blob: 0edaaefbd75d5dac7cb81b0a060f605e7d66ba7a [file] [log] [blame]
package: "android.location.flags"
container: "system"
flag {
name: "keep_gnss_stationary_throttling"
namespace: "location"
description: "Keeps stationary throttling for the GNSS provider even if the disable_stationary_throttling flag is true."
bug: "354000147"
flag {
name: "disable_stationary_throttling"
namespace: "location"
description: "Disables stationary throttling for all providers"
bug: "354000147"
flag {
name: "new_geocoder"
namespace: "location"
description: "Flag for new Geocoder APIs"
bug: "229872126"
flag {
name: "enable_location_bypass"
namespace: "location"
description: "Enable location bypass feature"
bug: "301150056"
flag {
name: "location_bypass"
is_exported: true
namespace: "location"
description: "Enable location bypass appops behavior"
bug: "329151785"
flag {
name: "fix_service_watcher"
namespace: "location"
description: "Enable null explicit services in ServiceWatcher"
bug: "311210517"
flag {
name: "geoid_heights_via_altitude_hal"
namespace: "location"
description: "Flag for making geoid heights available via the Altitude HAL"
bug: "304375846"
flag {
name: "gnss_api_navic_l1"
namespace: "location"
description: "Flag for GNSS API for NavIC L1"
bug: "302199306"
flag {
name: "gnss_api_measurement_request_work_source"
namespace: "location"
description: "Flag for GnssMeasurementRequest WorkSource API"
bug: "295235160"
flag {
name: "release_supl_connection_on_timeout"
namespace: "location"
description: "Flag for releasing SUPL connection on timeout"
bug: "315024652"
flag {
name: "location_validation"
namespace: "location"
description: "Flag for location validation"
bug: "314328533"
flag {
name: "replace_future_elapsed_realtime_jni"
namespace: "location"
description: "Flag for replacing future elapsedRealtime in JNI"
bug: "314328533"
flag {
name: "subscriptions_changed_listener_thread"
namespace: "location"
description: "Flag for running onSubscriptionsChangedListener on FgThread"
bug: "332451908"
metadata {
flag {
name: "gnss_configuration_from_resource"
namespace: "location"
description: "Flag for GNSS configuration from resource"
bug: "317734846"