blob: f75b1a8e88265846dbeb83de90e448db531b0c06 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.testng;
import org.testng.collections.Lists;
import org.testng.collections.Maps;
import org.testng.internal.XmlMethodSelector;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* This class maintains a map of <CODE><Class, List<ITestNGMethod>></CODE>.
* It is used by TestWorkers to determine if the method they just ran
* is the last of its class, in which case it's time to invoke all the
* afterClass methods.
* @author <a href='mailto:the[dot]mindstorm[at]gmail[dot]com'>Alex Popescu</a>
public class ClassMethodMap {
private Map<Object, List<ITestNGMethod>> m_classMap = Maps.newHashMap();
// These two variables are used throughout the workers to keep track
// of what beforeClass/afterClass methods have been invoked
private Map<ITestClass, Set<Object>> m_beforeClassMethods = Maps.newHashMap();
private Map<ITestClass, Set<Object>> m_afterClassMethods = Maps.newHashMap();
public ClassMethodMap(List<ITestNGMethod> methods, XmlMethodSelector xmlMethodSelector) {
for (ITestNGMethod m : methods) {
// Only add to the class map methods that are included in the
// method selector. We can pass a null context here since the selector
// should already have been initialized
if (xmlMethodSelector != null){
if (! xmlMethodSelector.includeMethod(null, m, true)) continue;
Object instance = m.getInstance();
List<ITestNGMethod> l = m_classMap.get(instance);
if (l == null) {
l = Lists.newArrayList();
m_classMap.put(instance, l);
* Remove the method from this map and returns true if it is the last
* of its class.
public synchronized boolean removeAndCheckIfLast(ITestNGMethod m, Object instance) {
List<ITestNGMethod> l = m_classMap.get(instance);
if (l != null) {
// It's the last method of this class if all the methods remaining in the list belong to a
// different class
for (ITestNGMethod tm : l) {
if (tm.getEnabled() && tm.getTestClass().equals(m.getTestClass())) return false;
return true;
} else {
throw new AssertionError("l should not be null");
private Class<?> getMethodClass(ITestNGMethod m) {
return m.getTestClass().getRealClass();
public Map<ITestClass, Set<Object>> getInvokedBeforeClassMethods() {
return m_beforeClassMethods;
public Map<ITestClass, Set<Object>> getInvokedAfterClassMethods() {
return m_afterClassMethods;
public void clear() {
for(Set<Object> instances: m_beforeClassMethods.values()) {
instances= null;
for(Set<Object> instances: m_afterClassMethods.values()) {
instances= null;