blob: 39e5d02496626d80c648a385f2d92116d0f00ae8 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
The slf4j-migrator aims to
General limitations
- the FATAL level is not supported.
This is limitation is not deemed serious because there are usually
very few log statements bearing the FATAL level.
- if a method declares multiple loggers on the same line, the conversion will not be complete. Example:
public void someMethod(Log l1, Log l2) {
will be converted as
public void someMethod(Log l1, Logger l2) {
When migrating from log4j
- Since NDC is not supported by SLF4J, the migrator cannot properly handle
NDC statements.
- Calls to PropertyConfigurator or DomConfigurator cannot be migrated since
SLF4J the equivalents.