blob: 1dfc81e2108ecadfb18881a36ae3d60711d0e66a [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2010 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package android.nfc;
import android.Manifest;
import android.annotation.CallbackExecutor;
import android.annotation.FlaggedApi;
import android.annotation.IntDef;
import android.annotation.IntRange;
import android.annotation.NonNull;
import android.annotation.Nullable;
import android.annotation.RequiresPermission;
import android.annotation.SdkConstant;
import android.annotation.SdkConstant.SdkConstantType;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint;
import android.annotation.SystemApi;
import android.annotation.TestApi;
import android.annotation.UserIdInt;
import android.compat.annotation.UnsupportedAppUsage;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.IntentFilter;
import android.nfc.cardemulation.PollingFrame;
import android.os.Binder;
import android.os.Build;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.IBinder;
import android.os.RemoteException;
import android.util.Log;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.concurrent.Executor;
* Represents the local NFC adapter.
* <p>
* Use the helper {@link #getDefaultAdapter(Context)} to get the default NFC
* adapter for this Android device.
* <div class="special reference">
* <h3>Developer Guides</h3>
* <p>For more information about using NFC, read the
* <a href="{@docRoot}guide/topics/nfc/index.html">Near Field Communication</a> developer guide.</p>
* <p>To perform basic file sharing between devices, read
* <a href="{@docRoot}training/beam-files/index.html">Sharing Files with NFC</a>.
* </div>
public final class NfcAdapter {
static final String TAG = "NFC";
private final NfcControllerAlwaysOnListener mControllerAlwaysOnListener;
private final NfcWlcStateListener mNfcWlcStateListener;
private final NfcVendorNciCallbackListener mNfcVendorNciCallbackListener;
* Intent to start an activity when a tag with NDEF payload is discovered.
* <p>The system inspects the first {@link NdefRecord} in the first {@link NdefMessage} and
* looks for a URI, SmartPoster, or MIME record. If a URI or SmartPoster record is found the
* intent will contain the URI in its data field. If a MIME record is found the intent will
* contain the MIME type in its type field. This allows activities to register
* {@link IntentFilter}s targeting specific content on tags. Activities should register the
* most specific intent filters possible to avoid the activity chooser dialog, which can
* disrupt the interaction with the tag as the user interacts with the screen.
* <p>If the tag has an NDEF payload this intent is started before
* {@link #ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED}. If any activities respond to this intent neither
* {@link #ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED} or {@link #ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED} will be started.
* <p>The MIME type or data URI of this intent are normalized before dispatch -
* so that MIME, URI scheme and URI host are always lower-case.
public static final String ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED = "android.nfc.action.NDEF_DISCOVERED";
* Intent to start an activity when a tag is discovered and activities are registered for the
* specific technologies on the tag.
* <p>To receive this intent an activity must include an intent filter
* for this action and specify the desired tech types in a
* manifest <code>meta-data</code> entry. Here is an example manfiest entry:
* <pre>
* &lt;activity android:name=".nfc.TechFilter" android:label="NFC/TechFilter"&gt;
* &lt;!-- Add a technology filter --&gt;
* &lt;intent-filter&gt;
* &lt;action android:name="android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED" /&gt;
* &lt;/intent-filter&gt;
* &lt;meta-data android:name="android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED"
* android:resource="@xml/filter_nfc"
* /&gt;
* &lt;/activity&gt;</pre>
* <p>The meta-data XML file should contain one or more <code>tech-list</code> entries
* each consisting or one or more <code>tech</code> entries. The <code>tech</code> entries refer
* to the qualified class name implementing the technology, for example "".
* <p>A tag matches if any of the
* <code>tech-list</code> sets is a subset of {@link Tag#getTechList() Tag.getTechList()}. Each
* of the <code>tech-list</code>s is considered independently and the
* activity is considered a match is any single <code>tech-list</code> matches the tag that was
* discovered. This provides AND and OR semantics for filtering desired techs. Here is an
* example that will match any tag using {@link NfcF} or any tag using {@link NfcA},
* {@link MifareClassic}, and {@link Ndef}:
* <pre>
* &lt;resources xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2"&gt;
* &lt;!-- capture anything using NfcF --&gt;
* &lt;tech-list&gt;
* &lt;tech&gt;;/tech&gt;
* &lt;/tech-list&gt;
* &lt;!-- OR --&gt;
* &lt;!-- capture all MIFARE Classics with NDEF payloads --&gt;
* &lt;tech-list&gt;
* &lt;tech&gt;;/tech&gt;
* &lt;tech&gt;;/tech&gt;
* &lt;tech&gt;;/tech&gt;
* &lt;/tech-list&gt;
* &lt;/resources&gt;</pre>
* <p>This intent is started after {@link #ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED} and before
* {@link #ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED}. If any activities respond to {@link #ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED}
* this intent will not be started. If any activities respond to this intent
* {@link #ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED} will not be started.
public static final String ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED = "android.nfc.action.TECH_DISCOVERED";
* Intent to start an activity when a tag is discovered.
* <p>This intent will not be started when a tag is discovered if any activities respond to
* {@link #ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED} or {@link #ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED} for the current tag.
public static final String ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED = "android.nfc.action.TAG_DISCOVERED";
* Broadcast Action: Intent to notify an application that a transaction event has occurred
* on the Secure Element.
* <p>This intent will only be sent if the application has requested permission for
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC_TRANSACTION_EVENT} and if the application has the
* necessary access to Secure Element which witnessed the particular event.
public static final String ACTION_TRANSACTION_DETECTED =
* Broadcast Action: Intent to notify if the preferred payment service changed.
* <p>This intent will only be sent to the application has requested permission for
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC_PREFERRED_PAYMENT_INFO} and if the application
* has the necessary access to Secure Element which witnessed the particular event.
public static final String ACTION_PREFERRED_PAYMENT_CHANGED =
* Broadcast to only the activity that handles ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED
* @hide
public static final String ACTION_TAG_LEFT_FIELD = "android.nfc.action.TAG_LOST";
* Mandatory extra containing the {@link Tag} that was discovered for the
* {@link #ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED} intents.
public static final String EXTRA_TAG = "android.nfc.extra.TAG";
* Extra containing an array of {@link NdefMessage} present on the discovered tag.<p>
* This extra is mandatory for {@link #ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED} intents,
* and optional for {@link #ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED}, and
* {@link #ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED} intents.<p>
* When this extra is present there will always be at least one
* {@link NdefMessage} element. Most NDEF tags have only one NDEF message,
* but we use an array for future compatibility.
public static final String EXTRA_NDEF_MESSAGES = "android.nfc.extra.NDEF_MESSAGES";
* Optional extra containing a byte array containing the ID of the discovered tag for
* {@link #ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED} intents.
public static final String EXTRA_ID = "android.nfc.extra.ID";
* Broadcast Action: The state of the local NFC adapter has been
* changed.
* <p>For example, NFC has been turned on or off.
* <p>Always contains the extra field {@link #EXTRA_ADAPTER_STATE}
public static final String ACTION_ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED =
* Used as an int extra field in {@link #ACTION_ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED}
* intents to request the current power state. Possible values are:
* {@link #STATE_OFF},
* {@link #STATE_TURNING_ON},
* {@link #STATE_ON},
public static final String EXTRA_ADAPTER_STATE = "android.nfc.extra.ADAPTER_STATE";
* Mandatory byte[] extra field in {@link #ACTION_TRANSACTION_DETECTED}
public static final String EXTRA_AID = "android.nfc.extra.AID";
* Optional byte[] extra field in {@link #ACTION_TRANSACTION_DETECTED}
public static final String EXTRA_DATA = "android.nfc.extra.DATA";
* Mandatory String extra field in {@link #ACTION_TRANSACTION_DETECTED}
* Indicates the Secure Element on which the transaction occurred.
* eSE1...eSEn for Embedded Secure Elements, SIM1...SIMn for UICC, etc.
public static final String EXTRA_SECURE_ELEMENT_NAME = "android.nfc.extra.SECURE_ELEMENT_NAME";
* Mandatory String extra field in {@link #ACTION_PREFERRED_PAYMENT_CHANGED}
* Indicates the condition when trigger this event. Possible values are:
* Nfc is enabled and the preferred payment aids are registered.
public static final int PREFERRED_PAYMENT_LOADED = 1;
* User selected another payment application as the preferred payment.
public static final int PREFERRED_PAYMENT_CHANGED = 2;
* Current preferred payment has issued an update (registered/unregistered new aids or has been
* updated itself).
public static final int PREFERRED_PAYMENT_UPDATED = 3;
public static final int STATE_OFF = 1;
public static final int STATE_TURNING_ON = 2;
public static final int STATE_ON = 3;
public static final int STATE_TURNING_OFF = 4;
* Possible states from {@link #getAdapterState}.
* @hide
@IntDef(prefix = { "STATE_" }, value = {
public @interface AdapterState{}
* Flag for use with {@link #enableReaderMode(Activity, ReaderCallback, int, Bundle)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag enables polling for Nfc-A technology.
public static final int FLAG_READER_NFC_A = 0x1;
* Flag for use with {@link #enableReaderMode(Activity, ReaderCallback, int, Bundle)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag enables polling for Nfc-B technology.
public static final int FLAG_READER_NFC_B = 0x2;
* Flag for use with {@link #enableReaderMode(Activity, ReaderCallback, int, Bundle)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag enables polling for Nfc-F technology.
public static final int FLAG_READER_NFC_F = 0x4;
* Flag for use with {@link #enableReaderMode(Activity, ReaderCallback, int, Bundle)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag enables polling for Nfc-V (ISO15693) technology.
public static final int FLAG_READER_NFC_V = 0x8;
* Flag for use with {@link #enableReaderMode(Activity, ReaderCallback, int, Bundle)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag enables polling for NfcBarcode technology.
public static final int FLAG_READER_NFC_BARCODE = 0x10;
/** @hide */
@IntDef(flag = true, value = {
public @interface PollTechnology {}
* Flag for use with {@link #enableReaderMode(Activity, ReaderCallback, int, Bundle)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag allows the caller to prevent the
* platform from performing an NDEF check on the tags it
* finds.
public static final int FLAG_READER_SKIP_NDEF_CHECK = 0x80;
* Flag for use with {@link #enableReaderMode(Activity, ReaderCallback, int, Bundle)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag allows the caller to prevent the
* platform from playing sounds when it discovers a tag.
public static final int FLAG_READER_NO_PLATFORM_SOUNDS = 0x100;
* Int Extra for use with {@link #enableReaderMode(Activity, ReaderCallback, int, Bundle)}.
* <p>
* Setting this integer extra allows the calling application to specify
* the delay that the platform will use for performing presence checks
* on any discovered tag.
public static final String EXTRA_READER_PRESENCE_CHECK_DELAY = "presence";
* Flag for use with {@link #setDiscoveryTechnology(Activity, int, int)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag enables listening for Nfc-A technology.
public static final int FLAG_LISTEN_NFC_PASSIVE_A = 0x1;
* Flag for use with {@link #setDiscoveryTechnology(Activity, int, int)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag enables listening for Nfc-B technology.
public static final int FLAG_LISTEN_NFC_PASSIVE_B = 1 << 1;
* Flag for use with {@link #setDiscoveryTechnology(Activity, int, int)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag enables listening for Nfc-F technology.
public static final int FLAG_LISTEN_NFC_PASSIVE_F = 1 << 2;
* Flags for use with {@link #setDiscoveryTechnology(Activity, int, int)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag disables listening.
public static final int FLAG_LISTEN_DISABLE = 0x0;
* Flags for use with {@link #setDiscoveryTechnology(Activity, int, int)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag disables polling.
public static final int FLAG_READER_DISABLE = 0x0;
* Flags for use with {@link #setDiscoveryTechnology(Activity, int, int)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag makes listening to keep the current technology configuration.
public static final int FLAG_LISTEN_KEEP = 0x80000000;
* Flags for use with {@link #setDiscoveryTechnology(Activity, int, int)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag makes polling to keep the current technology configuration.
public static final int FLAG_READER_KEEP = 0x80000000;
/** @hide */
public static final int FLAG_USE_ALL_TECH = 0xff;
/** @hide */
@IntDef(flag = true, value = {
public @interface ListenTechnology {}
* Flag used in {@link #setDiscoveryTechnology(Activity, int, int)}.
* <p>
* Setting this flag changes the default listen or poll tech.
* Only available to privileged apps.
* @hide
public static final int FLAG_SET_DEFAULT_TECH = 0x40000000;
* @hide
* @removed
public static final int FLAG_NDEF_PUSH_NO_CONFIRM = 0x1;
/** @hide */
public static final String ACTION_HANDOVER_TRANSFER_STARTED =
/** @hide */
public static final String ACTION_HANDOVER_TRANSFER_DONE =
/** @hide */
public static final String EXTRA_HANDOVER_TRANSFER_STATUS =
/** @hide */
public static final int HANDOVER_TRANSFER_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0;
/** @hide */
public static final int HANDOVER_TRANSFER_STATUS_FAILURE = 1;
/** @hide */
public static final String EXTRA_HANDOVER_TRANSFER_URI =
* Broadcast Action: Notify possible NFC transaction blocked because device is locked.
* <p>An external NFC field detected when device locked and SecureNfc enabled.
* @hide
public static final String ACTION_REQUIRE_UNLOCK_FOR_NFC =
* Intent action to start a NFC resolver activity in a customized share session with list of
* {@link ResolveInfo}.
* @hide
public static final String ACTION_SHOW_NFC_RESOLVER = "android.nfc.action.SHOW_NFC_RESOLVER";
* "Extras" key for an ArrayList of {@link ResolveInfo} records which are to be shown as the
* targets in the customized share session.
* @hide
public static final String EXTRA_RESOLVE_INFOS = "android.nfc.extra.RESOLVE_INFOS";
* The requested app is correctly added to the Tag intent app preference.
* @see #setTagIntentAppPreferenceForUser(int userId, String pkg, boolean allow)
* @hide
public static final int TAG_INTENT_APP_PREF_RESULT_SUCCESS = 0;
* The requested app is not installed on the device.
* @see #setTagIntentAppPreferenceForUser(int userId, String pkg, boolean allow)
* @hide
public static final int TAG_INTENT_APP_PREF_RESULT_PACKAGE_NOT_FOUND = -1;
* The NfcService is not available.
* @see #setTagIntentAppPreferenceForUser(int userId, String pkg, boolean allow)
* @hide
public static final int TAG_INTENT_APP_PREF_RESULT_UNAVAILABLE = -2;
* Possible response codes from {@link #setTagIntentAppPreferenceForUser}.
* @hide
@IntDef(prefix = { "TAG_INTENT_APP_PREF_RESULT" }, value = {
public @interface TagIntentAppPreferenceResult {}
// Guarded by sLock
static boolean sIsInitialized = false;
static boolean sHasNfcFeature;
static boolean sHasCeFeature;
static boolean sHasNfcWlcFeature;
static Object sLock = new Object();
// Final after first constructor, except for
// attemptDeadServiceRecovery() when NFC crashes - we accept a best effort
// recovery
static INfcAdapter sService;
static NfcServiceManager.ServiceRegisterer sServiceRegisterer;
static INfcTag sTagService;
static INfcCardEmulation sCardEmulationService;
static INfcFCardEmulation sNfcFCardEmulationService;
* The NfcAdapter object for each application context.
* There is a 1-1 relationship between application context and
* NfcAdapter object.
static HashMap<Context, NfcAdapter> sNfcAdapters = new HashMap(); //guard by NfcAdapter.class
* NfcAdapter used with a null context. This ctor was deprecated but we have
* to support it for backwards compatibility. New methods that require context
* might throw when called on the null-context NfcAdapter.
static NfcAdapter sNullContextNfcAdapter; // protected by NfcAdapter.class
final NfcActivityManager mNfcActivityManager;
final Context mContext;
final HashMap<NfcUnlockHandler, INfcUnlockHandler> mNfcUnlockHandlers;
final Object mLock;
final NfcOemExtension mNfcOemExtension;
ITagRemovedCallback mTagRemovedListener; // protected by mLock
* A callback to be invoked when the system finds a tag while the foreground activity is
* operating in reader mode.
* <p>Register your {@code ReaderCallback} implementation with {@link
* NfcAdapter#enableReaderMode} and disable it with {@link
* NfcAdapter#disableReaderMode}.
* @see NfcAdapter#enableReaderMode
public interface ReaderCallback {
public void onTagDiscovered(Tag tag);
* A listener to be invoked when NFC controller always on state changes.
* <p>Register your {@code ControllerAlwaysOnListener} implementation with {@link
* NfcAdapter#registerControllerAlwaysOnListener} and disable it with {@link
* NfcAdapter#unregisterControllerAlwaysOnListener}.
* @see #registerControllerAlwaysOnListener
* @hide
public interface ControllerAlwaysOnListener {
* Called on NFC controller always on state changes
void onControllerAlwaysOnChanged(boolean isEnabled);
* A callback to be invoked when the system successfully delivers your {@link NdefMessage}
* to another device.
* @deprecated this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public interface OnNdefPushCompleteCallback {
* Called on successful NDEF push.
* <p>This callback is usually made on a binder thread (not the UI thread).
* @param event {@link NfcEvent} with the {@link NfcEvent#nfcAdapter} field set
public void onNdefPushComplete(NfcEvent event);
* A callback to be invoked when another NFC device capable of NDEF push (Android Beam)
* is within range.
* <p>Implement this interface and pass it to {@code
* NfcAdapter#setNdefPushMessageCallback setNdefPushMessageCallback()} in order to create an
* {@link NdefMessage} at the moment that another device is within range for NFC. Using this
* callback allows you to create a message with data that might vary based on the
* content currently visible to the user. Alternatively, you can call {@code
* #setNdefPushMessage setNdefPushMessage()} if the {@link NdefMessage} always contains the
* same data.
* @deprecated this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public interface CreateNdefMessageCallback {
* Called to provide a {@link NdefMessage} to push.
* <p>This callback is usually made on a binder thread (not the UI thread).
* <p>Called when this device is in range of another device
* that might support NDEF push. It allows the application to
* create the NDEF message only when it is required.
* <p>NDEF push cannot occur until this method returns, so do not
* block for too long.
* <p>The Android operating system will usually show a system UI
* on top of your activity during this time, so do not try to request
* input from the user to complete the callback, or provide custom NDEF
* push UI. The user probably will not see it.
* @param event {@link NfcEvent} with the {@link NfcEvent#nfcAdapter} field set
* @return NDEF message to push, or null to not provide a message
public NdefMessage createNdefMessage(NfcEvent event);
* @deprecated this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public interface CreateBeamUrisCallback {
public Uri[] createBeamUris(NfcEvent event);
* A callback that is invoked when a tag is removed from the field.
* @see NfcAdapter#ignore
public interface OnTagRemovedListener {
void onTagRemoved();
* A callback to be invoked when an application has registered as a
* handler to unlock the device given an NFC tag at the lockscreen.
* @hide
public interface NfcUnlockHandler {
* Called at the lock screen to attempt to unlock the device with the given tag.
* @param tag the detected tag, to be used to unlock the device
* @return true if the device was successfully unlocked
public boolean onUnlockAttempted(Tag tag);
* Return list of Secure Elements which support off host card emulation.
* @return List<String> containing secure elements on the device which supports
* off host card emulation. eSE for Embedded secure element,
* SIM for UICC and so on.
* @hide
public @NonNull List<String> getSupportedOffHostSecureElements() {
if (mContext == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You need a context on NfcAdapter to use the "
+ " getSupportedOffHostSecureElements APIs");
List<String> offHostSE = new ArrayList<String>();
PackageManager pm = mContext.getPackageManager();
if (pm == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Cannot get package manager, assuming no off-host CE feature");
return offHostSE;
if (pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_NFC_OFF_HOST_CARD_EMULATION_UICC)) {
if (pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_NFC_OFF_HOST_CARD_EMULATION_ESE)) {
return offHostSE;
private static void retrieveServiceRegisterer() {
if (sServiceRegisterer == null) {
NfcServiceManager manager = NfcFrameworkInitializer.getNfcServiceManager();
if (manager == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "NfcServiceManager is null");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
sServiceRegisterer = manager.getNfcManagerServiceRegisterer();
* Returns the NfcAdapter for application context,
* or throws if NFC is not available.
* @hide
public static synchronized NfcAdapter getNfcAdapter(Context context) {
if (context == null) {
if (sNullContextNfcAdapter == null) {
sNullContextNfcAdapter = new NfcAdapter(null);
return sNullContextNfcAdapter;
if (!sIsInitialized) {
PackageManager pm;
pm = context.getPackageManager();
sHasNfcFeature = pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_NFC);
sHasCeFeature =
|| pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_NFC_HOST_CARD_EMULATION_NFCF)
|| pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_NFC_OFF_HOST_CARD_EMULATION_UICC)
|| pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_NFC_OFF_HOST_CARD_EMULATION_ESE);
sHasNfcWlcFeature = pm.hasSystemFeature(PackageManager.FEATURE_NFC_CHARGING);
/* is this device meant to have NFC */
if (!sHasNfcFeature && !sHasCeFeature && !sHasNfcWlcFeature) {
Log.v(TAG, "this device does not have NFC support");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
sService = getServiceInterface();
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "could not retrieve NFC service");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (sHasNfcFeature) {
try {
sTagService = sService.getNfcTagInterface();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
sTagService = null;
Log.e(TAG, "could not retrieve NFC Tag service");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (sHasCeFeature) {
try {
sNfcFCardEmulationService = sService.getNfcFCardEmulationInterface();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
sNfcFCardEmulationService = null;
Log.e(TAG, "could not retrieve NFC-F card emulation service");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
sCardEmulationService = sService.getNfcCardEmulationInterface();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
sCardEmulationService = null;
Log.e(TAG, "could not retrieve card emulation service");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
sIsInitialized = true;
NfcAdapter adapter = sNfcAdapters.get(context);
if (adapter == null) {
adapter = new NfcAdapter(context);
sNfcAdapters.put(context, adapter);
return adapter;
/** get handle to NFC service interface */
private static INfcAdapter getServiceInterface() {
/* get a handle to NFC service */
IBinder b = sServiceRegisterer.get();
if (b == null) {
return null;
return INfcAdapter.Stub.asInterface(b);
* Helper to get the default NFC Adapter.
* <p>
* Most Android devices will only have one NFC Adapter (NFC Controller).
* <p>
* This helper is the equivalent of:
* <pre>
* NfcManager manager = (NfcManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NFC_SERVICE);
* NfcAdapter adapter = manager.getDefaultAdapter();</pre>
* @param context the calling application's context
* @return the default NFC adapter, or null if no NFC adapter exists
public static NfcAdapter getDefaultAdapter(Context context) {
if (context == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("context cannot be null");
context = context.getApplicationContext();
if (context == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"context not associated with any application (using a mock context?)");
if (sServiceRegisterer.tryGet() == null) {
if (sIsInitialized) {
synchronized (NfcAdapter.class) {
/* Stale sService pointer */
if (sIsInitialized) sIsInitialized = false;
return null;
/* Try to initialize the service */
NfcManager manager = (NfcManager) context.getSystemService(Context.NFC_SERVICE);
if (manager == null) {
// NFC not available
return null;
return manager.getDefaultAdapter();
* Legacy NfcAdapter getter, always use {@link #getDefaultAdapter(Context)} instead.<p>
* This method was deprecated at API level 10 (Gingerbread MR1) because a context is required
* for many NFC API methods. Those methods will fail when called on an NfcAdapter
* object created from this method.<p>
* @deprecated use {@link #getDefaultAdapter(Context)}
* @hide
public static NfcAdapter getDefaultAdapter() {
// introduced in API version 9 (GB 2.3)
// deprecated in API version 10 (GB 2.3.3)
// removed from public API in version 16 (ICS MR2)
// should maintain as a hidden API for binary compatibility for a little longer
Log.w(TAG, "WARNING: NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter() is deprecated, use " +
"NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(Context) instead", new Exception());
return NfcAdapter.getNfcAdapter(null);
NfcAdapter(Context context) {
mContext = context;
mNfcActivityManager = new NfcActivityManager(this);
mNfcUnlockHandlers = new HashMap<NfcUnlockHandler, INfcUnlockHandler>();
mTagRemovedListener = null;
mLock = new Object();
mControllerAlwaysOnListener = new NfcControllerAlwaysOnListener(getService());
mNfcWlcStateListener = new NfcWlcStateListener(getService());
mNfcVendorNciCallbackListener = new NfcVendorNciCallbackListener(getService());
mNfcOemExtension = new NfcOemExtension(mContext, this);
* @hide
public Context getContext() {
return mContext;
* Returns the binder interface to the service.
* @hide
public INfcAdapter getService() {
isEnabled(); // NOP call to recover sService if it is stale
return sService;
* Returns the binder interface to the tag service.
* @hide
public INfcTag getTagService() {
isEnabled(); // NOP call to recover sTagService if it is stale
return sTagService;
* Returns the binder interface to the card emulation service.
* @hide
public INfcCardEmulation getCardEmulationService() {
return sCardEmulationService;
* Returns the binder interface to the NFC-F card emulation service.
* @hide
public INfcFCardEmulation getNfcFCardEmulationService() {
return sNfcFCardEmulationService;
* Returns the binder interface to the NFC-DTA test interface.
* @hide
public INfcDta getNfcDtaInterface() {
if (mContext == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You need a context on NfcAdapter to use the "
+ " NFC extras APIs");
try {
return sService.getNfcDtaInterface(mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return null;
try {
return sService.getNfcDtaInterface(mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return null;
* NFC service dead - attempt best effort recovery
* @hide
public void attemptDeadServiceRecovery(Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "NFC service dead - attempting to recover", e);
INfcAdapter service = getServiceInterface();
if (service == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "could not retrieve NFC service during service recovery");
// nothing more can be done now, sService is still stale, we'll hit
// this recovery path again later
// assigning to sService is not thread-safe, but this is best-effort code
// and on a well-behaved system should never happen
sService = service;
if (sHasNfcFeature) {
try {
sTagService = service.getNfcTagInterface();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
sTagService = null;
Log.e(TAG, "could not retrieve NFC tag service during service recovery");
// nothing more can be done now, sService is still stale, we'll hit
// this recovery path again later
if (sHasCeFeature) {
try {
sCardEmulationService = service.getNfcCardEmulationInterface();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
sCardEmulationService = null;
"could not retrieve NFC card emulation service during service recovery");
try {
sNfcFCardEmulationService = service.getNfcFCardEmulationInterface();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
sNfcFCardEmulationService = null;
"could not retrieve NFC-F card emulation service during service recovery");
private boolean isCardEmulationEnabled() {
if (sHasCeFeature) {
return (sCardEmulationService != null || sNfcFCardEmulationService != null);
return false;
private boolean isTagReadingEnabled() {
if (sHasNfcFeature) {
return sTagService != null;
return false;
* Return true if this NFC Adapter has any features enabled.
* <p>If this method returns false, the NFC hardware is guaranteed not to
* generate or respond to any NFC communication over its NFC radio.
* <p>Applications can use this to check if NFC is enabled. Applications
* can request Settings UI allowing the user to toggle NFC using:
* <p><pre>startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_NFC_SETTINGS))</pre>
* @see android.provider.Settings#ACTION_NFC_SETTINGS
* @return true if this NFC Adapter has any features enabled
public boolean isEnabled() {
boolean serviceState = false;
try {
serviceState = sService.getState() == STATE_ON;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
serviceState = sService.getState() == STATE_ON;
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return serviceState
&& (isTagReadingEnabled() || isCardEmulationEnabled() || sHasNfcWlcFeature);
* Return the state of this NFC Adapter.
* <p>Returns one of {@link #STATE_ON}, {@link #STATE_TURNING_ON},
* {@link #STATE_OFF}, {@link #STATE_TURNING_OFF}.
* <p>{@link #isEnabled()} is equivalent to
* <code>{@link #getAdapterState()} == {@link #STATE_ON}</code>
* @return the current state of this NFC adapter
* @hide
public @AdapterState int getAdapterState() {
try {
return sService.getState();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return NfcAdapter.STATE_OFF;
try {
return sService.getState();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return NfcAdapter.STATE_OFF;
* Enable NFC hardware.
* <p>This call is asynchronous. Listen for
* {@link #ACTION_ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED} broadcasts to find out when the
* operation is complete.
* <p>This API is only allowed to be called by system apps
* or apps which are Device Owner or Profile Owner.
* <p>If this returns true, then either NFC is already on, or
* a {@link #ACTION_ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED} broadcast will be sent
* to indicate a state transition. If this returns false, then
* there is some problem that prevents an attempt to turn
* NFC on (for example we are in airplane mode and NFC is not
* toggleable in airplane mode on this platform).
public boolean enable() {
try {
return sService.enable(mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.enable(mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Disable NFC hardware.
* <p>No NFC features will work after this call, and the hardware
* will not perform or respond to any NFC communication.
* <p>This call is asynchronous. Listen for
* {@link #ACTION_ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED} broadcasts to find out when the
* operation is complete.
* <p>This API is only allowed to be called by system apps
* or apps which are Device Owner or Profile Owner.
* <p>If this returns true, then either NFC is already off, or
* a {@link #ACTION_ADAPTER_STATE_CHANGED} broadcast will be sent
* to indicate a state transition. If this returns false, then
* there is some problem that prevents an attempt to turn
* NFC off.
public boolean disable() {
try {
return sService.disable(true, mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.disable(true, mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Disable NFC hardware.
* @hide
public boolean disable(boolean persist) {
try {
return sService.disable(persist, mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.disable(persist, mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Pauses polling for a {@code timeoutInMs} millis. If polling must be resumed before timeout,
* use {@link #resumePolling()}.
* @hide
public void pausePolling(int timeoutInMs) {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
* Returns whether the device supports observer mode or not. When observe
* mode is enabled, the NFC hardware will listen for NFC readers, but not
* respond to them. When observe mode is disabled, the NFC hardware will
* resoond to the reader and proceed with the transaction.
* @return true if the mode is supported, false otherwise.
public boolean isObserveModeSupported() {
try {
return sService.isObserveModeSupported();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
return false;
* Returns whether Observe Mode is currently enabled or not.
* @return true if observe mode is enabled, false otherwise.
public boolean isObserveModeEnabled() {
try {
return sService.isObserveModeEnabled();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
return false;
* Controls whether the NFC adapter will allow transactions to proceed or be in observe mode
* and simply observe and notify the APDU service of polling loop frames. See
* {@link #isObserveModeSupported()} for a description of observe mode. Only the package of the
* currently preferred service (the service set as preferred by the current foreground
* application via {@link CardEmulation#setPreferredService(Activity, ComponentName)} or the
* current Default Wallet Role Holder {@link}),
* otherwise a call to this method will fail and return false.
* @param enabled false disables observe mode to allow the transaction to proceed while true
* enables observe mode and does not allow transactions to proceed.
* @return boolean indicating success or failure.
public boolean setObserveModeEnabled(boolean enabled) {
if (mContext == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You need a context on NfcAdapter to use the "
+ " observe mode APIs");
try {
return sService.setObserveMode(enabled, mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
return false;
* Resumes default polling for the current device state if polling is paused. Calling
* this while polling is not paused is a no-op.
* @hide
public void resumePolling() {
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
* Set one or more {@link Uri}s to send using Android Beam (TM). Every
* Uri you provide must have either scheme 'file' or scheme 'content'.
* <p>For the data provided through this method, Android Beam tries to
* switch to alternate transports such as Bluetooth to achieve a fast
* transfer speed. Hence this method is very suitable
* for transferring large files such as pictures or songs.
* <p>The receiving side will store the content of each Uri in
* a file and present a notification to the user to open the file
* with a {@link android.content.Intent} with action
* {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_VIEW}.
* If multiple URIs are sent, the {@link android.content.Intent} will refer
* to the first of the stored files.
* <p>This method may be called at any time before {@link Activity#onDestroy},
* but the URI(s) are only made available for Android Beam when the
* specified activity(s) are in resumed (foreground) state. The recommended
* approach is to call this method during your Activity's
* {@link Activity#onCreate} - see sample
* code below. This method does not immediately perform any I/O or blocking work,
* so is safe to call on your main thread.
* <p>{@link #setBeamPushUris} and {@link #setBeamPushUrisCallback}
* have priority over both {@link #setNdefPushMessage} and
* {@link #setNdefPushMessageCallback}.
* <p>If {@link #setBeamPushUris} is called with a null Uri array,
* and/or {@link #setBeamPushUrisCallback} is called with a null callback,
* then the Uri push will be completely disabled for the specified activity(s).
* <p>Code example:
* <pre>
* protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
* super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
* NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);
* if (nfcAdapter == null) return; // NFC not available on this device
* nfcAdapter.setBeamPushUris(new Uri[] {uri1, uri2}, this);
* }</pre>
* And that is it. Only one call per activity is necessary. The Android
* OS will automatically release its references to the Uri(s) and the
* Activity object when it is destroyed if you follow this pattern.
* <p>If your Activity wants to dynamically supply Uri(s),
* then set a callback using {@link #setBeamPushUrisCallback} instead
* of using this method.
* <p class="note">Do not pass in an Activity that has already been through
* {@link Activity#onDestroy}. This is guaranteed if you call this API
* during {@link Activity#onCreate}.
* <p class="note">If this device does not support alternate transports
* such as Bluetooth or WiFI, calling this method does nothing.
* <p class="note">Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC} permission.
* @param uris an array of Uri(s) to push over Android Beam
* @param activity activity for which the Uri(s) will be pushed
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
* @removed this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public void setBeamPushUris(Uri[] uris, Activity activity) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Set a callback that will dynamically generate one or more {@link Uri}s
* to send using Android Beam (TM). Every Uri the callback provides
* must have either scheme 'file' or scheme 'content'.
* <p>For the data provided through this callback, Android Beam tries to
* switch to alternate transports such as Bluetooth to achieve a fast
* transfer speed. Hence this method is very suitable
* for transferring large files such as pictures or songs.
* <p>The receiving side will store the content of each Uri in
* a file and present a notification to the user to open the file
* with a {@link android.content.Intent} with action
* {@link android.content.Intent#ACTION_VIEW}.
* If multiple URIs are sent, the {@link android.content.Intent} will refer
* to the first of the stored files.
* <p>This method may be called at any time before {@link Activity#onDestroy},
* but the URI(s) are only made available for Android Beam when the
* specified activity(s) are in resumed (foreground) state. The recommended
* approach is to call this method during your Activity's
* {@link Activity#onCreate} - see sample
* code below. This method does not immediately perform any I/O or blocking work,
* so is safe to call on your main thread.
* <p>{@link #setBeamPushUris} and {@link #setBeamPushUrisCallback}
* have priority over both {@link #setNdefPushMessage} and
* {@link #setNdefPushMessageCallback}.
* <p>If {@link #setBeamPushUris} is called with a null Uri array,
* and/or {@link #setBeamPushUrisCallback} is called with a null callback,
* then the Uri push will be completely disabled for the specified activity(s).
* <p>Code example:
* <pre>
* protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
* super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
* NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);
* if (nfcAdapter == null) return; // NFC not available on this device
* nfcAdapter.setBeamPushUrisCallback(callback, this);
* }</pre>
* And that is it. Only one call per activity is necessary. The Android
* OS will automatically release its references to the Uri(s) and the
* Activity object when it is destroyed if you follow this pattern.
* <p class="note">Do not pass in an Activity that has already been through
* {@link Activity#onDestroy}. This is guaranteed if you call this API
* during {@link Activity#onCreate}.
* <p class="note">If this device does not support alternate transports
* such as Bluetooth or WiFI, calling this method does nothing.
* <p class="note">Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC} permission.
* @param callback callback, or null to disable
* @param activity activity for which the Uri(s) will be pushed
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
* @removed this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public void setBeamPushUrisCallback(CreateBeamUrisCallback callback, Activity activity) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Set a static {@link NdefMessage} to send using Android Beam (TM).
* <p>This method may be called at any time before {@link Activity#onDestroy},
* but the NDEF message is only made available for NDEF push when the
* specified activity(s) are in resumed (foreground) state. The recommended
* approach is to call this method during your Activity's
* {@link Activity#onCreate} - see sample
* code below. This method does not immediately perform any I/O or blocking work,
* so is safe to call on your main thread.
* <p>Only one NDEF message can be pushed by the currently resumed activity.
* If both {@link #setNdefPushMessage} and
* {@link #setNdefPushMessageCallback} are set, then
* the callback will take priority.
* <p>If neither {@link #setNdefPushMessage} or
* {@link #setNdefPushMessageCallback} have been called for your activity, then
* the Android OS may choose to send a default NDEF message on your behalf,
* such as a URI for your application.
* <p>If {@link #setNdefPushMessage} is called with a null NDEF message,
* and/or {@link #setNdefPushMessageCallback} is called with a null callback,
* then NDEF push will be completely disabled for the specified activity(s).
* This also disables any default NDEF message the Android OS would have
* otherwise sent on your behalf for those activity(s).
* <p>If you want to prevent the Android OS from sending default NDEF
* messages completely (for all activities), you can include a
* {@code <meta-data>} element inside the {@code <application>}
* element of your AndroidManifest.xml file, like this:
* <pre>
* &lt;application ...>
* &lt;meta-data android:name="android.nfc.disable_beam_default"
* android:value="true" />
* &lt;/application></pre>
* <p>The API allows for multiple activities to be specified at a time,
* but it is strongly recommended to just register one at a time,
* and to do so during the activity's {@link Activity#onCreate}. For example:
* <pre>
* protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
* super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
* NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);
* if (nfcAdapter == null) return; // NFC not available on this device
* nfcAdapter.setNdefPushMessage(ndefMessage, this);
* }</pre>
* And that is it. Only one call per activity is necessary. The Android
* OS will automatically release its references to the NDEF message and the
* Activity object when it is destroyed if you follow this pattern.
* <p>If your Activity wants to dynamically generate an NDEF message,
* then set a callback using {@link #setNdefPushMessageCallback} instead
* of a static message.
* <p class="note">Do not pass in an Activity that has already been through
* {@link Activity#onDestroy}. This is guaranteed if you call this API
* during {@link Activity#onCreate}.
* <p class="note">For sending large content such as pictures and songs,
* consider using {@link #setBeamPushUris}, which switches to alternate transports
* such as Bluetooth to achieve a fast transfer rate.
* <p class="note">Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC} permission.
* @param message NDEF message to push over NFC, or null to disable
* @param activity activity for which the NDEF message will be pushed
* @param activities optional additional activities, however we strongly recommend
* to only register one at a time, and to do so in that activity's
* {@link Activity#onCreate}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
* @removed this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public void setNdefPushMessage(NdefMessage message, Activity activity,
Activity ... activities) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* @hide
* @removed
public void setNdefPushMessage(NdefMessage message, Activity activity, int flags) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Set a callback that dynamically generates NDEF messages to send using Android Beam (TM).
* <p>This method may be called at any time before {@link Activity#onDestroy},
* but the NDEF message callback can only occur when the
* specified activity(s) are in resumed (foreground) state. The recommended
* approach is to call this method during your Activity's
* {@link Activity#onCreate} - see sample
* code below. This method does not immediately perform any I/O or blocking work,
* so is safe to call on your main thread.
* <p>Only one NDEF message can be pushed by the currently resumed activity.
* If both {@link #setNdefPushMessage} and
* {@link #setNdefPushMessageCallback} are set, then
* the callback will take priority.
* <p>If neither {@link #setNdefPushMessage} or
* {@link #setNdefPushMessageCallback} have been called for your activity, then
* the Android OS may choose to send a default NDEF message on your behalf,
* such as a URI for your application.
* <p>If {@link #setNdefPushMessage} is called with a null NDEF message,
* and/or {@link #setNdefPushMessageCallback} is called with a null callback,
* then NDEF push will be completely disabled for the specified activity(s).
* This also disables any default NDEF message the Android OS would have
* otherwise sent on your behalf for those activity(s).
* <p>If you want to prevent the Android OS from sending default NDEF
* messages completely (for all activities), you can include a
* {@code <meta-data>} element inside the {@code <application>}
* element of your AndroidManifest.xml file, like this:
* <pre>
* &lt;application ...>
* &lt;meta-data android:name="android.nfc.disable_beam_default"
* android:value="true" />
* &lt;/application></pre>
* <p>The API allows for multiple activities to be specified at a time,
* but it is strongly recommended to just register one at a time,
* and to do so during the activity's {@link Activity#onCreate}. For example:
* <pre>
* protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
* super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
* NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);
* if (nfcAdapter == null) return; // NFC not available on this device
* nfcAdapter.setNdefPushMessageCallback(callback, this);
* }</pre>
* And that is it. Only one call per activity is necessary. The Android
* OS will automatically release its references to the callback and the
* Activity object when it is destroyed if you follow this pattern.
* <p class="note">Do not pass in an Activity that has already been through
* {@link Activity#onDestroy}. This is guaranteed if you call this API
* during {@link Activity#onCreate}.
* <p class="note">For sending large content such as pictures and songs,
* consider using {@link #setBeamPushUris}, which switches to alternate transports
* such as Bluetooth to achieve a fast transfer rate.
* <p class="note">Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC} permission.
* @param callback callback, or null to disable
* @param activity activity for which the NDEF message will be pushed
* @param activities optional additional activities, however we strongly recommend
* to only register one at a time, and to do so in that activity's
* {@link Activity#onCreate}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
* @removed this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public void setNdefPushMessageCallback(CreateNdefMessageCallback callback, Activity activity,
Activity ... activities) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Set a callback on successful Android Beam (TM).
* <p>This method may be called at any time before {@link Activity#onDestroy},
* but the callback can only occur when the
* specified activity(s) are in resumed (foreground) state. The recommended
* approach is to call this method during your Activity's
* {@link Activity#onCreate} - see sample
* code below. This method does not immediately perform any I/O or blocking work,
* so is safe to call on your main thread.
* <p>The API allows for multiple activities to be specified at a time,
* but it is strongly recommended to just register one at a time,
* and to do so during the activity's {@link Activity#onCreate}. For example:
* <pre>
* protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
* super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
* NfcAdapter nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(this);
* if (nfcAdapter == null) return; // NFC not available on this device
* nfcAdapter.setOnNdefPushCompleteCallback(callback, this);
* }</pre>
* And that is it. Only one call per activity is necessary. The Android
* OS will automatically release its references to the callback and the
* Activity object when it is destroyed if you follow this pattern.
* <p class="note">Do not pass in an Activity that has already been through
* {@link Activity#onDestroy}. This is guaranteed if you call this API
* during {@link Activity#onCreate}.
* <p class="note">Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC} permission.
* @param callback callback, or null to disable
* @param activity activity for which the NDEF message will be pushed
* @param activities optional additional activities, however we strongly recommend
* to only register one at a time, and to do so in that activity's
* {@link Activity#onCreate}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
* @removed this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public void setOnNdefPushCompleteCallback(OnNdefPushCompleteCallback callback,
Activity activity, Activity ... activities) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Enable foreground dispatch to the given Activity.
* <p>This will give priority to the foreground activity when
* dispatching a discovered {@link Tag} to an application.
* <p>If any IntentFilters are provided to this method they are used to match dispatch Intents
* for both the {@link NfcAdapter#ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED} and
* {@link NfcAdapter#ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED}. Since {@link NfcAdapter#ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED}
* relies on meta data outside of the IntentFilter matching for that dispatch Intent is handled
* by passing in the tech lists separately. Each first level entry in the tech list represents
* an array of technologies that must all be present to match. If any of the first level sets
* match then the dispatch is routed through the given PendingIntent. In other words, the second
* level is ANDed together and the first level entries are ORed together.
* <p>If you pass {@code null} for both the {@code filters} and {@code techLists} parameters
* that acts a wild card and will cause the foreground activity to receive all tags via the
* {@link NfcAdapter#ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED} intent.
* <p>This method must be called from the main thread, and only when the activity is in the
* foreground (resumed). Also, activities must call {@link #disableForegroundDispatch} before
* the completion of their {@link Activity#onPause} callback to disable foreground dispatch
* after it has been enabled.
* <p class="note">Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC} permission.
* @param activity the Activity to dispatch to
* @param intent the PendingIntent to start for the dispatch
* @param filters the IntentFilters to override dispatching for, or null to always dispatch
* @param techLists the tech lists used to perform matching for dispatching of the
* {@link NfcAdapter#ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED} intent
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Activity is not currently in the foreground
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
public void enableForegroundDispatch(Activity activity, PendingIntent intent,
IntentFilter[] filters, String[][] techLists) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
if (activity == null || intent == null) {
throw new NullPointerException();
try {
TechListParcel parcel = null;
if (techLists != null && techLists.length > 0) {
parcel = new TechListParcel(techLists);
sService.setForegroundDispatch(intent, filters, parcel);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
* Disable foreground dispatch to the given activity.
* <p>After calling {@link #enableForegroundDispatch}, an activity
* must call this method before its {@link Activity#onPause} callback
* completes.
* <p>This method must be called from the main thread.
* <p class="note">Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC} permission.
* @param activity the Activity to disable dispatch to
* @throws IllegalStateException if the Activity has already been paused
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
public void disableForegroundDispatch(Activity activity) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
sService.setForegroundDispatch(null, null, null);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
* Limit the NFC controller to reader mode while this Activity is in the foreground.
* <p>In this mode the NFC controller will only act as an NFC tag reader/writer,
* thus disabling any peer-to-peer (Android Beam) and card-emulation modes of
* the NFC adapter on this device.
* <p>Use {@link #FLAG_READER_SKIP_NDEF_CHECK} to prevent the platform from
* performing any NDEF checks in reader mode. Note that this will prevent the
* {@link Ndef} tag technology from being enumerated on the tag, and that
* NDEF-based tag dispatch will not be functional.
* <p>For interacting with tags that are emulated on another Android device
* using Android's host-based card-emulation, the recommended flags are
* @param activity the Activity that requests the adapter to be in reader mode
* @param callback the callback to be called when a tag is discovered
* @param flags Flags indicating poll technologies and other optional parameters
* @param extras Additional extras for configuring reader mode.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
public void enableReaderMode(Activity activity, ReaderCallback callback, int flags,
Bundle extras) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
mNfcActivityManager.enableReaderMode(activity, callback, flags, extras);
* Restore the NFC adapter to normal mode of operation: supporting
* peer-to-peer (Android Beam), card emulation, and polling for
* all supported tag technologies.
* @param activity the Activity that currently has reader mode enabled
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
public void disableReaderMode(Activity activity) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// Flags arguments to NFC adapter to enable/disable NFC
private static final int DISABLE_POLLING_FLAGS = 0x1000;
private static final int ENABLE_POLLING_FLAGS = 0x0000;
* Privileged API to enable or disable reader polling.
* Unlike {@link #enableReaderMode(Activity, ReaderCallback, int, Bundle)}, this API does not
* need a foreground activity to control reader mode parameters
* Note: Use with caution! The app is responsible for ensuring that the polling state is
* returned to normal.
* @see #enableReaderMode(Activity, ReaderCallback, int, Bundle) for more detailed
* documentation.
* @param enablePolling whether to enable or disable polling.
* @hide
public void setReaderModePollingEnabled(boolean enable) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
Binder token = new Binder();
try {
NfcAdapter.sService.setReaderMode(token, null, flags, null);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
* Set the NFC controller to enable specific poll/listen technologies,
* as specified in parameters, while this Activity is in the foreground.
* Use {@link #FLAG_READER_KEEP} to keep current polling technology.
* Use {@link #FLAG_LISTEN_KEEP} to keep current listenig technology.
* (if the _KEEP flag is specified the other technology flags shouldn't be set
* and are quietly ignored otherwise).
* Use {@link #FLAG_READER_DISABLE} to disable polling.
* Use {@link #FLAG_LISTEN_DISABLE} to disable listening.
* Also refer to {@link #resetDiscoveryTechnology(Activity)} to restore these changes.
* </p>
* The pollTechnology, listenTechnology parameters can be one or several of below list.
* <pre>
* Poll Listen
* Passive A 0x01 (NFC_A) 0x01 (NFC_PASSIVE_A)
* Passive B 0x02 (NFC_B) 0x02 (NFC_PASSIVE_B)
* Passive F 0x04 (NFC_F) 0x04 (NFC_PASSIVE_F)
* ISO 15693 0x08 (NFC_V) -
* Kovio 0x10 (NFC_BARCODE) -
* </pre>
* <p>Example usage in an Activity that requires to disable poll,
* keep current listen technologies:
* <pre>
* protected void onResume() {
* mNfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.getDefaultAdapter(getApplicationContext());
* mNfcAdapter.setDiscoveryTechnology(this,
* }</pre></p>
* @param activity The Activity that requests NFC controller to enable specific technologies.
* @param pollTechnology Flags indicating poll technologies.
* @param listenTechnology Flags indicating listen technologies.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC,
public void setDiscoveryTechnology(@NonNull Activity activity,
@PollTechnology int pollTechnology, @ListenTechnology int listenTechnology) {
if (listenTechnology == FLAG_LISTEN_DISABLE) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} else if (pollTechnology == FLAG_READER_DISABLE) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasCeFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
} else {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature || !sHasCeFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Privileged FLAG to set technology mask for all data processed by NFC controller
* Note: Use with caution! The app is responsible for ensuring that the discovery
* technology mask is returned to default.
* Note: FLAG_USE_ALL_TECH used with _KEEP flags will reset the technolody to android default
if (Flags.nfcSetDefaultDiscTech()
|| (listenTechnology & FLAG_SET_DEFAULT_TECH) == FLAG_SET_DEFAULT_TECH)) {
Binder token = new Binder();
try {
pollTechnology, listenTechnology);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
} else {
mNfcActivityManager.setDiscoveryTech(activity, pollTechnology, listenTechnology);
* Restore the poll/listen technologies of NFC controller to its default state,
* which were changed by {@link #setDiscoveryTechnology(Activity , int , int)}
* @param activity The Activity that requested to change technologies.
public void resetDiscoveryTechnology(@NonNull Activity activity) {
* Manually invoke Android Beam to share data.
* <p>The Android Beam animation is normally only shown when two NFC-capable
* devices come into range.
* By calling this method, an Activity can invoke the Beam animation directly
* even if no other NFC device is in range yet. The Beam animation will then
* prompt the user to tap another NFC-capable device to complete the data
* transfer.
* <p>The main advantage of using this method is that it avoids the need for the
* user to tap the screen to complete the transfer, as this method already
* establishes the direction of the transfer and the consent of the user to
* share data. Callers are responsible for making sure that the user has
* consented to sharing data on NFC tap.
* <p>Note that to use this method, the passed in Activity must have already
* set data to share over Beam by using method calls such as
* {@link #setNdefPushMessageCallback} or
* {@link #setBeamPushUrisCallback}.
* @param activity the current foreground Activity that has registered data to share
* @return whether the Beam animation was successfully invoked
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
* @removed this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public boolean invokeBeam(Activity activity) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return false;
* Enable NDEF message push over NFC while this Activity is in the foreground.
* <p>You must explicitly call this method every time the activity is
* resumed, and you must call {@link #disableForegroundNdefPush} before
* your activity completes {@link Activity#onPause}.
* <p>Strongly recommend to use the new {@link #setNdefPushMessage}
* instead: it automatically hooks into your activity life-cycle,
* so you do not need to call enable/disable in your onResume/onPause.
* <p>For NDEF push to function properly the other NFC device must
* support either NFC Forum's SNEP (Simple Ndef Exchange Protocol), or
* Android's "" (Ndef Push Protocol). This was optional
* on Gingerbread level Android NFC devices, but SNEP is mandatory on
* Ice-Cream-Sandwich and beyond.
* <p>This method must be called from the main thread.
* <p class="note">Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC} permission.
* @param activity foreground activity
* @param message a NDEF Message to push over NFC
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable
* @removed this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public void enableForegroundNdefPush(Activity activity, NdefMessage message) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Disable NDEF message push over P2P.
* <p>After calling {@link #enableForegroundNdefPush}, an activity
* must call this method before its {@link Activity#onPause} callback
* completes.
* <p>Strongly recommend to use the new {@link #setNdefPushMessage}
* instead: it automatically hooks into your activity life-cycle,
* so you do not need to call enable/disable in your onResume/onPause.
* <p>This method must be called from the main thread.
* <p class="note">Requires the {@link android.Manifest.permission#NFC} permission.
* @param activity the Foreground activity
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable
* @removed this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public void disableForegroundNdefPush(Activity activity) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Sets Secure NFC feature.
* <p>This API is for the Settings application.
* @return True if successful
* @hide
public boolean enableSecureNfc(boolean enable) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature && !sHasCeFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.setNfcSecure(enable);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.setNfcSecure(enable);
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Checks if the device supports Secure NFC functionality.
* @return True if device supports Secure NFC, false otherwise
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC,
* are unavailable
public boolean isSecureNfcSupported() {
if (!sHasNfcFeature && !sHasCeFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.deviceSupportsNfcSecure();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.deviceSupportsNfcSecure();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Returns information regarding Nfc antennas on the device
* such as their relative positioning on the device.
* @return Information on the nfc antenna(s) on the device.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC,
* are unavailable
public NfcAntennaInfo getNfcAntennaInfo() {
if (!sHasNfcFeature && !sHasCeFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.getNfcAntennaInfo();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return null;
try {
return sService.getNfcAntennaInfo();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return null;
* Checks Secure NFC feature is enabled.
* @return True if Secure NFC is enabled, false otherwise
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC,
* are unavailable
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if device doesn't support
* Secure NFC functionality. {@link #isSecureNfcSupported}
public boolean isSecureNfcEnabled() {
if (!sHasNfcFeature && !sHasCeFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.isNfcSecureEnabled();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.isNfcSecureEnabled();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Sets NFC Reader option feature.
* <p>This API is for the Settings application.
* @return True if successful
* @hide
public boolean enableReaderOption(boolean enable) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.enableReaderOption(enable);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.enableReaderOption(enable);
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Checks if the device supports NFC Reader option functionality.
* @return True if device supports NFC Reader option, false otherwise
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
public boolean isReaderOptionSupported() {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.isReaderOptionSupported();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.isReaderOptionSupported();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Checks NFC Reader option feature is enabled.
* @return True if NFC Reader option is enabled, false otherwise
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if device doesn't support
* NFC Reader option functionality. {@link #isReaderOptionSupported}
public boolean isReaderOptionEnabled() {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.isReaderOptionEnabled();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.isReaderOptionEnabled();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Enable NDEF Push feature.
* <p>This API is for the Settings application.
* @hide
* @removed
public boolean enableNdefPush() {
return false;
* Disable NDEF Push feature.
* <p>This API is for the Settings application.
* @hide
* @removed
public boolean disableNdefPush() {
return false;
* Return true if the NDEF Push (Android Beam) feature is enabled.
* <p>This function will return true only if both NFC is enabled, and the
* NDEF Push feature is enabled.
* <p>Note that if NFC is enabled but NDEF Push is disabled then this
* device can still <i>receive</i> NDEF messages, it just cannot send them.
* <p>Applications cannot directly toggle the NDEF Push feature, but they
* can request Settings UI allowing the user to toggle NDEF Push using
* <code>startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_NFCSHARING_SETTINGS))</code>
* <p>Example usage in an Activity that requires NDEF Push:
* <p><pre>
* protected void onResume() {
* super.onResume();
* if (!nfcAdapter.isEnabled()) {
* startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_NFC_SETTINGS));
* } else if (!nfcAdapter.isNdefPushEnabled()) {
* startActivity(new Intent(Settings.ACTION_NFCSHARING_SETTINGS));
* }
* }</pre>
* @see android.provider.Settings#ACTION_NFCSHARING_SETTINGS
* @return true if NDEF Push feature is enabled
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable.
* @removed this feature is removed. File sharing can work using other technology like
* Bluetooth.
public boolean isNdefPushEnabled() {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return false;
* Signals that you are no longer interested in communicating with an NFC tag
* for as long as it remains in range.
* All future attempted communication to this tag will fail with {@link IOException}.
* The NFC controller will be put in a low-power polling mode, allowing the device
* to save power in cases where it's "attached" to a tag all the time (e.g. a tag in
* car dock).
* Additionally the debounceMs parameter allows you to specify for how long the tag needs
* to have gone out of range, before it will be dispatched again.
* Note: the NFC controller typically polls at a pretty slow interval (100 - 500 ms).
* This means that if the tag repeatedly goes in and out of range (for example, in
* case of a flaky connection), and the controller happens to poll every time the
* tag is out of range, it *will* re-dispatch the tag after debounceMs, despite the tag
* having been "in range" during the interval.
* Note 2: if a tag with another UID is detected after this API is called, its effect
* will be cancelled; if this tag shows up before the amount of time specified in
* debounceMs, it will be dispatched again.
* Note 3: some tags have a random UID, in which case this API won't work reliably.
* @param tag the {@link android.nfc.Tag Tag} to ignore.
* @param debounceMs minimum amount of time the tag needs to be out of range before being
* dispatched again.
* @param tagRemovedListener listener to be called when the tag is removed from the field.
* Note that this will only be called if the tag has been out of range
* for at least debounceMs, or if another tag came into range before
* debounceMs. May be null in case you don't want a callback.
* @param handler the {@link android.os.Handler Handler} that will be used for delivering
* the callback. if the handler is null, then the thread used for delivering
* the callback is unspecified.
* @return false if the tag couldn't be found (or has already gone out of range), true otherwise
public boolean ignore(final Tag tag, int debounceMs,
final OnTagRemovedListener tagRemovedListener, final Handler handler) {
ITagRemovedCallback.Stub iListener = null;
if (tagRemovedListener != null) {
iListener = new ITagRemovedCallback.Stub() {
public void onTagRemoved() throws RemoteException {
if (handler != null) { Runnable() {
public void run() {
} else {
synchronized (mLock) {
mTagRemovedListener = null;
synchronized (mLock) {
mTagRemovedListener = iListener;
try {
return sService.ignore(tag.getServiceHandle(), debounceMs, iListener);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
return false;
* Inject a mock NFC tag.<p>
* Used for testing purposes.
* <p class="note">Requires the
* {@link android.Manifest.permission#WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS} permission.
* @hide
public void dispatch(Tag tag) {
if (tag == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("tag cannot be null");
try {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
* Registers a new NFC unlock handler with the NFC service.
* <p />NFC unlock handlers are intended to unlock the keyguard in the presence of a trusted
* NFC device. The handler should return true if it successfully authenticates the user and
* unlocks the keyguard.
* <p /> The parameter {@code tagTechnologies} determines which Tag technologies will be polled for
* at the lockscreen. Polling for less tag technologies reduces latency, and so it is
* strongly recommended to only provide the Tag technologies that the handler is expected to
* receive. There must be at least one tag technology provided, otherwise the unlock handler
* is ignored.
* @hide
public boolean addNfcUnlockHandler(final NfcUnlockHandler unlockHandler,
String[] tagTechnologies) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
// If there are no tag technologies, don't bother adding unlock handler
if (tagTechnologies.length == 0) {
return false;
try {
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mNfcUnlockHandlers.containsKey(unlockHandler)) {
// update the tag technologies
INfcUnlockHandler.Stub iHandler = new INfcUnlockHandler.Stub() {
public boolean onUnlockAttempted(Tag tag) throws RemoteException {
return unlockHandler.onUnlockAttempted(tag);
mNfcUnlockHandlers.put(unlockHandler, iHandler);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
return false;
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Unable to register LockscreenDispatch", e);
return false;
return true;
* Removes a previously registered unlock handler. Also removes the tag technologies
* associated with the removed unlock handler.
* @hide
public boolean removeNfcUnlockHandler(NfcUnlockHandler unlockHandler) {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
synchronized (mLock) {
if (mNfcUnlockHandlers.containsKey(unlockHandler)) {
return true;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
return false;
* @hide
@UnsupportedAppUsage(maxTargetSdk = Build.VERSION_CODES.R, trackingBug = 170729553)
public INfcAdapterExtras getNfcAdapterExtrasInterface() {
if (mContext == null) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("You need a context on NfcAdapter to use the "
+ " NFC extras APIs");
try {
return sService.getNfcAdapterExtrasInterface(mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return null;
try {
return sService.getNfcAdapterExtrasInterface(mContext.getPackageName());
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return null;
void enforceResumed(Activity activity) {
if (!activity.isResumed()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("API cannot be called while activity is paused");
int getSdkVersion() {
if (mContext == null) {
return android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.GINGERBREAD; // best guess
} else {
return mContext.getApplicationInfo().targetSdkVersion;
* Sets NFC controller always on feature.
* <p>This API is for the NFCC internal state management. It allows to discriminate
* the controller function from the NFC function by keeping the NFC controller on without
* any NFC RF enabled if necessary.
* <p>This call is asynchronous. Register a listener {@link #ControllerAlwaysOnListener}
* by {@link #registerControllerAlwaysOnListener} to find out when the operation is
* complete.
* <p>If this returns true, then either NFCC always on state has been set based on the value,
* or a {@link ControllerAlwaysOnListener#onControllerAlwaysOnChanged(boolean)} will be invoked
* to indicate the state change.
* If this returns false, then there is some problem that prevents an attempt to turn NFCC
* always on.
* @param value if true the NFCC will be kept on (with no RF enabled if NFC adapter is
* disabled), if false the NFCC will follow completely the Nfc adapter state.
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC,
* are unavailable
* @return void
* @hide
public boolean setControllerAlwaysOn(boolean value) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature && !sHasCeFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.setControllerAlwaysOn(value);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.setControllerAlwaysOn(value);
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Checks NFC controller always on feature is enabled.
* @return True if NFC controller always on is enabled, false otherwise
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC,
* are unavailable
* @hide
public boolean isControllerAlwaysOn() {
try {
return sService.isControllerAlwaysOn();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.isControllerAlwaysOn();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Checks if the device supports NFC controller always on functionality.
* @return True if device supports NFC controller always on, false otherwise
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC,
* are unavailable
* @hide
public boolean isControllerAlwaysOnSupported() {
if (!sHasNfcFeature && !sHasCeFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.isControllerAlwaysOnSupported();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.isControllerAlwaysOnSupported();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Register a {@link ControllerAlwaysOnListener} to listen for NFC controller always on
* state changes
* <p>The provided listener will be invoked by the given {@link Executor}.
* @param executor an {@link Executor} to execute given listener
* @param listener user implementation of the {@link ControllerAlwaysOnListener}
* @hide
public void registerControllerAlwaysOnListener(
@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
@NonNull ControllerAlwaysOnListener listener) {
mControllerAlwaysOnListener.register(executor, listener);
* Unregister the specified {@link ControllerAlwaysOnListener}
* <p>The same {@link ControllerAlwaysOnListener} object used when calling
* {@link #registerControllerAlwaysOnListener(Executor, ControllerAlwaysOnListener)}
* must be used.
* <p>Listeners are automatically unregistered when application process goes away
* @param listener user implementation of the {@link ControllerAlwaysOnListener}
* @hide
public void unregisterControllerAlwaysOnListener(
@NonNull ControllerAlwaysOnListener listener) {
* Sets whether we dispatch NFC Tag intents to the package.
* {@link #ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED} will not be dispatched to an Activity if its package is
* disallowed.
* <p>An app is added to the preference list with the allowed flag set to {@code true}
* when a Tag intent is dispatched to the package for the first time. This API is called
* by settings to note that the user wants to change this default preference.
* @param userId the user to whom this package name will belong to
* @param pkg the full name (i.e. of the package that will be added to
* the preference list
* @param allow {@code true} to allow dispatching Tag intents to the package's activity,
* {@code false} otherwise
* @return the {@link #TagIntentAppPreferenceResult} value
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if {@link isTagIntentAppPreferenceSupported} returns
* {@code false}
* @hide
public int setTagIntentAppPreferenceForUser(@UserIdInt int userId,
@NonNull String pkg, boolean allow) {
Objects.requireNonNull(pkg, "pkg cannot be null");
if (!isTagIntentAppPreferenceSupported()) {
Log.e(TAG, "TagIntentAppPreference is not supported");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.setTagIntentAppPreferenceForUser(userId, pkg, allow);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
try {
return sService.setTagIntentAppPreferenceForUser(userId, pkg, allow);
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
* Get the Tag dispatch preference list of the UserId.
* <p>This returns a mapping of package names for this user id to whether we dispatch Tag
* intents to the package. {@link #ACTION_NDEF_DISCOVERED}, {@link #ACTION_TECH_DISCOVERED} or
* {@link #ACTION_TAG_DISCOVERED} will not be dispatched to an Activity if its package is
* mapped to {@code false}.
* <p>There are three different possible cases:
* <p>A package not being in the preference list.
* It does not contain any Tag intent filters or the user never triggers a Tag detection that
* matches the intent filter of the package.
* <p>A package being mapped to {@code true}.
* When a package has been launched by a tag detection for the first time, the package name is
* put to the map and by default mapped to {@code true}. The package will receive Tag intents as
* usual.
* <p>A package being mapped to {@code false}.
* The user chooses to disable this package and it will not receive any Tag intents anymore.
* @param userId the user to whom this preference list will belong to
* @return a map of the UserId which indicates the mapping from package name to
* boolean(allow status), otherwise return an empty map
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if {@link isTagIntentAppPreferenceSupported} returns
* {@code false}
* @hide
public Map<String, Boolean> getTagIntentAppPreferenceForUser(@UserIdInt int userId) {
if (!isTagIntentAppPreferenceSupported()) {
Log.e(TAG, "TagIntentAppPreference is not supported");
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
Map<String, Boolean> result = (Map<String, Boolean>) sService
return result;
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return Collections.emptyMap();
try {
Map<String, Boolean> result = (Map<String, Boolean>) sService
return result;
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return Collections.emptyMap();
* Checks if the device supports Tag application preference.
* @return {@code true} if the device supports Tag application preference, {@code false}
* otherwise
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC is unavailable
* @hide
public boolean isTagIntentAppPreferenceSupported() {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.isTagIntentAppPreferenceSupported();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.isTagIntentAppPreferenceSupported();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Notifies the system of a new polling loop.
* @param frame is the new frame.
* @hide
public void notifyPollingLoop(@NonNull PollingFrame pollingFrame) {
try {
if (sService == null) {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
try {
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
* Notifies the system of a an HCE session being deactivated.
* *
* @hide
public void notifyHceDeactivated() {
try {
if (sService == null) {
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
try {
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
* Sets NFC charging feature.
* <p>This API is for the Settings application.
* @return True if successful
* @hide
public boolean setWlcEnabled(boolean enable) {
if (!sHasNfcWlcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.setWlcEnabled(enable);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.setWlcEnabled(enable);
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* Checks NFC charging feature is enabled.
* @return True if NFC charging is enabled, false otherwise
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC_CHARGING
* is unavailable
public boolean isWlcEnabled() {
if (!sHasNfcWlcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.isWlcEnabled();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
try {
return sService.isWlcEnabled();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return false;
* A listener to be invoked when NFC controller always on state changes.
* <p>Register your {@code ControllerAlwaysOnListener} implementation with {@link
* NfcAdapter#registerWlcStateListener} and disable it with {@link
* NfcAdapter#unregisterWlcStateListenerListener}.
* @see #registerWlcStateListener
* @hide
public interface WlcStateListener {
* Called on NFC WLC state changes
void onWlcStateChanged(@NonNull WlcListenerDeviceInfo wlcListenerDeviceInfo);
* Register a {@link WlcStateListener} to listen for NFC WLC state changes
* <p>The provided listener will be invoked by the given {@link Executor}.
* @param executor an {@link Executor} to execute given listener
* @param listener user implementation of the {@link WlcStateListener}
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC_CHARGING
* is unavailable
* @hide
public void registerWlcStateListener(
@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
@NonNull WlcStateListener listener) {
if (!sHasNfcWlcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
mNfcWlcStateListener.register(executor, listener);
* Unregister the specified {@link WlcStateListener}
* <p>The same {@link WlcStateListener} object used when calling
* {@link #registerWlcStateListener(Executor, WlcStateListener)}
* must be used.
* <p>Listeners are automatically unregistered when application process goes away
* @param listener user implementation of the {@link WlcStateListener}a
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC_CHARGING
* is unavailable
* @hide
public void unregisterWlcStateListener(
@NonNull WlcStateListener listener) {
if (!sHasNfcWlcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* Returns information on the NFC charging listener device
* @return Information on the NFC charging listener device
* @throws UnsupportedOperationException if FEATURE_NFC_CHARGING
* is unavailable
public WlcListenerDeviceInfo getWlcListenerDeviceInfo() {
if (!sHasNfcWlcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
try {
return sService.getWlcListenerDeviceInfo();
} catch (RemoteException e) {
// Try one more time
if (sService == null) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return null;
try {
return sService.getWlcListenerDeviceInfo();
} catch (RemoteException ee) {
Log.e(TAG, "Failed to recover NFC Service.");
return null;
* Vendor NCI command success.
* @hide
public static final int SEND_VENDOR_NCI_STATUS_SUCCESS = 0;
* Vendor NCI command rejected.
* @hide
public static final int SEND_VENDOR_NCI_STATUS_REJECTED = 1;
* Vendor NCI command corrupted.
* @hide
* Vendor NCI command failed with unknown reason.
* @hide
public static final int SEND_VENDOR_NCI_STATUS_FAILED = 3;
* @hide
@IntDef(value = {
@interface SendVendorNciStatus {}
* Message Type for NCI Command.
* @hide
public static final int MESSAGE_TYPE_COMMAND = 1;
* @hide
@IntDef(value = {
@interface MessageType {}
* Send Vendor specific Nci Messages with custom message type.
* The format of the NCI messages are defined in the NCI specification. The platform is
* responsible for fragmenting the payload if necessary.
* Note that mt (message type) is added at the beginning of method parameters as it is more
* distinctive than other parameters and was requested from vendor.
* @param mt message Type of the command
* @param gid group ID of the command. This needs to be one of the vendor reserved GIDs from
* the NCI specification
* @param oid opcode ID of the command. This is left to the OEM / vendor to decide
* @param payload containing vendor Nci message payload
* @return message send status
* @hide
public @SendVendorNciStatus int sendVendorNciMessage(@MessageType int mt,
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 15) int gid, @IntRange(from = 0) int oid,
@NonNull byte[] payload) {
Objects.requireNonNull(payload, "Payload must not be null");
try {
return sService.sendVendorNciMessage(mt, gid, oid, payload);
} catch (RemoteException e) {
throw e.rethrowFromSystemServer();
* Register an {@link NfcVendorNciCallback} to listen for Nfc vendor responses and notifications
* <p>The provided callback will be invoked by the given {@link Executor}.
* <p>When first registering a callback, the callbacks's
* {@link NfcVendorNciCallback#onVendorNciCallBack(byte[])} is immediately invoked to
* notify the vendor notification.
* @param executor an {@link Executor} to execute given callback
* @param callback user implementation of the {@link NfcVendorNciCallback}
* @hide
public void registerNfcVendorNciCallback(@NonNull @CallbackExecutor Executor executor,
@NonNull NfcVendorNciCallback callback) {
mNfcVendorNciCallbackListener.register(executor, callback);
* Unregister the specified {@link NfcVendorNciCallback}
* <p>The same {@link NfcVendorNciCallback} object used when calling
* {@link #registerNfcVendorNciCallback(Executor, NfcVendorNciCallback)} must be used.
* <p>Callbacks are automatically unregistered when application process goes away
* @param callback user implementation of the {@link NfcVendorNciCallback}
* @hide
public void unregisterNfcVendorNciCallback(@NonNull NfcVendorNciCallback callback) {
* Interface for receiving vendor NCI responses and notifications.
* @hide
public interface NfcVendorNciCallback {
* Invoked when a vendor specific NCI response is received.
* @param gid group ID of the command. This needs to be one of the vendor reserved GIDs from
* the NCI specification.
* @param oid opcode ID of the command. This is left to the OEM / vendor to decide.
* @param payload containing vendor Nci message payload.
void onVendorNciResponse(
@IntRange(from = 0, to = 15) int gid, int oid, @NonNull byte[] payload);
* Invoked when a vendor specific NCI notification is received.
* @param gid group ID of the command. This needs to be one of the vendor reserved GIDs from
* the NCI specification.
* @param oid opcode ID of the command. This is left to the OEM / vendor to decide.
* @param payload containing vendor Nci message payload.
void onVendorNciNotification(
@IntRange(from = 9, to = 15) int gid, int oid, @NonNull byte[] payload);
* Returns an instance of {@link NfcOemExtension} associated with {@link NfcAdapter} instance.
* @hide
@NonNull public NfcOemExtension getNfcOemExtension() {
synchronized (sLock) {
if (!sHasNfcFeature) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
return mNfcOemExtension;