blob: 4b26eb48f5de1d7593e8ce50654eb387b35d9a11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package {
default_visibility: ["//visibility:private"],
// See: http://go/android-license-faq
// A large-scale-change added 'default_applicable_licenses' to import
// all of the 'license_kinds' from "frameworks_base_license"
// to get the below license kinds:
// SPDX-license-identifier-Apache-2.0
// SPDX-license-identifier-MIT
// SPDX-license-identifier-Unicode-DFS
default_applicable_licenses: ["frameworks_base_license"],
bootstrap_go_package {
name: "soong-api",
pkgPath: "android/soong/api",
deps: [
srcs: ["api.go"],
testSrcs: ["api_test.go"],
pluginFor: ["soong_build"],
python_binary_host {
name: "merge_annotation_zips",
srcs: [""],
python_test_host {
name: "merge_annotation_zips_test",
main: "",
srcs: [
test_options: {
unit_test: true,
metalava_cmd = "$(location metalava)"
// Silence reflection warnings. See b/168689341
metalava_cmd += " -J--add-opens=java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED "
metalava_cmd += " --quiet "
combined_apis {
name: "frameworks-base-api",
bootclasspath: [
] + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "release_crashrecovery_module"), {
"true": [
default: [],
system_server_classpath: [
] + select(soong_config_variable("ANDROID", "release_crashrecovery_module"), {
"true": [
default: [],
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-current-compat",
srcs: [
out: ["updated-baseline.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd +
"--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.public.latest) " +
"--baseline:compatibility:released $(location :android-incompatibilities.api.public.latest) " +
"--update-baseline:compatibility:released $(genDir)/updated-baseline.txt " +
"$(location :frameworks-base-api-current.txt)",
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-system-current-compat",
srcs: [
out: ["updated-baseline.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd +
"--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.public.latest) " +
"--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.system.latest) " +
"--baseline:compatibility:released $(location :android-incompatibilities.api.system.latest) " +
"--update-baseline:compatibility:released $(genDir)/updated-baseline.txt " +
"$(location :frameworks-base-api-current.txt) " +
"$(location :frameworks-base-api-system-current.txt)",
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-module-lib-current-compat",
srcs: [
out: ["updated-baseline.txt"],
tools: ["metalava"],
cmd: metalava_cmd +
"--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.public.latest) " +
"--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.system.latest) " +
"--check-compatibility:api:released $(location :android.api.module-lib.latest) " +
"--baseline:compatibility:released $(location :android-incompatibilities.api.module-lib.latest) " +
"--update-baseline:compatibility:released $(genDir)/updated-baseline.txt " +
"$(location :frameworks-base-api-current.txt) " +
"$(location :frameworks-base-api-system-current.txt) " +
"$(location :frameworks-base-api-module-lib-current.txt)",
genrule {
name: "frameworks-base-api-current.srcjar",
tools: ["merge_zips"],
out: ["current.srcjar"],
cmd: "$(location merge_zips) $(out) $(in)",
srcs: [
visibility: ["//visibility:private"], // Used by make module in //development, mind
// This produces the same as framework-doc-stubs, but by using
// outputs from individual modules instead of all the source code.
genrule_defaults {
name: "sdk-annotations-defaults",
out: [""],
tools: [
cmd: "$(location merge_annotation_zips) $(genDir)/out $(in) && " +
"$(location soong_zip) -o $(out) -C $(genDir)/out -D $(genDir)/out",
genrule {
name: "",
defaults: ["sdk-annotations-defaults"],
srcs: [
genrule {
name: "",
defaults: ["sdk-annotations-defaults"],
srcs: [
genrule {
name: "",
defaults: ["sdk-annotations-defaults"],
srcs: [
genrule {
name: "",
defaults: ["sdk-annotations-defaults"],
srcs: [
genrule {
name: "combined-removed-dex",
visibility: [
srcs: [
tool_files: [""],
tools: ["metalava"],
out: ["combined-removed-dex.txt"],
cmd: "$(location $(location metalava) $(genDir) $(in) > $(out)",
java_genrule {
name: "api_fingerprint",
srcs: [
out: ["api_fingerprint.txt"],
cmd: "cat $(in) | md5sum | cut -d' ' -f1 > $(out)",
packages_to_document = [
// These are libs from framework-internal-utils that are required (i.e. being referenced)
// from framework-non-updatable-sources. Add more here when there's a need.
// DO NOT add the entire framework-internal-utils. It might cause unnecessary circular
// dependencies gets bigger.
android_non_updatable_stubs_libs = [
java_defaults {
name: "android-non-updatable-stubs-libs-defaults",
libs: android_non_updatable_stubs_libs,
// Defaults for all stubs that include the non-updatable framework. These defaults do not include
// module symbols, so will not compile correctly on their own. Users must add module APIs to the
// classpath (or sources) somehow.
stubs_defaults {
name: "android-non-updatable-stubs-defaults",
aconfig_declarations: ["framework-minus-apex-aconfig-declarations"],
srcs: [":android-non-updatable-stub-sources"],
sdk_version: "none",
system_modules: "none",
java_version: "1.8",
arg_files: [":frameworks-base-core-AndroidManifest.xml"],
aidl: {
include_dirs: [
// These are libs from framework-internal-utils that are required (i.e. being referenced)
// from framework-non-updatable-sources. Add more here when there's a need.
// DO NOT add the entire framework-internal-utils. It might cause unnecessary circular
// dependencies gets bigger.
libs: android_non_updatable_stubs_libs,
flags: [
"--error NoSettingsProvider",
"--error UnhiddenSystemApi",
"--error UnflaggedApi",
"--force-convert-to-warning-nullability-annotations +*:-android.**:-dalvik.*",
// Disable CallbackInterface, as Java 8 default interface methods avoid the extensibility
// issue interfaces had previously.
"--hide CallbackInterface",
// Disable HiddenSuperclass, as Metalava handles this fine (it should be hidden by default)
"--hide HiddenSuperclass",
"--manifest $(location :frameworks-base-core-AndroidManifest.xml)",
filter_packages: packages_to_document,
high_mem: true, // Lots of sources => high memory use, see b/170701554
installable: false,
annotations_enabled: true,
merge_annotations_dirs: ["metalava-manual"],
defaults_visibility: ["//frameworks/base/api"],
visibility: [
soong_config_module_type {
name: "non_updatable_exportable_droidstubs",
module_type: "droidstubs",
config_namespace: "ANDROID",
bool_variables: [
properties: [
// We resolve dependencies on APIs in modules by depending on a prebuilt of the whole
// platform (sdk_system_current_android). That prebuilt does not include module-lib APIs,
// so use the prebuilt module-lib stubs for modules that export module-lib stubs that the
// non-updatable part depends on.
non_updatable_api_deps_on_modules = [
// Defaults with module APIs in the classpath (mostly from prebuilts).
// Suitable for compiling android-non-updatable.
stubs_defaults {
name: "module-classpath-stubs-defaults",
aidl: {
include_dirs: [
libs: non_updatable_api_deps_on_modules,
// Defaults for the java_sdk_libraries of unbundled jars from framework.
// java_sdk_libraries using these defaults should also add themselves to the
// non_updatable_modules list in frameworks/base/api/api.go
java_defaults {
name: "framework-non-updatable-unbundled-defaults",
defaults: [
public: {
libs: ["android_module_lib_stubs_current"],
system: {
libs: ["android_module_lib_stubs_current"],
module_lib: {
libs: ["android_module_lib_stubs_current"],
test: {
libs: ["android_test_frameworks_core_stubs_current"],
sdk_version: "core_platform",
stub_only_libs: ["framework-protos"],
impl_only_libs: ["framework-minus-apex-headers"], // the framework, including hidden API
impl_library_visibility: ["//frameworks/base"],
defaults_visibility: [
plugins: ["error_prone_android_framework"],
errorprone: {
javacflags: [
// Include manual annotations in API txt files
merge_annotations_dirs: ["metalava-manual"],
build = [
genrule_defaults {
name: "flag-api-mapping-generation-defaults",
cmd: "$(location extract-flagged-apis) $(in) $(out)",
tools: ["extract-flagged-apis"],
genrule {
name: "flag-api-mapping-PublicApi",
defaults: ["flag-api-mapping-generation-defaults"],
srcs: [":frameworks-base-api-current.txt"],
out: ["flag_api_map.textproto"],
dist: {
targets: ["droid"],
genrule {
name: "flag-api-mapping-SystemApi",
defaults: ["flag-api-mapping-generation-defaults"],
srcs: [":frameworks-base-api-system-current.txt"],
out: ["system_flag_api_map.textproto"],
dist: {
targets: ["droid"],
genrule {
name: "flag-api-mapping-ModuleLibApi",
defaults: ["flag-api-mapping-generation-defaults"],
srcs: [":frameworks-base-api-module-lib-current.txt"],
out: ["module_lib_flag_api_map.textproto"],
dist: {
targets: ["droid"],
genrule {
name: "flag-api-mapping-SystemServerApi",
defaults: ["flag-api-mapping-generation-defaults"],
srcs: [":frameworks-base-api-system-server-current.txt"],
out: ["system_server_flag_api_map.textproto"],
dist: {
targets: ["droid"],
phony_rule {
name: "checkapi",
phony_deps: [