blob: e3e30d76f1a9859abf87cafacacfd5fca97e4088 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# LGPL/GPL code library
# Include configuration rules
include $(MAKEDIR)/
REQFLAGS += -I$(SRC)/../gplinclude -I$(SRC)/../gplinclude/zzjson
GPLDIRS := $(SRC) $(addprefix $(SRC)/,disk dmi vpd acpi zzjson)
LIBOBJS := $(subst $(SRC)/,,$(foreach dir,$(GPLDIRS),$(patsubst %.c,%.o,$(wildcard $(dir)/*.c))))
BINDIR = /usr/bin
LIBDIR = /usr/lib
DATADIR = /usr/share
AUXDIR = $(DATADIR)/syslinux
INCDIR = /usr/include
COM32DIR = $(AUXDIR)/com32
all: makeoutputdirs libgpl.c32
@mkdir -p $(foreach b, \
$(addprefix $(OBJ),$(sort $(dir $(LIBOBJS)))),$(b))
libgpl.elf : $(LIBOBJS)
$(LD) -shared $(LDFLAGS) -soname $(patsubst %.elf,%.c32,$(@F)) -o $@ $^
tidy dist clean:
find . \( -name \*.o -o -name .\*.d -o -name \*.tmp \) -print0 | \
xargs -0r rm -f
spotless: clean
rm -f *.c32
rm -f *~ \#* */*~ */\#*
# Mixing in the GPL include files is suboptimal, but I'm not sure
# there is a better way to do it.
install: all
mkdir -m 755 -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(COM32DIR)
install -m 644 libgpl.c32 $(INSTALLROOT)$(COM32DIR)
mkdir -p $(INSTALLROOT)$(COM32DIR)/include/
cp -r $(SRC)/../gplinclude $(INSTALLROOT)$(COM32DIR)/include/
-include .*.d */.*.d */*/.*.d