blob: 4787ccb8cff4cc4ead3d86cc437d57631fe5f7e8 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2021 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package jwt_test
import (
const (
invalidUTF8 = "\xF4\x7F\xBF\xBF"
validExpiration = 1640043004
type testCase struct {
tag string
opts *jwt.RawJWTOptions
json string
token *jwt.RawJWT
func refString(a string) *string {
return &a
func refTime(ts int64) *time.Time {
t := time.Unix(ts, 0)
return &t
func TestCreatingRawJWTWithAllClaims(t *testing.T) {
json := `{
"sub": "tink-test-subject",
"iss": "tink-test-issuer",
"jti": "tink-jwt-id",
"aud": ["aud-1", "aud-2"],
"exp": 457888,
"nbf": 450888,
"iat": 400888,
"cc-num": 1.67,
"cc-bool": true,
"cc-null": null,
"cc-array": [1,2,3],
"cc-string": "cc-val",
"cc-object": {"nested-cc-num": 5.5}
opts := &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
TypeHeader: refString("typeHeader"),
Subject: refString("tink-test-subject"),
Issuer: refString("tink-test-issuer"),
JWTID: refString("tink-jwt-id"),
Audiences: []string{"aud-1", "aud-2"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(457888),
NotBefore: refTime(450888),
IssuedAt: refTime(400888),
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"cc-num": 1.67,
"cc-bool": true,
"cc-null": nil,
"cc-string": "cc-val",
"cc-array": []interface{}{1.0, 2.0, 3.0},
"cc-object": map[string]interface{}{"nested-cc-num": 5.5},
fromJSON, err := jwt.NewRawJWTFromJSON(refString("typeHeader"), []byte(json))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("jwt.NewRawJWTFromJSON(%q): %v", json, err)
fromOpts, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("jwt.NewRawJWT(%v): %v", opts, err)
for _, tc := range []testCase{
tag: "jwt.NewRawJWTFromJSON",
token: fromJSON,
tag: "NewRawJWT",
token: fromOpts,
} {
if !tc.token.HasTypeHeader() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasTypeHeader() = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasAudiences() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasAudiences() = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasSubject() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasSubject() = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasIssuer() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasIssuer() = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasJWTID() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasJWTID() = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasExpiration() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasExpiration() = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasNotBefore() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasNotBefore() = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasIssuedAt() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasIssuedAt() = false, want true")
typeHeader, err := tc.token.TypeHeader()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.TypeHeader() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(typeHeader, *opts.TypeHeader) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.TypeHeader() = %q, want %q", typeHeader, *opts.TypeHeader)
audiences, err := tc.token.Audiences()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.Audiences() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(audiences, opts.Audiences) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.Audiences() = %q, want %q", audiences, opts.Audiences)
subject, err := tc.token.Subject()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.Subject() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(subject, *opts.Subject) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.Subject() = %q, want %q", subject, *opts.Subject)
issuer, err := tc.token.Issuer()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.Issuer() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(issuer, *opts.Issuer) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.Issuer() = %q, want %q", issuer, *opts.Issuer)
jwtID, err := tc.token.JWTID()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.JWTID() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(jwtID, *opts.JWTID) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.JWTID() = %q, want %q", jwtID, *opts.JWTID)
expiresAt, err := tc.token.ExpiresAt()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.ExpiresAt() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(expiresAt, *opts.ExpiresAt) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.ExpiresAt() = %q, want %q", expiresAt, *opts.ExpiresAt)
issuedAt, err := tc.token.IssuedAt()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.IssuedAt() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(issuedAt, *opts.IssuedAt) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.IssuedAt() = %q, want %q", issuedAt, *opts.IssuedAt)
notBefore, err := tc.token.NotBefore()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.NotBefore() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(notBefore, *opts.NotBefore) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.NotBefore() = %q, want %q", notBefore, *opts.NotBefore)
wantCustomClaims := []string{"cc-num", "cc-bool", "cc-null", "cc-string", "cc-array", "cc-object"}
if !cmp.Equal(tc.token.CustomClaimNames(), wantCustomClaims, cmpopts.SortSlices(func(a, b string) bool { return a < b })) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.CustomClaimNames() = %q, want %q", tc.token.CustomClaimNames(), wantCustomClaims)
if !tc.token.HasNumberClaim("cc-num") {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasNumberClaim('cc-num') = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasBooleanClaim("cc-bool") {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasBooleanClaim('cc-bool') = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasNullClaim("cc-null") {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasNullClaim('cc-null') = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasStringClaim("cc-string") {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasStringClaim('cc-string') = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasArrayClaim("cc-array") {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasArrayClaim('cc-array') = false, want true")
if !tc.token.HasObjectClaim("cc-object") {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasObjectClaim('cc-object') = false, want true")
number, err := tc.token.NumberClaim("cc-num")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.NumberClaim('cc-num') err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(number, opts.CustomClaims["cc-num"]) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.NumberClaim('cc-num') = %f, want %f", number, opts.CustomClaims["cc-num"])
boolean, err := tc.token.BooleanClaim("cc-bool")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.BooleanClaim('cc-bool') err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(boolean, opts.CustomClaims["cc-bool"]) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.BooleanClaim('cc-bool') = %v, want %v", boolean, opts.CustomClaims["cc-bool"])
str, err := tc.token.StringClaim("cc-string")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.StringClaim('cc-string') err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(str, opts.CustomClaims["cc-string"]) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.StringClaim('cc-string') = %q, want %q", str, opts.CustomClaims["cc-string"])
array, err := tc.token.ArrayClaim("cc-array")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.ArrayClaim('cc-array') err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(array, opts.CustomClaims["cc-array"]) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.ArrayClaim('cc-array') = %q, want %q", array, opts.CustomClaims["cc-array"])
object, err := tc.token.ObjectClaim("cc-object")
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.ObjectClaim('cc-object') err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(object, opts.CustomClaims["cc-object"]) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.ObjectClaim('cc-object') = %q, want %q", object, opts.CustomClaims["cc-object"])
func TestGeneratingRawJWTWithoutClaims(t *testing.T) {
jsonToken, err := jwt.NewRawJWTFromJSON(nil, []byte("{}"))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("jwt.NewRawJWTFromJSON({}): %v", err)
optsToken, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(&jwt.RawJWTOptions{WithoutExpiration: true})
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("NewRawJWT with no claims: %v", err)
for _, tc := range []testCase{
tag: "jwt.NewRawJWTFromJSON",
token: jsonToken,
tag: "NewRawJWT",
token: optsToken,
} {
if tc.token.HasTypeHeader() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasTypeHeader() = true, want false")
if tc.token.HasAudiences() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasAudiences() = true, want false")
if tc.token.HasSubject() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasSubject() = true, want false")
if tc.token.HasIssuer() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasIssuer() = true, want false")
if tc.token.HasJWTID() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasJWTID() = true, want false")
if tc.token.HasExpiration() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasExpiration() = true, want false")
if tc.token.HasNotBefore() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasNotBefore() = true, want false")
if tc.token.HasIssuedAt() {
t.Errorf("tc.token.HasIssuedAt() = true, want false")
if _, err := tc.token.Audiences(); err == nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.Audiences() err = nil, want error")
if _, err := tc.token.Subject(); err == nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.Subject() err = nil, want error")
if _, err := tc.token.Issuer(); err == nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.Issuer() err = nil, want error")
if _, err := tc.token.JWTID(); err == nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.JWTID() err = nil, want error")
if _, err := tc.token.ExpiresAt(); err == nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.ExpiresAt() err = nil, want error")
if _, err := tc.token.IssuedAt(); err == nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.IssuedAt() err = nil, want error")
if _, err := tc.token.NotBefore(); err == nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.NotBefore() err = nil, want error")
if !cmp.Equal(tc.token.CustomClaimNames(), []string{}) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.CustomClaimNames() = %q want %q", tc.token.CustomClaimNames(), []string{})
func TestNewRawJWTLargeValidTimestamps(t *testing.T) {
opts := &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
TypeHeader: refString("typeHeader"),
ExpiresAt: refTime(253402300799),
NotBefore: refTime(253402300700),
IssuedAt: refTime(253402300000),
token, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("generating RawJWT with valid timestamps (%q, %q, %q): %v", opts.ExpiresAt, opts.NotBefore, opts.IssuedAt, err)
expiresAt, err := token.ExpiresAt()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.ExpiresAt() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(expiresAt, *opts.ExpiresAt) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.ExpiresAt() = %q want %q", expiresAt, *opts.ExpiresAt)
notBefore, err := token.NotBefore()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.NotBefore() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(notBefore, *opts.NotBefore) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.NotBefore() = %q want %q", notBefore, *opts.NotBefore)
issuedAt, err := token.IssuedAt()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("tc.token.IssuedAt() err = %v, want nil", err)
if !cmp.Equal(issuedAt, *opts.IssuedAt) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.IssuedAt() = %q want %q", issuedAt, *opts.IssuedAt)
func TestNewRawJWTSingleStringAudience(t *testing.T) {
opts := &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Audience: refString("tink-aud"),
rawJWT, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("generating RawJWT with a single audience: %v", err)
aud, err := rawJWT.Audiences()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("getting audience from token: %v", err)
want := []string{*opts.Audience}
if !cmp.Equal(aud, want) {
t.Errorf("rawJWT.Audiences() = %q, want %q", aud, want)
func TestSingleStringAudienceFromJSON(t *testing.T) {
rawJWT, err := jwt.NewRawJWTFromJSON(nil, []byte(`{"aud": "tink-aud"}`))
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("parsing valid RawJWT: %v", err)
aud, err := rawJWT.Audiences()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("getting audience from token: %v", err)
want := []string{"tink-aud"}
if !cmp.Equal(aud, want) {
t.Errorf("rawJWT.Audiences() = %q, want %q", aud, want)
func TestNewRawJWTValidationFailures(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []testCase{
tag: "empty jwt.RawJWTOptions options fails",
tag: "no ExpiresAt specified and WithoutExpiration = false fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
tag: "ExpiresAt and WithoutExpiration = true fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
WithoutExpiration: true,
tag: "specifying Audenience and Audiences fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
Audience: refString("tink-bar"),
WithoutExpiration: true,
tag: "empty audiences array fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
Audiences: []string{},
tag: "audiences with invalid UTF-8 string fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Audiences: []string{"valid", invalidUTF8},
tag: "custom claims containing registered subject claims fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"sub": "overwrite",
tag: "custom claims containing registered issuer claims fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"iss": "overwrite",
tag: "custom claims containing registered jwt id claims fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"jti": "overwrite",
tag: "custom claims containing registered expiration claims fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"exp": "overwrite",
tag: "custom claims containing registered audience claims fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
WithoutExpiration: true,
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"aud": []interface{}{"overwrite"},
tag: "custom claims with non standard JSON types fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"complex": time.Time{},
tag: "non UTF-8 string on isser claim fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
Issuer: refString(invalidUTF8),
tag: "non UTF-8 string on subject claim fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
WithoutExpiration: true,
Subject: refString(invalidUTF8),
tag: "non UTF-8 string on JWT ID claim fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
WithoutExpiration: true,
JWTID: refString(invalidUTF8),
tag: "non UTF-8 string on custom claim fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
Issuer: refString("ise-testing"),
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"esoteric": invalidUTF8,
tag: "issued at timestamp greater than valid JWT max time fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
IssuedAt: refTime(253402300800),
tag: "expires at timestamp greater than valid JWT max time fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(253402300800),
tag: "not before timestamp smaller than valid JWT min time fails",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
Audiences: []string{"tink-foo"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
NotBefore: refTime(-5),
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.tag, func(t *testing.T) {
_, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(tc.opts)
if err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error instead got nil")
func TestJSONPayload(t *testing.T) {
for _, tc := range []testCase{
tag: "subject",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Subject: refString("tink-subject"),
json: `{"sub":"tink-subject"}`,
tag: "audience list",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Audiences: []string{"one"},
json: `{"aud":["one"]}`,
tag: "audience string",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Audience: refString("one"),
json: `{"aud":"one"}`,
tag: "issuer",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
Issuer: refString("tink-test"),
json: `{"iss":"tink-test"}`,
tag: "jwt id",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
JWTID: refString("tink-id"),
json: `{"jti":"tink-id"}`,
tag: "issued at",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
IssuedAt: refTime(78324),
json: `{"iat":78324}`,
tag: "not before",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
NotBefore: refTime(78324),
json: `{"nbf":78324}`,
tag: "expiration",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
ExpiresAt: refTime(78324),
json: `{"exp":78324}`,
tag: "integer",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"num": 1,
json: `{"num":1}`,
tag: "custom-claim",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"cust": []interface{}{map[string]interface{}{"key": "val"}},
json: `{"cust":[{"key":"val"}]}`,
tag: "no claims",
opts: &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
WithoutExpiration: true,
json: `{}`,
} {
t.Run(tc.tag, func(t *testing.T) {
token, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(tc.opts)
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("generating valid RawJWT: %v", err)
j, err := token.JSONPayload()
if err != nil {
t.Errorf("calling JSONPayload() on rawJWT: %v", err)
if !cmp.Equal(string(j), tc.json) {
t.Fatalf("JSONPayload output got %v, expected %v", string(j), tc.json)
func TestFromJSONValidationFailures(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []testCase{
tag: "json with empty audience",
json: `{"sub": "tink", "aud": []}`,
tag: "json with audience of wrong type",
json: `{"aud": 5}`,
tag: "json with audiences of wrong type",
json: `{"aud": ["one", null]}`,
tag: "json with registered claim with wrong type",
json: `{"sub": 1}`,
tag: "json with non UTF-8 string on subject claim fails",
json: `{"sub": "\xF4\x7F\xBF\xBF"}`,
tag: "json with non UTF-8 string on issuer claim fails",
json: `{"iss": "\xF4\x7F\xBF\xBF"}`,
tag: "json with non UTF-8 string on jwt id claim fails",
json: `{"jti": "\xF4\x7F\xBF\xBF"}`,
tag: "json with `not before` timestamp claim greater than valid JWT max time fails",
json: `{"nbf": 253402301799}`,
tag: "json with `issued at` timestamp claim greater than valid JWT max time fails",
json: `{"iat": 253402301799}`,
tag: "json with `expiration` timestamp claim greater than valid JWT max time fails",
json: `{"exp": 253402301799}`,
tag: "json with `not before` timestamp claim smaller than valid JWT min time fails",
json: `{"nbf": -4}`,
tag: "json with `issued at` timestamp claim smaller than valid JWT min time fails",
json: `{"iat": -4}`,
tag: "json with `expiration` timestamp claim smaller than valid JWT min time fails",
json: `{"exp": -4}`,
tag: "json with `not before` claim of non numeric type fails",
json: `{"nbf": "invalid"}`,
tag: "json with `issued at` claim of non numeric type fails",
json: `{"iat": "invalid"}`,
tag: "json with `expiration` claim of non numeric type fails",
json: `{"exp": "invalid"}`,
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(tc.tag, func(t *testing.T) {
if _, err := jwt.NewRawJWTFromJSON(nil, []byte(tc.json)); err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error instead got nil")
func TestHasCustomClaimsOfKind(t *testing.T) {
opts := &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
TypeHeader: refString("typeHeader"),
WithoutExpiration: true,
CustomClaims: map[string]interface{}{
"cc-num": 1.67,
"cc-bool": false,
"cc-nil": nil,
"cc-list": []interface{}{1.0, 2.0, 3.0},
"cc-string": "cc-val",
"cc-object": map[string]interface{}{
"nested-cc-num": 5.5,
token, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("generating valid RawJWT: %v", err)
if token.HasBooleanClaim("cc-num") {
t.Errorf("custom number claim 'cc-num' should return false when queried for another type")
if token.HasNullClaim("cc-bool") {
t.Errorf("custom boolean claim 'cc-bool' should return false when queried for another type")
if token.HasNumberClaim("cc-bool") {
t.Errorf("custom boolean claim 'cc-bool' should return false when queried for another type")
if token.HasStringClaim("cc-bool") {
t.Errorf("custom boolean claim 'cc-bool' should return false when queried for another type")
if token.HasArrayClaim("cc-bool") {
t.Errorf("custom boolean claim 'cc-bool' should return false when queried for another type")
if token.HasObjectClaim("cc-bool") {
t.Errorf("custom boolean claim 'cc-bool' should return false when queried for another type")
func TestGettingRegisteredClaimsThroughCustomFails(t *testing.T) {
opts := &jwt.RawJWTOptions{
TypeHeader: refString("typeHeader"),
Subject: refString("tink-test-subject"),
Issuer: refString("tink-test-issuer"),
JWTID: refString("tink-jwt-id-1"),
Audiences: []string{"aud-1", "aud-2"},
ExpiresAt: refTime(validExpiration),
IssuedAt: refTime(validExpiration - 100),
NotBefore: refTime(validExpiration - 50),
token, err := jwt.NewRawJWT(opts)
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("generating valid RawJWT: %v", err)
if !cmp.Equal(token.CustomClaimNames(), []string{}) {
t.Errorf("tc.token.CustomClaimNames() = %q want %q", token.CustomClaimNames(), []string{})
for _, c := range []string{"sub", "iss", "aud", "nbf", "exp", "iat", "jti"} {
if token.HasNullClaim(c) {
t.Errorf("registered '%q' claim should return false when calling HasNullClaim", c)
if token.HasBooleanClaim(c) {
t.Errorf("registered '%q' claim should return false when calling HasBooleanClaim", c)
if _, err := token.BooleanClaim(c); err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error when calling token.BoolClaim(%q) instead got nil", c)
if token.HasNumberClaim(c) {
t.Errorf("registered '%q' claim should return false when calling HasNumberClaim", c)
if _, err := token.NumberClaim(c); err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error when calling token.NumberClaim(%q) instead got nil", c)
if token.HasStringClaim(c) {
t.Errorf("registered '%q' claim should return false when calling HasStringClaim", c)
if _, err := token.StringClaim(c); err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error when calling token.StringClaim(%q) instead got nil", c)
if token.HasArrayClaim(c) {
t.Errorf("registered '%q' claim should return false when calling HasArrayClaim", c)
if _, err := token.ArrayClaim(c); err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error when calling token.ListClaim(%q) instead got nil", c)
if token.HasObjectClaim(c) {
t.Errorf("registered '%q' claim should return false when calling HasObjectClaim", c)
if _, err := token.ObjectClaim(c); err == nil {
t.Errorf("expected error when calling token.JSONClaim(%q) instead got nil", c)