blob: 5bbbc1009541ef1fb987ae8d3c2de58d45e7b684 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2024 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "pipeline/skia/SkiaCpuPipeline.h"
#include <system/window.h>
#include "DeviceInfo.h"
#include "LightingInfo.h"
#include "renderthread/Frame.h"
#include "utils/Color.h"
using namespace android::uirenderer::renderthread;
namespace android {
namespace uirenderer {
namespace skiapipeline {
void SkiaCpuPipeline::renderLayersImpl(const LayerUpdateQueue& layers, bool opaque) {
// Render all layers that need to be updated, in order.
for (size_t i = 0; i < layers.entries().size(); i++) {
RenderNode* layerNode = layers.entries()[i].renderNode.get();
// only schedule repaint if node still on layer - possible it may have been
// removed during a dropped frame, but layers may still remain scheduled so
// as not to lose info on what portion is damaged
if (CC_UNLIKELY(layerNode->getLayerSurface() == nullptr)) {
bool rendered = renderLayerImpl(layerNode, layers.entries()[i].damage);
if (!rendered) {
// If the given node didn't have a layer surface, or had one of the wrong size, this method
// creates a new one and returns true. Otherwise does nothing and returns false.
bool SkiaCpuPipeline::createOrUpdateLayer(RenderNode* node,
const DamageAccumulator& damageAccumulator,
ErrorHandler* errorHandler) {
// compute the size of the surface (i.e. texture) to be allocated for this layer
const int surfaceWidth = ceilf(node->getWidth() / float(LAYER_SIZE)) * LAYER_SIZE;
const int surfaceHeight = ceilf(node->getHeight() / float(LAYER_SIZE)) * LAYER_SIZE;
SkSurface* layer = node->getLayerSurface();
if (!layer || layer->width() != surfaceWidth || layer->height() != surfaceHeight) {
SkImageInfo info;
info = SkImageInfo::Make(surfaceWidth, surfaceHeight, getSurfaceColorType(),
kPremul_SkAlphaType, getSurfaceColorSpace());
SkSurfaceProps props(0, kUnknown_SkPixelGeometry);
node->setLayerSurface(SkSurfaces::Raster(info, &props));
if (node->getLayerSurface()) {
// update the transform in window of the layer to reset its origin wrt light source
// position
Matrix4 windowTransform;
} else {
String8 cachesOutput;
ALOGE("%s", cachesOutput.c_str());
if (errorHandler) {
std::ostringstream err;
err << "Unable to create layer for " << node->getName();
const int maxTextureSize = DeviceInfo::get()->maxTextureSize();
err << ", size " << info.width() << "x" << info.height() << " max size "
<< maxTextureSize << " color type " << (int)info.colorType() << " has context "
<< (int)(mRenderThread.getGrContext() != nullptr);
return true;
return false;
MakeCurrentResult SkiaCpuPipeline::makeCurrent() {
return MakeCurrentResult::AlreadyCurrent;
Frame SkiaCpuPipeline::getFrame() {
return Frame(mSurface->width(), mSurface->height(), 0);
IRenderPipeline::DrawResult SkiaCpuPipeline::draw(
const Frame& frame, const SkRect& screenDirty, const SkRect& dirty,
const LightGeometry& lightGeometry, LayerUpdateQueue* layerUpdateQueue,
const Rect& contentDrawBounds, bool opaque, const LightInfo& lightInfo,
const std::vector<sp<RenderNode>>& renderNodes, FrameInfoVisualizer* profiler,
const HardwareBufferRenderParams& bufferParams, std::mutex& profilerLock) {
LightingInfo::updateLighting(lightGeometry, lightInfo);
renderFrame(*layerUpdateQueue, dirty, renderNodes, opaque, contentDrawBounds, mSurface,
return {true, IRenderPipeline::DrawResult::kUnknownTime, android::base::unique_fd{}};
bool SkiaCpuPipeline::setSurface(ANativeWindow* surface, SwapBehavior swapBehavior) {
if (surface) {
ANativeWindowBuffer* buffer;
surface->dequeueBuffer(surface, &buffer, nullptr);
int width, height;
surface->query(surface, NATIVE_WINDOW_WIDTH, &width);
surface->query(surface, NATIVE_WINDOW_HEIGHT, &height);
SkImageInfo imageInfo =
SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, mSurfaceColorType,
SkAlphaType::kPremul_SkAlphaType, mSurfaceColorSpace);
size_t widthBytes = width * imageInfo.bytesPerPixel();
void* pixels = buffer->reserved[0];
mSurface = SkSurfaces::WrapPixels(imageInfo, pixels, widthBytes);
} else {
mSurface = sk_sp<SkSurface>();
return true;
} /* namespace skiapipeline */
} /* namespace uirenderer */
} /* namespace android */