blob: e2fdd7678b218bb10d132f9a5514b91dd015be2d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
BOOL CryptAreKeySizesConsistent(
TPMT_PUBLIC *publicArea // IN: the public area to check
TPMI_YES_NO CryptCapGetECCCurve(
TPM_ECC_CURVE curveID, // IN: the starting ECC curve
UINT32 maxCount, // IN: count of returned curve
TPML_ECC_CURVE *curveList // OUT: ECC curve list
UINT32 CryptCapGetEccCurveNumber(void);
UINT16 CryptCommit(void);
LIB_EXPORT int CryptCompare(const UINT32 aSize, // IN: size of a
const BYTE *a, // IN: a buffer
const UINT32 bSize, // IN: size of b
const BYTE *b // IN: b buffer
TPM_RC CryptCommitCompute(
TPM_ECC_CURVE curveID, // IN: The curve for the computation
TPMS_ECC_POINT *B, // IN: B (x2, y2)
TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *d, // IN: the private scalar
TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *r // IN: the computed r value
int CryptCompareSigned(UINT32 aSize, // IN: size of a
BYTE *a, // IN: a buffer
UINT32 bSize, // IN: size of b
BYTE *b // IN: b buffer
void CryptComputeSymmetricUnique(
TPMI_ALG_HASH nameAlg, // IN: object name algorithm
TPMT_SENSITIVE *sensitive, // IN: sensitive area
TPM2B_DIGEST *unique // OUT: unique buffer
CryptCompleteHMAC2B(HMAC_STATE *hmacState, // IN: the state of HMAC stack
TPM2B *digest // OUT: HMAC
CryptCompleteHash(void *state, // IN: the state of hash stack
UINT16 digestSize, // IN: size of digest buffer
BYTE *digest // OUT: hash digest
UINT16 CryptCompleteHash2B(
void *state, // IN: the state of hash stack
TPM2B *digest // IN: the size of the buffer Out: requested number of byte
TPM_RC CryptCreateObject(
TPM_HANDLE parentHandle, // IN/OUT: indication of the seed source
TPMT_PUBLIC *publicArea, // IN/OUT: public area
TPMS_SENSITIVE_CREATE *sensitiveCreate, // IN: sensitive creation
TPMT_SENSITIVE *sensitive // OUT: sensitive area
void CryptDrbgGetPutState(GET_PUT direction // IN: Get from or put to DRBG
TPM_RC CryptDecryptRSA(
UINT16 *dataOutSize, // OUT: size of plain text in byte
BYTE *dataOut, // OUT: plain text
OBJECT *rsaKey, // IN: internal RSA key
TPMT_RSA_DECRYPT *scheme, // IN: selects the padding scheme
UINT16 cipherInSize, // IN: size of cipher text in byte
BYTE *cipherIn, // IN: cipher text
const char *label // IN: a label, when needed
TPM_RC CryptDivide(
TPM2B *numerator, // IN: numerator
TPM2B *denominator, // IN: denominator
TPM2B *quotient, // OUT: quotient = numerator / denominator.
TPM2B *remainder // OUT: numerator mod denominator.
void CryptDrbgGetPutState(GET_PUT direction // IN: Get from or put to DRBG
// CryptEccGetKeySizeBytes()
// This macro returns the size of the ECC key in bytes. It uses
// CryptEccGetKeySizeInBits().
#define CryptEccGetKeySizeInBytes(curve) \
((CryptEccGetKeySizeInBits(curve) + 7) / 8)
TPM_RC CryptEcc2PhaseKeyExchange(
TPMS_ECC_POINT *outZ1, // OUT: the computed point
TPMS_ECC_POINT *outZ2, // OUT: optional second point
TPM_ALG_ID scheme, // IN: the key exchange scheme
TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId, // IN: the curve for the computation
TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *dsA, // IN: static private TPM key
TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *deA, // IN: ephemeral private TPM key
TPMS_ECC_POINT *QsB, // IN: static public party B key
TPMS_ECC_POINT *QeB // IN: ephemeral public party B key
TPM_RC CryptEncryptRSA(
UINT16 *cipherOutSize, // OUT: size of cipher text in byte
BYTE *cipherOut, // OUT: cipher text
OBJECT *rsaKey, // IN: internal RSA key
TPMT_RSA_DECRYPT *scheme, // IN: selects the padding scheme
UINT16 dataInSize, // IN: size of plain text in byte
BYTE *dataIn, // IN: plain text
const char *label // IN: an optional label
TPM_ALG_ID CryptGetContextAlg(void *state // IN: the context to check
LIB_EXPORT TPM_ALG_ID CryptGetHashAlgByIndex(UINT32 index // IN: the index
CryptGetHashDigestSize(TPM_ALG_ID hashAlg // IN: hash algorithm
LIB_EXPORT const TPM2B *CryptEccGetParameter(
char p, // IN: the parameter selector
TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId // IN: the curve id
BOOL CryptEccGetParameters(
TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId, // IN: ECC curve ID
TPMS_ALGORITHM_DETAIL_ECC *parameters // OUT: ECC parameter
TPM_RC CryptEccPointMultiply(TPMS_ECC_POINT *pOut, // OUT: output point
TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId, // IN: curve selector
TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *dIn, // IN: public scalar
TPMS_ECC_POINT *pIn // IN: optional point
BOOL CryptEccIsPointOnCurve(TPM_ECC_CURVE curveID, // IN: ECC curve ID
void CryptEndCommit(UINT16 c // IN: the counter value of the commitment
BOOL CryptGenerateR(
TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *r, // OUT: the generated random value
UINT16 *c, // IN/OUT: count value.
TPMI_ECC_CURVE curveID, // IN: the curve for the value
TPM2B_NAME *name // IN: optional name of a key to associate with 'r'
UINT16 CryptGenerateRandom(UINT16 randomSize, // IN: size of random number
BYTE *buffer // OUT: buffer of random number
void CryptGenerateNewSymmetric(
TPMS_SENSITIVE_CREATE *sensitiveCreate, // IN: sensitive creation data
TPMT_SENSITIVE *sensitive, // OUT: sensitive area
TPM_ALG_ID hashAlg, // IN: hash algorithm for the KDF
TPM2B_SEED *seed, // IN: seed used in creation
TPM2B_NAME *name // IN: name of the object
const TPMT_ECC_SCHEME *CryptGetCurveSignScheme(
TPM_ECC_CURVE curveId // IN: The curve selector
CryptGetHashDigestSize(TPM_ALG_ID hashAlg // IN: hash algorithm
TPMI_ALG_HASH CryptGetSignHashAlg(TPMT_SIGNATURE *auth // IN: signature
INT16 CryptGetSymmetricBlockSize(
TPMI_ALG_SYM algorithm, // IN: symmetric algorithm
UINT16 keySize // IN: key size in bit
TPM_RC CryptGetTestResult(TPM2B_MAX_BUFFER *outData // OUT: test result data
CryptHashBlock(TPM_ALG_ID algId, // IN: the hash algorithm to use
UINT16 blockSize, // IN: size of the data block
BYTE *block, // IN: address of the block to hash
UINT16 retSize, // IN: size of the return buffer
BYTE *ret // OUT: address of the buffer
// CryptKDFa()
// This function generates a key using the KDFa() formulation in Part 1 of the
// TPM specification. In this implementation, this is a macro invocation of
// _cpri__KDFa() in the hash module of the CryptoEngine(). This macro sets
// once to FALSE so that KDFa() will iterate as many times as necessary to
// generate sizeInBits number of bits.
#define CryptKDFa(hashAlg, key, label, contextU, contextV, sizeInBits, \
keyStream, counterInOut) \
TEST_HASH(hashAlg); \
_cpri__KDFa(((TPM_ALG_ID)hashAlg), ((TPM2B *)key), ((const char *)label), \
((TPM2B *)contextU), ((TPM2B *)contextV), ((UINT32)sizeInBits), \
((BYTE *)keyStream), ((UINT32 *)counterInOut), ((BOOL)FALSE))
// CryptKDFaOnce()
// This function generates a key using the KDFa() formulation in Part 1 of the
// TPM specification. In this implementation, this is a macro invocation of
// _cpri__KDFa() in the hash module of the CryptoEngine(). This macro will
// call _cpri__KDFa() with once TRUE so that only one iteration is performed,
// regardless of sizeInBits.
#define CryptKDFaOnce(hashAlg, key, label, contextU, contextV, sizeInBits, \
keyStream, counterInOut) \
TEST_HASH(hashAlg); \
_cpri__KDFa(((TPM_ALG_ID)hashAlg), ((TPM2B *)key), ((const char *)label), \
((TPM2B *)contextU), ((TPM2B *)contextV), ((UINT32)sizeInBits), \
((BYTE *)keyStream), ((UINT32 *)counterInOut), ((BOOL)TRUE))
// CryptKDFe()
// This function generates a key using the KDFa() formulation in Part 1 of
// the TPM specification. In this implementation, this is a macro invocation
// of _cpri__KDFe() in the hash module of the CryptoEngine().
#define CryptKDFe(hashAlg, Z, label, partyUInfo, partyVInfo, sizeInBits, \
keyStream) \
TEST_HASH(hashAlg); \
_cpri__KDFe(((TPM_ALG_ID)hashAlg), ((TPM2B *)Z), ((const char *)label), \
((TPM2B *)partyUInfo), ((TPM2B *)partyVInfo), \
((UINT32)sizeInBits), ((BYTE *)keyStream))
void CryptHashStateImportExport(
HASH_STATE *internalFmt, // IN: state to LIB_EXPORT
HASH_STATE *externalFmt, // OUT: exported state
IMPORT_EXPORT direction);
void CryptInitUnits(void);
BOOL CryptIsAsymAlgorithm(TPM_ALG_ID algID // IN: algorithm ID
BOOL CryptIsDecryptScheme(TPMI_ALG_ASYM_SCHEME scheme);
BOOL CryptIsSchemeAnonymous(
TPM_ALG_ID scheme // IN: the scheme algorithm to test
BOOL CryptIsSignScheme(TPMI_ALG_ASYM_SCHEME scheme);
BOOL CryptIsSplitSign(TPM_ALG_ID scheme // IN: the algorithm selector
TPM_RC CryptNewEccKey(TPM_ECC_CURVE curveID, // IN: ECC curve
TPMS_ECC_POINT *publicPoint, // OUT: public point
TPM2B_ECC_PARAMETER *sensitive // OUT: private area
BOOL CryptObjectIsPublicConsistent(TPMT_PUBLIC *publicArea // IN: public area
TPM_RC CryptObjectPublicPrivateMatch(OBJECT *object // IN: the object to check
TPM_RC CryptParameterDecryption(
TPM_HANDLE handle, // IN: encrypted session handle
TPM2B *nonceCaller, // IN: nonce caller
UINT32 bufferSize, // IN: size of parameter buffer
leadingSizeInByte, // IN: the size of the leading size field in byte
TPM2B_AUTH *extraKey, // IN: the authValue
BYTE *buffer // IN/OUT: parameter buffer to be decrypted
void CryptParameterEncryption(
TPM_HANDLE handle, // IN: encrypt session handle
TPM2B *nonceCaller, // IN: nonce caller
UINT16 leadingSizeInByte, // IN: the size of the leading size field in byte
extraKey, // IN: additional key material other than session auth
BYTE *buffer // IN/OUT: parameter buffer to be encrypted
TPM_RC CryptSecretDecrypt(
TPM_HANDLE tpmKey, // IN: decrypt key
TPM2B_NONCE *nonceCaller, // IN: nonceCaller. It is needed for symmetric
// decryption. For asymmetric decryption, this
// parameter is NULL
const char *label, // IN: a null-terminated string as L
TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET *secret, // IN: input secret
TPM2B_DATA *data // OUT: decrypted secret value
TPM_RC CryptSecretEncrypt(
TPMI_DH_OBJECT keyHandle, // IN: encryption key handle
const char *label, // IN: a null-terminated string as L
TPM2B_DATA *data, // OUT: secret value
TPM2B_ENCRYPTED_SECRET *secret // OUT: secret structure
TPMI_DH_OBJECT rsaHandle, // IN: handle of sign key
TPMT_RSA_DECRYPT *scheme // IN: a sign or decrypt scheme
TPM_RC CryptSelectSignScheme(
TPMI_DH_OBJECT signHandle, // IN: handle of signing key
TPMT_SIG_SCHEME *scheme // IN/OUT: signing scheme
TPM_RC CryptSign(TPMI_DH_OBJECT signHandle, // IN: The handle of sign key
TPMT_SIG_SCHEME *signScheme, // IN: sign scheme.
TPM2B_DIGEST *digest, // IN: The digest being signed
TPMT_SIGNATURE *signature // OUT: signature
CryptStartHMAC2B(TPMI_ALG_HASH hashAlg, // IN: hash algorithm
TPM2B *key, // IN: HMAC key
HMAC_STATE *hmacState // OUT: the state of HMAC stack. It will
// be used in HMAC update and completion
UINT16 CryptStartHMACSequence2B(TPMI_ALG_HASH hashAlg, // IN: hash algorithm
TPM2B *key, // IN: HMAC key
HMAC_STATE *hmacState // OUT: the state of HMAC
// stack. It will be used
// in HMAC update and
// completion
UINT16 CryptStartHashSequence(TPMI_ALG_HASH hashAlg, // IN: hash algorithm
HASH_STATE *hashState // OUT: the state of hash
// stack. It will be used
// in hash update and
// completion
void CryptStirRandom(UINT32 entropySize, // IN: size of entropy buffer
BYTE *buffer // IN: entropy buffer
void CryptStopUnits(void);
void CryptSymmetricDecrypt(
BYTE *decrypted,
TPM_ALG_ID algorithm, // IN: algorithm for encryption
UINT16 keySizeInBits, // IN: key size in bit
TPMI_ALG_SYM_MODE mode, // IN: symmetric encryption mode
BYTE *key, // IN: encryption key
TPM2B_IV *ivIn, // IN/OUT: IV for next block
UINT32 dataSize, // IN: data size in byte
BYTE *data // IN/OUT: data buffer
void CryptSymmetricEncrypt(
BYTE *encrypted, // OUT: the encrypted data
TPM_ALG_ID algorithm, // IN: algorithm for encryption
UINT16 keySizeInBits, // IN: key size in bit
TPMI_ALG_SYM_MODE mode, // IN: symmetric encryption mode
BYTE *key, // IN: encryption key
TPM2B_IV *ivIn, // IN/OUT: Input IV and output chaining value for the
// next block
UINT32 dataSize, // IN: data size in byte
BYTE *data // IN/OUT: data buffer
UINT16 CryptStartHash(TPMI_ALG_HASH hashAlg, // IN: hash algorithm
HASH_STATE *hashState // OUT: the state of hash stack. It
// will be used in hash update and
// completion
void CryptUpdateDigest(void *digestState, // IN: the state of hash stack
UINT32 dataSize, // IN: the size of data
BYTE *data // IN: data to be hashed
LIB_EXPORT void CryptUpdateDigest2B(void *digestState, // IN: the digest state
TPM2B *bIn // IN: 2B containing the data
void CryptUpdateDigestInt(void *state, // IN: the state of hash stack
UINT32 intSize, // IN: the size of 'intValue' in byte
void *intValue // IN: integer value to be hashed
BOOL CryptUtilStartup(STARTUP_TYPE type // IN: the startup type
TPM_RC CryptVerifySignature(
TPMI_DH_OBJECT keyHandle, // IN: The handle of sign key
TPM2B_DIGEST *digest, // IN: The digest being validated
TPMT_SIGNATURE *signature // IN: signature
void KDFa(TPM_ALG_ID hash, // IN: hash algorithm used in HMAC
TPM2B *key, // IN: HMAC key
const char *label, // IN: a null-terminated label for KDF
TPM2B *contextU, // IN: context U
TPM2B *contextV, // IN: context V
UINT32 sizeInBits, // IN: size of generated key in bit
BYTE *keyStream, // OUT: key buffer
UINT32 *counterInOut // IN/OUT: caller may provide the iteration
// counter for incremental operations to avoid
// large intermediate buffers.