blob: 0e82ba576d797b691664c0f7dd64851e49c2c2ad [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
LIB_EXPORT int _math__Comp(const UINT32 aSize, // IN: size of a
const BYTE *a, // IN: a buffer
const UINT32 bSize, // IN: size of b
const BYTE *b // IN: b buffer
LIB_EXPORT CRYPT_RESULT _math__Div(const TPM2B *n, // IN: numerator
const TPM2B *d, // IN: denominator
TPM2B *q, // OUT: quotient
TPM2B *r // OUT: remainder
LIB_EXPORT BOOL _math__IsPrime(const UINT32 prime);
_math__ModExp(UINT32 cSize, // IN: size of the result
BYTE *c, // OUT: results buffer
const UINT32 mSize, // IN: size of number to be exponentiated
const BYTE *m, // IN: number to be exponentiated
const UINT32 eSize, // IN: size of power
const BYTE *e, // IN: power
const UINT32 nSize, // IN: modulus size
const BYTE *n // IN: modulu
LIB_EXPORT UINT16 _math__Normalize2B(TPM2B *b // IN/OUT: number to normalize
LIB_EXPORT int _math__sub(const UINT32 aSize, // IN: size of a
const BYTE *a, // IN: a
const UINT32 bSize, // IN: size of b
const BYTE *b, // IN: b
UINT16 *cSize, // OUT: set to MAX(aSize, bSize)
BYTE *c // OUT: the difference
LIB_EXPORT int _math__uComp(const UINT32 aSize, // IN: size of a
const BYTE *a, // IN: a
const UINT32 bSize, // IN: size of b
const BYTE *b // IN: b