blob: dab19a489d254587b8c55215529bcff4ada89797 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2022 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package jwt_test
import (
type validationTestCase struct {
tag string
tokenOpts *jwt.RawJWTOptions
validatorOpts *jwt.ValidatorOpts
func TestNewValidatorFailure(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []validationTestCase{
tag: "combining ExpectedTypeHeader and IgnoreTypeHeader",
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
ExpectedTypeHeader: refString("should fail"),
IgnoreTypeHeader: true,
tag: "combining ExpectedIssuer and IgnoreIssuer",
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
ExpectedIssuer: refString("should fail"),
IgnoreIssuer: true,
tag: "combining ExpectedAudience and IgnoreAudiences",
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
ExpectedAudience: refString("should fail"),
IgnoreAudiences: true,
tag: "combining ExpectedAudiences and IgnoreAudiences",
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
ExpectedAudiences: refString("should fail"),
IgnoreAudiences: true,
tag: "both ExpectedAudience and ExpectedAudiences are set",
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
ExpectedAudience: refString("aud"),
ExpectedAudiences: refString("aud"),
tag: "invalid clock skew",
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
ClockSkew: time.Minute * 11,
tag: "validator opts can't be nil",
} {
t.Run(tc.tag, func(t *testing.T) {
if _, err := jwt.NewValidator(tc.validatorOpts); err == nil {
t.Errorf("NewValidator(%v) err = nil, want error", tc.validatorOpts)
func TestValidationFailures(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []validationTestCase{
tag: "expired token",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
ExpiresAt: refTime(100),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
FixedNow: time.Unix(500, 0),
tag: "no expiration and AllowMissingExpiration = false",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{},
tag: "token expiry equals current time",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
ExpiresAt: refTime(123),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
FixedNow: time.Unix(123, 0),
tag: "not before in the future",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
NotBefore: refTime(1500),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
FixedNow: time.Unix(1000, 0),
tag: "issued in the future with ExpectIssuedInThePast = true",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
IssuedAt: refTime(5000),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
FixedNow: time.Unix(1000, 0),
ExpectIssuedInThePast: true,
tag: "without issued at with ExpectIssuedInThePast = true",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectIssuedInThePast: true,
tag: "no type header and RequiresTypeHeader = true",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedTypeHeader: refString("typeHeader"),
tag: "invalid type header",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
TypeHeader: refString("typeHeader"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedTypeHeader: refString("different"),
tag: "type header in token but no type header in validator",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
TypeHeader: refString("typeHeader"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
tag: "issuer required but not specified",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedIssuer: refString("tink-issuer"),
tag: "invalid issuer",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Issuer: refString("tink-issuer"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedIssuer: refString("different"),
tag: "issuer in token but not in validator",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Issuer: refString("issuer"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
tag: "audience required but no specified",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedAudience: refString("tink-audience"),
tag: "audience required but no specified, deprecated",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedAudiences: refString("tink-audience"),
tag: "invalid audience",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Audience: refString("tink-audience"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedAudience: refString("audience"),
tag: "invalid audience, deprecated",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Audience: refString("tink-audience"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedAudiences: refString("audience"),
tag: "audience in token but not in validator",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Audience: refString("audience"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
} {
t.Run(tc.tag, func(t *testing.T) {
token, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(tc.tokenOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("jwt.NewRawJWT(%v) err = %v, want nil", tc.tokenOpts, err)
validator, err := jwt.NewValidator(tc.validatorOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("jwt.NewValidator(%v) err = %v, want nil", tc.validatorOpts, err)
if err := validator.Validate(token); err == nil {
t.Errorf("validator.Validate(%v) err = nil, want error", token)
func TestExpiredTokenValidationReturnsExpiredErr(t *testing.T) {
tokenOpts := &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
ExpiresAt: refTime(100),
expiredToken, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(tokenOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("jwt.NewRawJWT(tokenOpts) err = %v, want nil", err)
validatorOpts := &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
FixedNow: time.Unix(500, 0),
validator, err := jwt.NewValidator(validatorOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("jwt.NewValidator(validatorOpts) err = %v, want nil", err)
validationErr := validator.Validate(expiredToken)
if validationErr == nil {
t.Errorf("validator.Validate(expiredToken) err = nil, want error")
if !jwt.IsExpirationErr(validationErr) {
t.Errorf("jwt.IsExpirationErr(validationErr) = false, want true")
func TestExpirationGetsValidatedFirst(t *testing.T) {
tokenOpts := &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
ExpiresAt: refTime(100),
Audience: refString("invalidAudience"),
expiredTokenWithInvalidAudience, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(tokenOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("jwt.NewRawJWT(tokenOpts) err = %v, want nil", err)
validatorOpts := &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
ExpectedAudiences: refString("audience"),
FixedNow: time.Unix(500, 0),
validator, err := jwt.NewValidator(validatorOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("jwt.NewValidator(validatorOpts) err = %v, want nil", err)
validationErr := validator.Validate(expiredTokenWithInvalidAudience)
if validationErr == nil {
t.Errorf("validator.Validate(expiredTokenWithInvalidAudience) err = nil, want error")
if !jwt.IsExpirationErr(validationErr) {
t.Errorf("jwt.IsExpirationErr(validationErr) = false, want true")
func TestValidationSuccess(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []validationTestCase{
tag: "unexpired token",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
ExpiresAt: refTime(1000),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
FixedNow: time.Unix(100, 0),
tag: "expired with clock slew",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
ExpiresAt: refTime(400),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
FixedNow: time.Unix(500, 0),
ClockSkew: time.Second * 200,
tag: "not before in the past",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
NotBefore: refTime(500),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
FixedNow: time.Unix(1000, 0),
tag: "not before equals now",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
NotBefore: refTime(500),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
FixedNow: time.Unix(500, 0),
tag: "not before in near future with clock skew",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
NotBefore: refTime(600),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
FixedNow: time.Unix(500, 0),
ClockSkew: time.Second * 200,
tag: "issued in the past",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
IssuedAt: refTime(500),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
FixedNow: time.Unix(1000, 0),
tag: "issued in the future",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
IssuedAt: refTime(5000),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
FixedNow: time.Unix(1000, 0),
tag: "without issued at",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
tag: "issued in the past with ExpectIssuedInThePast",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
IssuedAt: refTime(500),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectIssuedInThePast: true,
FixedNow: time.Unix(1000, 0),
tag: "issued in the past with ExpectIssuedInThePast and clock skew",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
IssuedAt: refTime(1100),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectIssuedInThePast: true,
FixedNow: time.Unix(1000, 0),
ClockSkew: time.Second * 200,
tag: "expected type header",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
TypeHeader: refString("typeHeader"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedTypeHeader: refString("typeHeader"),
tag: "ignore type header",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
TypeHeader: refString("typeHeader"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
IgnoreTypeHeader: true,
tag: "expected issuer",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Issuer: refString("issuer"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedIssuer: refString("issuer"),
tag: "ignore issuer",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Issuer: refString("issuer"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
IgnoreIssuer: true,
tag: "expected audience",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Audience: refString("audience"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedAudience: refString("audience"),
tag: "deprecated expected audiences",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Audience: refString("audience"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
ExpectedAudiences: refString("audience"),
tag: "ignore audience",
tokenOpts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Audience: refString("audience"),
validatorOpts: &jwt.ValidatorOpts{
AllowMissingExpiration: true,
IgnoreAudiences: true,
} {
t.Run(tc.tag, func(t *testing.T) {
token, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(tc.tokenOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewRawJWT(%v) err = %v, want nil", tc.tokenOpts, err)
validator, err := jwt.NewValidator(tc.validatorOpts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewValidator(%v) err = %v, want nil", tc.validatorOpts, err)
if err := validator.Validate(token); err != nil {
t.Errorf("validator.Validate(%v) err = %v, want nil", token, err)