blob: 88b53169f56a8c6be4cc9b8e1d91f0133802f24a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
Here is a quick overview of the main parts of this DTD. For more information,
refer to the <a href="">main web site</a>.
A <b>suite</b> is made of <b>tests</b> and <b>parameters</b>.
A <b>test</b> is made of three parts:
<li> <b>parameters</b>, which override the suite parameters
<li> <b>groups</b>, made of two parts
<li> <b>classes</b>, defining which classes are going to be part
of this test run
In turn, <b>groups</b> are made of two parts:
<li> Definitions, which allow you to group groups into
bigger groups
<li> Runs, which defines the groups that the methods
must belong to in order to be run during this test
Cedric Beust & Alexandru Popescu
@title DTD for TestNG
@root suite
<!-- A suite is the top-level element of a testng.xml file -->
<!ELEMENT suite (groups?,(listeners|packages|test|parameter|method-selectors|suite-files)*) >
<!-- Attributes: -->
@attr name The name of this suite (as it will appear in the reports)
@attr junit Whether to run in JUnit mode.
@attr verbose How verbose the output on the console will be.
This setting has no impact on the HTML reports.
@attr parallel Whether TestNG should use different threads
to run your tests (might speed up the process)
@attr parent-module A module used to create the parent injector of all guice injectors used
in tests of the suite
@attr guice-stage The stage with which the parent injector is created
@attr configfailurepolicy Whether to continue attempting Before/After
Class/Methods after they've failed once or just skip remaining.
@attr thread-count An integer giving the size of the thread pool to use
if you set parallel.
@attr annotations If "javadoc", TestNG will look for
JavaDoc annotations in your sources, otherwise it will
use JDK5 annotations.
@attr time-out The time to wait in milliseconds before aborting the
method (if parallel="methods") or the test (parallel="tests")
@attr skipfailedinvocationcounts Whether to skip failed invocations.
@attr data-provider-thread-count An integer giving the size of the thread pool to use
for parallel data providers.
@attr object-factory A class that implements IObjectFactory that will be used to
instantiate the test objects.
@attr allow-return-values If true, tests that return a value will be run as well
<!ATTLIST suite
junit (true | false) "false"
parallel (false | methods | tests | classes | instances) "false"
parent-module CDATA #IMPLIED
configfailurepolicy (skip | continue) "skip"
thread-count CDATA "5"
annotations CDATA #IMPLIED
skipfailedinvocationcounts (true | false) "false"
data-provider-thread-count CDATA "10"
object-factory CDATA #IMPLIED
group-by-instances (true | false) "false"
preserve-order (true | false) "true"
allow-return-values (true | false) "false"
<!-- A list of XML files that contain more suite descriptions -->
<!ELEMENT suite-files (suite-file)* >
<!ELEMENT suite-file ANY >
<!ATTLIST suite-file
Parameters can be defined at the <suite> or at the <test> level.
Parameters defined at the <test> level override parameters of the same name in <suite>
Parameters are used to link Java method parameters to their actual value, defined here.
<!ELEMENT parameter ANY>
<!ATTLIST parameter
Method selectors define user classes used to select which methods to run.
They need to implement <tt>org.testng.IMethodSelector</tt>
<!ELEMENT method-selectors (method-selector*) >
<!ELEMENT method-selector ((selector-class)*|script) >
<!ELEMENT selector-class ANY>
<!ATTLIST selector-class
<!ELEMENT script ANY>
<!ATTLIST script
A test contains parameters and classes. Additionally, you can define additional groups ("groups of groups")
<!ELEMENT test (method-selectors?,parameter*,groups?,packages?,classes?) >
@attr name The name of this test (as it will appear in the reports)
@attr junit Whether to run in JUnit mode.
@attr verbose How verbose the output on the console will be.
This setting has no impact on the HTML reports.
Default value: suite level verbose.
@attr parallel Whether TestNG should use different threads
to run your tests (might speed up the process)
@attr thread-count An integer giving the size of the thread pool to be used if
parallel mode is used. Overrides the suite level value.
@attr annotations If "javadoc", TestNG will look for
JavaDoc annotations in your sources, otherwise it will
use JDK5 annotations.
@attr time-out the time to wait in milliseconds before aborting
the method (if parallel="methods") or the test (if parallel="tests")
@attr enabled flag to enable/disable current test. Default value: true
@attr skipfailedinvocationcounts Whether to skip failed invocations.
@attr preserve-order If true, the classes in this tag will be run in the same order as
found in the XML file.
@attr allow-return-values If true, tests that return a value will be run as well
<!ATTLIST test
junit (true | false) "false"
parallel (false | methods | tests | classes | instances) #IMPLIED
thread-count CDATA #IMPLIED
annotations CDATA #IMPLIED
enabled (true | false) #IMPLIED
skipfailedinvocationcounts (true | false) "false"
preserve-order (true | false) "true"
group-by-instances (true | false) "false"
allow-return-values (true | false) "false"
Defines additional groups ("groups of groups") and also which groups to include in this test run
<!ELEMENT groups (define*,run?,dependencies?) >
<!ELEMENT define (include*)>
<!ATTLIST define
<!-- Defines which groups to include in the current group of groups -->
<!ELEMENT include ANY>
<!ATTLIST include
description CDATA #IMPLIED
invocation-numbers CDATA #IMPLIED>
<!-- Defines which groups to exclude from the current group of groups -->
<!ELEMENT exclude ANY>
<!ATTLIST exclude
<!-- The subtag of groups used to define which groups should be run -->
<!ELEMENT run (include?,exclude?)* >
<!ELEMENT dependencies (group*)>
<!ELEMENT group ANY>
<!ATTLIST group
depends-on CDATA #REQUIRED>
<!-- The list of classes to include in this test -->
<!ELEMENT classes (class*,parameter*) >
<!ELEMENT class (methods|parameter)* >
<!ATTLIST class
<!-- The list of packages to include in this test -->
<!ELEMENT packages (package*) >
<!-- The package description.
If the package name ends with .* then subpackages are included too.
<!ELEMENT package (include?,exclude?)*>
<!ATTLIST package
<!-- The list of methods to include/exclude from this test -->
<!ELEMENT methods (include?,exclude?,parameter?)* >
<!-- The list of listeners that will be passed to TestNG -->
<!ELEMENT listeners (listener*) >
<!ELEMENT listener ANY>
<!ATTLIST listener
class-name CDATA #REQUIRED >