blob: 4421aaf4beddb2ad991b0fe65d47a79d272126d5 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
use Getopt::Long;
use Fcntl;
my $verbosity = 0;
my $blksize = 512;
my $byte = 0;
my %opts = (
'verbose|v+' => sub { $verbosity++; },
'quiet|q+' => sub { $verbosity--; },
'blksize|s=o' => sub { $blksize = $_[1]; },
'byte|b=o' => sub { $byte = $_[1]; },
Getopt::Long::Configure ( 'bundling', 'auto_abbrev' );
GetOptions ( %opts ) or die "Could not parse command-line options\n";
while ( my $filename = shift ) {
die "$filename is not a file\n" unless -f $filename;
my $oldsize = -s $filename;
my $padsize = ( ( -$oldsize ) % $blksize );
my $newsize = ( $oldsize + $padsize );
next unless $padsize;
if ( $verbosity >= 1 ) {
printf "Padding %s from %d to %d bytes with %d x 0x%02x\n",
$filename, $oldsize, $newsize, $padsize, $byte;
if ( $byte ) {
sysopen ( my $fh, $filename, ( O_WRONLY | O_APPEND ) )
or die "Could not open $filename for appending: $!\n";
syswrite $fh, ( chr ( $byte ) x $padsize )
or die "Could not append to $filename: $!\n";
close ( $fh );
} else {
truncate $filename, $newsize
or die "Could not resize $filename: $!\n";
die "Failed to pad $filename\n"
unless ( ( ( -s $filename ) % $blksize ) == 0 );