform-independent text renderer.
sk_sp<SkTypeface> create_portable_typeface(const char* name, SkFontStyle style);
static inline sk_sp<SkTypeface> create_portable_typeface() {
return create_portable_typeface(nullptr, SkFontStyle());
void get_text_path(const SkFont&, const void* text, size_t length, SkTextEncoding, SkPath*,
const SkPoint* positions = nullptr);
* Call writePixels() by using the pixels from bitmap, but with an info that claims
* the pixels are colorType + alphaType
void write_pixels(SkCanvas*, const SkBitmap&, int x, int y, SkColorType, SkAlphaType);
void write_pixels(SkSurface*, const SkBitmap&, int x, int y, SkColorType, SkAlphaType);
* Returns true iff all of the pixels between the two images are identical.
* If the configs differ, return false.
bool equal_pixels(const SkPixmap&, const SkPixmap&);
bool equal_pixels(const SkBitmap&, const SkBitmap&);
bool equal_pixels(const SkImage* a, const SkImage* b);
/** Returns a newly created CheckerboardShader. */
sk_sp<SkShader> create_checkerboard_shader(SkColor c1, SkColor c2, int size);
/** Draw a checkerboard pattern in the current canvas, restricted to
the current clip, using SkXfermode::kSrc_Mode. */
void draw_checkerboard(SkCanvas* canvas,
SkColor color1,
SkColor color2,
int checkSize);
/** Make it easier to create a bitmap-based checkerboard */
SkBitmap create_checkerboard_bitmap(int w, int h,
SkColor c1, SkColor c2,
int checkSize);
/** A default checkerboard. */
inline void draw_checkerboard(SkCanvas* canvas) {
sk_tool_utils::draw_checkerboard(canvas, 0xFF999999, 0xFF666666, 8);
SkBitmap create_string_bitmap(int w, int h, SkColor c, int x, int y,
int textSize, const char* str);
// If the canvas does't make a surface (e.g. recording), make a raster surface
sk_sp<SkSurface> makeSurface(SkCanvas*, const SkImageInfo&, const SkSurfaceProps* = nullptr);
// A helper for inserting a drawtext call into a SkTextBlobBuilder
void add_to_text_blob_w_len(SkTextBlobBuilder*, const char* text, size_t len, SkTextEncoding,
const SkFont&, SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
void add_to_text_blob(SkTextBlobBuilder*, const char* text, const SkFont&,
SkScalar x, SkScalar y);
// Constructs a star by walking a 'numPts'-sided regular polygon with even/odd fill:
// moveTo(pts[0]);
// lineTo(pts[step % numPts]);
// ...
// lineTo(pts[(step * (N - 1)) % numPts]);
// numPts=5, step=2 will produce a classic five-point star.
// numPts and step must be co-prime.
SkPath make_star(const SkRect& bounds, int numPts = 5, int step = 2);
void create_hemi_normal_map(SkBitmap* bm, const SkIRect& dst);
void create_frustum_normal_map(SkBitmap* bm, const SkIRect& dst);
void create_tetra_normal_map(SkBitmap* bm, const SkIRect& dst);
void make_big_path(SkPath& path);
// A helper object to test the topological sorting code (TopoSortBench.cpp & TopoSortTest.cpp)
class TopoTestNode : public SkRefCnt {
TopoTestNode(int id) : fID(id), fOutputPos(-1), fTempMark(false) { }
void dependsOn(TopoTestNode* src) {
*fDependencies.append() = src;
int id() const { return fID; }
void reset() { fOutputPos = -1; }
int outputPos() const { return fOutputPos; }
// check that the topological sort is valid for this node
bool check() {
if (-1 == fOutputPos) {
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < fDependencies.count(); ++i) {
if (-1 == fDependencies[i]->outputPos()) {
return false;
// This node should've been output after all the nodes on which it depends
if (fOutputPos < fDependencies[i]->outputPos()) {
return false;
return true;
// The following 7 methods are needed by the topological sort
static void SetTempMark(TopoTestNode* node) { node->fTempMark = true; }
static void ResetTempMark(TopoTestNode* node) { node->fTempMark = false; }
static bool IsTempMarked(TopoTestNode* node) { return node->fTempMark; }
static void Output(TopoTestNode* node, int outputPos) {
SkASSERT(-1 != outputPos);
node->fOutputPos = outputPos;
static bool WasOutput(TopoTestNode* node) { return (-1 != node->fOutputPos); }
static int NumDependencies(TopoTestNode* node) { return node->fDependencies.count(); }
static TopoTestNode* Dependency(TopoTestNode* node, int index) {
return node->fDependencies[index];
// Helper functions for TopoSortBench & TopoSortTest
static void AllocNodes(SkTArray<sk_sp<sk_tool_utils::TopoTestNode>>* graph, int num) {
for (int i = 0; i < num; ++i) {
graph->push_back(sk_sp<TopoTestNode>(new TopoTestNode(i)));
#ifdef SK_DEBUG
static void Print(const SkTArray<TopoTestNode*>& graph) {
for (int i = 0; i < graph.count(); ++i) {
SkDebugf("%d, ", graph[i]->id());
// randomize the array
static void Shuffle(SkTArray<sk_sp<TopoTestNode>>* graph, SkRandom* rand) {
for (int i = graph->count()-1; i > 0; --i) {
int swap = rand->nextU() % (i+1);
int fID;
int fOutputPos;
bool fTempMark;
SkTDArray<TopoTestNode*> fDependencies;
template <typename T>
inline bool EncodeImageToFile(const char* path, const T& src, SkEncodedImageFormat f, int q) {
SkFILEWStream file(path);
return file.isValid() && SkEncodeImage(&file, src, f, q);
bool copy_to(SkBitmap* dst, SkColorType dstCT, const SkBitmap& src);
void copy_to_g8(SkBitmap* dst, const SkBitmap& src);
} // namespace sk_tool_utils
#endif // sk_tool_utils_DEFINED