blob: e63232a874990bc6e6c8c877b83e4ede942f4a62 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
default_team: "trendy_team_system_ui_please_use_a_more_specific_subteam_if_possible_",
default_applicable_licenses: ["frameworks_base_packages_SystemUI_license"],
// Added automatically by a large-scale-change
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
license {
name: "frameworks_base_packages_SystemUI_license",
visibility: [":__subpackages__"],
license_kinds: [
license_text: [
// Opt-in configuration for code depending on Jetpack Compose.
soong_config_module_type {
name: "systemui_compose_java_defaults",
module_type: "java_defaults",
config_namespace: "ANDROID",
bool_variables: ["SYSTEMUI_USE_COMPOSE"],
properties: [
systemui_compose_java_defaults {
name: "SystemUI_compose_defaults",
soong_config_variables: {
// Because files in compose/features/ depend on SystemUI
// code, we compile those files when compiling SystemUI-core.
// We also compile the ComposeFacade in
// compose/facade/enabled/.
srcs: [
// The dependencies needed by SystemUIComposeFeatures,
// except for SystemUI-core.
// Copied from compose/features/Android.bp.
static_libs: [
// By default, Compose is disabled and we compile the ComposeFacade
// in compose/facade/disabled/.
conditions_default: {
srcs: ["compose/facade/disabled/src/**/*.kt"],
static_libs: [],
java_library {
name: "SystemUI-proto",
srcs: ["src/**/*.proto"],
proto: {
type: "nano",
libs: [
java_library {
name: "SystemUI-tags",
srcs: ["src/com/android/systemui/EventLogTags.logtags"],
filegroup {
name: "ReleaseJavaFiles",
srcs: [
filegroup {
name: "DebugJavaFiles",
srcs: [
//Create a library to expose SystemUI's resources to other modules.
android_library {
name: "SystemUI-res",
use_resource_processor: true,
resource_dirs: [
static_libs: [
manifest: "AndroidManifest-res.xml",
android_library {
name: "SystemUI-core",
defaults: [
srcs: [
product_variables: {
debuggable: {
srcs: [":DebugJavaFiles"],
exclude_srcs: [":ReleaseJavaFiles"],
use_resource_processor: true,
static_libs: [
libs: [
manifest: "AndroidManifest.xml",
javacflags: [
kotlincflags: ["-Xjvm-default=all"],
plugins: [
lint: {
extra_check_modules: ["SystemUILintChecker"],
warning_checks: ["MissingApacheLicenseDetector"],
skip_jarjar_repackage: true,
filegroup {
name: "AAA-src",
srcs: ["tests/src/com/android/"],
path: "tests/src",
filegroup {
name: "SystemUI-tests-utils",
srcs: [
path: "tests/utils/src",
filegroup {
name: "SystemUI-tests-multivalent",
srcs: [
path: "multivalentTests/src",
java_library {
name: "SystemUI-tests-concurrency",
srcs: [
jarjar_rules: ":jarjar-rules-shared",
android_library {
name: "SystemUI-tests-base",
use_resource_processor: true,
manifest: "tests/AndroidManifest-base.xml",
resource_dirs: [
static_libs: [
android_library {
name: "SystemUI-tests",
use_resource_processor: true,
defaults: [
manifest: "tests/AndroidManifest-base.xml",
additional_manifests: ["tests/AndroidManifest.xml"],
srcs: [
static_libs: [
libs: [
kotlincflags: ["-Xjvm-default=all"],
aaptflags: [
plugins: [
lint: {
test: true,
extra_check_modules: ["SystemUILintChecker"],
android_app {
name: "SystemUIRobo-stub",
// SystemUiRavenTests references the .aapt.srcjar
use_resource_processor: false,
defaults: [
manifest: "tests/AndroidManifest-base.xml",
srcs: [
static_libs: [
libs: [
aaptflags: [
dont_merge_manifests: true,
platform_apis: true,
system_ext_specific: true,
certificate: "platform",
privileged: true,
resource_dirs: [],
kotlincflags: ["-Xjvm-default=all"],
optimize: {
shrink_resources: false,
proguard_flags_files: ["proguard.flags"],
plugins: ["dagger2-compiler"],
android_robolectric_test {
name: "SystemUiRoboTests",
srcs: [
static_libs: [
libs: [
upstream: true,
instrumentation_for: "SystemUIRobo-stub",
java_resource_dirs: ["tests/robolectric/config"],
plugins: [
android_ravenwood_test {
name: "SystemUiRavenTests",
srcs: [
// TODO(b/294256649): pivot to using {.aapt.jar} and re-enable
// use_resource_processor: true when better supported by soong
static_libs: [
libs: [
auto_gen_config: true,
plugins: [
// Opt-out config for optimizing the SystemUI target using R8.
// Disabled via `export SYSTEMUI_OPTIMIZE_JAVA=false`, or explicitly in Make via
soong_config_module_type {
name: "systemui_optimized_java_defaults",
module_type: "java_defaults",
config_namespace: "ANDROID",
bool_variables: ["SYSTEMUI_OPTIMIZE_JAVA"],
properties: ["optimize"],
systemui_optimized_java_defaults {
name: "SystemUI_optimized_defaults",
soong_config_variables: {
optimize: {
enabled: true,
optimize: true,
shrink: true,
shrink_resources: true,
ignore_warnings: false,
proguard_compatibility: false,
conditions_default: {
optimize: {
ignore_warnings: false,
proguard_compatibility: false,
android_app {
name: "SystemUI",
defaults: [
static_libs: [
resource_dirs: [],
use_resource_processor: true,
platform_apis: true,
system_ext_specific: true,
certificate: "platform",
privileged: true,
kotlincflags: ["-Xjvm-default=all"],
dxflags: ["--multi-dex"],
optimize: {
proguard_flags_files: ["proguard.flags"],
required: [