blob: 444f91d144a21ba8eaa5fec9f0e7fb7415708916 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2018 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "idmap2/Idmap.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <limits>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <utility>
#include "android-base/macros.h"
#include "androidfw/AssetManager2.h"
#include "idmap2/ResourceMapping.h"
#include "idmap2/ResourceUtils.h"
#include "idmap2/Result.h"
#include "idmap2/SysTrace.h"
namespace android::idmap2 {
namespace {
bool WARN_UNUSED Read8(std::istream& stream, uint8_t* out) {
uint8_t value;
if (<char*>(&value), sizeof(uint8_t))) {
*out = value;
return true;
return false;
bool WARN_UNUSED Read16(std::istream& stream, uint16_t* out) {
uint16_t value;
if (<char*>(&value), sizeof(uint16_t))) {
*out = dtohs(value);
return true;
return false;
bool WARN_UNUSED Read32(std::istream& stream, uint32_t* out) {
uint32_t value;
if (<char*>(&value), sizeof(uint32_t))) {
*out = dtohl(value);
return true;
return false;
bool WARN_UNUSED ReadString(std::istream& stream, std::string* out) {
uint32_t size;
if (!Read32(stream, &size)) {
return false;
if (size == 0) {
*out = "";
return true;
std::string buf(size, '\0');
if (!, size)) {
return false;
uint32_t padding_size = CalculatePadding(size);
std::string padding(padding_size, '\0');
if (!, padding_size)) {
return false;
*out = buf;
return true;
} // namespace
std::unique_ptr<const IdmapHeader> IdmapHeader::FromBinaryStream(std::istream& stream) {
std::unique_ptr<IdmapHeader> idmap_header(new IdmapHeader());
if (!Read32(stream, &idmap_header->magic_) || !Read32(stream, &idmap_header->version_)) {
return nullptr;
if (idmap_header->magic_ != kIdmapMagic || idmap_header->version_ != kIdmapCurrentVersion) {
// Do not continue parsing if the file is not a current version idmap.
return nullptr;
uint32_t enforce_overlayable;
if (!Read32(stream, &idmap_header->target_crc_) || !Read32(stream, &idmap_header->overlay_crc_) ||
!Read32(stream, &idmap_header->fulfilled_policies_) ||
!Read32(stream, &enforce_overlayable) || !ReadString(stream, &idmap_header->target_path_) ||
!ReadString(stream, &idmap_header->overlay_path_) ||
!ReadString(stream, &idmap_header->overlay_name_) ||
!ReadString(stream, &idmap_header->debug_info_)) {
return nullptr;
idmap_header->enforce_overlayable_ = enforce_overlayable != 0U;
return std::move(idmap_header);
Result<Unit> IdmapHeader::IsUpToDate(const TargetResourceContainer& target,
const OverlayResourceContainer& overlay,
const std::string& overlay_name,
PolicyBitmask fulfilled_policies,
bool enforce_overlayable) const {
const Result<uint32_t> target_crc = target.GetCrc();
if (!target_crc) {
return Error("failed to get target crc");
const Result<uint32_t> overlay_crc = overlay.GetCrc();
if (!overlay_crc) {
return Error("failed to get overlay crc");
return IsUpToDate(target.GetPath(), overlay.GetPath(), overlay_name, *target_crc, *overlay_crc,
fulfilled_policies, enforce_overlayable);
Result<Unit> IdmapHeader::IsUpToDate(const std::string& target_path,
const std::string& overlay_path,
const std::string& overlay_name, uint32_t target_crc,
uint32_t overlay_crc, PolicyBitmask fulfilled_policies,
bool enforce_overlayable) const {
if (magic_ != kIdmapMagic) {
return Error("bad magic: actual 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x", magic_, kIdmapMagic);
if (version_ != kIdmapCurrentVersion) {
return Error("bad version: actual 0x%08x, expected 0x%08x", version_, kIdmapCurrentVersion);
if (target_crc_ != target_crc) {
return Error("bad target crc: idmap version 0x%08x, file system version 0x%08x", target_crc_,
if (overlay_crc_ != overlay_crc) {
return Error("bad overlay crc: idmap version 0x%08x, file system version 0x%08x", overlay_crc_,
if (fulfilled_policies_ != fulfilled_policies) {
return Error("bad fulfilled policies: idmap version 0x%08x, file system version 0x%08x",
fulfilled_policies, fulfilled_policies_);
if (enforce_overlayable != enforce_overlayable_) {
return Error("bad enforce overlayable: idmap version %s, file system version %s",
enforce_overlayable ? "true" : "false", enforce_overlayable_ ? "true" : "false");
if (target_path != target_path_) {
return Error("bad target path: idmap version %s, file system version %s", target_path.c_str(),
if (overlay_path != overlay_path_) {
return Error("bad overlay path: idmap version %s, file system version %s", overlay_path.c_str(),
if (overlay_name != overlay_name_) {
return Error("bad overlay name: idmap version %s, file system version %s", overlay_name.c_str(),
return Unit{};
std::unique_ptr<const IdmapData::Header> IdmapData::Header::FromBinaryStream(std::istream& stream) {
std::unique_ptr<IdmapData::Header> idmap_data_header(new IdmapData::Header());
if (!Read32(stream, &idmap_data_header->target_entry_count) ||
!Read32(stream, &idmap_data_header->target_entry_inline_count) ||
!Read32(stream, &idmap_data_header->target_entry_inline_value_count) ||
!Read32(stream, &idmap_data_header->config_count) ||
!Read32(stream, &idmap_data_header->overlay_entry_count) ||
!Read32(stream, &idmap_data_header->string_pool_index_offset)) {
return nullptr;
return std::move(idmap_data_header);
std::unique_ptr<const IdmapData> IdmapData::FromBinaryStream(std::istream& stream) {
std::unique_ptr<IdmapData> data(new IdmapData());
data->header_ = IdmapData::Header::FromBinaryStream(stream);
if (!data->header_) {
return nullptr;
// Read the mapping of target resource id to overlay resource value.
for (size_t i = 0; i < data->header_->GetTargetEntryCount(); i++) {
TargetEntry target_entry{};
if (!Read32(stream, &target_entry.target_id) || !Read32(stream, &target_entry.overlay_id)) {
return nullptr;
// Read the mapping of target resource id to inline overlay values.
std::vector<std::tuple<TargetInlineEntry, uint32_t, uint32_t>> target_inline_entries;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data->header_->GetTargetInlineEntryCount(); i++) {
TargetInlineEntry target_entry{};
uint32_t entry_offset;
uint32_t entry_count;
if (!Read32(stream, &target_entry.target_id) || !Read32(stream, &entry_offset)
|| !Read32(stream, &entry_count)) {
return nullptr;
target_inline_entries.emplace_back(target_entry, entry_offset, entry_count);
// Read the inline overlay resource values
std::vector<std::pair<uint32_t, TargetValue>> target_values;
uint8_t unused1;
uint16_t unused2;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data->header_->GetTargetInlineEntryValueCount(); i++) {
uint32_t config_index;
if (!Read32(stream, &config_index)) {
return nullptr;
TargetValue value;
if (!Read16(stream, &unused2)
|| !Read8(stream, &unused1)
|| !Read8(stream, &value.data_type)
|| !Read32(stream, &value.data_value)) {
return nullptr;
target_values.emplace_back(config_index, value);
// Read the configurations
std::vector<ConfigDescription> configurations;
for (size_t i = 0; i < data->header_->GetConfigCount(); i++) {
ConfigDescription cd;
if (!<char*>(&cd), sizeof(ConfigDescription))) {
return nullptr;
// Construct complete target inline entries
for (auto [target_entry, entry_offset, entry_count] : target_inline_entries) {
for(size_t i = 0; i < entry_count; i++) {
const auto& target_value = target_values[entry_offset + i];
const auto& config = configurations[target_value.first];
target_entry.values[config] = target_value.second;
// Read the mapping of overlay resource id to target resource id.
for (size_t i = 0; i < data->header_->GetOverlayEntryCount(); i++) {
OverlayEntry overlay_entry{};
if (!Read32(stream, &overlay_entry.overlay_id) || !Read32(stream, &overlay_entry.target_id)) {
return nullptr;
// Read raw string pool bytes.
if (!ReadString(stream, &data->string_pool_data_)) {
return nullptr;
return std::move(data);
std::string Idmap::CanonicalIdmapPathFor(const std::string& absolute_dir,
const std::string& absolute_apk_path) {
assert(absolute_dir.size() > 0 && absolute_dir[0] == "/");
assert(absolute_apk_path.size() > 0 && absolute_apk_path[0] == "/");
std::string copy(++absolute_apk_path.cbegin(), absolute_apk_path.cend());
replace(copy.begin(), copy.end(), '/', '@');
return absolute_dir + "/" + copy + "@idmap";
Result<std::unique_ptr<const Idmap>> Idmap::FromBinaryStream(std::istream& stream) {
SYSTRACE << "Idmap::FromBinaryStream";
std::unique_ptr<Idmap> idmap(new Idmap());
idmap->header_ = IdmapHeader::FromBinaryStream(stream);
if (!idmap->header_) {
return Error("failed to parse idmap header");
// idmap version 0x01 does not specify the number of data blocks that follow
// the idmap header; assume exactly one data block
for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
std::unique_ptr<const IdmapData> data = IdmapData::FromBinaryStream(stream);
if (!data) {
return Error("failed to parse data block %d", i);
return {std::move(idmap)};
Result<std::unique_ptr<const IdmapData>> IdmapData::FromResourceMapping(
const ResourceMapping& resource_mapping) {
if (resource_mapping.GetTargetToOverlayMap().empty()) {
return Error("no resources were overlaid");
std::unique_ptr<IdmapData> data(new IdmapData());
data->string_pool_data_ = resource_mapping.GetStringPoolData().to_string();
uint32_t inline_value_count = 0;
std::set<std::string> config_set;
for (const auto& mapping : resource_mapping.GetTargetToOverlayMap()) {
if (auto overlay_resource = std::get_if<ResourceId>(&mapping.second)) {
data->target_entries_.push_back({mapping.first, *overlay_resource});
} else {
std::map<ConfigDescription, TargetValue> values;
for (const auto& [config, value] : std::get<ConfigMap>(mapping.second)) {
ConfigDescription cd;
ConfigDescription::Parse(config, &cd);
values[cd] = value;
data->target_inline_entries_.push_back({mapping.first, values});
for (const auto& mapping : resource_mapping.GetOverlayToTargetMap()) {
data->overlay_entries_.emplace_back(IdmapData::OverlayEntry{mapping.first, mapping.second});
std::unique_ptr<IdmapData::Header> data_header(new IdmapData::Header());
data_header->target_entry_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(data->target_entries_.size());
data_header->target_entry_inline_count =
data_header->target_entry_inline_value_count = inline_value_count;
data_header->config_count = config_set.size();
data_header->overlay_entry_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(data->overlay_entries_.size());
data_header->string_pool_index_offset = resource_mapping.GetStringPoolOffset();
data->header_ = std::move(data_header);
return {std::move(data)};
Result<std::unique_ptr<const Idmap>> Idmap::FromContainers(const TargetResourceContainer& target,
const OverlayResourceContainer& overlay,
const std::string& overlay_name,
const PolicyBitmask& fulfilled_policies,
bool enforce_overlayable) {
SYSTRACE << "Idmap::FromApkAssets";
std::unique_ptr<IdmapHeader> header(new IdmapHeader());
header->magic_ = kIdmapMagic;
header->version_ = kIdmapCurrentVersion;
const auto target_crc = target.GetCrc();
if (!target_crc) {
return Error(target_crc.GetError(), "failed to get zip CRC for '%s'", target.GetPath().data());
header->target_crc_ = *target_crc;
const auto overlay_crc = overlay.GetCrc();
if (!overlay_crc) {
return Error(overlay_crc.GetError(), "failed to get zip CRC for '%s'",
header->overlay_crc_ = *overlay_crc;
header->fulfilled_policies_ = fulfilled_policies;
header->enforce_overlayable_ = enforce_overlayable;
header->target_path_ = target.GetPath();
header->overlay_path_ = overlay.GetPath();
header->overlay_name_ = overlay_name;
auto info = overlay.FindOverlayInfo(overlay_name);
if (!info) {
return Error(info.GetError(), "failed to get overlay info for '%s'", overlay.GetPath().data());
LogInfo log_info;
auto resource_mapping = ResourceMapping::FromContainers(
target, overlay, *info, fulfilled_policies, enforce_overlayable, log_info);
if (!resource_mapping) {
return Error(resource_mapping.GetError(), "failed to generate resource map for '%s'",
auto idmap_data = IdmapData::FromResourceMapping(*resource_mapping);
if (!idmap_data) {
return idmap_data.GetError();
std::unique_ptr<Idmap> idmap(new Idmap());
header->debug_info_ = log_info.GetString();
idmap->header_ = std::move(header);
return {std::move(idmap)};
void IdmapHeader::accept(Visitor* v) const {
assert(v != nullptr);
void IdmapData::Header::accept(Visitor* v) const {
assert(v != nullptr);
void IdmapData::accept(Visitor* v) const {
assert(v != nullptr);
void Idmap::accept(Visitor* v) const {
assert(v != nullptr);
auto end = data_.cend();
for (auto iter = data_.cbegin(); iter != end; ++iter) {
} // namespace android::idmap2