blob: 78837649403286bb31505231003923534071f54a [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
~ Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
~ Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
~ you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
~ You may obtain a copy of the License at
~ Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
~ distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
~ See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
~ limitations under the License.
<attr name="icon" format="reference"/>
<attr name="selectedIcon" format="reference"/>
<attr name="intent" format="string"/>
<attr name="longIntent" format="string"/>
<attr name="selectedAlpha" format="float" />
<attr name="unselectedAlpha" format="float" />
<!-- Custom attributes to configure hvac values -->
<declare-styleable name="AnimatedTemperatureView">
<attr name="hvacAreaId" format="integer"/>
<attr name="hvacPropertyId" format="integer"/>
<attr name="hvacTempFormat" format="string"/>
<!-- how far away the animations should center around -->
<attr name="hvacPivotOffset" format="dimension"/>
<attr name="hvacMinValue" format="float"/>
<attr name="hvacMaxValue" format="float"/>
<attr name="hvacMinText" format="string|reference"/>
<attr name="hvacMaxText" format="string|reference"/>
<attr name="android:gravity"/>
<attr name="android:minEms"/>
<attr name="android:textAppearance"/>
<!-- Allow for custom attribs to be added to a nav button -->
<declare-styleable name="CarNavigationButton">
<!-- intent to start when button is click -->
<attr name="intent" />
<!-- intent to start when a long press has happened -->
<attr name="longIntent" />
<!-- start the intent as a broad cast instead of an activity if true-->
<attr name="broadcast" format="boolean"/>
<!-- Alpha value to used when in selected state. Defaults 1f -->
<attr name="selectedAlpha" />
<!-- Alpha value to used when in un-selected state. Defaults 0.7f -->
<attr name="unselectedAlpha" />
<!-- icon to be rendered when in selected state -->
<attr name="selectedIcon" />
<!-- icon to be rendered (drawable) -->
<attr name="icon"/>
<!-- categories that will be added as extras to the fired intents -->
<attr name="categories" format="string"/>
<!-- package names that will be added as extras to the fired intents -->
<attr name="packages" format="string" />
<!-- componentName names that will be used for detecting selected state -->
<attr name="componentNames" format="string" />
<!-- whether to highlight the button when selected. Defaults false -->
<attr name="showMoreWhenSelected" format="boolean" />
<!-- whether to highlight the button when selected. Defaults false -->
<attr name="highlightWhenSelected" format="boolean" />
<!-- whether to show the icon of the app currently associated this button's role. Only
relevant for buttons associated to specific roles (e.g.: AssistantButton).
Defaults false -->
<attr name="useDefaultAppIconForRole" format="boolean"/>
<!-- Custom attributes to configure hvac values -->
<declare-styleable name="TemperatureView">
<attr name="hvacAreaId" format="integer"/>
<attr name="hvacPropertyId" format="integer"/>
<attr name="hvacTempFormat" format="string"/>
<declare-styleable name="carVolumeItems"/>
<declare-styleable name="carVolumeItems_item">
<!-- Align with AudioAttributes.USAGE_* -->
<attr name="usage">
<enum name="unknown" value="0"/>
<enum name="media" value="1"/>
<enum name="voice_communication" value="2"/>
<enum name="voice_communication_signalling" value="3"/>
<enum name="alarm" value="4"/>
<enum name="notification" value="5"/>
<enum name="notification_ringtone" value="6"/>
<enum name="notification_communication_request" value="7"/>
<enum name="notification_communication_instant" value="8"/>
<enum name="notification_communication_delayed" value="9"/>
<enum name="notification_event" value="10"/>
<enum name="assistance_accessibility" value="11"/>
<enum name="assistance_navigation_guidance" value="12"/>
<enum name="assistance_sonification" value="13"/>
<enum name="game" value="14"/>
<!-- hidden, do not use -->
<!-- enum name="virtual_source" value="15"/ -->
<enum name="assistant" value="16"/>
<enum name="call_assistant" value="17"/>
<enum name="emergency" value="1000"/>
<enum name="safety" value="1001"/>
<enum name="vehicle_status" value="1002"/>
<enum name="announcement" value="1003"/>
<!-- Icon resource ids to render on UI -->
<attr name="icon" />