blob: c33c2a5d8c5a2f97fa9666f2bcc5de59b9867bcf [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Created on 12-Sep-2006 by micheb10
* it is at the wrong location, but it's easier to leave it here.
* Also, do not change the line numbers since the test will make sure
* that the tags are generated in hardcoded line numbers
* Sample file for the Javadocv annotations to Java 5 annotations converter for the default package
* @author micheb10 12-Sep-2006
public class ConverterSample4 {
* This comment line should be preserved
* @testng.before-suite alwaysRun = "true"
public void beforeSuiteAlwaysRun() {
// We are just checking appropriate annotations are added so we don't care about body
* @testng.test
public void plainTest() {
// Empty body
* @testng.test
* @testng.expected-exceptions
* value = "java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NumberFormatException"
public void expectedExceptions() {
// Empty body
* @testng.test groups = "groupA groupB"
public void testGroups() {
// Empty body
* @testng.after-method
public void afterMethod() {
// Empty body
* This key should be preserved
* @author The author is a standard tag and should not be touched
* @testng.test groups = "groupA"
* dependsOnMethods = "expectedExceptions" timeOut="3000" unrecognised="futureProof"
* @version another standard tag should not be changed
* @testng.expected-exceptions
* value = "java.lang.NullPointerException java.lang.NumberFormatException"
public void testEverything() {
* name="test1"
public Object[][] dataProvider() {
return null;
* @testng.factory
@SuppressWarnings({"unchecked", "deprecation"})
public Object[] factory() {
return null;