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page.title=Setting Up Hardware and AVDs
<p>The Android L developer preview provides you with 32-bit system images
to flash the following devices:
<li>Nexus 5</li>
<li>Nexus 7 Wi-Fi (version 2, released in 2013)</li>
<p>In addition, you also get the emulator system images, which includes
experimental 64-bit system images along with standard 32-bit system images.
<h2>Installing the L Preview System Image</h2>
<!-- Will we get an official warning text from the lawyercats? Is this it? -->
<p class="warning"><b>Warning</b>: This is a preview version of the Android
system image, and is subject to change. Your use of this system image is
governed by the Android SDK Preview License Agreement. The Android preview
system image is not a stable release, and may contain errors and defects that
can result in damage to your computer systems, devices, and data. The preview
Android system image is not subject to the same testing as the factory OS and
can cause your phone and installed services and applications to stop working.
<li>Download and extract the Android Developer Preview package to a directory
(which we'll call <code>&lt;l_download_dir&gt;</code> in these
<li>Connect your powered-off Android device to your development machine. Put
the device in fastboot mode by pressing and holding the following buttons:
<li><strong>Nexus 5:</strong> <i>volume down</i> + <i>volume up</i> +
<li><strong>Nexus 7:</strong> <i>volume down</i> + <i>power</i> </li>
<p class="note">Alternatively, you can enter fastboot mode by booting up
the device and running <code>adb reboot bootloader</code> with USB debugging
turned on.</p>
<li>Follow the instructions at
<a href=""></a>
to set up your system for flashing devices.</li>
<li>Run the <code>&lt;l_download_dir&gt;/flash-all</code> script
corresponding to your platform. This script flashes all of the system data
onto the phone.</li> <!-- Confirm names of flash scripts -->
<li>(Optional) After flashing is complete, lock your device's bootloader by
putting it in fastboot mode and running <code>fastboot oem lock</code>.
(This does not wipe your device.) Once you do this, you will not be able to
flash your device until you run run <code>fastboot oem unlock</code>,
which unlocks the bootloader and wipes your device. We recommend you leave the
bootloader unlocked until you are done with flashing the device.</li>
<h3>Reverting a Device to Factory Specifications</h3>
<p>If you want to uninstall the L Preview and revert the device to factory
specifications, go to <a href="
/nexus/images"></a> and download the image you want
to flash to for your device. Follow the instructions on that page to flash the
image to your device.</p>
<h2>Setting up an AVD</h2>
<p>You can set up <a href="{@docRoot}tools/devices/">Android Virtual Devices
(AVD)</a> and use the emulator to build and test apps with the L Preview.</p>
<p>To create an AVD with the AVD Manager:</p>
<li>Install the L Preview SDK in your development environment, as described
in <a href="{@docRoot}preview/setup-sdk.html">Setting Up the Preview
<li>Follow the steps in
<a href="{@docRoot}tools/devices/managing-avds.html">Managing AVDs with AVD
Manager</a>. Use the following settings:
<li><b>Device:</b> Either Nexus 5 or Nexus 7</li>
<li><b>Target:</b> <!-- Confirm exact text when we have final distro -->
Android L (Preview) - API Level L</li>
<!-- Confirm this works when you can download image through SDK manager! -->