blob: a6830fdac59682839f54fd433f69113719f4ff27 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef __TPM2_NV_FP_H
#define __TPM2_NV_FP_H
TPM_RC NvAddEvictObject(
TPMI_DH_OBJECT evictHandle, // IN: new evict handle
OBJECT *object // IN: object to be added
void NvCheckState(void);
BOOL NvCommit(
void NvDeleteEntity(
TPM_HANDLE handle // IN: handle of entity to be deleted
void NvFlushHierarchy(
TPMI_RH_HIERARCHY hierarchy // IN: hierarchy to be flushed.
void NvGetIndexInfo(
TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX handle, // IN: handle
NV_INDEX *nvIndex // OUT: NV index structure
UINT16 NvGetName(
TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX handle, // IN: handle of the index
NAME *name // OUT: name of the index
TPMI_YES_NO NvCapGetIndex(
TPMI_DH_OBJECT handle, // IN: start handle
UINT32 count, // IN: maximum number of returned handle
TPML_HANDLE *handleList // OUT: list of handle
TPMI_YES_NO NvCapGetPersistent(
TPMI_DH_OBJECT handle, // IN: start handle
UINT32 count, // IN: maximum number of returned handle
TPML_HANDLE *handleList // OUT: list of handle
TPM_RC NvIndexIsAccessible(
TPMI_RH_NV_INDEX handle, // IN: handle
TPM_CC commandCode // IN: the command
TPM_RC NvIsAvailable(
BOOL NvIsOwnerPersistentHandle(
TPM_HANDLE handle // IN: handle
BOOL NvIsPlatformPersistentHandle(
TPM_HANDLE handle // IN: handle
void NvWriteReserved(
NV_RESERVE type, // IN: type of reserved data
void *buffer // IN: data buffer
#endif // __TPM2_NV_FP_H