| // This file was extracted from the TCG Published |
| // Trusted Platform Module Library |
| // Level 00 Revision 01.16 |
| #include "InternalRoutines.h" |
| #include "PCR_SetAuthValue_fp.h" |
| // TPM_RC_VALUE PCR referenced by pcrHandle is not a member of a PCR |
| PCR_SetAuthValue_In *in // IN: input parameter list |
| // If PCR does not belong to an auth group, return TPM_RC_VALUE |
| if(!PCRBelongsAuthGroup(in->pcrHandle, &groupIndex)) |
| // The command may cause the orderlyState to be cleared due to the update of |
| // state clear data. If this is the case, Check if NV is available. |
| // A TPM_RC_NV_UNAVAILABLE or TPM_RC_NV_RATE error may be returned at |
| if(gp.orderlyState != SHUTDOWN_NONE) |
| result = NvIsAvailable(); |
| if(result != TPM_RC_SUCCESS) return result; |
| gc.pcrAuthValues.auth[groupIndex] = in->auth; |