blob: 994a020974a1f7e5278cd837491e64cfeac9ad47 [file] [log] [blame]
package: ""
flag {
name: "example_flag"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "An Example Flag"
bug: "292511372"
flag {
name: "sysui_teamfood"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables all the sysui classic flags that are marked as being in teamfood"
bug: "302578396"
flag {
name: "udfps_view_performance"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Decrease screen off blocking calls by waiting until the device is finished going to sleep before adding the udfps view."
bug: "225183106"
metadata {
flag {
name: "notification_async_group_header_inflation"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Inflates the notification group summary header views from the background thread."
bug: "217799515"
flag {
name: "notification_async_hybrid_view_inflation"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Inflates hybrid (single-line) notification views from the background thread."
bug: "217799515"
flag {
name: "notification_color_update_logger"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enabled debug logging and dumping of notification color updates."
bug: "294347738"
flag {
name: "notifications_footer_view_refactor"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables the refactored version of the footer view in the notification shade "
"(containing the \"Clear all\" button). Should not bring any behavior changes"
bug: "293167744"
flag {
name: "notifications_icon_container_refactor"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables the refactored version of the notification icon container in StatusBar, "
"AOD, and the notification shelf. Should not bring any behavioral changes."
bug: "278765923"
flag {
name: "notifications_hide_on_display_switch"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Temporary hides notifications when folding/unfolding to reduce unfold latency"
bug: "293824309"
flag {
name: "notifications_improved_hun_animation"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Adds a translateY animation, and other improvements to match the motion specs of the HUN Intro + Outro animations."
bug: "243302608"
flag {
name: "notifications_live_data_store_refactor"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Replaces NotifLiveDataStore with ActiveNotificationListRepository, and updates consumers. "
"Should not bring any behavior changes."
bug: "308623704"
flag {
name: "notifications_background_media_icons"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Updates icons for media notifications in the background."
bug: "315143160"
metadata {
flag {
name: "nssl_falsing_fix"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Minor touch changes to prevent falsing errors in NSSL"
bug: "316551193"
metadata {
flag {
name: "refactor_get_current_user"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "KeyguardUpdateMonitor.getCurrentUser() was providing outdated results."
bug: "305984787"
flag {
name: "notification_throttle_hun"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "During notification avalanche, throttle HUNs showing in fast succession."
bug: "307288824"
flag {
name: "notification_avalanche_suppression"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "After notification avalanche floodgate event, suppress HUNs completely."
bug: "321089634"
flag {
name: "notification_background_tint_optimization"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Re-enable the codepath that removed tinting of notifications when the"
" standard background color is desired. This was the behavior before we discovered"
" a resources threading issue, which we worked around by tinting the notification"
" backgrounds and footer buttons."
bug: "294830092"
flag {
name: "scene_container"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables the scene container framework go/flexiglass."
bug: "283121968"
flag {
name: "keyguard_bottom_area_refactor"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Bottom area of keyguard refactor move into KeyguardRootView. Includes "
"lock icon and others."
bug: "290652751"
flag {
name: "device_entry_udfps_refactor"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Refactoring device entry UDFPS icon to use modern architecture and "
"consolidating it with the lock/unlock icon to create a combined DeviceEntryIconView"
bug: "279440316"
flag {
name: "visual_interruptions_refactor"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables the refactored version of the code to decide when notifications "
"HUN, bubble, pulse, or FSI."
bug: "261728888"
flag {
name: "haptic_brightness_slider"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Adds haptic feedback to the brightness slider."
bug: "296467915"
flag {
name: "keyguard_shade_migration_nssl"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Moves NSSL into a shared element between the notification_panel and "
bug: "278054201"
flag {
name: "unfold_animation_background_progress"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Moves unfold animation progress calculation to a background thread"
bug: "277879146"
flag {
name: "enable_background_keyguard_ondrawn_callback"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Calls the onDrawn keyguard in the background, without being blocked by main"
"thread work. This results in the screen to turn on earlier when the main thread is stuck. "
"Note that, even after this callback is called, we're waiting for all windows to finish "
" drawing."
bug: "295873557"
metadata {
flag {
name: "qs_new_pipeline"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Use the new pipeline for Quick Settings. Should have no behavior changes."
bug: "241772429"
flag {
name: "qs_new_tiles"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Use the new tiles in the Quick Settings. Should have no behavior changes."
bug: "311147395"
flag {
name: "coroutine_tracing"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Adds thread-local data to System UI's global coroutine scopes to "
"allow for tracing of coroutine continuations using System UI's tracinglib"
bug: "289353932"
flag {
name: "edge_back_gesture_handler_thread"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Moves the EdgeBackGestureHandler window, which is used for rendering the back "
"arrow, to a separate thread. Previously, the EdgeBackGestureHandler window would share "
"the main thread with the rest of System UI."
bug: "304583132"
flag {
name: "new_aod_transition"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "New LOCKSCREEN <=> AOD transition"
bug: "301915812"
flag {
name: "light_reveal_migration"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Move LightRevealScrim to recommended architecture"
bug: "281655028"
flag {
name: "theme_overlay_controller_wakefulness_deprecation"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Replacing WakefulnessLifecycle by KeyguardTransitionInteractor in "
"ThemOverlayController to mitigate flickering when locking the device"
bug: "308676488"
flag {
name: "truncated_status_bar_icons_fix"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Fixes the status bar icons being trunacted due to the status bar window height "
"not being updated after certain rotations"
bug: "323299264"
metadata {
flag {
name: "compose_bouncer"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Use the new compose bouncer in SystemUI"
bug: "310005730"
flag {
name: "media_in_scene_container"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enable media in the scene container framework"
bug: "296122467"
flag {
name: "pss_task_switcher"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enable the task switcher feature for partial screen sharing"
bug: "317208379"
flag {
name: "revamped_bouncer_messages"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Change the bouncer message to be a 2-line more descriptive message"
bug: "236891644"
flag {
name: "rest_to_unlock"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Require prolonged touch for fingerprint authentication"
bug: "303672286"
flag {
name: "record_issue_qs_tile"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Replace Record Trace QS Tile with expanded Record Issue QS Tile"
bug: "305049544"
flag {
name: "migrate_clocks_to_blueprint"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Move clock related views from KeyguardStatusView to KeyguardRootView, "
"and use modern architecture for lockscreen clocks"
bug: "301502635"
flag {
name: "fast_unlock_transition"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Faster wallpaper unlock transition"
bug: "298186160"
flag {
name: "centralized_status_bar_height_fix"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Refactors shade header and keyguard status bar to read status bar dimens from a"
" central place, instead of reading resources directly. This is to take into account display"
" cutouts and other special cases. "
bug: "317016114"
metadata {
flag {
name: "enable_layout_tracing"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables detailed traversal slices during measure and layout in perfetto traces"
bug: "315274804"
flag {
name: "quick_settings_visual_haptics_longpress"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enable special visual and haptic effects for quick settings tiles with long-press actions"
bug: "229856884"
flag {
name: "switch_user_on_bg"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Does user switching on a background thread"
bug: "284095720"
flag {
name: "status_bar_static_inout_indicators"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "(Upstream request) Always show the network activity inout indicators and "
"prefer using alpha to distinguish network activity."
bug: "310715220"
flag {
name: "haptic_volume_slider"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Adds haptic feedback to the volume slider."
bug: "316953430"
flag {
name: "new_volume_panel"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Switches to the new volume panel (without Slices)."
bug: "202262476"
flag {
name: "run_fingerprint_detect_on_dismissible_keyguard"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Run fingerprint detect instead of authenticate if the keyguard is dismissible."
bug: "311145851"
flag {
name: "smartspace_relocate_to_bottom"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Relocate Smartspace to bottom of the Lock Screen"
bug: "316212788"
flag {
name: "pin_input_field_styled_focus_state"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables styled focus states on pin input field if keyboard is connected"
bug: "316106516"
flag {
name: "keyguard_wm_state_refactor"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables refactored logic for SysUI+WM unlock/occlusion code paths"
bug: "278086361"
flag {
name: "compose_lockscreen"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables the compose version of lockscreen that runs standalone, outside of Flexiglass."
bug: "301968149"
flag {
name: "enable_contextual_tip_for_power_off"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables on-screen contextual tip about how to power off or restart phone"
bug: "322891421"
flag {
name: "enable_contextual_tip_for_take_screenshot"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Enables on-screen contextual tip about how to take screenshot."
bug: "322891421"
flag {
name: "enable_contextual_tips"
description: "Enables showing contextual tips."
namespace: "systemui"
bug: "322891421"
flag {
name: "shaderlib_loading_effect_refactor"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Extend shader library to provide the common loading effects."
bug: "282007590"
flag {
name: "notification_row_user_context"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Create a user-specific Context for the ImageResolver in ExpandableNotificationRow"
" (based on the NotificationEntry's user)."
bug: "317503801"
metadata {
flag {
name: "get_connected_device_name_unsynchronized"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Decide whether to fetch the connected bluetooth device name outside a synchronized block."
bug: "323995015"
metadata {
flag {
name: "slice_manager_binder_call_background"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Move the ISliceManager#getPinnedSpecs binder call to the background thread."
bug: "322745650"
metadata {
flag {
name: "register_new_wallet_card_in_background"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Decide whether the call to registerNewWalletCards method should be issued on background thread."
bug: "322506838"
metadata {
flag {
name: "update_user_switcher_background"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Decide whether to update user switcher in background thread."
bug: "322745650"
metadata {
flag {
name: "register_zen_mode_content_observer_background"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Decide whether to register zen mode content observers in the background thread."
bug: "324515627"
metadata {
flag {
name: "clipboard_noninteractive_on_lockscreen"
namespace: "systemui"
description: "Prevents the interactive clipboard UI from appearing when device is locked"
bug: "317048495"
metadata {