| page.title=Android Studio Overview |
| @jd:body |
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| <h2>In this document</h2> |
| <ol> |
| <li><a href="#project-structure">Project and File Structure</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#build-system">Android Build System</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#debug-perf">Debug and Performance</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#install-updates">Installation, Setup, and Update Management</a></li> |
| <li><a href="#other">Other Highlights</a></li> |
| |
| |
| </ol> |
| |
| <h2>See also</h2> |
| <ol> |
| <li><a href="http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IntelliJIDEA/FAQ+on+Migrating+to+IntelliJ+IDEA">IntelliJ FAQ on migrating to IntelliJ IDEA</a></li> |
| </ol> |
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| </div> |
| </div> |
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| <p>Android Studio is the official IDE for Android application development, |
| based on <a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/" class="external-link" |
| target="_blank">IntelliJ IDEA</a>. |
| On top of the capabilities you expect from IntelliJ, |
| Android Studio offers:</p> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>Flexible Gradle-based build system</li> |
| <li>Build variants and multiple <code>apk</code> file generation</li> |
| <li>Code templates to help you build common app features</li> |
| <li>Rich layout editor with support for drag and drop theme editing</li> |
| <li>Lint tools to catch performance, usability, version compatibility, and other problems</li> |
| <li>ProGuard and app-signing capabilities</li> |
| <li>Built-in support for <a |
| href="http://developers.google.com/cloud/devtools/android_studio_templates/" |
| class="external-link">Google Cloud Platform</a>, making it easy to integrate Google Cloud |
| Messaging and App Engine</li> |
| <li>And much more</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p><b><a href="{@docRoot}sdk/index.html">Download Android Studio now</a></b>. </p> |
| |
| <p>If you're new to Android Studio or the IntelliJ IDEA interface, this |
| page provides an introduction to some key Android |
| Studio features.</p> |
| |
| <p>For specific Android Studio how-to documentation, see the pages in the <a href= |
| "{@docRoot}tools/workflow/index.html">Workflow</a> section, such as <a href= |
| "{@docRoot}tools/projects/projects-studio.html">Managing Projects from Android Studio</a> and |
| <a href="{@docRoot}tools/building/building-studio.html">Building and Running from Android |
| Studio</a>.</p> |
| |
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| <h2 id="project-structure">Project and File Structure</h2> |
| |
| <h3 id="project-view"><em>Android</em> Project View</h3> |
| <p>By default, Android Studio displays your profile files in the <em>Android</em> project view. This |
| view shows a flattened version of your project's structure that provides quick access to the key |
| source files of Android projects and helps you work with the new |
| <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/studio-build.html">Gradle-based build system</a>. |
| The Android project view:</p> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>Groups the build files for all modules at the top level of the project hierarchy.</li> |
| <li>Shows the most important source directories at the top level of the module hierarchy.</li> |
| <li>Groups all the manifest files for each module.</li> |
| <li>Shows resource files from all Gradle source sets.</li> |
| <li>Groups resource files for different locales, orientations, and screen types in a single |
| group per resource type.</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/projectview01.png" /> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 1.</strong> Show the Android project view.</p> |
| <img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-projectview_scripts.png" /> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 2.</strong> Project Build Files.</p> |
| |
| <p>The <em>Android</em> project view shows all the build files at the top level of the project |
| hierarchy under <strong>Gradle Scripts</strong>. Each project module appears as a folder at the |
| top level of the project hierarchy and contains these three elements at the top level:</p> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li><code>java/</code> - Source files for the module.</li> |
| <li><code>manifests/</code> - Manifest files for the module.</li> |
| <li><code>res/</code> - Resource files for the module.</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p>For example, <em>Android</em> project view groups all the instances of the |
| <code>ic_launcher.png</code> resource for different screen densities under the same element.</p> |
| |
| <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The project structure on disk differs from this flattened |
| representation. To switch to back the segregated project view, select <strong>Project</strong> from |
| the <strong>Project</strong drop-down. </p> |
| |
| |
| |
| <h3>New Project and Directory Structure</h3> |
| <p>When you use the <em>Project</em> view of a new project in Android Studio, you |
| should notice that the project structure appears different than you may be used to in Eclipse. Each |
| instance of Android Studio contains a project with one or more application modules. Each |
| application module folder contains the complete source sets for that module, including |
| {@code src/main} and {@code src/androidTest} directories, resources, build |
| file and the Android manifest. For the most part, you will need to modify the files under each |
| module's {@code src/main} directory for source code updates, the gradle.build file for build |
| specification and the files under {@code src/androidTest} directory for test case creation. |
| |
| <p> <img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-project-layout.png" alt="" /></p> |
| <p> <class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 3.</strong> Android Studio project structure</p> |
| |
| <p>For more information, see |
| <a href="http://confluence.jetbrains.com/display/IntelliJIDEA/Project+Organization"class="external-link">IntelliJ project organization</a> and |
| <a href="{@docRoot}tools/projects/index.html">Managing Projects</a>.</p> |
| |
| |
| <h3>Creating new files</h3> |
| <p>You can quickly add new code and resource files by clicking the appropriate directory in the |
| <strong>Project</strong> pane and pressing <code>ALT + INSERT</code> on Windows and Linux or |
| <code>COMMAND + N</code> on Mac. Based on the type of directory selected, Android Studio |
| offers to create the appropriate file type.</p> |
| |
| <p>For example, if you select a layout directory, press <code>ALT + INSERT</code> on Windows, |
| and select <strong>Layout resource file</strong>, a dialog opens so you can name the file |
| (you can exclude the {@code .xml} suffix) and choose a root view element. The editor then |
| switches to the layout design editor so you can begin designing your layout.</p> |
| |
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| <h2 id="build-system">Android Build System</h2> |
| |
| <h3>Android Build System</h3> |
| <p>The Android build system is the toolkit you use to build, test, run and package |
| your apps. This build system replaces the Ant system used with Eclipse ADT. It can run as an |
| integrated tool from the Android Studio menu and independently from the command line. You can use |
| the features of the build system to:</p> |
| |
| <ul> |
| <li>Customize, configure, and extend the build process.</li> |
| <li>Create multiple APKs for your app with different features using the same project and |
| modules.</li> |
| <li>Reuse code and resources across source sets.</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p>The flexibility of the Android build system enables you to achieve all of this without |
| modifying your app's core source files. To build an Android Studio project, see |
| <a href="{@docRoot}tools/building/building-studio.html">Building and Running from Android Studio</a>. |
| To configure custom build settings in an Android Studio project, see |
| <a href="{@docRoot}tools/building/configuring-gradle.html">Configuring Gradle Builds</a>.</p> |
| |
| |
| <h3>Application ID for Package Identification </h3> |
| <p>With the Android build system, the <em>applicationId</em> attribute is used to |
| uniquely identify application packages for publishing. The application ID is set in the |
| <em>android</em> section of the <code>build.gradle</code> file. |
| </p> |
| |
| <pre> |
| apply plugin: 'com.android.application' |
| |
| android { |
| compileSdkVersion 19 |
| buildToolsVersion "19.1" |
| |
| defaultConfig { |
| <strong>applicationId "com.example.my.app"</strong> |
| minSdkVersion 15 |
| targetSdkVersion 19 |
| versionCode 1 |
| versionName "1.0" |
| } |
| ... |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> The <em>applicationId</em> is specified only in your |
| build.gradle file, and not in the AndroidManifest.xml file.</p> |
| |
| <p>When using build variants, the build system enables you to to uniquely identify different |
| packages for each product flavors and build types. The application ID in the build type is added as |
| a suffix to those specified for the product flavors. </p> |
| |
| <pre> |
| productFlavors { |
| pro { |
| applicationId = "com.example.my.pkg.pro" |
| } |
| free { |
| applicationId = "com.example.my.pkg.free" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| buildTypes { |
| debug { |
| applicationIdSuffix ".debug" |
| } |
| } |
| .... |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>The package name must still be specified in the manifest file. It is used in your source code |
| to refer to your R class and to resolve any relative activity/service registrations. </p> |
| |
| <pre> |
| <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> |
| <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" |
| <strong>package="com.example.app"</strong>> |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> If you have multiple manifests (for example, a product |
| flavor specific manifest and a build type manifest), the package name is optional in those manifests. |
| If it is specified in those manifests, the package name must be identical to the package name |
| specified in the manifest in the <code>src/main/</code> folder. </p> |
| |
| <p>For more information about the build files and process, see |
| <a href="{@docRoot}sdk/installing/studio-build.html">Build System Overview</a>.</p> |
| |
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| <h2 id="debug-perf">Debug and Performance</h2> |
| |
| |
| <h3>Android Virtual Device (AVD) Manager</h3> |
| <p>AVD Manager has updated screens with links to help you select the most popular device |
| configurations, screen sizes and resolutions for your app previews.</p> |
| Click the <strong>Android Virtual Device Manager</strong> |
| <img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/avd-manager-studio.png" |
| style="vertical-align:bottom;margin:0;height:19px" /> in the toolbar to open it and create |
| new virtual devices for running your app in the emulator.</p> |
| |
| <p>The AVD Manager comes with emulators for Nexus 6 and Nexus 9 devices and also supports |
| creating custom Android device skins based on specific emulator properties and assigning those |
| skins to hardware profiles. Android Studio installs the Intel® x86 Hardware Accelerated Execution |
| Manager (HAXM) emulator accelerator and creates a default emulator for quick app prototyping.</p> |
| |
| <p>For more information, see <a href="{@docRoot}tools/devices/managing-avds.html">Managing AVDs</a>.</p> |
| |
| |
| |
| <h3> Memory Monitor</h3> |
| <p>Android Studio provides a memory monitor view so you can more easily monitor your |
| app's memory usage to find deallocated objects, locate memory leaks and track the amount of |
| memory the connected device is using. With your app running on a device or emulator, click the |
| <strong>Memory Monitor</strong> tab in the lower right corner to launch the memory monitor. </p> |
| |
| <img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-memory-monitor.png" /> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 4.</strong> Memory Monitor</p> |
| |
| |
| |
| <h3> New Lint inspections</h3> |
| <p>Lint has several new checks to ensure: |
| <ul> |
| <li><code> Cipher.getInstance()</code> is used with safe values</li> |
| <li>In custom Views, the associated declare-styleable for the custom view uses the same |
| base name as the class name.</li> |
| <li>Security check for fragment injection.</li> |
| <li>Where ever property assignment no longer works as expected.</li> |
| <li>Gradle plugin version is compatible with the SDK.</li> |
| <li>Right to left validation </li> |
| <li>Required API version</li> |
| <li>many others</li> |
| </ul> |
| |
| <p>Hovering over a Lint error displays the full issue explanation inline for easy error |
| resolution. There is also a helpful hyperlink at the end of the error message for additional |
| error information.</p> |
| |
| <p>With Android Studio, you can run Lint for a specific build variant, or for all build variants. |
| You can configure Lint by adding a <em>lintOptions</em> property to the Android settings in the |
| build.gradle file. </p> |
| |
| <pre> |
| android { |
| lintOptions { |
| // set to true to turn off analysis progress reporting by lint |
| quiet true |
| // if true, stop the gradle build if errors are found |
| abortOnError false |
| // if true, only report errors |
| ignoreWarnings true |
| </pre> |
| |
| <p>For more information, see |
| <a href="{@docRoot}tools/debugging/improving-w-lint.html">Improving Your Code with Lint</a>.</p> |
| |
| |
| <h3>Dynamic layout preview</h3> |
| <p>Android Studio allows you to work with layouts in both a <em>Design View</em> </p> |
| <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-helloworld-design.png" alt="" /> |
| </p> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 5.</strong> Hello World App with Design View</p> |
| |
| <p>and a <em>Text View</em>. </p> |
| |
| <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-helloworld-text.png" alt="" /> |
| <pclass="img-caption"><strong>Figure 6.</strong> Hello World App with Text View</p> |
| |
| <p>Easily select and preview layout changes for different device images, display |
| densities, UI modes, locales, and Android versions (multi-API version rendering). |
| <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-api-version-rendering.png" /></p> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 7.</strong> API Version Rendering</p> |
| |
| |
| <p>From the Design View, you can drag and drop elements from the Palette to the Preview or |
| Component Tree. The Text View allows you to directly edit the XML settings, while previewing |
| the device display. </p> |
| |
| |
| <h3>Log messages</h3> |
| <p>When you build and run your app with Android Studio, you can view adb and device log messages |
| (logcat) in the DDMS pane by clicking <strong>Android</strong> at the bottom of the window.</p> |
| |
| <p>If you want to debug your app with the |
| <a href="{@docRoot}tools/help/monitor.html">Android Debug Monitor</a>, you can launch it by |
| clicking <strong>Monitor</strong> |
| <img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/monitor-studio.png" style="vertical-align:bottom;margin:0;height:19px"/> |
| in the toolbar. The Debug Monitor is where you can find the complete set of |
| <a href="{@docRoot}tools/debugging/ddms.html">DDMS</a> tools for profiling your app, |
| controlling device behaviors, and more. It also includes the Hierarchy Viewer tools to help |
| <a href="{@docRoot}tools/debugging/debugging-ui.html"> optimize your layouts</a>.</p> |
| |
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| |
| <h2 id="install-updates">Installation, Setup, and Update Management</h2> |
| |
| <h3>Android Studio installation and setup wizards</h3> |
| <p>An updated installation and setup wizards walk you through a step-by-step installation |
| and setup process as the wizard checks for system requirements, such as the Java Development |
| Kit (JDK) and available RAM, and then prompts for optional installation options, such as the |
| Intel® HAXM emulator accelerator.</p> |
| |
| <p>An updated setup wizard walks you through the setup processes as |
| the wizard updates your system image and emulation requirements, such GPU, and then creates |
| an optimized default Android Virtual Device (AVD) based on Android 5 (Lollipop) for speedy and |
| reliable emulation. </p> |
| <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-setup-wizard.png" /></p> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 8.</strong> Setup Wizard</p> |
| |
| |
| <h3>Expanded template and form factor support</h3> |
| <p>Android Studio supports new templates for Google Services and expands the available device |
| types. </p> |
| |
| <h4> Android Wear and TV support</h4> |
| <p>For easy cross-platform development, the Project Wizard provides new templates for |
| creating your apps for Android Wear and TV. </p> |
| <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-tvwearsupport.png" /> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 9.</strong> New Form Factors</p> |
| <p>During app creation, the Project Wizard also displays an API Level dialog to help you choose |
| the best <em>minSdkVersion</em> for your project.</p> |
| |
| |
| <h4> Google App Engine integration (Google Cloud Platform/Messaging)</h4> |
| <p>Quick cloud integration. Using Google App Engine to connect to the Google cloud |
| and create a cloud end-point is as easy as selecting <em>File > New Module > App Engine Java |
| Servlet Module</em> and specifying the module, package, and client names. </p> |
| <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-cloudmodule.png" /></p> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 10.</strong> Setup Wizard</p> |
| |
| |
| |
| <h3>Update channels</h3> |
| <p>Android Studio provides four update channels to keep Android Studio up-to-date based on your |
| code-level preference: |
| <ul> |
| <li><strong>Canary channel</strong>: Canary builds provide bleeding edge releases, updated |
| about weekly. While these builds do get tested, they are still subject to bugs, as we want |
| people to see what's new as soon as possible. This is not recommended for production.</li> |
| <li><strong>Dev channel</strong>: Dev builds are hand-picked older canary builds that survived |
| the test of time. They are updated roughly bi-weekly or monthly.</li> |
| <li><strong>Beta channel</strong>: Beta builds are used for beta-quality releases before a |
| production release.</li> |
| <li><strong>Stable channel</strong>: Used for stable, production-ready versions.</li> |
| </ul> |
| </p> |
| |
| <p>By default, Android Studio uses the <em>Stable</em> channel. Use |
| <strong>File > Settings > Updates</strong> to change your channel setting. </p> |
| |
| |
| |
| <h2 id="other">Other Highlights</h2> |
| |
| <h3> Translation Editor</h3> |
| <p>Multi-language support is enhanced with the Translation Editor plugin so you can easily add |
| locales to the app's translation file. Color codes indicate whether a locale is complete or |
| still missing string translations. Also, you can use the plugin to export your strings to the |
| Google Play Developer Console for translation, then download and import your translations back |
| into your project. </p> |
| |
| <p>To access the Translation Editor, open a <code>strings.xml</code> file and click the |
| <strong>Open Editor</strong> link. </p> |
| |
| <img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-translationeditoropen.png" /> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 11.</strong> Translation Editor</p> |
| |
| |
| <h3> Editor support for the latest Android APIs</h3> |
| <p>Android Studio supports the new |
| <a href="{@docRoot}design/material/index.html">Material Design</a></li> themes, widgets, and |
| graphics, such as shadow layers and API version rendering (showing the layout across different |
| UI versions). Also, the new drawable XML tags and attributes, such as <ripple> |
| and <animated-selector>, are supported.</p> |
| |
| |
| <h3 id="git-samples"> Easy access to Android code samples on GitHub</h3> |
| <p>Clicking <strong>Import Samples</strong> from the <strong>File</strong> menu or Welcome page |
| provides seamless access to Google code samples on GitHub.</p> |
| <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-samples-githubaccess.png" /></p> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 12.</strong> Code Sample Access</p> |
| |
| |
| <p><img src="{@docRoot}images/tools/studio-sample-in-editor.png" /></p> |
| <p class="img-caption"><strong>Figure 13.</strong> Imported Code Sample</p> |
| |
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