| /* |
| * Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved. |
| * Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| * found in the LICENSE file. |
| */ |
| |
| |
| UINT16 CryptCommit(void); |
| TPM_RC CryptCommitCompute( |
| TPMS_ECC_POINT *K, // OUT: [d]B |
| TPMS_ECC_POINT *L, // OUT: [r]B |
| TPMS_ECC_POINT *E, // OUT: [r]M |
| TPM_ECC_CURVE curveID, // IN: The curve for the computation |
| TPMS_ECC_POINT *M, // IN: M (P1) |
| TPMS_ECC_POINT *B, // IN: B (x2, y2) |
| TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *d, // IN: the private scalar |
| TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *r // IN: the computed r value |
| ); |
| LIB_EXPORT UINT16 CryptCompleteHMAC2B( |
| HMAC_STATE *hmacState, // IN: the state of HMAC stack |
| TPM2B *digest // OUT: HMAC |
| ); |
| UINT16 CryptCompleteHash2B( |
| void *state, // IN: the state of hash stack |
| TPM2B *digest // IN: the size of the buffer Out: requested |
| // number of byte |
| ); |
| TPM_RC CryptCreateObject( |
| TPM_HANDLE parentHandle, // IN/OUT: indication of the seed |
| // source |
| TPMT_PUBLIC *publicArea, // IN/OUT: public area |
| TPMS_SENSITIVE_CREATE *sensitiveCreate, // IN: sensitive creation |
| TPMT_SENSITIVE *sensitive // OUT: sensitive area |
| ); |
| void CryptDrbgGetPutState( |
| GET_PUT direction // IN: Get from or put to DRBG |
| ); |
| TPM_RC CryptDecryptRSA( |
| UINT16 *dataOutSize, // OUT: size of plain text in byte |
| BYTE *dataOut, // OUT: plain text |
| OBJECT *rsaKey, // IN: internal RSA key |
| TPMT_RSA_DECRYPT *scheme, // IN: selects the padding scheme |
| UINT16 cipherInSize, // IN: size of cipher text in byte |
| BYTE *cipherIn, // IN: cipher text |
| const char *label // IN: a label, when needed |
| ); |
| TPM_RC CryptDivide( |
| TPM2B *numerator, // IN: numerator |
| TPM2B *denominator, // IN: denominator |
| TPM2B *quotient, // OUT: quotient = numerator / denominator. |
| TPM2B *remainder // OUT: numerator mod denominator. |
| ); |
| void CryptDrbgGetPutState( |
| GET_PUT direction // IN: Get from or put to DRBG |
| ); |
| LIB_EXPORT const TPM2B * CryptEccGetParameter( |
| char p, // IN: the parameter selector |
| TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId // IN: the curve id |
| ); |
| BOOL CryptEccIsPointOnCurve( |
| TPM_ECC_CURVE curveID, // IN: ECC curve ID |
| TPMS_ECC_POINT *Q // IN: ECC point |
| ); |
| BOOL CryptGenerateR( |
| TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *r, // OUT: the generated random value |
| UINT16 *c, // IN/OUT: count value. |
| TPMI_ECC_CURVE curveID, // IN: the curve for the value |
| TPM2B_NAME *name // IN: optional name of a key to |
| // associate with 'r' |
| ); |
| UINT16 CryptGenerateRandom( |
| UINT16 randomSize, // IN: size of random number |
| BYTE *buffer // OUT: buffer of random number |
| ); |
| LIB_EXPORT UINT16 CryptGetHashDigestSize( |
| TPM_ALG_ID hashAlg // IN: hash algorithm |
| ); |
| INT16 CryptGetSymmetricBlockSize( |
| TPMI_ALG_SYM algorithm, // IN: symmetric algorithm |
| UINT16 keySize // IN: key size in bit |
| ); |
| LIB_EXPORT UINT16 CryptHashBlock( |
| TPM_ALG_ID algId, // IN: the hash algorithm to use |
| UINT16 blockSize, // IN: size of the data block |
| BYTE *block, // IN: address of the block to hash |
| UINT16 retSize, // IN: size of the return buffer |
| BYTE *ret // OUT: address of the buffer |
| ); |
| void CryptHashStateImportExport( |
| HASH_STATE *internalFmt, // IN: state to LIB_EXPORT |
| HASH_STATE *externalFmt, // OUT: exported state |
| IMPORT_EXPORT direction |
| ); |
| BOOL CryptIsAsymAlgorithm( |
| TPM_ALG_ID algID // IN: algorithm ID |
| ); |
| BOOL CryptIsSchemeAnonymous( |
| TPM_ALG_ID scheme // IN: the scheme algorithm to test |
| ); |
| TPM_RC CryptSecretDecrypt( |
| TPM_HANDLE tpmKey, // IN: decrypt key |
| TPM2B_NONCE *nonceCaller, // IN: nonceCaller. It is needed for |
| // symmetric decryption. For |
| // asymmetric decryption, this |
| // parameter is NULL |
| const char *label, // IN: a null-terminated string as L |
| TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET *secret, // IN: input secret |
| TPM2B_DATA *data // OUT: decrypted secret value |
| ); |
| TPM_RC CryptSelectSignScheme( |
| TPMI_DH_OBJECT signHandle, // IN: handle of signing key |
| TPMT_SIG_SCHEME *scheme // IN/OUT: signing scheme |
| ); |
| TPM_RC CryptSign( |
| TPMI_DH_OBJECT signHandle, // IN: The handle of sign key |
| TPMT_SIG_SCHEME *signScheme, // IN: sign scheme. |
| TPM2B_DIGEST *digest, // IN: The digest being signed |
| TPMT_SIGNATURE *signature // OUT: signature |
| ); |
| TPMI_ALG_HASH hashAlg, // IN: hash algorithm |
| TPM2B *key, // IN: HMAC key |
| HMAC_STATE *hmacState // OUT: the state of HMAC stack. It will be used |
| // in HMAC update and completion |
| ); |
| void CryptSymmetricDecrypt( |
| BYTE *decrypted, |
| TPM_ALG_ID algorithm, // IN: algorithm for encryption |
| UINT16 keySizeInBits, // IN: key size in bit |
| TPMI_ALG_SYM_MODE mode, // IN: symmetric encryption mode |
| BYTE *key, // IN: encryption key |
| TPM2B_IV *ivIn, // IN/OUT: IV for next block |
| UINT32 dataSize, // IN: data size in byte |
| BYTE *data // IN/OUT: data buffer |
| ); |
| void CryptSymmetricEncrypt( |
| BYTE *encrypted, // OUT: the encrypted data |
| TPM_ALG_ID algorithm, // IN: algorithm for encryption |
| UINT16 keySizeInBits, // IN: key size in bit |
| TPMI_ALG_SYM_MODE mode, // IN: symmetric encryption mode |
| BYTE *key, // IN: encryption key |
| TPM2B_IV *ivIn, // IN/OUT: Input IV and output chaining |
| // value for the next block |
| UINT32 dataSize, // IN: data size in byte |
| BYTE *data // IN/OUT: data buffer |
| ); |
| UINT16 CryptStartHash( |
| TPMI_ALG_HASH hashAlg, // IN: hash algorithm |
| HASH_STATE *hashState // OUT: the state of hash stack. It will be used |
| // in hash update and completion |
| ); |
| void CryptUpdateDigest( |
| void *digestState, // IN: the state of hash stack |
| UINT32 dataSize, // IN: the size of data |
| BYTE *data // IN: data to be hashed |
| ); |
| void CryptUpdateDigestInt( |
| void *state, // IN: the state of hash stack |
| UINT32 intSize, // IN: the size of 'intValue' in byte |
| void *intValue // IN: integer value to be hashed |
| ); |
| void KDFa( |
| TPM_ALG_ID hash, // IN: hash algorithm used in HMAC |
| TPM2B *key, // IN: HMAC key |
| const char *label, // IN: a null-terminated label for KDF |
| TPM2B *contextU, // IN: context U |
| TPM2B *contextV, // IN: context V |
| UINT32 sizeInBits, // IN: size of generated key in bit |
| BYTE *keyStream, // OUT: key buffer |
| UINT32 *counterInOut // IN/OUT: caller may provide the iteration |
| // counter for incremental operations to |
| // avoid large intermediate buffers. |
| ); |
| |
| #endif // __SOURCE_CRYPTUTIL_FP_H |