blob: 79b296cfe3e1902004bfd02235aa1d02d787c331 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#include <curses.h>
#include "mucurses.h"
#include "cursor.h"
/** @file
* MuCurses clearing functions
* Clear a window to the bottom from current cursor position
* @v *win subject window
* @ret rc return status code
int wclrtobot ( WINDOW *win ) {
struct cursor_pos pos;
_store_curs_pos( win, &pos );
do {
_wputc( win, ' ', WRAP );
} while ( win->curs_y + win->curs_x );
_restore_curs_pos( win, &pos );
return OK;
* Clear a window to the end of the current line
* @v *win subject window
* @ret rc return status code
int wclrtoeol ( WINDOW *win ) {
struct cursor_pos pos;
_store_curs_pos( win, &pos );
while ( ( win->curs_y - pos.y ) == 0 ) {
_wputc( win, ' ', WRAP );
_restore_curs_pos( win, &pos );
return OK;
* Delete character under the cursor in a window
* @v *win subject window
* @ret rc return status code
int wdelch ( WINDOW *win ) {
_wputc( win, ' ', NOWRAP );
_wcursback( win );
return OK;
* Delete line under a window's cursor
* @v *win subject window
* @ret rc return status code
int wdeleteln ( WINDOW *win ) {
struct cursor_pos pos;
_store_curs_pos( win, &pos );
/* let's just set the cursor to the beginning of the line and
let wclrtoeol do the work :) */
wmove( win, win->curs_y, 0 );
wclrtoeol( win );
_restore_curs_pos( win, &pos );
return OK;
* Completely clear a window
* @v *win subject window
* @ret rc return status code
int werase ( WINDOW *win ) {
wmove( win, 0, 0 );
wclrtobot( win );
return OK;