blob: 9147ccaaa17aa10cc381f905b5e3a4e55dc17a38 [file] [log] [blame]
* Copyright (C) 2021 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "idmap2/ResourceContainer.h"
#include "androidfw/ApkAssets.h"
#include "androidfw/AssetManager.h"
#include "androidfw/Util.h"
#include "idmap2/FabricatedOverlay.h"
#include "idmap2/XmlParser.h"
namespace android::idmap2 {
namespace {
#define REWRITE_PACKAGE(resid, package_id) \
(((resid)&0x00ffffffU) | (((uint32_t)(package_id)) << 24U))
#define EXTRACT_PACKAGE(resid) ((0xff000000 & (resid)) >> 24)
constexpr ResourceId kAttrName = 0x01010003;
constexpr ResourceId kAttrResourcesMap = 0x01010609;
constexpr ResourceId kAttrTargetName = 0x0101044d;
constexpr ResourceId kAttrTargetPackage = 0x01010021;
// idmap version 0x01 naively assumes that the package to use is always the first ResTable_package
// in the resources.arsc blob. In most cases, there is only a single ResTable_package anyway, so
// this assumption tends to work out. That said, the correct thing to do is to scan
// resources.arsc for a package with a given name as read from the package manifest instead of
// relying on a hard-coded index. This however requires storing the package name in the idmap
// header, which in turn requires incrementing the idmap version. Because the initial version of
// idmap2 is compatible with idmap, this will have to wait for now.
const LoadedPackage* GetPackageAtIndex0(const LoadedArsc* loaded_arsc) {
const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<const LoadedPackage>>& packages = loaded_arsc->GetPackages();
if (packages.empty()) {
return nullptr;
return loaded_arsc->GetPackageById(packages[0]->GetPackageId());
Result<uint32_t> CalculateCrc(const ZipAssetsProvider* zip_assets) {
constexpr const char* kResourcesArsc = "resources.arsc";
std::optional<uint32_t> res_crc = zip_assets->GetCrc(kResourcesArsc);
if (!res_crc) {
return Error("failed to get CRC for '%s'", kResourcesArsc);
constexpr const char* kManifest = "AndroidManifest.xml";
std::optional<uint32_t> man_crc = zip_assets->GetCrc(kManifest);
if (!man_crc) {
return Error("failed to get CRC for '%s'", kManifest);
return *res_crc ^ *man_crc;
Result<XmlParser> OpenXmlParser(const std::string& entry_path, const ZipAssetsProvider* zip) {
auto manifest = zip->Open(entry_path);
if (manifest == nullptr) {
return Error("failed to find %s ", entry_path.c_str());
auto size = manifest->getLength();
auto buffer = manifest->getIncFsBuffer(true /* aligned */).convert<uint8_t>();
if (!buffer.verify(size)) {
return Error("failed to read entire %s", entry_path.c_str());
return XmlParser::Create(buffer.unsafe_ptr(), size, true /* copyData */);
Result<XmlParser> OpenXmlParser(ResourceId id, const ZipAssetsProvider* zip,
const AssetManager2* am) {
const auto ref_table = am->GetDynamicRefTableForCookie(0);
if (ref_table == nullptr) {
return Error("failed to find dynamic ref table for cookie 0");
auto value = am->GetResource(id);
if (!value.has_value()) {
return Error("failed to find resource for id 0x%08x", id);
if (value->type != Res_value::TYPE_STRING) {
return Error("resource for is 0x%08x is not a file", id);
auto string_pool = am->GetStringPoolForCookie(value->cookie);
auto file = string_pool->string8ObjectAt(value->data);
if (!file.has_value()) {
return Error("failed to find string for index %d", value->data);
return OpenXmlParser(file->c_str(), zip);
Result<OverlayManifestInfo> ExtractOverlayManifestInfo(const ZipAssetsProvider* zip,
const std::string& name) {
Result<XmlParser> xml = OpenXmlParser("AndroidManifest.xml", zip);
if (!xml) {
return xml.GetError();
auto manifest_it = xml->tree_iterator();
if (manifest_it->event() != XmlParser::Event::START_TAG || manifest_it->name() != "manifest") {
return Error("root element tag is not <manifest> in AndroidManifest.xml");
std::string package_name;
if (auto result_str = manifest_it->GetAttributeStringValue("package")) {
package_name = *result_str;
} else {
return result_str.GetError();
for (auto&& it : manifest_it) {
if (it.event() != XmlParser::Event::START_TAG || != "overlay") {
OverlayManifestInfo info{};
info.package_name = package_name;
if (auto result_str = it.GetAttributeStringValue(kAttrName, "android:name")) {
if (*result_str != name) {
// A value for android:name was found, but either a the name does not match the requested
// name, or an <overlay> tag with no name was requested.
} = *result_str;
} else if (!name.empty()) {
// This tag does not have a value for android:name, but an <overlay> tag with a specific name
// has been requested.
if (auto result_str = it.GetAttributeStringValue(kAttrTargetPackage, "android:targetPackage")) {
info.target_package = *result_str;
} else {
return Error("android:targetPackage missing from <overlay> in AndroidManifest.xml");
if (auto result_str = it.GetAttributeStringValue(kAttrTargetName, "android:targetName")) {
info.target_name = *result_str;
if (auto result_value = it.GetAttributeValue(kAttrResourcesMap, "android:resourcesMap")) {
if (utils::IsReference((*result_value).dataType)) {
info.resource_mapping = (*result_value).data;
} else {
return Error("android:resourcesMap is not a reference in AndroidManifest.xml");
return info;
return Error("<overlay> with android:name \"%s\" missing from AndroidManifest.xml", name.c_str());
Result<OverlayData> CreateResourceMapping(ResourceId id, const ZipAssetsProvider* zip,
const AssetManager2* overlay_am,
const LoadedArsc* overlay_arsc,
const LoadedPackage* overlay_package) {
auto parser = OpenXmlParser(id, zip, overlay_am);
if (!parser) {
return parser.GetError();
OverlayData overlay_data{};
const uint32_t string_pool_offset = overlay_arsc->GetStringPool()->size();
const uint8_t package_id = overlay_package->GetPackageId();
auto root_it = parser->tree_iterator();
if (root_it->event() != XmlParser::Event::START_TAG || root_it->name() != "overlay") {
return Error("root element is not <overlay> tag");
auto overlay_it_end = root_it.end();
for (auto overlay_it = root_it.begin(); overlay_it != overlay_it_end; ++overlay_it) {
if (overlay_it->event() == XmlParser::Event::BAD_DOCUMENT) {
return Error("failed to parse overlay xml document");
if (overlay_it->event() != XmlParser::Event::START_TAG) {
if (overlay_it->name() != "item") {
return Error("unexpected tag <%s> in <overlay>", overlay_it->name().c_str());
Result<std::string> target_resource = overlay_it->GetAttributeStringValue("target");
if (!target_resource) {
return Error(R"(<item> tag missing expected attribute "target")");
Result<android::Res_value> overlay_resource = overlay_it->GetAttributeValue("value");
if (!overlay_resource) {
return Error(R"(<item> tag missing expected attribute "value")");
if (overlay_resource->dataType == Res_value::TYPE_STRING) {
overlay_resource->data += string_pool_offset;
if (utils::IsReference(overlay_resource->dataType)) {
// Only rewrite resources defined within the overlay package to their corresponding target
// resource ids at runtime.
bool rewrite_id = package_id == EXTRACT_PACKAGE(overlay_resource->data);
*target_resource, OverlayData::ResourceIdValue{overlay_resource->data, rewrite_id}});
} else {
OverlayData::Value{*target_resource, TargetValue{.data_type = overlay_resource->dataType,
.data_value = overlay_resource->data}});
const auto& string_pool = parser->get_strings();
const uint32_t string_pool_data_length = string_pool.bytes();
overlay_data.string_pool_data = OverlayData::InlineStringPoolData{
.data = std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]>(new uint8_t[string_pool_data_length]),
.data_length = string_pool_data_length,
.string_pool_offset = string_pool_offset,
// Overlays should not be incrementally installed, so calling unsafe_ptr is fine here.
return overlay_data;
OverlayData CreateResourceMappingLegacy(const AssetManager2* overlay_am,
const LoadedPackage* overlay_package) {
OverlayData overlay_data{};
for (const ResourceId overlay_resid : *overlay_package) {
if (auto name = utils::ResToTypeEntryName(*overlay_am, overlay_resid)) {
// Disable rewriting. Overlays did not support internal references before
// android:resourcesMap. Do not introduce new behavior.
*name, OverlayData::ResourceIdValue{overlay_resid, false /* rewrite_id */}});
return overlay_data;
struct ResState {
std::unique_ptr<ApkAssets> apk_assets;
const LoadedArsc* arsc;
const LoadedPackage* package;
std::unique_ptr<AssetManager2> am;
ZipAssetsProvider* zip_assets;
static Result<ResState> Initialize(std::unique_ptr<ZipAssetsProvider> zip) {
ResState state;
state.zip_assets = zip.get();
if ((state.apk_assets = ApkAssets::Load(std::move(zip))) == nullptr) {
return Error("failed to load apk asset");
if ((state.arsc = state.apk_assets->GetLoadedArsc()) == nullptr) {
return Error("failed to retrieve loaded arsc");
if ((state.package = GetPackageAtIndex0(state.arsc)) == nullptr) {
return Error("failed to retrieve loaded package at index 0");
} = std::make_unique<AssetManager2>();
if (!>SetApkAssets({state.apk_assets.get()})) {
return Error("failed to create asset manager");
return state;
} // namespace
struct ApkResourceContainer : public TargetResourceContainer, public OverlayResourceContainer {
static Result<std::unique_ptr<ApkResourceContainer>> FromPath(const std::string& path);
// inherited from TargetResourceContainer
Result<bool> DefinesOverlayable() const override;
Result<const android::OverlayableInfo*> GetOverlayableInfo(ResourceId id) const override;
Result<ResourceId> GetResourceId(const std::string& name) const override;
// inherited from OverlayResourceContainer
Result<OverlayData> GetOverlayData(const OverlayManifestInfo& info) const override;
Result<OverlayManifestInfo> FindOverlayInfo(const std::string& name) const override;
// inherited from ResourceContainer
Result<uint32_t> GetCrc() const override;
Result<std::string> GetResourceName(ResourceId id) const override;
const std::string& GetPath() const override;
~ApkResourceContainer() override = default;
ApkResourceContainer(std::unique_ptr<ZipAssetsProvider> zip_assets, std::string path);
Result<const ResState*> GetState() const;
ZipAssetsProvider* GetZipAssets() const;
mutable std::variant<std::unique_ptr<ZipAssetsProvider>, ResState> state_;
std::string path_;
ApkResourceContainer::ApkResourceContainer(std::unique_ptr<ZipAssetsProvider> zip_assets,
std::string path)
: state_(std::move(zip_assets)), path_(std::move(path)) {
Result<std::unique_ptr<ApkResourceContainer>> ApkResourceContainer::FromPath(
const std::string& path) {
auto zip_assets = ZipAssetsProvider::Create(path);
if (zip_assets == nullptr) {
return Error("failed to load zip assets");
return std::unique_ptr<ApkResourceContainer>(
new ApkResourceContainer(std::move(zip_assets), path));
Result<const ResState*> ApkResourceContainer::GetState() const {
if (auto state = std::get_if<ResState>(&state_); state != nullptr) {
return state;
auto state =
if (!state) {
return state.GetError();
state_ = std::move(*state);
return &std::get<ResState>(state_);
ZipAssetsProvider* ApkResourceContainer::GetZipAssets() const {
if (auto zip = std::get_if<std::unique_ptr<ZipAssetsProvider>>(&state_); zip != nullptr) {
return zip->get();
return std::get<ResState>(state_).zip_assets;
Result<bool> ApkResourceContainer::DefinesOverlayable() const {
auto state = GetState();
if (!state) {
return state.GetError();
return (*state)->package->DefinesOverlayable();
Result<const android::OverlayableInfo*> ApkResourceContainer::GetOverlayableInfo(
ResourceId id) const {
auto state = GetState();
if (!state) {
return state.GetError();
return (*state)->package->GetOverlayableInfo(id);
Result<OverlayManifestInfo> ApkResourceContainer::FindOverlayInfo(const std::string& name) const {
return ExtractOverlayManifestInfo(GetZipAssets(), name);
Result<OverlayData> ApkResourceContainer::GetOverlayData(const OverlayManifestInfo& info) const {
const auto state = GetState();
if (!state) {
return state.GetError();
if (info.resource_mapping != 0) {
return CreateResourceMapping(info.resource_mapping, GetZipAssets(), (*state)->am.get(),
(*state)->arsc, (*state)->package);
return CreateResourceMappingLegacy((*state)->am.get(), (*state)->package);
Result<uint32_t> ApkResourceContainer::GetCrc() const {
return CalculateCrc(GetZipAssets());
const std::string& ApkResourceContainer::GetPath() const {
return path_;
Result<ResourceId> ApkResourceContainer::GetResourceId(const std::string& name) const {
auto state = GetState();
if (!state) {
return state.GetError();
auto id = (*state)->am->GetResourceId(name, "", (*state)->package->GetPackageName());
if (!id.has_value()) {
return Error("failed to find resource '%s'", name.c_str());
// Retrieve the compile-time resource id of the target resource.
return REWRITE_PACKAGE(*id, (*state)->package->GetPackageId());
Result<std::string> ApkResourceContainer::GetResourceName(ResourceId id) const {
auto state = GetState();
if (!state) {
return state.GetError();
return utils::ResToTypeEntryName(*(*state)->am, id);
Result<std::unique_ptr<TargetResourceContainer>> TargetResourceContainer::FromPath(
std::string path) {
auto result = ApkResourceContainer::FromPath(path);
if (!result) {
return result.GetError();
return std::unique_ptr<TargetResourceContainer>(result->release());
Result<std::unique_ptr<OverlayResourceContainer>> OverlayResourceContainer::FromPath(
std::string path) {
// Load the path as a fabricated overlay if the file magic indicates this is a fabricated overlay.
if (android::IsFabricatedOverlay(path)) {
auto result = FabricatedOverlayContainer::FromPath(path);
if (!result) {
return result.GetError();
return std::unique_ptr<OverlayResourceContainer>(result->release());
// Fallback to loading the container as an APK.
auto result = ApkResourceContainer::FromPath(path);
if (!result) {
return result.GetError();
return std::unique_ptr<OverlayResourceContainer>(result->release());
} // namespace android::idmap2