| toc: |
| - title: Getting Started |
| path: /training/index.html |
| section: |
| - title: Building Your First App |
| path: /training/basics/firstapp/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: After you've installed the Android SDK, start with this class to learn the basics about Android app development. |
| section: |
| - title: Creating an Android Project |
| path: /training/basics/firstapp/creating-project.html |
| - title: Running Your Application |
| path: /training/basics/firstapp/running-app.html |
| - title: Building a Simple User Interface |
| path: /training/basics/firstapp/building-ui.html |
| - title: Starting Another Activity |
| path: /training/basics/firstapp/starting-activity.html |
| - title: Supporting Different Devices |
| path: /training/basics/supporting-devices/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build your app with alternative resources that provide an optimized user experience on multiple device form factors using a single APK. |
| section: |
| - title: Supporting Different Languages |
| path: /training/basics/supporting-devices/languages.html |
| - title: Supporting Different Screens |
| path: /training/basics/supporting-devices/screens.html |
| - title: Supporting Different Platform Versions |
| path: /training/basics/supporting-devices/platforms.html |
| - title: Managing the Activity Lifecycle |
| path: /training/basics/activity-lifecycle/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: アクティビティのライフサイクル 管理 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 액티비티 수명 주기 관리하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Como gerenciar o ciclo de vida da atividade |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Управление жизненным циклом операций |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 管理活动生命周期 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 管理應用行為顯示生命週期 |
| - name: description |
| value: How Android activities live and die and how to create a seamless user experience by implementing lifecycle callback methods. |
| section: |
| - title: Starting an Activity |
| path: /training/basics/activity-lifecycle/starting.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: アクティビティを開始する |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 액티비티 시작하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Iniciando uma atividade |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Запуск операции |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 开始活动 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 啟動應用行為顯示 |
| - title: Pausing and Resuming an Activity |
| path: /training/basics/activity-lifecycle/pausing.html |
| - title: Stopping and Restarting an Activity |
| path: /training/basics/activity-lifecycle/stopping.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: アクティビティの一時停止と再開 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 액티비티 일시정지 및 재개하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Pausando e reiniciando uma atividade |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Приостановка и возобновление операции |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 暂停和继续活动 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 暫停並繼續應用行為顯示 |
| - title: Recreating an Activity |
| path: /training/basics/activity-lifecycle/recreating.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: アクティビティを再作成する |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 액티비티 재생성하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Recriando uma atividade |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Воссоздание операции |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 重新创建活动 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 重新建立應用行為顯示 |
| - title: Building a Dynamic UI with Fragments |
| path: /training/basics/fragments/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build a user interface for your app that is flexible enough to present multiple UI components on large screens and a more constrained set of UI components on smaller screens—essential for building a single APK for both phones and tablets. |
| section: |
| - title: Creating a Fragment |
| path: /training/basics/fragments/creating.html |
| - title: Building a Flexible UI |
| path: /training/basics/fragments/fragment-ui.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 构建灵活的界面 |
| - title: Communicating with Other Fragments |
| path: /training/basics/fragments/communicating.html |
| - title: Saving Data |
| path: /training/basics/data-storage/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: データの保存 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 데이터 저장하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Salvando dados |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Сохранение данных |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 保存数据 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 儲存資料 |
| - name: description |
| value: How to save data on the device, whether it's temporary files, downloaded app assets, user media, structured data, or something else. |
| section: |
| - title: Saving Key-Value Sets |
| path: /training/basics/data-storage/shared-preferences.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: キー値セットを保存する |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 키-값 세트 저장하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Salvando conjuntos de valor-chave |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Сохранение наборов "ключ-значение" |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 保存键值集 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 儲存索引鍵值組 |
| - title: Saving Files |
| path: /training/basics/data-storage/files.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: ファイルを保存する |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 파일 저장하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Salvando arquivos |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Сохранение файлов |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 保存文件 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 儲存檔案 |
| - title: Saving Data in SQL Databases |
| path: /training/basics/data-storage/databases.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: SQL データベースにデータを保存する |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: SQL 데이터베이스에 데이터 저장하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Salvando dados em bancos de dados do SQL |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Сохранение данных в базах данных SQL |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 在 SQL 数据库中保存数据 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 在 SQL 資料庫中儲存資料 |
| - title: Interacting with Other Apps |
| path: /training/basics/intents/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 他のアプリとの相互操作 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 액티비티 수명 주기 관리하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Interagindo com outros aplicativos |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Взаимодействие с другими приложениями |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 与其他应用交互 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 與其他應用程式互動 |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build a user experience that leverages other apps available on the device to perform advanced user tasks, such as capture a photo or view an address on a map. |
| section: |
| - title: Sending the User to Another App |
| path: /training/basics/intents/sending.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 別のアプリにユーザーを送る |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 다른 앱으로 사용자 보내기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Enviando o usuário para outro aplicativo |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Направление пользователя в другое приложение |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 向另一个应用发送用户 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 將使用者傳送至其他應用程式 |
| - title: Getting a Result from the Activity |
| path: /training/basics/intents/result.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: アクティビティから結果を取得する |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 액티비티로부터 결과 가져오기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Obtendo resultados de uma atividade |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Получение результата операции |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 获取活动的结果 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 從應用行為顯示取得結果 |
| - title: Allowing Other Apps to Start Your Activity |
| path: /training/basics/intents/filters.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 他のアプリからのアクティビティの開始を許可する |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 다른 앱이 자신의 액티비티를 시작하도록 허용하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Permitindo que outros aplicativos iniciem sua atividade |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Разрешение другим приложениям на запуск вашей операции |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 允许其他应用开始您的活动 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 允許其他應用程式啟動您的應用行為顯示 |
| - title: Working with System Permissions |
| path: /training/permissions/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to declare that your app needs access to features and resources outside of its 'sandbox', and how to request those privileges at runtime. |
| section: |
| - title: Declaring Permissions |
| path: /training/permissions/declaring.html |
| - title: Requesting Permissions at Run Time |
| path: /training/permissions/requesting.html |
| - title: Best Practices for Runtime Permissions |
| path: /training/permissions/best-practices.html |
| |
| - title: Building Apps with Content Sharing |
| path: /training/building-content-sharing.html |
| section: |
| - title: Sharing Simple Data |
| path: /training/sharing/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to take your app interaction to the next level by sharing information with other apps, receive information back, and provide a simple and scalable way to perform Share actions with user content. |
| section: |
| - title: Sending Simple Data to Other Apps |
| path: /training/sharing/send.html |
| - title: Receiving Simple Data from Other Apps |
| path: /training/sharing/receive.html |
| - title: Adding an Easy Share Action |
| path: /training/sharing/shareaction.html |
| - title: Sharing Files |
| path: /training/secure-file-sharing/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to provide secure access to a file associated with your app using a content URI and temporary access permissions. |
| section: |
| - title: Setting Up File Sharing |
| path: /training/secure-file-sharing/setup-sharing.html |
| - title: Sharing a File |
| path: /training/secure-file-sharing/share-file.html |
| - title: Requesting a Shared File |
| path: /training/secure-file-sharing/request-file.html |
| - title: Retrieving File Information |
| path: /training/secure-file-sharing/retrieve-info.html |
| - title: Sharing Files with NFC |
| path: /training/beam-files/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to transfer files between devices using the NFC Android Beam feature. |
| section: |
| - title: Sending Files to Another Device |
| path: /training/beam-files/send-files.html |
| - title: Receiving Files from Another Device |
| path: /training/beam-files/receive-files.html |
| |
| - title: Building Apps with Multimedia |
| path: /training/building-multimedia.html |
| section: |
| - title: Managing Audio Playback |
| path: /training/managing-audio/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to respond to hardware audio key presses, request audio focus when playing audio, and respond appropriately to changes in audio focus. |
| section: |
| - title: Controlling Your App's Volume and Playback |
| path: /training/managing-audio/volume-playback.html |
| - title: Managing Audio Focus |
| path: /training/managing-audio/audio-focus.html |
| - title: Dealing with Audio Output Hardware |
| path: /training/managing-audio/audio-output.html |
| - title: Capturing Photos |
| path: /training/camera/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to leverage existing camera apps on the user's device to capture photos or control the camera hardware directly and build your own camera app. |
| section: |
| - title: Taking Photos Simply |
| path: /training/camera/photobasics.html |
| - title: Recording Videos Simply |
| path: /training/camera/videobasics.html |
| - title: Controlling the Camera |
| path: /training/camera/cameradirect.html |
| - title: Printing Content |
| path: /training/printing/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to print photos, HTML documents, and custom documents from your app. |
| section: |
| - title: Photos |
| path: /training/printing/photos.html |
| - title: HTML Documents |
| path: /training/printing/html-docs.html |
| - title: Custom Documents |
| path: /training/printing/custom-docs.html |
| |
| - title: Building Apps with Graphics & Animation |
| path: /training/building-graphics.html |
| section: |
| - title: Displaying Bitmaps Efficiently |
| path: /training/displaying-bitmaps/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to load and process bitmaps while keeping your user interface responsive and avoid exceeding memory limits. |
| section: |
| - title: Loading Large Bitmaps Efficiently |
| path: /training/displaying-bitmaps/load-bitmap.html |
| - title: Processing Bitmaps Off the UI Thread |
| path: /training/displaying-bitmaps/process-bitmap.html |
| - title: Caching Bitmaps |
| path: /training/displaying-bitmaps/cache-bitmap.html |
| - title: Managing Bitmap Memory |
| path: /training/displaying-bitmaps/manage-memory.html |
| - title: Displaying Bitmaps in Your UI |
| path: /training/displaying-bitmaps/display-bitmap.html |
| - title: Displaying Graphics with OpenGL ES |
| path: /training/graphics/opengl/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to create OpenGL graphics within the Android app framework and respond to touch input. |
| section: |
| - title: Building an OpenGL ES Environment |
| path: /training/graphics/opengl/environment.html |
| - title: Defining Shapes |
| path: /training/graphics/opengl/shapes.html |
| - title: Drawing Shapes |
| path: /training/graphics/opengl/draw.html |
| - title: Applying Projection and Camera Views |
| path: /training/graphics/opengl/projection.html |
| - title: Adding Motion |
| path: /training/graphics/opengl/motion.html |
| - title: Responding to Touch Events |
| path: /training/graphics/opengl/touch.html |
| - title: Animating Views Using Scenes and Transitions |
| path: /training/transitions/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to animate state changes in a view hierarchy using transitions. |
| section: |
| - title: The Transitions Framework |
| path: /training/transitions/overview.html |
| - title: Creating a Scene |
| path: /training/transitions/scenes.html |
| - title: Applying a Transition |
| path: /training/transitions/transitions.html |
| - title: Creating Custom Transitions |
| path: /training/transitions/custom-transitions.html |
| - title: Adding Animations |
| path: /training/animation/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to add transitional animations to your user interface. |
| section: |
| - title: Crossfading Two Views |
| path: /training/animation/crossfade.html |
| - title: Using ViewPager for Screen Slide |
| path: /training/animation/screen-slide.html |
| - title: Displaying Card Flip Animations |
| path: /training/animation/cardflip.html |
| - title: Zooming a View |
| path: /training/animation/zoom.html |
| - title: Animating Layout Changes |
| path: /training/animation/layout.html |
| |
| - title: Building Apps with Connectivity & the Cloud |
| path: /training/building-connectivity.html |
| section: |
| - title: Connecting Devices Wirelessly |
| path: /training/connect-devices-wirelessly/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to find and connect to local devices using Network Service Discovery and how to create peer-to-peer connections with Wi-Fi. |
| section: |
| - title: Using Network Service Discovery |
| path: /training/connect-devices-wirelessly/nsd.html |
| - title: Creating P2P Connections with Wi-Fi |
| path: /training/connect-devices-wirelessly/wifi-direct.html |
| - title: Using Wi-Fi P2P for Service Discovery |
| path: /training/connect-devices-wirelessly/nsd-wifi-direct.html |
| - title: Performing Network Operations |
| path: /training/basics/network-ops/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to create a network connection, monitor the connection for changes in connectivity, and perform transactions with XML data. |
| section: |
| - title: Connecting to the Network |
| path: /training/basics/network-ops/connecting.html |
| - title: Managing Network Usage |
| path: /training/basics/network-ops/managing.html |
| - title: Optimizing Network Data Usage |
| path: /training/basics/network-ops/data-saver.html |
| - title: Parsing XML Data |
| path: /training/basics/network-ops/xml.html |
| - title: Transferring Data Without Draining the Battery |
| path: /training/efficient-downloads/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to minimize your app's impact on the battery when performing downloads and other network transactions. |
| section: |
| - title: Optimizing Downloads for Efficient Network Access |
| path: /training/efficient-downloads/efficient-network-access.html |
| - title: Minimizing the Effect of Regular Updates |
| path: /training/efficient-downloads/regular_updates.html |
| - title: Redundant Downloads are Redundant |
| path: /training/efficient-downloads/redundant_redundant.html |
| - title: Modifying Patterns Based on the Connectivity Type |
| path: /training/efficient-downloads/connectivity_patterns.html |
| - title: Backing up App Data to the Cloud |
| path: /training/backup/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to sync and back up app and user data to remote web services in the cloud and how to restore the data back to multiple devices. |
| section: |
| - title: Configuring Auto Backup |
| path: /training/backup/autosyncapi.html |
| - title: Using the Backup API |
| path: /training/backup/backupapi.html |
| - title: Resolving Cloud Save Conflicts |
| path: /training/cloudsave/conflict-res.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to design a robust conflict resolution strategy for apps that save data to the cloud. |
| - title: Transferring Data Using Sync Adapters |
| path: /training/sync-adapters/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to transfer data between the cloud and the device using the Android sync adapter framework |
| section: |
| - title: Creating a Stub Authenticator |
| path: /training/sync-adapters/creating-authenticator.html |
| - title: Creating a Stub Content Provider |
| path: /training/sync-adapters/creating-stub-provider.html |
| - title: Creating a Sync Adapter |
| path: /training/sync-adapters/creating-sync-adapter.html |
| - title: Running a Sync Adapter |
| path: /training/sync-adapters/running-sync-adapter.html |
| - title: Transmitting Network Data Using Volley |
| path: /training/volley/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to perform fast, scalable UI operations over the network using Volley |
| section: |
| - title: Sending a Simple Request |
| path: /training/volley/simple.html |
| - title: Setting Up a RequestQueue |
| path: /training/volley/requestqueue.html |
| - title: Making a Standard Request |
| path: /training/volley/request.html |
| - title: Implementing a Custom Request |
| path: /training/volley/request-custom.html |
| |
| - title: Building Apps with Location & Maps |
| path: /training/building-location.html |
| section: |
| - title: Making Your App Location-Aware |
| path: /training/location/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to add location-aware features to your app by getting the user's current location. |
| section: |
| - title: Getting the Last Known Location |
| path: /training/location/retrieve-current.html |
| - title: Changing Location Settings |
| path: /training/location/change-location-settings.html |
| - title: Receiving Location Updates |
| path: /training/location/receive-location-updates.html |
| - title: Displaying a Location Address |
| path: /training/location/display-address.html |
| - title: Creating and Monitoring Geofences |
| path: /training/location/geofencing.html |
| - title: Adding Maps |
| path: /training/maps/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to add maps and mapping information to your app. |
| |
| - title: Building Apps with User Info & Sign-In |
| path: /training/building-userinfo.html |
| section: |
| - title: Accessing Contacts Data |
| path: /training/contacts-provider/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use Android's central address book, the Contacts Provider, to display contacts and their details and modify contact information. |
| section: |
| - title: Retrieving a List of Contacts |
| path: /training/contacts-provider/retrieve-names.html |
| - title: Retrieving Details for a Contact |
| path: /training/contacts-provider/retrieve-details.html |
| - title: Modifying Contacts Using Intents |
| path: /training/contacts-provider/modify-data.html |
| - title: Displaying the Quick Contact Badge |
| path: /training/contacts-provider/display-contact-badge.html |
| - title: Adding Sign-In |
| path: /training/sign-in/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to add user sign-in functionality to your app. |
| |
| - title: Building Apps for Wearables |
| path: /training/building-wearables.html |
| section: |
| - title: Adding Wearable Features to Notifications |
| path: /training/wearables/notifications/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build handheld notifications that are synced to and look great on wearables. |
| section: |
| - title: Creating a Notification |
| path: /training/wearables/notifications/creating.html |
| - title: Receiving Voice Input in a Notification |
| path: /training/wearables/notifications/voice-input.html |
| - title: Adding Pages to a Notification |
| path: /training/wearables/notifications/pages.html |
| - title: Stacking Notifications |
| path: /training/wearables/notifications/stacks.html |
| - title: Creating Wearable Apps |
| path: /training/wearables/apps/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build apps that run directly on wearables. |
| section: |
| - title: Creating and Running a Wearable App |
| path: /training/wearables/apps/creating.html |
| - title: Creating Custom Layouts |
| path: /training/wearables/apps/layouts.html |
| - title: Keeping Your App Visible |
| path: /training/wearables/apps/always-on.html |
| - title: Adding Voice Capabilities |
| path: /training/wearables/apps/voice.html |
| - title: Packaging Wearable Apps |
| path: /training/wearables/apps/packaging.html |
| - title: Debugging over Bluetooth |
| path: /training/wearables/apps/bt-debugging.html |
| - title: Creating Custom UIs |
| path: /training/wearables/ui/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to create custom user interfaces for wearable apps. |
| section: |
| - title: Defining Layouts |
| path: /training/wearables/ui/layouts.html |
| - title: Creating Cards |
| path: /training/wearables/ui/cards.html |
| - title: Creating Lists |
| path: /training/wearables/ui/lists.html |
| - title: Creating a 2D Picker |
| path: /training/wearables/ui/2d-picker.html |
| - title: Showing Confirmations |
| path: /training/wearables/ui/confirm.html |
| - title: Exiting Full-Screen Activities |
| path: /training/wearables/ui/exit.html |
| - title: Sending and Syncing Data |
| path: /training/wearables/data-layer/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to sync data between handhelds and wearables. |
| section: |
| - title: Accessing the Wearable Data Layer |
| path: /training/wearables/data-layer/accessing.html |
| - title: Syncing Data Items |
| path: /training/wearables/data-layer/data-items.html |
| - title: Transferring Assets |
| path: /training/wearables/data-layer/assets.html |
| - title: Sending and Receiving Messages |
| path: /training/wearables/data-layer/messages.html |
| - title: Handling Data Layer Events |
| path: /training/wearables/data-layer/events.html |
| - title: Creating Watch Faces |
| path: /training/wearables/watch-faces/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to create watch faces for wearables. |
| section: |
| - title: Designing Watch Faces |
| path: /training/wearables/watch-faces/designing.html |
| - title: Building a Watch Face Service |
| path: /training/wearables/watch-faces/service.html |
| - title: Drawing Watch Faces |
| path: /training/wearables/watch-faces/drawing.html |
| - title: Showing Information in Watch Faces |
| path: /training/wearables/watch-faces/information.html |
| - title: Creating Interactive Watch Faces |
| path: /training/wearables/watch-faces/interacting.html |
| - title: Providing Configuration Activities |
| path: /training/wearables/watch-faces/configuration.html |
| - title: Addressing Common Issues |
| path: /training/wearables/watch-faces/issues.html |
| - title: Optimizing Performance and Battery Life |
| path: /training/wearables/watch-faces/performance.html |
| - title: Detecting Location |
| path: /training/articles/wear-location-detection.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to detect location data on Android Wear devices. |
| - title: Requesting Permissions |
| path: /training/articles/wear-permissions.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to request permissions on Android Wear devices. |
| - title: Using the Speaker |
| path: /training/wearables/wearable-sounds.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use the speaker on Android Wear devices. |
| |
| - title: Building Apps for TV |
| path: /training/tv/index.html |
| section: |
| - title: Building TV Apps |
| path: /training/tv/start/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: TV アプリのビルド |
| - name: description |
| value: How to start building TV apps or extend your existing app to run on TV devices. |
| section: |
| - title: Getting Started with TV Apps |
| path: /training/tv/start/start.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: TV アプリのビルドを開始する |
| - title: Handling TV Hardware |
| path: /training/tv/start/hardware.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: TV ハードウェアを処理する |
| - title: Building TV Layouts |
| path: /training/tv/start/layouts.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: TV 向けレイアウトをビルドする |
| - title: Creating TV Navigation |
| path: /training/tv/start/navigation.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: TV 用のナビゲーションを作成する |
| - title: Building TV Playback Apps |
| path: /training/tv/playback/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: TV 再生アプリのビルド |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build apps that provide media catalogs and play content. |
| section: |
| - title: Creating a Catalog Browser |
| path: /training/tv/playback/browse.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: カタログ ブラウザを作成する |
| - title: Providing a Card View |
| path: /training/tv/playback/card.html |
| - title: Building a Details View |
| path: /training/tv/playback/details.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 詳細ビューをビルドする |
| - title: Displaying a Now Playing Card |
| path: /training/tv/playback/now-playing.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 再生中カードを表示する |
| - title: Adding a Guided Step |
| path: /training/tv/playback/guided-step.html |
| - title: Enabling Background Playback |
| path: /training/tv/playback/options.html |
| - title: Adding Picture-in-picture |
| path: /training/tv/playback/picture-in-picture.html |
| - title: Helping Users Find Content on TV |
| path: /training/tv/discovery/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to help users discover content from your app. |
| section: |
| - title: Recommending TV Content |
| path: /training/tv/discovery/recommendations.html |
| - title: Making TV Apps Searchable |
| path: /training/tv/discovery/searchable.html |
| - title: Searching within TV Apps |
| path: /training/tv/discovery/in-app-search.html |
| - title: Building TV Games |
| path: /training/tv/games/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build games for TV. |
| - title: Building TV Channels |
| path: /training/tv/tif/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build channels for TV. |
| section: |
| - title: Developing a TV Input Service |
| path: /training/tv/tif/tvinput.html |
| - title: Working with Channel Data |
| path: /training/tv/tif/channel.html |
| - title: Managing User Interaction |
| path: /training/tv/tif/ui.html |
| - title: Supporting Content Recording |
| path: /training/tv/tif/content-recording.html |
| - title: TV Apps Checklist |
| path: /training/tv/publishing/checklist.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: An itemized list of requirements for TV apps. |
| |
| - title: Building Apps for Auto |
| path: /training/auto/index.html |
| section: |
| - title: Getting Started with Auto |
| path: /training/auto/start/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to start building or extending apps that work with Auto devices. |
| - title: Playing Audio for Auto |
| path: /training/auto/audio/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to extend audio apps to play content on Auto devices. |
| - title: Messaging for Auto |
| path: /training/auto/messaging/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to extend text messaging apps to work with Auto devices. |
| - title: Testing for Auto |
| path: /training/auto/testing/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use DHU to test Auto apps. |
| |
| - title: Best Practices for Interaction & Engagement |
| path: /training/best-ux.html |
| section: |
| - title: Designing Effective Navigation |
| path: /training/design-navigation/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to plan your app's screen hierarchy and forms of navigation so users can effectively and intuitively traverse your app content using various navigation patterns. |
| section: |
| - title: Planning Screens and Their Relationships |
| path: /training/design-navigation/screen-planning.html |
| - title: Planning for Multiple Touchscreen Sizes |
| path: /training/design-navigation/multiple-sizes.html |
| - title: Providing Descendant and Lateral Navigation |
| path: /training/design-navigation/descendant-lateral.html |
| - title: Providing Ancestral and Temporal Navigation |
| path: /training/design-navigation/ancestral-temporal.html |
| - title: "Putting it All Together: Wireframing the Example App" |
| path: /training/design-navigation/wireframing.html |
| - title: Implementing Effective Navigation |
| path: /training/implementing-navigation/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to implement various navigation patterns such as swipe views, a navigation drawer, and up navigation. |
| section: |
| - title: Creating Swipe Views with Tabs |
| path: /training/implementing-navigation/lateral.html |
| - title: Creating a Navigation Drawer |
| path: /training/implementing-navigation/nav-drawer.html |
| - title: Providing Up Navigation |
| path: /training/implementing-navigation/ancestral.html |
| - title: Providing Proper Back Navigation |
| path: /training/implementing-navigation/temporal.html |
| - title: Implementing Descendant Navigation |
| path: /training/implementing-navigation/descendant.html |
| - title: Notifying the User |
| path: /training/notify-user/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to display messages called notifications outside of your application's UI. |
| section: |
| - title: Building a Notification |
| path: /training/notify-user/build-notification.html |
| - title: Preserving Navigation when Starting an Activity |
| path: /training/notify-user/navigation.html |
| - title: Updating Notifications |
| path: /training/notify-user/managing.html |
| - title: Using Big View Styles |
| path: /training/notify-user/expanded.html |
| - title: Displaying Progress in a Notification |
| path: /training/notify-user/display-progress.html |
| - title: Supporting Swipe-to-Refresh |
| path: /training/swipe/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to modify your app's layout to support manual content updates triggered by the swipe-to-refresh gesture. |
| section: |
| - title: Adding Swipe-to-Refresh To Your App |
| path: /training/swipe/add-swipe-interface.html |
| - title: Responding to a Refresh Gesture |
| path: /training/swipe/respond-refresh-request.html |
| - title: Adding Search Functionality |
| path: /training/search/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to properly add a search interface to your app and create a searchable database. |
| section: |
| - title: Setting up the Search Interface |
| path: /training/search/setup.html |
| - title: Storing and Searching for Data |
| path: /training/search/search.html |
| - title: Remaining Backward Compatible |
| path: /training/search/backward-compat.html |
| - title: Making Your App Content Searchable by Google |
| path: /training/app-indexing/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to enable deep linking and indexing of your application content so that users can open this content directly from their mobile search results. |
| section: |
| - title: Enabling Deep Links for App Content |
| path: /training/app-indexing/deep-linking.html |
| - title: Specifying App Content for Indexing |
| path: /training/app-indexing/enabling-app-indexing.html |
| - title: Optimizing Content for the Assistant |
| path: /training/articles/assistant.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: Support contextually relevant actions through the Assist API. |
| - title: Handling App Links |
| path: /training/app-links/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to enable the system to handle web requests by taking the user directly to your app instead of your website. |
| |
| - title: Best Practices for User Interface |
| path: /training/best-ui.html |
| section: |
| - title: Designing for Multiple Screens |
| path: /training/multiscreen/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Cómo diseñar aplicaciones para varias pantallas |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 複数画面のデザイン |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 针对多种屏幕进行设计 |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build a user interface that's flexible enough to fit perfectly on any screen and how to create different interaction patterns that are optimized for different screen sizes. |
| section: |
| - title: Supporting Different Screen Sizes |
| path: /training/multiscreen/screensizes.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Cómo admitir varios tamaños de pantalla |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: さまざまな画面サイズのサポート |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 다양한 화면 크기 지원 |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 支持各种屏幕尺寸 |
| - title: Supporting Different Screen Densities |
| path: /training/multiscreen/screendensities.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Cómo admitir varias densidades de pantalla |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: さまざまな画面密度のサポート |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 支持各种屏幕密度 |
| - title: Implementing Adaptive UI Flows |
| path: /training/multiscreen/adaptui.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Cómo implementar interfaces de usuario adaptables |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 順応性のある UI フローの実装 |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 实施自适应用户界面流程 |
| - title: Adding the App Bar |
| path: /training/appbar/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use the support library's toolbar widget to implement an app bar that displays properly on a wide range of devices. |
| section: |
| - title: Setting Up the App Bar |
| path: /training/appbar/setting-up.html |
| - title: Adding and Handling Actions |
| path: /training/appbar/actions.html |
| - title: Adding an Up Action |
| path: /training/appbar/up-action.html |
| - title: Action Views and Action Providers |
| path: /training/appbar/action-views.html |
| - title: Showing Pop-Up Messages |
| path: /training/snackbar/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use the support library's Snackbar widget to display a brief pop-up message. |
| section: |
| - title: Building and Displaying a Pop-Up Message |
| path: /training/snackbar/showing.html |
| - title: Adding an Action to a Message |
| path: /training/snackbar/action.html |
| - title: Creating Custom Views |
| path: /training/custom-views/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build custom UI widgets that are interactive and smooth. |
| section: |
| - title: Creating a Custom View Class |
| path: /training/custom-views/create-view.html |
| - title: Implementing Custom Drawing |
| path: /training/custom-views/custom-drawing.html |
| - title: Making the View Interactive |
| path: /training/custom-views/making-interactive.html |
| - title: Optimizing the View |
| path: /training/custom-views/optimizing-view.html |
| - title: Creating Backward-Compatible UIs |
| path: /training/backward-compatible-ui/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use UI components and other APIs from the more recent versions of Android while remaining compatible with older versions of the platform. |
| section: |
| - title: Abstracting the New APIs |
| path: /training/backward-compatible-ui/abstracting.html |
| - title: Proxying to the New APIs |
| path: /training/backward-compatible-ui/new-implementation.html |
| - title: Creating an Implementation with Older APIs |
| path: /training/backward-compatible-ui/older-implementation.html |
| - title: Using the Version-Aware Component |
| path: /training/backward-compatible-ui/using-component.html |
| - title: Implementing Accessibility |
| path: /training/accessibility/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to make your app accessible to users with vision impairment or other physical disabilities. |
| section: |
| - title: Developing Accessible Applications |
| path: /training/accessibility/accessible-app.html |
| - title: Developing Accessibility Services |
| path: /training/accessibility/service.html |
| - title: Accessibility Testing Checklist |
| path: /training/accessibility/testing.html |
| - title: Managing the System UI |
| path: /training/system-ui/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to hide and show status and navigation bars across different versions of Android, while managing the display of other screen components. |
| section: |
| - title: Dimming the System Bars |
| path: /training/system-ui/dim.html |
| - title: Hiding the Status Bar |
| path: /training/system-ui/status.html |
| - title: Hiding the Navigation Bar |
| path: /training/system-ui/navigation.html |
| - title: Using Immersive Full-Screen Mode |
| path: /training/system-ui/immersive.html |
| - title: Responding to UI Visibility Changes |
| path: /training/system-ui/visibility.html |
| - title: Creating Apps with Material Design |
| path: /training/material/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Crear aplicaciones con Material Design |
| - name: in-lang |
| value: Desain Bahan untuk Pengembang |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: マテリアル デザインでのアプリ作成 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 개발자를 위한 머티리얼 디자인 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Material Design para desenvolvedores |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Создание приложений с помощью Material Design |
| - name: vi-lang |
| value: Material Design cho Nhà phát triển |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 面向开发者的材料设计 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 開發人員材料設計 |
| - name: description |
| value: How to implement material design on Android. |
| section: |
| - title: Getting Started |
| path: /training/material/get-started.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Comencemos |
| - name: in-lang |
| value: Memulai |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: スタート ガイド |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 시작하기 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Como iniciar |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Начало работы |
| - name: vi-lang |
| value: Bắt đầu |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 入门指南 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 開始使用 |
| - title: Using the Material Theme |
| path: /training/material/theme.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Usar el tema Material |
| - name: in-lang |
| value: Menggunakan Tema Bahan |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: マテリアル テーマの使用 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 머티어리얼 테마 사용 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Como usar o tema do Material |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Использование темы Material Design |
| - name: vi-lang |
| value: Sử dụng Chủ đề Material |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 使用材料主题 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 使用材料設計風格 |
| - title: Creating Lists and Cards |
| path: /training/material/lists-cards.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Crear listas y tarjetas |
| - name: in-lang |
| value: Membuat Daftar dan Kartu |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: リストとカードの作成 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 목록 및 카드 생성 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Como criar listas e cartões |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Создание списков и подсказок |
| - name: vi-lang |
| value: Tạo Danh sách và Thẻ |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 创建列表与卡片 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 建立清單和卡片 |
| - title: Defining Shadows and Clipping Views |
| path: /training/material/shadows-clipping.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Definir vistas de recorte y sombras |
| - name: in-lang |
| value: Mendefinisikan Bayangan dan Memangkas Tampilan |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: シャドウとクリッピング ビューの定義 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 그림자 정의 및 뷰 클리핑 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Como definir sombras e recortar visualizações |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Определение теней и обрезка представлений |
| - name: vi-lang |
| value: Định nghĩa Đổ bóng và Dạng xem Cắt hình |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 定义阴影与裁剪视图 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 定義陰影和裁剪檢視 |
| - title: Working with Drawables |
| path: /training/material/drawables.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Trabajar con interfaces dibujables |
| - name: in-lang |
| value: Bekerja dengan Drawable |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: ドローアブルの使用 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: Drawable 사용 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Como trabalhar com desenháveis |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Работа с элементами дизайна |
| - name: vi-lang |
| value: Làm việc với Nội dung vẽ được |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 使用 Drawables |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 使用可繪項目 |
| - title: Defining Custom Animations |
| path: /training/material/animations.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Definir animaciones personalizadas |
| - name: in-lang |
| value: Mendefinisikan Animasi Custom |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: カスタム アニメーションの定義 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 사용자지정 애니메이션 정의 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Como definir animações personalizadas |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Определение настраиваемой анимации |
| - name: vi-lang |
| value: Định nghĩa Hoạt hình Tùy chỉnh |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 定义定制动画 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 定義自訂動畫 |
| - title: Maintaining Compatibility |
| path: /training/material/compatibility.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Mantener la compatibilidad |
| - name: in-lang |
| value: Mempertahankan Kompatibilitas |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 互換性の維持 |
| - name: ko-lang |
| value: 호환성 유지 |
| - name: pt-br-lang |
| value: Como manter a compatibilidade |
| - name: ru-lang |
| value: Обеспечение совместимости |
| - name: vi-lang |
| value: Duy trì Tính tương thích |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 维护兼容性 |
| - name: zh-tw-lang |
| value: 維持相容性 |
| |
| - title: Best Practices for User Input |
| path: /training/best-user-input.html |
| section: |
| - title: Using Touch Gestures |
| path: /training/gestures/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to write apps that allow users to interact with the touch screen via touch gestures. |
| section: |
| - title: Detecting Common Gestures |
| path: /training/gestures/detector.html |
| - title: Tracking Movement |
| path: /training/gestures/movement.html |
| - title: Animating a Scroll Gesture |
| path: /training/gestures/scroll.html |
| - title: Handling Multi-Touch Gestures |
| path: /training/gestures/multi.html |
| - title: Dragging and Scaling |
| path: /training/gestures/scale.html |
| - title: Managing Touch Events in a ViewGroup |
| path: /training/gestures/viewgroup.html |
| - title: Handling Keyboard Input |
| path: /training/keyboard-input/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to specify the appearance and behaviors of soft input methods (such as on-screen keyboards) and how to optimize the experience with hardware keyboards. |
| section: |
| - title: Specifying the Input Method Type |
| path: /training/keyboard-input/style.html |
| - title: Handling Input Method Visibility |
| path: /training/keyboard-input/visibility.html |
| - title: Supporting Keyboard Navigation |
| path: /training/keyboard-input/navigation.html |
| - title: Handling Keyboard Actions |
| path: /training/keyboard-input/commands.html |
| - title: Supporting Game Controllers |
| path: /training/game-controllers/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to write apps that support game controllers. |
| section: |
| - title: Handling Controller Actions |
| path: /training/game-controllers/controller-input.html |
| - title: Supporting Controllers Across Android Versions |
| path: /training/game-controllers/compatibility.html |
| - title: Supporting Multiple Game Controllers |
| path: /training/game-controllers/multiple-controllers.html |
| |
| - title: Best Practices for Background Jobs |
| path: /training/best-background.html |
| section: |
| - title: Running in a Background Service |
| path: /training/run-background-service/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to improve UI performance and responsiveness by sending work to a Service running in the background |
| section: |
| - title: Creating a Background Service |
| path: /training/run-background-service/create-service.html |
| - title: Sending Work Requests to the Background Service |
| path: /training/run-background-service/send-request.html |
| - title: Reporting Work Status |
| path: /training/run-background-service/report-status.html |
| - title: Loading Data in the Background |
| path: /training/load-data-background/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use CursorLoader to query data without affecting UI responsiveness. |
| section: |
| - title: Running a Query with a CursorLoader |
| path: /training/load-data-background/setup-loader.html |
| - title: Handling the Results |
| path: /training/load-data-background/handle-results.html |
| - title: Managing Device Awake State |
| path: /training/scheduling/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use repeating alarms and wake locks to run background jobs. |
| section: |
| - title: Keeping the Device Awake |
| path: /training/scheduling/wakelock.html |
| - title: Scheduling Repeating Alarms |
| path: /training/scheduling/alarms.html |
| |
| - title: Best Practices for Performance |
| path: /training/best-performance.html |
| section: |
| - title: Managing Your App's Memory |
| path: /training/articles/memory.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to keep your app's memory footprint small in order to improve performance on a variety of mobile devices. |
| - title: Performance Tips |
| path: /training/articles/perf-tips.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to optimize your app's performance in various ways to improve its responsiveness and battery efficiency. |
| - title: Improving Layout Performance |
| path: /training/improving-layouts/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to identify problems in your app's layout performance and improve the UI responsiveness. |
| section: |
| - title: Optimizing Layout Hierarchies |
| path: /training/improving-layouts/optimizing-layout.html |
| - title: Re-using Layouts with <include/> |
| path: /training/improving-layouts/reusing-layouts.html |
| - title: Loading Views On Demand |
| path: /training/improving-layouts/loading-ondemand.html |
| - title: Making ListView Scrolling Smooth |
| path: /training/improving-layouts/smooth-scrolling.html |
| - title: Optimizing Battery Life |
| path: /training/monitoring-device-state/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Cómo optimizar la duración de la batería |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 電池消費量の最適化 |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 优化电池使用时间 |
| - name: description |
| value: How to minimize the amount of power your app requires by adapting to current power conditions and performing power-hungry tasks at proper intervals. |
| section: |
| - title: Reducing Network Battery Drain |
| path: /training/performance/battery/network/index.html |
| section: |
| - title: Collecting Network Traffic Data |
| path: /training/performance/battery/network/gather-data.html |
| - title: Analyzing Network Traffic Data |
| path: /training/performance/battery/network/analyze-data.html |
| - title: Optimizing User-Initiated Network Use |
| path: /training/performance/battery/network/action-user-traffic.html |
| - title: Optimizing App-Initiated Network Use |
| path: /training/performance/battery/network/action-app-traffic.html |
| - title: Optimizing Server-Initiated Network Use |
| path: /training/performance/battery/network/action-server-traffic.html |
| - title: Optimizing General Network Use |
| path: /training/performance/battery/network/action-any-traffic.html |
| - title: Optimizing for Doze and App Standby |
| path: /training/monitoring-device-state/doze-standby.html |
| - title: Monitoring the Battery Level and Charging State |
| path: /training/monitoring-device-state/battery-monitoring.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Cómo controlar el nivel de batería y el estado de carga |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 電池残量と充電状態の監視 |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 监控电池电量和充电状态 |
| - title: Determining and Monitoring the Docking State and Type |
| path: /training/monitoring-device-state/docking-monitoring.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Cómo determinar y controlar el tipo de conector y el estado de la conexión |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: ホルダーの装着状態とタイプの特定と監視 |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 确定和监控基座对接状态和类型 |
| - title: Determining and Monitoring the Connectivity Status |
| path: /training/monitoring-device-state/connectivity-monitoring.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Cómo determinar y controlar el estado de la conectividad |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: 接続状態の特定と監視 |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 确定和监控网络连接状态 |
| - title: Manipulating Broadcast Receivers On Demand |
| path: /training/monitoring-device-state/manifest-receivers.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: es-lang |
| value: Cómo manipular los receptores de emisión bajo demanda |
| - name: ja-lang |
| value: オンデマンドでのブロードキャスト レシーバ操作 |
| - name: zh-cn-lang |
| value: 根据需要操作广播接收器 |
| - title: Sending Operations to Multiple Threads |
| path: /training/multiple-threads/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to improve the performance and scalability of long-running operations by dispatching work to multiple threads. |
| section: |
| - title: Specifying the Code to Run on a Thread |
| path: /training/multiple-threads/define-runnable.html |
| - title: Creating a Manager for Multiple Threads |
| path: /training/multiple-threads/create-threadpool.html |
| - title: Running Code on a Thread Pool Thread |
| path: /training/multiple-threads/run-code.html |
| - title: Communicating with the UI Thread |
| path: /training/multiple-threads/communicate-ui.html |
| - title: Keeping Your App Responsive |
| path: /training/articles/perf-anr.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to keep your app responsive to user interaction so the UI does not lock-up and display an "Application Not Responding" dialog. |
| - title: JNI Tips |
| path: /training/articles/perf-jni.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to efficiently use the Java Native Interface with the Android NDK. |
| - title: SMP Primer for Android |
| path: /training/articles/smp.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: Tips for coding Android apps on symmetric multiprocessor systems. |
| |
| - title: Best Practices for Security & Privacy |
| path: /training/best-security.html |
| section: |
| - title: Security Tips |
| path: /training/articles/security-tips.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to perform various tasks and keep your app's data and your user's data secure. |
| - title: Security with HTTPS and SSL |
| path: /training/articles/security-ssl.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to ensure that your app is secure when performing network transactions. |
| - title: Network Security Configuration |
| path: /training/articles/security-config.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: Customize the behavior of your app's secure network connections safely. |
| - title: Updating Your Security Provider to Protect Against SSL Exploits |
| path: /training/articles/security-gms-provider.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use and update Google Play services security provider, to protect against SSL exploits. |
| - title: Checking Device Compatibility with SafetyNet |
| path: /training/safetynet/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use the SafetyNet service to analyze a device where your app is running and get information about its compatibility with your app. |
| - title: Checking URLs with the Safe Browsing API |
| path: /training/safebrowsing/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use the SafetyNet service to determine if a URL is designated as a known threat. |
| - title: Verifying Hardware-backed Key Pairs with Key Attestation |
| path: /training/articles/security-key-attestation.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to retrieve and verify the properties of a device's hardware-backed key pair. |
| - title: Enhancing Security with Device Management Policies |
| path: /work/device-management-policy.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to create an application that enforces security policies on devices. |
| - title: Supporting Direct Boot |
| path: /training/articles/direct-boot.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How use device encrypted storage during Direct Boot mode. |
| - title: Using Scoped Directory Access |
| path: /training/articles/scoped-directory-access.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to use scoped directory access to request access to external storage directories. |
| |
| - title: Best Practices for Permissions & Identifiers |
| path: /training/best-permissions-ids.html |
| section: |
| - title: Permissions and User Data |
| path: /training/articles/user-data-overview.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: Overview of app permissions on Android and how they affect your users. |
| - title: Best Practices for App Permissions |
| path: /training/articles/user-data-permissions.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to manage permissions the right way for users. |
| - title: Best Practices for Unique Identifiers |
| path: /training/articles/user-data-ids.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: Unique identifiers available and how to choose the right one for your use case. |
| |
| - title: Best Practices for Testing |
| path: /training/testing/index.html |
| section: |
| - title: Getting Started with Testing |
| path: /training/testing/start/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to get started with testing your Android applications. |
| - title: Building Effective Unit Tests |
| path: /training/testing/unit-testing/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build effective unit tests for Android apps. |
| section: |
| - title: Building Local Unit Tests |
| path: /training/testing/unit-testing/local-unit-tests.html |
| - title: Building Instrumented Unit Tests |
| path: /training/testing/unit-testing/instrumented-unit-tests.html |
| - title: Automating UI Tests |
| path: /training/testing/ui-testing/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to automate your user interface tests for Android apps. |
| section: |
| - title: Testing UI for a Single App |
| path: /training/testing/ui-testing/espresso-testing.html |
| - title: Testing UI for Multiple Apps |
| path: /training/testing/ui-testing/uiautomator-testing.html |
| - title: Testing App Component Integrations |
| path: /training/testing/integration-testing/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to build effective integration tests for Android apps. |
| section: |
| - title: Testing Your Service |
| path: /training/testing/integration-testing/service-testing.html |
| - title: Testing Your Content Provider |
| path: /training/testing/integration-testing/content-provider-testing.html |
| - title: Testing Display Performance |
| path: /training/testing/performance.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to automate UI performance testing. |
| |
| - title: Using Google Play to Distribute & Monetize |
| path: /training/distribute.html |
| section: |
| - title: Selling In-app Products |
| path: /training/in-app-billing/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to sell in-app products from your application using In-app Billing. |
| section: |
| - title: Preparing Your App |
| path: /training/in-app-billing/preparing-iab-app.html |
| - title: Establishing Products for Sale |
| path: /training/in-app-billing/list-iab-products.html |
| - title: Purchasing Products |
| path: /training/in-app-billing/purchase-iab-products.html |
| - title: Testing Your App |
| path: /training/in-app-billing/test-iab-app.html |
| - title: Maintaining Multiple APKs |
| path: /training/multiple-apks/index.html |
| path_attributes: |
| - name: description |
| value: How to publish your app on Google Play with separate APKs that target different devices, while using a single app listing. |
| section: |
| - title: Creating Multiple APKs for Different API Levels |
| path: /training/multiple-apks/api.html |
| - title: Creating Multiple APKs for Different Screen Sizes |
| path: /training/multiple-apks/screensize.html |
| - title: Creating Multiple APKs for Different GL Textures |
| path: /training/multiple-apks/texture.html |
| - title: Creating Multiple APKs with 2+ Dimensions |
| path: /training/multiple-apks/multiple.html |