| @(#) $Header: /tcpdump/master/tcpdump/README,v 1.65 2004-10-12 02:01:59 guy Exp $ (LBL) |
| |
| TCPDUMP 3.9 |
| Now maintained by "The Tcpdump Group" |
| See www.tcpdump.org |
| |
| Please send inquiries/comments/reports to tcpdump-workers@tcpdump.org |
| |
| Anonymous CVS is available via: |
| cvs -d :pserver:cvs.tcpdump.org:/tcpdump/master login |
| (password "anoncvs") |
| cvs -d :pserver:cvs.tcpdump.org:/tcpdump/master checkout tcpdump |
| |
| Version 3.9 of TCPDUMP can be retrived with the CVS tag "tcpdump_3_9rel1": |
| cvs -d :pserver:cvs.tcpdump.org:/tcpdump/master checkout -r tcpdump_3_9rel1 tcpdump |
| |
| Please send patches against the master copy to patches@tcpdump.org. |
| |
| formerly from Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
| Network Research Group <tcpdump@ee.lbl.gov> |
| ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/tcpdump.tar.Z (3.4) |
| |
| This directory contains source code for tcpdump, a tool for network |
| monitoring and data acquisition. This software was originally |
| developed by the Network Research Group at the Lawrence Berkeley |
| National Laboratory. The original distribution is available via |
| anonymous ftp to ftp.ee.lbl.gov, in tcpdump.tar.Z. More recent |
| development is performed at tcpdump.org, http://www.tcpdump.org/ |
| |
| Tcpdump uses libpcap, a system-independent interface for user-level |
| packet capture. Before building tcpdump, you must first retrieve and |
| build libpcap, also originally from LBL and now being maintained by |
| tcpdump.org; see http://www.tcpdump.org/ . |
| |
| Once libpcap is built (either install it or make sure it's in |
| ../libpcap), you can build tcpdump using the procedure in the INSTALL |
| file. |
| |
| The program is loosely based on SMI's "etherfind" although none of the |
| etherfind code remains. It was originally written by Van Jacobson as |
| part of an ongoing research project to investigate and improve tcp and |
| internet gateway performance. The parts of the program originally |
| taken from Sun's etherfind were later re-written by Steven McCanne of |
| LBL. To insure that there would be no vestige of proprietary code in |
| tcpdump, Steve wrote these pieces from the specification given by the |
| manual entry, with no access to the source of tcpdump or etherfind. |
| |
| Over the past few years, tcpdump has been steadily improved by the |
| excellent contributions from the Internet community (just browse |
| through the CHANGES file). We are grateful for all the input. |
| |
| Richard Stevens gives an excellent treatment of the Internet protocols |
| in his book ``TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1''. If you want to learn more |
| about tcpdump and how to interpret its output, pick up this book. |
| |
| Some tools for viewing and analyzing tcpdump trace files are available |
| from the Internet Traffic Archive: |
| |
| http://www.acm.org/sigcomm/ITA/ |
| |
| Another tool that tcpdump users might find useful is tcpslice: |
| |
| ftp://ftp.ee.lbl.gov/tcpslice.tar.Z |
| |
| It is a program that can be used to extract portions of tcpdump binary |
| trace files. See the above distribution for further details and |
| documentation. |
| |
| Problems, bugs, questions, desirable enhancements, etc. should be sent |
| to the address "[email protected]". Bugs, support requests, |
| and feature requests may also be submitted on the SourceForge site for |
| tcpdump at |
| |
| http://sourceforge.net/projects/tcpdump/ |
| |
| Source code contributions, etc. should be sent to the email address |
| "[email protected]", or submitted as patches on the SourceForge site |
| for tcpdump. |
| |
| Current versions can be found at www.tcpdump.org, or the SourceForge |
| site for tcpdump. |
| |
| - The TCPdump team |
| |
| original text by: Steve McCanne, Craig Leres, Van Jacobson |
| |
| ------------------------------------- |
| This directory also contains some short awk programs intended as |
| examples of ways to reduce tcpdump data when you're tracking |
| particular network problems: |
| |
| send-ack.awk |
| Simplifies the tcpdump trace for an ftp (or other unidirectional |
| tcp transfer). Since we assume that one host only sends and |
| the other only acks, all address information is left off and |
| we just note if the packet is a "send" or an "ack". |
| |
| There is one output line per line of the original trace. |
| Field 1 is the packet time in decimal seconds, relative |
| to the start of the conversation. Field 2 is delta-time |
| from last packet. Field 3 is packet type/direction. |
| "Send" means data going from sender to receiver, "ack" |
| means an ack going from the receiver to the sender. A |
| preceding "*" indicates that the data is a retransmission. |
| A preceding "-" indicates a hole in the sequence space |
| (i.e., missing packet(s)), a "#" means an odd-size (not max |
| seg size) packet. Field 4 has the packet flags |
| (same format as raw trace). Field 5 is the sequence |
| number (start seq. num for sender, next expected seq number |
| for acks). The number in parens following an ack is |
| the delta-time from the first send of the packet to the |
| ack. A number in parens following a send is the |
| delta-time from the first send of the packet to the |
| current send (on duplicate packets only). Duplicate |
| sends or acks have a number in square brackets showing |
| the number of duplicates so far. |
| |
| Here is a short sample from near the start of an ftp: |
| 3.00 0.20 send . 512 |
| 3.20 0.20 ack . 1024 (0.20) |
| 3.20 0.00 send P 1024 |
| 3.40 0.20 ack . 1536 (0.20) |
| 3.80 0.40 * send . 0 (3.80) [2] |
| 3.82 0.02 * ack . 1536 (0.62) [2] |
| Three seconds into the conversation, bytes 512 through 1023 |
| were sent. 200ms later they were acked. Shortly thereafter |
| bytes 1024-1535 were sent and again acked after 200ms. |
| Then, for no apparent reason, 0-511 is retransmitted, 3.8 |
| seconds after its initial send (the round trip time for this |
| ftp was 1sec, +-500ms). Since the receiver is expecting |
| 1536, 1536 is re-acked when 0 arrives. |
| |
| packetdat.awk |
| Computes chunk summary data for an ftp (or similar |
| unidirectional tcp transfer). [A "chunk" refers to |
| a chunk of the sequence space -- essentially the packet |
| sequence number divided by the max segment size.] |
| |
| A summary line is printed showing the number of chunks, |
| the number of packets it took to send that many chunks |
| (if there are no lost or duplicated packets, the number |
| of packets should equal the number of chunks) and the |
| number of acks. |
| |
| Following the summary line is one line of information |
| per chunk. The line contains eight fields: |
| 1 - the chunk number |
| 2 - the start sequence number for this chunk |
| 3 - time of first send |
| 4 - time of last send |
| 5 - time of first ack |
| 6 - time of last ack |
| 7 - number of times chunk was sent |
| 8 - number of times chunk was acked |
| (all times are in decimal seconds, relative to the start |
| of the conversation.) |
| |
| As an example, here is the first part of the output for |
| an ftp trace: |
| |
| # 134 chunks. 536 packets sent. 508 acks. |
| 1 1 0.00 5.80 0.20 0.20 4 1 |
| 2 513 0.28 6.20 0.40 0.40 4 1 |
| 3 1025 1.16 6.32 1.20 1.20 4 1 |
| 4 1561 1.86 15.00 2.00 2.00 6 1 |
| 5 2049 2.16 15.44 2.20 2.20 5 1 |
| 6 2585 2.64 16.44 2.80 2.80 5 1 |
| 7 3073 3.00 16.66 3.20 3.20 4 1 |
| 8 3609 3.20 17.24 3.40 5.82 4 11 |
| 9 4097 6.02 6.58 6.20 6.80 2 5 |
| |
| This says that 134 chunks were transferred (about 70K |
| since the average packet size was 512 bytes). It took |
| 536 packets to transfer the data (i.e., on the average |
| each chunk was transmitted four times). Looking at, |
| say, chunk 4, we see it represents the 512 bytes of |
| sequence space from 1561 to 2048. It was first sent |
| 1.86 seconds into the conversation. It was last |
| sent 15 seconds into the conversation and was sent |
| a total of 6 times (i.e., it was retransmitted every |
| 2 seconds on the average). It was acked once, 140ms |
| after it first arrived. |
| |
| stime.awk |
| atime.awk |
| Output one line per send or ack, respectively, in the form |
| <time> <seq. number> |
| where <time> is the time in seconds since the start of the |
| transfer and <seq. number> is the sequence number being sent |
| or acked. I typically plot this data looking for suspicious |
| patterns. |
| |
| |
| The problem I was looking at was the bulk-data-transfer |
| throughput of medium delay network paths (1-6 sec. round trip |
| time) under typical DARPA Internet conditions. The trace of the |
| ftp transfer of a large file was used as the raw data source. |
| The method was: |
| |
| - On a local host (but not the Sun running tcpdump), connect to |
| the remote ftp. |
| |
| - On the monitor Sun, start the trace going. E.g., |
| tcpdump host local-host and remote-host and port ftp-data >tracefile |
| |
| - On local, do either a get or put of a large file (~500KB), |
| preferably to the null device (to minimize effects like |
| closing the receive window while waiting for a disk write). |
| |
| - When transfer is finished, stop tcpdump. Use awk to make up |
| two files of summary data (maxsize is the maximum packet size, |
| tracedata is the file of tcpdump tracedata): |
| awk -f send-ack.awk packetsize=avgsize tracedata >sa |
| awk -f packetdat.awk packetsize=avgsize tracedata >pd |
| |
| - While the summary data files are printing, take a look at |
| how the transfer behaved: |
| awk -f stime.awk tracedata | xgraph |
| (90% of what you learn seems to happen in this step). |
| |
| - Do all of the above steps several times, both directions, |
| at different times of day, with different protocol |
| implementations on the other end. |
| |
| - Using one of the Unix data analysis packages (in my case, |
| S and Gary Perlman's Unix|Stat), spend a few months staring |
| at the data. |
| |
| - Change something in the local protocol implementation and |
| redo the steps above. |
| |
| - Once a week, tell your funding agent that you're discovering |
| wonderful things and you'll write up that research report |
| "real soon now". |