blob: 1843bc5826239d39cb427f230b196d58862412c6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Were we told where to find tcpdump?
# No. Use the appropriate path.
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
# XXX - assume, for now, a Visual Studio debug build, so that
# tcpdump is in the Debug subdirectory.
$TCPDUMP = "Debug\\tcpdump"
} else {
$TCPDUMP = "./tcpdump"
# Make true and false work as Booleans.
use constant true => 1;
use constant false => 0;
use File::Basename;
use Cwd qw(abs_path getcwd);
use File::Path qw(mkpath); # mkpath works with ancient perl, as well as newer perl
use File::Spec;
use Data::Dumper; # for debugging.
# these are created in the directory where we are run, which might be
# a build directory.
my $newdir = "tests/NEW";
my $diffdir= "tests/DIFF";
my $origdir = getcwd();
my $srcdir = $ENV{'srcdir'} || ".";
# Default to unified diff and allow to fall back to basic diff if necessary.
my $diff_flags = defined $ENV{'DIFF_FLAGS'} ? $ENV{'DIFF_FLAGS'} : '-u';
# Force UTC, so time stamps are printed in a standard time zone, and
# tests don't have to be run in the time zone in which the output
# file was generated.
# Get the tests directory from $0.
my $testsdir = dirname($0);
# Convert it to an absolute path, so it works even after we do a cd.
$testsdir = abs_path($testsdir);
print "Running tests from ${testsdir}\n";
print "with ${TCPDUMP}, version:\n";
system "${TCPDUMP} --version";
unshift(@INC, $testsdir);
$passedcount = 0;
$failedcount = 0;
my $failureoutput=$origdir . "/tests/failure-outputs.txt";
# truncate the output file
open(FAILUREOUTPUT, ">" . $failureoutput);
$confighhash = undef;
sub showfile {
local($path) = @_;
# XXX - just do this directly in Perl?
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
my $winpath = File::Spec->canonpath($path);
system "type $winpath";
} else {
system "cat $path";
sub runtest {
local($name, $input, $output, $options) = @_;
my $r;
$outputbase = basename($output);
my $coredump = false;
my $status = 0;
my $linecount = 0;
my $rawstderrlog = "tests/NEW/${outputbase}.raw.stderr";
my $stderrlog = "tests/NEW/${outputbase}.stderr";
my $diffstat = 0;
my $errdiffstat = 0;
# we used to do this as a nice pipeline, but the problem is that $r fails to
# to be set properly if the tcpdump core dumps.
# Furthermore, on Windows, fc can't read the standard input, so we
# can't do it as a pipeline in any case.
$r = system "$TCPDUMP -# -n -r $input $options >tests/NEW/${outputbase} 2>${rawstderrlog}";
if($r != 0) {
# Something other than "tcpdump opened the file, read it, and
# dissected all the packets". What happened?
# We write out an exit status after whatever the subprocess
# wrote out, so it shows up when we diff the expected output
# with it.
open(OUTPUT, ">>"."tests/NEW/$outputbase") || die "fail to open $outputbase\n";
if($r == -1) {
# failed to start due to error.
$status = $!;
printf OUTPUT "FAILED TO RUN: status: %d\n", $status;
} else {
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32' or $^O eq 'msys') {
# On Windows, the return value of system is the lower 8
# bits of the exit status of the process, shifted left
# 8 bits.
# If the process crashed, rather than exiting, the
# exit status will be one of the EXCEPTION_ values
# listed in the documentation for the GetExceptionCode()
# macro.
# Those are defined as STATUS_ values, which should have
# 0xC in the topmost 4 bits (being fatal error
# statuses); some of them have a value that fits in
# the lower 8 bits. We could, I guess, assume that
# any value that 1) isn't returned by tcpdump and 2)
# corresponds to the lower 8 bits of a STATUS_ value
# used as an EXCEPTION_ value indicates that tcpdump
# exited with that exception.
# However, as we're running tcpdump with system, which
# runs the command through cmd.exe, and as cmd.exe
# doesn't map the command's exit code to its own exit
# code in any straightforward manner, we can't get
# that information in any case, so there's no point
# in trying to interpret it in that fashion.
$status = $r >> 8;
} else {
# On UN*Xes, the return status is a POSIX as filled in
# by wait() or waitpid().
# POSIX offers some calls for analyzing it, such as
# WIFSIGNALED() to test whether it indicates that the
# process was terminated by a signal, WTERMSIG() to
# get the signal number from it, WIFEXITED() to test
# whether it indicates that the process exited normally,
# and WEXITSTATUS() to get the exit status from it.
# POSIX doesn't standardize core dumps, so the POSIX
# calls can't test whether a core dump occurred.
# However, all the UN*Xes we are likely to encounter
# follow Research UNIX in this regard, with the exit
# status containing either 0 or a signal number in
# the lower 7 bits, with 0 meaning "exited rather
# than being terminated by a signal", the "core dumped"
# flag in the 0x80 bit, and, if the signal number is
# 0, the exit status in the next 8 bits up.
# This should be cleaned up to use the POSIX calls
# from the Perl library - and to define an additional
# WCOREDUMP() call to test the "core dumped" bit and
# use that.
# But note also that, as we're running tcpdump with
# system, which runs the command through a shell, if
# tcpdump crashes, we'll only know that if the shell
# maps the signal indication and uses that as its
# exit status.
# The good news is that the Bourne shell, and compatible
# shells, have traditionally done that. If the process
# for which the shell reports the exit status terminates
# with a signal, it adds 128 to the signal number and
# returns that as its exit status. (This is why the
# "this is now working right" behavior described in a
# comment below is occurring.)
# As tcpdump itself never returns with an exit status
# >= 128, we can try checking for an exit status with
# the 0x80 bit set and, if we have one, get the signal
# number from the lower 7 bits of the exit status. We
# can't get the "core dumped" indication from the
# shell's exit status; all we can do is check whether
# there's a core file.
if( $r & 128 ) {
$coredump = $r & 127;
if( WIFEXITED($r)) {
$status = WEXITSTATUS($r);
if($coredump || $status) {
printf OUTPUT "EXIT CODE %08x: dump:%d code: %d\n", $r, $coredump, $status;
} else {
printf OUTPUT "EXIT CODE %08x\n", $r;
$r = 0;
if($r == 0) {
# Compare tcpdump's output with what we think it should be.
# If tcpdump failed to produce output, we've produced our own
# "output" above, with the exit status.
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
my $winoutput = File::Spec->canonpath($output);
$r = system "fc /lb1000 /t /1 $winoutput tests\\NEW\\$outputbase >tests\\DIFF\\$outputbase.diff";
$diffstat = $r >> 8;
} else {
$r = system "diff $diff_flags $output tests/NEW/$outputbase >tests/DIFF/$outputbase.diff";
$diffstat = WEXITSTATUS($r);
# process the standard error file, sanitize "reading from" line,
# and count lines
$linecount = 0;
open(ERRORRAW, "<" . $rawstderrlog);
open(ERROROUT, ">" . $stderrlog);
while(<ERRORRAW>) {
next if /^$/; # blank lines are boring
if(/^(reading from file )(.*)(,.*)$/) {
my $filename = basename($2);
print ERROROUT "${1}${filename}${3}\n";
if ( -f "$output.stderr" ) {
# Compare the standard error with what we think it should be.
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
my $winoutput = File::Spec->canonpath($output);
my $canonstderrlog = File::Spec->canonpath($stderrlog);
$nr = system "fc /lb1000 /t /1 $winoutput.stderr $canonstderrlog >tests\DIFF\$outputbase.stderr.diff";
$errdiffstat = $nr >> 8;
} else {
$nr = system "diff $output.stderr $stderrlog >tests/DIFF/$outputbase.stderr.diff";
$errdiffstat = WEXITSTATUS($nr);
if($r == 0) {
$r = $nr;
if($r == 0) {
if($linecount == 0 && $status == 0) {
} else {
$errdiffstat = 1;
#print sprintf("END: %08x\n", $r);
if($r == 0) {
if($linecount == 0) {
printf " %-40s: passed\n", $name;
} else {
printf " %-40s: passed with error messages:\n", $name;
unlink "tests/DIFF/$outputbase.diff";
return 0;
# must have failed!
printf " %-40s: TEST FAILED(exit core=%d/diffstat=%d,%d/r=%d)", $name, $coredump, $diffstat, $errdiffstat, $r;
open FOUT, '>>tests/failure-outputs.txt';
printf FOUT "\nFailed test: $name\n\n";
close FOUT;
if(-f "tests/DIFF/$outputbase.diff") {
# XXX - just do this directly in Perl?
if ($^O eq 'MSWin32') {
system "type tests\\DIFF\\$outputbase.diff >> tests\\failure-outputs.txt";
} else {
system "cat tests/DIFF/$outputbase.diff >> tests/failure-outputs.txt";
if($r == -1) {
print " (failed to execute: $!)\n";
# this is not working right, $r == 0x8b00 when there is a core dump.
# clearly, we need some platform specific perl magic to take this apart, so look for "core"
# too.
# In particular, on Solaris 10 SPARC an alignment problem results in SIGILL,
# a core dump and $r set to 0x00008a00 ($? == 138 in the shell).
if($r & 127 || -f "core") {
my $with = ($r & 128) ? 'with' : 'without';
if(-f "core") {
$with = "with";
printf " (terminated with signal %u, %s coredump)", ($r & 127), $with;
if($linecount == 0) {
print "\n";
} else {
print " with error messages:\n";
return(($r & 128) ? 10 : 20);
if($linecount == 0) {
print "\n";
} else {
print " with error messages:\n";
sub loadconfighash {
if(defined($confighhash)) {
return $confighhash;
$main::confighhash = {};
# this could be loaded once perhaps.
open(CONFIG_H, "config.h") || die "Can not open config.h: $!\n";
while(<CONFIG_H>) {
if(/^\#define (.*) 1/) {
#print "Setting $1\n";
$main::confighhash->{$1} = 1;
#print Dumper($main::confighhash);
# also run tcpdump --fp-type to get the type of floating-point
# arithmetic we're doing, setting a HAVE_{fptype} key based
# on the value it prints
open(FPTYPE_PIPE, "$TCPDUMP --fp-type |") or die("piping tcpdump --fp-type failed\n");
my $fptype_val = <FPTYPE_PIPE>;
my $have_fptype;
if($fptype_val == "9877.895") {
$have_fptype = "HAVE_FPTYPE1";
} else {
$have_fptype = "HAVE_FPTYPE2";
$main::confighhash->{$have_fptype} = 1;
# and check whether this is OpenBSD, as one test fails in OpenBSD
# due to the sad hellscape of low-numbered DLT_ values, due to
# 12 meaning "OpenBSD loopback" rather than "raw IP" on OpenBSD
if($^O eq "openbsd") {
$main::confighhash->{"IS_OPENBSD"} = 1;
return $main::confighhash;
sub runOneComplexTest {
local($testconfig) = @_;
my $output = $testconfig->{output};
my $input = $testconfig->{input};
my $name = $testconfig->{name};
my $options= $testconfig->{args};
my $foundit = 1;
my $unfoundit=1;
my $configset = $testconfig->{config_set};
my $configunset = $testconfig->{config_unset};
my $ch = loadconfighash();
#print Dumper($ch);
if(defined($configset)) {
$foundit = ($ch->{$configset} == 1);
if(defined($configunset)) {
$unfoundit=($ch->{$configunset} != 1);
if(!$foundit) {
printf " %-40s: skipped (%s not set)\n", $name, $configset;
return 0;
if(!$unfoundit) {
printf " %-40s: skipped (%s set)\n", $name, $configunset;
return 0;
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper($testconfig);
# EXPAND any occurrences of @TESTDIR@ to $testsdir
$options =~ s/\@TESTDIR\@/$testsdir/;
my $result = runtest($name,
$testsdir . "/" . $input,
$testsdir . "/" . $output,
if($result == 0) {
} else {
# *.tests files are PERL hash definitions. They should create an array of hashes
# one per test, and place it into the variable @testlist.
sub runComplexTests {
my @files = glob( $testsdir . '/*.tests' );
foreach $file (@files) {
my @testlist = undef;
my $definitions;
print "FILE: ${file}\n";
open(FILE, "<".$file) || die "can not open $file: $!";
local $/ = undef;
$definitions = <FILE>;
#print "STUFF: ${definitions}\n";
eval $definitions;
if(defined($testlist)) {
#use Data::Dumper;
#print Dumper($testlist);
foreach $test (@$testlist) {
} else {
warn "File: ${file} could not be loaded as PERL: $!";
sub runSimpleTests {
open(TESTLIST, "<" . "${testsdir}/TESTLIST") || die "no ${testsdir}/TESTFILE: $!\n";
while(<TESTLIST>) {
next if /^\#/;
next if /^$/;
($name, $input, $output, @options) = split;
#print "processing ${only} vs ${name}\n";
next if(defined($only) && $only ne $name);
my $options = join(" ", @options);
#print "@{options} becomes ${options}\n";
my $hash = { name => $name,
input=> $input,
args => $options };
if(scalar(@ARGV) == 0) {
} else {
# exit with number of failing tests.
print "------------------------------------------------\n";
printf("%4u tests failed\n",$failedcount);
printf("%4u tests passed\n",$passedcount);
exit $failedcount;